34 resultados para well-being work


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<b>The Ageing in Working Life. Do Adolescence and Schooling Beat Adulthood and Experience? </b> This study examines the changes in the work and the work organisations of employees in the fields of health care and retail trade who have turned 45 and their experience of change. In addition, the question of how ageing employees experience their status in post-modern working life is explored. Attention is also focused on the choices and decisions connected with staying at work and retiring. These views are examined in relation to professions and professional cultures. Thematic interviews (N=98) were used to gather the material. The effects of the market liberalistic turn in welfare policy are clearly seen in the everyday work of the health care professions. These changes were examined from the point of view of managing by outcomes and quality assurance, multi-professional cooperation, flexibility in the division of labour, and the spread of market-like procedures. The discourse of those in involved retail trade was dominated by extremely tight global market competition and control of outcomes, and by the structural changes taking place in the retail trade sector. This change discourse was to a large extent a reaction to those changes in the functional environment which were experienced as negative and to the conflict between their own professional identity and professional ethics on the one hand, and their functional environment on the other. There were also obstacles connected with professional culture: defending one's own station and power, guarding the 'frontier', showed up in attitudes towards new management and organisation models or towards structural and functional reforms. The deep structures of professional culture and the mindset of the actors change much more slowly than the functional practices of organisations. For those in a supervisory position, the loss of power due to becoming part of a chain or because of the introduction of a team organisation model was not an easy thing to accept. The nurses and others in related fields felt that they were forced to do work that was below their level of training and professional skill. For sales personnel and those who did assisting work in health care, power and the possibility of having an influence were not so important, as long as they were able to do their work in their own way and were trusted. This view is often completely forgotten, for example, in various organisation models in which power and the possibility of having an influence entwined with power are taken for granted as being clearly positive and desired aspects of job satisfaction. Up to date professional skills were experienced as being important from the point of view of professional identity and self-worth. Thus, training can be understood as a moral obligation, which in turn is intertwined with professional ideology. In the rhetoric of adult education, an adult is expected to be an active player who will seek training again and again if working life so requires. The dark side of this ideology, which leads to feelings of guilt, was apparent in the thoughts of the respondents. Am I never good enough at my job; why must I continually strive for better, additional qualifications? The majority of the respondents evaluated their expertise as being at quite a high level. This self-confidence did not extend to applying for a job. Job recruitment was seen as a situation in which age discrimination reached its peak. The interviewees were unanimous about the idea that society favours the young. Especially among those in the retail trade sector, there was a feeling that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to find a new job of the same level or a permanent post if they were made redundant. Age discrimination was also apparent in the retail trade field in the form of older employees being retired against their will or transferred to other tasks. It was felt that ruthless forced retirement of older workers was part of the personnel policy of some organisations. The importance of one's outward appearance was connected with the theme of discrimination. This phenomenon is described using the concept of the double standard of ageing in feminist research. An ageing woman is relegated to an inferior position due to both her age and her sex. A culture that would both make possible and allow various types of choices regardless of age, which is described as being characteristic of the post-modern era, does not seem to be very topical in the practice of working life. It is important for employees that the management and the personnel policy that is being implemented makes them feel like both their contribution and they as individuals are appreciated, that their opinions are listened to and that they are noticed as persons. The interviewees hoped for gratitude and a concern for the well-being of employees that shows in everyday life. They valued training and activities aimed at maintaining their work ability, but thought that better coping at work and a pleasant working environment cannot be achieved through such measures as along as the foundation is 'in a mess'. Development of the quality of working life is the only thing that can improve job satisfaction and get people to remain in the work force longer than at present. There should be a sufficient number of properly trained employees at the work place. It was important to the respondents that they be able to stay on their job to the end with honour, since compromising with their own quality standards or acting contrary to their ideal self-image in terms of professional ethics would strike a blow to their professional self-esteem. They called for the development of various types of workplace flexibility, and felt that they have the right to a lightened workload and to early retirement. Early retirement was even seen as an altruistic deed: it would free up a place for younger workers. Thoughts of retirements were explained by familiar factors such as health and finances, life situation, the enticement of free-time, as well as by various factors related to work. It is very important to ageing employees that their work has meaningful content. The values related to self-fulfilment are felt to be of great importance, and if they cannot be realised at work, the respondents wanted more free time, either through retirement or in the form of flexibility in working life.


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<b>The resources of the step family and the childrens well-being</b> The present study investigates children's well-being in stepfamilies and factors, both external and internal, that are related to the children's well-being. Of the external factors, the study focuses on factors related to the structure of the stepfamily, parents' education, socio-economic status and factors related to work, livelihood and living conditions. The internal resources include the general functioning of the family, parenthood and parenting, family support networks and issues that the stepfamilies themselves consider important. Another important resource in a stepfamily is a functioning network of human relationships, which in the present study is approached from the maternal viewpoint. Changing family relations are considered a potential threat to the children's well-being. Therefore, in addition to looking into the stepfamily's resources, the other important goal of the study is to explore other factors potentially related to the well-being of children living in stepfamilies. In view of the stepfamily's resources, it is important to explore how the functioning of the relationships network is linked with the child's well-being. The study employs survey and interview data. The survey data (n=2236) are part of national survey data on the well-being of families and children and factors impacting them which were gathered as part of Origins of Exclusion in Early Childhood, a research project carried out in 2002. The data consists of 667 stepfamilies. The interview data consists of interviews with 24 parents in stepfamilies. In the study, the analyses of survey and interview data are combined. Both descriptive statistical analyses and multivariate methods are employed. Content analysis is employed in the analysis of the interview data. The results indicate that the stepfamilies resources in general but their external resources in particular differed from those of the nuclear and single-parent families. The level of education and the socio-economic status of the stepfamily parents were somewhat lower than those of the nuclear family parents. The differences in relation to single-parent families were primarily related to the better economic status of the stepfamilies. The analysis of internal resources showed relatively minor differences: the stepfamilies assessed themselves a somewhat better general functioning of the family than did the nuclear families. Parenting issues caused more disagreement in stepfamilies than in nuclear families. The analysis of the functioning of the human relations in stepfamilies showed that the stepfamily mothers experienced the external relationships of the family (e.g., between the child and the absent father) as significantly more problematic than the relationships within the stepfamily. Living in a stepfamily thus challenges the functioning of the relationship between the child and the absent father. As a result of the analysis of the relationships networks in the stepfamilies, three groups were formed. One group had the nuclear family as an ideal goal, another valued an extended family composed of a variety of relationships, and the third one appreciated a strong intimate relationship between the parents. In the present study, the most common group was the multi-relationship, extended type of stepfamily. In conclusion, living in a stepfamily does not seem to pose a risk to the childs well-being, but it may influence the familys resources and thus have an indirect effect on the childs well-being. In view of the resources of the stepfamily, the childs well-being was best supported by a functioning network of human relationships in the stepfamily: there was a distinct connection with the childrens problems and the non-functioning of the relationships network. According to the mothers, the internal relationships in the stepfamily seemed to be more important than the external relationships of the family. A childs functioning relationship with the absent father can be viewed as a positive resource, supporting the childs well-being in the stepfamily.


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I det lilla sammanhanget synliggrs de stora frgorna om bde pedagogik, kultur och struktur och om samverkan mellan dem. Studiet av de minsta enheterna i den finlndska utbildningen ger kunskap om det viktiga i pedagogiska relationer och i skolgemenskaper, men synliggr ocks samhllsskeendets inbyggda konflikter om ml och vrderingar. Det vergripande syftet med studien r att frdjupa kunskapen om de sm skolornas pedagogiska, kulturella och strukturella innebrd och betingelser. Genom djupintervjuer med 12 finlandssvenska lrare i byskolor med frre n 30 elever, analys av skolindragningsdebatt och utbildningspolitiska styrdokument, samt genom teoretiskt frankrade reflektioner skapas en frstelse av svl lrares arbete och pedagogiska tnkande som skolans funktion i samhllet. Avhandlingen byggs upp enligt ett hermeneutiskt och narrativt tnkande. I studien framkommer att byskollrares pedagogiska tnkande syftar till det enskilda barnets optimala och balanserade helhetsutveckling i en gemenskap, dr det r centralt att finna den pedagogiska balansen och mjligheten inom kontinuum mellan bl.a. elevbemyndigande och beledsagande. De pedagogiska intentionerna br syftet att ge rtter och vingar, samhrighet och frihet. I lrarnas beskrivningar uttrycks en sammanvvning mellan deras pedagogiska intentioner och de kontextuella mjligheterna att realisera dessa. Byskollrarna r brare av en pedagogisk professionalitet som utvecklas i relation till arbetets betingelser. Det praktiska yrkeskunnandet innefattar en balansgng mellan ena sidan systematik och organisering och andra sidan flexibilitet och frihet. Att samma lrare handhar eleverna en lng tid r en pedagogisk mjlighet och utmaning. I lrarnas berttelser aktualiseras vad balansgngen i en god pedagogisk relation innebr. Bde lrare och elever fostras in i en srskild skolkultur och undervisningskultur, i en vxelverkan. Yrkeskulturen prglas av olika former av samverkan, bde med skolans hela personal som ett teamarbete och med lokalsamhllet. Lrarna uttrycker god arbetstrivsel, men friheten och ansvaret i arbetet kan vara bde stimulerande och betungande. I en metaanalys skapas teoretiska modeller fr vad arbete i nrhetens och litenhetens spnningsflt kan innebra och hur det kan pverka lrares professionella utveckling och ork. Den lilla byskolan relaterad till en strre samhllskontext ppnar fr frgor om vad kvalitet innebr och vilka vrderingar som r riktgivande inom utbildningsplanering. Kampen fr kontinuiteten i byskolans berttelse tolkas som en kamp fr det lokala rummet, fr gemenskap, existens, framtid, likvrdighet och trygghet. Kampen fr byskolan r ett frsvar av bde lokal livskvalitet och pedagogisk kvalitet fr den enskilde eleven. I det vergripande kulturella sammanhanget synliggrs motsttningar. Det verkar finnas en inbyggd konflikt i utbildningsplaneringens fresatser att samtidigt uppn jmlikhet, kostnadseffektivitet och kvalitet. En teoretisk modell synliggr hur pedagogik, kultur och struktur samverkar inom utbildning/byskola och pverkar lrares och elevers handlingsutrymme.


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Johanna Rantasen vitskirja Work-family interface and psychological well-being : a personality and longitudinal perspective (Jyvskyln yliopisto 2008).


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia viestinnn merkityst osaamisen kehittmisess. Tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten viestint edist ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmist sairaalan ateriaprosessissa. Tutkimuksessa etsittiin vastausta kysymyksiin, mitk ovat ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmisen ja viestinnn tavoitteet, mill tyyhteisviestinnn foorumeilla uuden ravitsemushoitosuosituksen ja ravitsemushoidon strategian edellyttmi muutoksia ksitelln ja millaisia tyss oppimisen prosesseja nill foorumeilla on tunnistettavissa. Empirian nkkulmasta tutkimusta voidaan kuvata tapaustutkimukseksi. Tapauksena on sairaalan ateriaprosessi. Tutkimuksen valmistelevana aineistona kytettiin uutta ravitsemushoitosuositusta (Nuutinen ym. 2010), jota tydennettiin haastatteluaineistolla. Tutkimuksessa ovat edustettuina hoitotyn, ruokapalvelun ja ravitsemushoidon asiantuntemuksen nkkulmat sairaalasta sek ammatti- ja aikuisopistosta. Tutkimusmenetelmn kytettiin teemahaastatteluja. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin tekstimuotoon. Aineisto analysoitiin teemakortiston ja teemoittelun avulla. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ett ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmisen tavoitteena on uuden ravitsemushoitosuosituksen ja ravitsemushoidon strategian edellyttmien muutosten toteuttaminen sairaalan ravitsemushoidon prosesseissa ja tuotteissa. Ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmisen tavoitteena on tss yhteydess ateriaprosessin ja ruokapalvelun tuotteiden eli ruokavalioiden kehittminen. Ravitsemushoidon kehittmisen tarkoituksena on asiakkaiden toipumisen, elmnlaadun ja hyvinvoinnin edistminen sek terveydenhuollon kustannusten sstminen. Viestinnll on trke merkitys ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmisess. Viestinnn avulla edistetn yksilllist ja yhteist eli tiimioppimista vuorovaikutuksen kautta. Ruokapalvelu- ja hoitohenkilstn sek ravitsemushoidon asiantuntijoiden vlinen vuoropuhelu nhdn trken ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmisess. Vuoropuhelun avulla vahvistetaan ravitsemushoitoon liittyv tietopohjaa ja yhteist ksitteist. Tavoitteena on yhteisen kielen ja toimintamallin luominen ravitsemushoidon kehittmiseen. Ravitsemushoitosuosituksen ja ravitsemushoidon strategian edellyttmi muutoksia ksitelln ulkoisissa ja sisisiss verkostoissa esimerkiksi ravitsemus-yhdyshenkilverkoston tapaamisissa, moniammatillisissa tyryhmiss, henkilst- ja oppisopimuskoulutuksissa sek tyfoorumilla eli fyysisess tytilassa ja hydynten viestintteknologiaa. Hoitotyn, ruokapalvelun ja ravitsemushoidon asiantuntijoilla/opettajilla on trke rooli ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmiseen liittyvss tyss oppimisen ohjaamisessa. Ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmisess on tunnistettavissa sosiaalisia, reflektiivisi, kognitiivisia ja operationaalisia tyss oppimisen prosesseja. Sosiaalisia prosesseja ovat tykokemusten vaihdanta ja reflektiivisi niiden arviointi. Kognitiivisten prosessien tarkoitus on tiedonhankinta ja prosessointi, jolloin yhdistetn kokemustietoa sek uutta ravitsemustieteellist tietoa. Tavoitteena on yhteisen kielen ja toimintamallin luominen, jota kokeillaan kytnnss. Operationaalisia prosesseja ovat fyysisess tytilassa tapahtuva kokeilemalla, tekemll ja soveltamalla oppiminen, jolloin uutta toimintamallia esimerkiksi vajaaravitsemuksen seulontaa, ateriatilausta tai reseptiikkaa kokeillaan kytnnss. Johtoptksen voidaan todeta, ett sairaalassa on omaksuttu oppivan organisaation periaatteita ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmisess. Ravitsemusosaamisen kehittminen on yhteydess muutokseen, strategiaan, prosessien ja tuotteiden kehittmiseen. Viestinnn avulla edistetn ravitsemushoitosuosituksen ja ravitsemushoidon strategian edellyttmien muutosten toteuttamista sairaalan ateriaprosessissa ja ruokavalioissa. Hoito- ja ruokapalveluhenkilstn sek ravitsemushoidon asiantuntijoiden vlisen vuoropuhelun tavoitteena on yhteisen kielen ja toimintamallin luominen ravitsemushoidon kehittmiseen. Tutkimus palvelee ravitsemusosaamisen kehittmist sairaalan ateriaprosessissa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia on mahdollista kytt vertailuoppimismateriaalina terveydenhuollon organisaatioissa ja verkostoissa.


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Julkisen sektorin itsens synnyttmien innovaatioiden ja innovoinnin nkkulma on verrattain tuore innovaatiotutkimuksen tutkimuskohde. Viel uudempaa lhestymistapaa edustaa kyttjlhtinen ja kyttj osallistava palveluinnovaatiotutkimus julkisella sektorilla. Kyttjlhtisen ja kyttj osallistavan palveluinnovoinnin lhestymistavan toteuttamisesta ollaan kiinnostuneita, mutta tieteelliseen tutkimukseen perustuva tieto lhestymistavasta on viel kohtuullisen niukkaa. Tmn kyttjlhtiseen palvelujen innovointiin keskittyvn vitskirjatutkimuksen ptavoitteena on mikrotasolla tunnistaa ja ryhmitell kyttj osallistavan palveluinnovoinnin lhestymistavan toteuttamisen haasteita julkisella sektorilla. Vitskirjatutkimuksen alatavoitteena on tutkimuksesta saatavan tiedon avulla muodostaa kysymyslista tukemaan lhestymistavan kyttnottamista ja toteuttamista julkisen sektorin palveluorganisaatioissa ja -verkostoissa. Julkisen palvelusektorin ohella vitskirjan tutkimustuloksia voivat soveltuvin osin hydynt mys yksityisen ja kolmannen sektorin palveluorganisaatiot ja -verkostot sek kyttjlhtisen innovaatiopolitiikan suunnitteluun ja sen jalkauttamiseen osallistuvat tahot. Haasteita lhestytn tutkimuksessa kyttjlhtisen ja kyttj osallistavan palveluinnovoinnin lhestymistavan piirteiden kautta ja haasteita tarkastellaan kehittjviranomaisten (ryhmtaso) nkkulmasta. Kuntasektori on valittu tutkimukseen edustamaan julkista sektoria. Lhestymistavan piirteiksi tutkimuksessa mritelln kyttjnkkulman ohjaava rooli organisaation innovaatiotoiminnan strategisella tasolla ja palvelujen uudistamisprosessien tasoilla, avoimuus (erityisesti kyttjrajapinta) ja tulkinnallisuus innovaatioprosessien varhaisessa vaiheessa sek laaja-alainen ksitys innovaatioiden lhteist kyttjnkkulmaa muodostettaessa. Tutkimuksen kohteena on hyvinvointipalveluinnovaatioprosessien varhainen vaihe, jolloin keskeisess asemassa on uusien ideoiden sek uuden tiedon ja ymmrryksen hankinta hydynnettvksi innovaatioprosessien seuraavissa vaiheissa. Tutkimuksessa rajaudutaan kyttjlhtisen palveluinnovoinnin muotoon, jossa kyttjt intentionaalisesti ja konkreettisesti osallistetaan kehittjviranomaisjohtoisiin palveluinnovaatioprosesseihin. Kyttjiksi tutkimuksessa ymmrretn palvelun loppukyttjt palvelujen ulkoisina hydyntjin ja yli sektorialisten palveluprosessien henkilst palvelujen sisisin hydyntjin. Hyvinvointipalveluista tutkimuksessa ovat edustettuina sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut sek ikihmisten palvelukeskusten tarjoamat palvelut. Kuntasektorin innovaatiotoiminnan kentt ymmrretn tutkimuksessa verkostomaisena kokonaisuutena, joka ylitt kuntien hallinnolliset rajat. Artikkelivitskirjana toteutetun vitskirjatutkimuksen metodologia perustuu usean tapauksen tapaustutkimukseen (multiple case-studies) ja kvalitatiiviseen tutkimusotteeseen. Tyn empiirinen osuus koostuu viidest artikkelina julkaistusta osatutkimuksesta. Osatutkimuksissa kytetn tapaustutkimuksen eri variaatioita, ja tutkimusaineistot on kertty kolmesta eri perustutkimusympristst. Osatutkimuksien tapaukset on valittu palvelun kyttjien nen jatkumon (the voice of the customer) eri kohdista. Kyttjn nt kytetn tutkimuksessa metodisena ratkaisuna ja metaforana. Lisksi kyttjn ni ymmrretn tutkimuksessa paremminkin kollektiivisena ja laajemmista palvelujen kehittmisnkkulmista kertovana tekijn kuin yksittisten palvelun kyttjien tarpeista ja toiveista kertovana metaforana. Kyttj osallistavan palveluinnovoinnin lhestymistavan toteuttamisen haasteiksi julkisella sektorilla tutkimuksessa tunnistetaan viisi haastetta. Tiivistetysti haasteena on 1. palvelujen kyttjien subjektiuteen perustuva kyttjlhtisyys palvelujen uudistamisessa 2. tunnistaa palvelun kyttjt innovaatiotoiminnan voimavarana ja rohkaistua heidn osallistamiseensa 3. sitoutuminen yhteistoiminnallisuuteen kyttj- ja muita rajapintoja ylittviss palvelujen uudistamisprosesseissa ja innovaatiohakuisuus tyskentelyss 4. oivaltaa palvelutoivelistoja ja asiakaspalautteita laajempia kehittmisnkkulmia 5. synnytt luottamukseen perustuva hyv kierre palvelun kyttjien ja kehittjien vlille. Tutkimustuloksena syntyneet haasteet paikannetaan tutkimuksessa kyttjn nen jatkumolle erilaisin painotuksin. Lisksi tutkimustulosten pohjalta tehdn kolme keskeist johtoptst. Ensinnkin palvelun kehittjtahon sek palvelun loppukyttjien ja palvelujen sisisten hydyntjien vlilt on tunnistettavissa innovaatiopotentiaalia sisltvi rakenteellisia aukkoja. Toiseksi kehittjviranomaistahon valmius ja halu laajentaa tiedonmuodostustaan palvelujen uudistamisessa palvelun kyttjien kanssa yhteisllisen tiedonmuodostuksen suuntaan on puutteellinen. Kolmanneksi palvelujen kehittjtaho ei ole sisistnyt riittvss mrin kyttj osallistavan palveluinnovoinnin lhestymistavan metodologisia perusajatuksia. Tutkimuksessa tunnistetut viisi haastetta osoittavat, ett kyttj osallistavan palveluinnovoinnin lhestymistavan kyttnotto hyvinvointipalveluorganisaation tai -verkoston palvelujen innovoinnin lhestymistavaksi ei ole mekaaninen toimenpide. Lhestymistavan kyttnottoa tukeva kysymyslista perustuu tutkimuksessa tunnistettuihin haasteisiin. Kysymyslista on laadittu siten, ett kysymykset liittyvt laajasti julkisten palveluorganisaatioiden ja -verkostojen innovaatiokulttuuriin. Kaksiosaisen kysymyslistan ensimmisen osan kysymykset ksittelevt innovointia ohjaavia mentaalisia malleja. Ensimmisess osassa esitetn esimerkiksi seuraava kysymys: Millaista ksitystpalvelun kyttjist (kuntalaisista) sek kyttjien ja kehittjien (viranomaisten) vlisest suhteesta ilmennmme palvelujen innovoinnissa; onko palvelujen kyttj (kuntalainen) kohde, jolle kehitetn palveluja, vai onko hn jopa vlttmtn kehittmiskumppani?. Kysymyslistan toisen osan kysymykset liittyvt innovaatiokytnteisiin ja valmiuksiin. Esimerkkin voidaan mainita seuraava kaksiosainen kysymys: Tukevatko innovaatiokytnteemme kyttjrajapinnan ylittvi innovaatioprosesseja ja sitoudummeko avoimin mielin tyskentelyyn palvelun kyttjien, potentiaalisten kyttjien tai ei-kyttjien kanssa? Mit hytyj koemme yhteistoiminnallisuudesta koituvan meille ja kyttjille sek innovaation laatuominaisuuksiin?. Mit tulee tutkimuksen otsikon alkuosaan kuulla vai kuunnella, vastaus on, ett ppaino on sanalla kuulla. Pohdintaluvussa tuodaan mys esille tarve tai ainakin kriittisen tarkastelun tarve kyttjlhtisen ja kyttj osallistavan palveluinnovoinnin ksitteen ja sen luonteen sek tavoitteiden mrittelemiselle julkisen sektorin ominaispiirteist ksin vastapainona alkuperltn yksityisen sektorin liiketoimintakontekstista lhtisin oleville mrittelyille.


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Att vervaka frekomsten av giftiga komponenter i naturliga vattendrag r ndvndigt fr mnniskans vlmende. Eftersom halten av froreningar i naturens ekosystem br hllas mjligast lg, pgr en stndig jakt efter kemiska analysmetoder med allt lgre detektionsgrnser. I dagens lge grs miljanalyser med dyr och sofistikerad instrumentering som krver mycket underhll. Jonselektiva elektroder har flera goda egenskaper som t.ex. brbarhet, lg energifrbrukning, och dessutom r de relativt kostnadseffektiva. Att anvnda jonselektiva elektroder vid miljanalyser r mjligt om deras knslighetsomrde kan utvidgas genom att snka deras detektionsgrnser. Fr att snka detektionsgrnsen fr Pb(II)-selektiva elektroder undersktes olika typer av jonselektiva membran som baserades p polyakrylat-kopolymerer, PVC och PbS/Ag2S. Fast-fas elektroder med membran av PbS/Ag2S r i allmnhet enklare och mer robusta n konventionella elektroder vid sprmnesanalys av joniska froreningar. Fast-fas elektrodernas detektionsgrns snktes i detta arbete med en nyutvecklad galvanostatisk polariseringsmetod och de kunde sedan framgngsrikt anvndas fr kvantitativa bestmningar av bly(II)-halter i miljprov som hade samlats in i den finska skrgrden nra tidigare industriomrden. Analysresultaten som erhlls med jonselektiva elektroder bekrftades med andra analytiska metoder. Att snka detektionsgrnsen m.hj.a. den nyutvecklade polariseringsmetoden mjliggr bestmning av lga och ultra-lga blyhalter som inte kunde ns med klassisk potentiometri. Den verkliga frdelen med att anvnda dessa blyselektiva elektroder r mjligheten att utfra mtningar i obehandlade miljprov trots nrvaron av fasta partiklar vilket inte r mjligt att gra med andra analysmetoder. Jag vntar mig att den nyutvecklade polariseringsmetoden kommer att stta en trend i sprmnesanalys med jonselektiva elektroder.


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Allergic diseases including food allergy and eczema in an infant in combination with the everyday activities of caring for a family will pose challenges to parents. Only fragments of these challenges are revealed to health care professionals. Families have varying mental, social and economic resources to help them care for an allergic infant, and all such resources are important in determining how families succeed in meeting these challenges and the quality of the infants care. This study evaluated the whole burden to the family caused by an infant's allergic disease during the first 24 months of life. As the primary caregiver during this period is usually the mother, her perspective was considered important. Ecocultural theory, which considers families as capable of modifying the positive and negative forces facing them, was taken as the frame of reference. Data were collected as part of an ongoing prospective mother-infant study, and the methods included severity scoring of atopic dermatitis, dietary records, health-related quality of life measurements and assessments of the use of health care services and medications for treating the infants eczema, food allergy and asthma. Interviews with mothers were analysed by deductive content analysis on the basis of ecocultural theory and the family empowerment model. The theme Living an ordinary family life guided the organization of family activities essential for treating the infant's food allergy and eczema. These activities were sources of both strain and support for the mothers, the allergy-related supporting factors being the mothers own knowledge of the allergy, hopes for an improvement in the infants condition, social support and work. An infants food allergy at the age of one year caused considerable strain for the mother in cases where the introduction of new foods into the childs diet was delayed. This delay was still causing the mother additional strain when the child was 24 months of age. The infants waking at night at the ages of 12 and 24 months because of itching related to eczema caused strain for the mothers. The infants health-related quality of life was impaired at ages of 6 and 12 months compared with healthy infants. The principal reasons for impairments were itching, scratching and sleep disturbances at 6 and 12 months and treatment difficulties at 6 months. Problems with getting to sleep were reported at all stages irrespective of eczema and were also present in healthy infants. The economic impact of the treatment of allergic diseases on families during the first 24 months was 131 EUR (2006 value) in cases of eczema and 525 EUR in cases of food allergy. From the societal perspective, the costs of food allergy were a median of 3183 EUR (range 62811 560 EUR) and of eczema a median of 275 EUR (range 941306 EUR). These large variations in costs in food allergy and eczema indicate that disease varies greatly . In conclusion, food allergy and eczema cause extra activities and costs to families which arrange these disease-related activities in such a way that they support the leading family theme Living an ordinary family life. Health care professionals should consider this thematic character of family life and disease-related activities in order to ensure that new treatments are sustainable, meaningful and tailored to daily activities. In addition, those mothers who are experiencing difficulties with food allergic infants or infants with eczema should be recognized early and provided with individual encouragement and support from health clinics. In the light of the present results, early detection of symptoms and effective parental guidance can contribute to the well-being and health-related quality of life of the child and family.


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Prerequisites and effects of proactive and preventive psycho-social student welfare activities in Finnish preschool and elementary school were of interest in the present thesis. So far, Finnish student welfare work has mainly focused on interventions and individuals, and the voluminous possibilities to enhance well-being of all students as a part of everyday school work have not been fully exploited. Consequently, in this thesis three goals were set: (1) To present concrete examples of proactive and preventive psycho-social student welfare activities in Finnish basic education; (2) To investigate measurable positive effects of proactive and preventive activities; and (3) To investigate implementation of proactive and preventive activities in ecological contexts. Two prominent phenomena in preschool and elementary school yearstransition to formal schooling and school bullyingwere chosen as examples of critical situations that are appropriate targets for proactive and preventive psycho-social student welfare activities. Until lately, the procedures concerning both school transitions and school bullying have been rather problem-focused and reactive in nature. Theoretically, we lean on the bioecological model of development by Bronfenbrenner and Morris with concentric micro-, meso-, exo- and macrosystems. Data were drawn from two large-scale research projects, the longitudinal First Steps Study: Interactive Learning in the ChildParent Teacher Triangle, and the Evaluation Study of the National Antibullying Program KiVa. In Study I, we found that the academic skills of children from preschoolelementary school pairs that implemented several supportive activities during the preschool year developed more quickly from preschool to Grade 1 compared with the skills of children from pairs that used fewer practices. In Study II, we focused on possible effects of proactive and preventive actions on teachers and found that participation in the KiVa antibullying program influenced teachers self-evaluated competence to tackle bullying. In Studies III and IV, we investigated factors that affect implementation rate of these proactive and preventive actions. In Study III, we found that principals commitment and support for antibullying work has a clear-cut positive effect on implementation adherence of student lessons of the KiVa antibullying program. The more teachers experience support for and commitment to anti-bullying work from their principal, the more they report having covered KiVa student lessons and topics. In Study IV, we wanted to find out why some schools implement several useful and inexpensive transition practices, whereas other schools use only a few of them. We were interested in broadening the scope and looking at local-level (exosystem) qualities, and, in fact, the local-level activities and guidelines, along with teacherreported importance of the transition practices, were the only factors significantly associated with the implementation rate of transition practices between elementary schools and partner preschools. Teacher- and school-level factors available in this study turned out to be mostly not significant. To summarize, the results confirm that school-based promotion and prevention activities may have beneficial effects not only on students but also on teachers. Second, various top-down processes, such as engagement at the level of elementary school principals or local administration may enhance implementation of these beneficial activities. The main message is that when aiming to support the lives of children the primary focus should be on adults. In future, promotion of psychosocial well-being and the intrinsic value of inter- and intrapersonal skills need to be strengthened in the Finnish educational systems. Future research efforts in student welfare and school psychology, as well as focused training for psychologists in educational contexts, should be encouraged in the departments of psychology and education in Finnish universities. Moreover, a specific research centre for school health and well-being should be established.


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The biological variation in nature is called biodiversity. Anthropogenic pressures have led to a loss of biodiversity, alarming scientists as to what consequences declining diversity has for ecosystem functioning. The general consensus is that diversity (e.g. species richness or identity) affects functioning and provides services from which humans benefit. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how aquatic plant species richness and identity affect ecosystem functioning in terms of processes such as primary production, nutrient availability, epifaunal colonization and properties e.g. stability of Zostera marina subjected to shading. The main work was carried out in the field and ranged temporally from weeklong to 3.5 months-long experiments. The experimental plants used frequently co-occur in submerged meadows in the northern Baltic Sea and consist of eelgrass (Z. marina), perfoliate pondweed (Potamogeton perfoliatus), sago pondweed (P. pectinatus), slender-leaved pondweed (P. filiformis) and horned pondweed (Zannichellia palustris). The results showed that plant richness affected epifaunal community variables weakly, but had a strong positive effect on infaunal species number and functional diversity, while plant identity had strong effects on amphipods (Gammarus spp.), of which abundances were higher in plant assemblages consisting of P. perfoliatus. Depending on the starting standardizing unit, plant richness showed varying effects on primary production. In shoot density-standardized plots, plant richness increased the shoot densities of three out of four species and enhanced the plant biomass production. Both positive complementarity and selection effects were found to underpin the positive biodiversity effects. In shoot biomass-standardized plots, richness effects only affected biomass production of one species. Negative selection was prevalent, counteracting positive complementarity, which resulted in no significant biodiversity effect. The stability of Z. marina was affected by plant richness in such that Z. marina growing in polycultures lost proportionally less biomass than Z. marina in monocultures and thus had a higher resistance to shading. Monoculture plants in turn gained biomass faster, and thereby had a faster recovery than Z. marina growing in polycultures. These results indicate that positive interspecific interactions occurred during shading, while the faster recovery of monocultures suggests that the change from shading stress to recovery resulted in a shift from positive interactions to resource competition between species. The results derived from this thesis show that plant diversity affects ecosystem functioning and contribute to the growing knowledge of plant diversity being an important component of aquatic ecosystems. Diverse plant communities sustain higher primary productivity than comparable monocultures, affect faunal communities positively and enhance stability. Richness and identity effects vary, and identity has generally stronger effects on more variables than richness. However, species-rich communities are likely to contain several species with differing effects on functions, which renders species richness important for functioning. Mixed meadows add to coastal ecosystem functioning in the northern Baltic Sea and may provide with services essential for human well-being.


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Tmn tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ern yrityksen tyhyvinvointimallin rakentamista. Tavoitteena oli tarkastella mys tyhyvinvoinnin kehittmistoimenpiteit ja kehittmistarpeita kyseisess yrityksess. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena haastattelemalla yrityksen tyhyvinvointitoimijoita syksyll 2011 ja projektin aikana, sek hydyntmll valmista materiaalia. Tutkimuksen tuloksena havaittiin, ett kohdeyrityksess tyhyvinvointiin vaikuttavat tekijt ovat hyvin samankaltaisia kuin aiemmassa tyhyvinvointia koskevassa tutkimuksessa esiin nousseet tekijt. Esimiesty nousi esiin suurimpana tyhyvinvointiin vaikuttavana tekijn. Muita esiin nousseita tekijit olivat kiire, resurssointi ja aikataulupaineet. Kohdeyrityksess koettiin mys jatkuvien organisaatiomuutosten vaikuttaneen tyhyvinvointiin. Tyhyvinvoinnin tilan seuraamiseksi asetettiin mittarit. On trke ett mittareilla seurataan tyhyvinvoinnin tilaa laaja-alaisesti, niin ennakoivilla kuin jlkijttisill mittareilla, sek pohditaan aika-ajoin onko kytss oikeat mittarit ja miten niist saatuun tietoon pystytn reagoimaan.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvitt, miten hoitotyntekijiden henkist hyvinvointia voidaan tukea tyympristss, sek mitk psykososiaaliset tekijt vaikuttavat henkiseen hyvinvointiin. Lisksi tutkittiin henkisen hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen liittyvi ajankohtaisia haasteita. Tutkimus toteutettiin yhteistyss kuntaorganisaation kanssa laadullisena tutkimuksena, ja aineisto kerttiin puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen avulla. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin 13 henkil, kahdeksan hoitotyntekij ja viisi lhiesimiest. Tutkimus osoitti, ett hoitotyntekijiden henkist hyvinvointia tyss voidaan tukea vaikuttamalla viestintn, sek organisaatiotason tekijihin, kuten tavoitteisiin, jatkuvuuden rakentumiseen ja tyn organisointiin. Alaistaitoihin kuuluvat tekijt, kuten omasta hyvinvoinnista huolehtiminen sek tyhn ja organisaatioon sitoutuminen ovat tutkimuksen perusteella tekijit, jotka vaikuttavat henkiseen hyvinvointiin. Lisksi tutkimus vahvisti tyntekijiden henkisten ongelmien olevan kasvava haaste suomalaisissa tyorganisaatioissa.


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Tmn tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia miten Pirkanmaan Osuuskaupan esimiehet ymmrtvt tyhyvinvoinnin merkityksen esimiestyssn ja mit asioita heidn tulisi viel kehitt tyhyvinvointi osaamisessaan. Tykyvyn johtamista verrattiin Elinkeinoelmn keskusliiton luomaan tykyvynjohtamisen malliin. Tutkimuksen pohjalta laadittiin ehdotuksia, jotta esimiesten osaamista, ymmrtmyst ja kyky hydynt tyhyvinvoinnin vlineit voitaisiin kehitt ja yllpit oikeilla toimenpiteill. Yrityksiss tyhyvinvointiin on alettu kiinnitt entist enemmn huomiota kiireisen tytahdin, tyn vaatimusten sek tyurien mahdollisten pidentymisen vuoksi, jolloin tynantajan lisksi vaaditaan mys tyntekijilt panostusta tyhyvinvointiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyttmll laadullista menetelm. Aineiston keruu tehtiin puolistrukturoidun teemahaastattelun avulla. Haastatteluihin valikoitui 4 esimiest. Haastattelujen avulla kartoitettiin esimiesten tietoja ja nkemyksi tyhyvinvoinnista ja heidn tyhyvinvointiosaamisen tasosta. Tutkimuksen avulla selvisi, ett esimiesten keskuudessa tyhyvinvoinnin yllpitmiseen ja kehittmiseen panostetaan vhemmn kuin mit olisi mahdollista. Suurimmiksi esteiksi tyhyvinvoinnin toteuttamiselle muodostuivat aika, resurssit ja asenteet. Pirkanmaan Osuuskaupan johtamistyn ja toimintatapojen vlill on eroja verrattuna Elinkeinoelmn keskusliiton tykykyjohtamisen malliin. Esimiesty on mahdollisuuksia tynn oleva kilpailuetu, mutta samalla mys huomattava haaste.


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Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the etiological agent of bacterial cold-water disease (BCWD) causing high fish mortalities and significant economic losses to the freshwater salmonid aquaculture industry around the world. Today BCWD outbreaks are mainly treated with environmentally hazardous antimicrobial agents and alternative preventative measures are urgently needed in order to ensure the well-being of animals and the sustainability of aquaculture. The diversity of pathogenic bacteria challenges the development of universal control strategies and in many cases the pathogen population structure, i.e. the total genetic diversity of the species must be taken into account. This work integrates the tools of modern molecular biology and conventional phenotypic microbiology to gain knowledge about the diversity and population structure of F. psychrophilum. The present work includes genetic characterization of a large collection of isolates collected from diverse origins and years, from aquaculture in a whole region including different countries, and provides the first international validation of a universal multilocus sequence typing (MLST) approach for unambiguous genetic typing of F. psychrophilum. Population structure analyses showed that the global F. psychrophilum population is subdivided into pathogenic species-specific clones, of which one particular genetic lineage, clonal complex CC-ST2, has been responsible for the majority of BCWD outbreaks in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in European aquaculture facilities over several decades. Genotypic and phenotypic population heterogeneity affecting antimicrobial resistance in F. psychrophilum within BCWD outbreaks was discovered. Specific genotypes were associated with severe infections in farmed rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and in addition to high adherence, antimicrobial resistance was strongly associated with outbreak strains. The study brought additional support for the hypothesis of an epidemic F. psychrophilum population structure, where recombination is an important force for the generation and maintenance of genetic diversity, and a significant contribution towards mapping the genetic diversity of this important fish pathogen. Evidence indicating dissemination of virulent strains with commercial movement of fish and fish products was strengthened.


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Tyohyvinvointi sisaltaa tyontekijan terveydellisten tekijoiden lisaksi henkisen paaoman nakokulman, joka kattaa tyontekijan fyysisen ja psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin, tiedot ja taidot, ammatillisen osaamisen, seka koulutustaustan. Jotta organisaatiot voisivat menestya, ja vastata sidosryhmiensa odotuksiin aiempaa tehokkaammin, yksittaisten tyontekijoiden tulisi tiedostaa oma roolinsa yritysten liiketoiminnallisten paamaarien saavuttamisessa. Henkiloston tulee ymmartaa yrityksen strategia ja arvot, seka oman tyonsa merkitys niiden toteuttamisessa. Hyvinvoivassa tyoyhteisossa vuorovaikutus on avointa, ja jos organisaation henkilosto ei koe tyoilmapiiria tarpeeksi laadukkaaksi, voivat toiden tehokkuus, laatu, seka tuloksellisuus karsia. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ollut osallistua tyoyhteisoiden ymparilla kaytavaan aktiiviseen keskusteluun, joka kasitteellistaa erilaisia tyohyvinvoinnin ilmioita organisaatioihin ja niiden toimintaymparistoihin kohdistuvissa muutoksissa. Tieteellisten tyohyvinvointiin ja organisaatiomuutoksiin kohdistuvien teorioiden lisaksi tutkimuksessa toteutettiin laadullinen kyselytutkimus yksittaisen tyontekijan nakokulmasta, ja sen tarkoituksena on ollut tutkia kohdeorganisaation yksikon henkiloston vaikutusmahdollisuuksia omaan tyohyvinvointiinsa. Vastausten kokoamisen, seka tulosten analysoinnin perusteella voidaan todeta etta tyohyvinvointi on koko henkiloston vastuulla tyontekijoiden asemasta riippumatta.