49 resultados para Private Collection
Työ tutkii yritysportaalin roolia organisaation tietojohtamisessa. Tutkimusongelman ratkaisemiseksi luodaan viitekehys, jossa yritysportaalin ja tietojohtamisen teoriat linkittyvät. Työn empiirisessä osassa viitekehys on pohjana case-yritykselle rakennettavalle yritysportaalille. Laadullinen tutkimus käsittää teoriaosuuden sekä osallistuvaan case-tutkimukseen perustuvan empiriaosuuden. Työn runko muodostuu kahden vastakkaisen tietojohtamisajattelun vuoropuhelusta, jotka ovat informaatioteknologiaan- ja strategiseen johtamiseen perustuvat näkökulmat. Toimivan tietojohtamismallin täytyy sisältää molemmat aspektit. Jokainen organisaatio tarvitsee informaation hallintaan liittyviä toiminnallisuuksia ja täten eksplisiittisen tiedon hallinta tietojärjestelmien avulla on onnistuneen tietojohtamisen kulmakiviä. Tätä perusinfrastruktuuria on mahdollista laajentaa hiljaisen tiedon hallintaan perustuvilla tietojohtamismenetelmillä. Työn ratkaisu näiden kahden näkemyksen, 'kovan' informaatioteknogiaan painottuvan sekä 'pehmeän' ihmisnäkökulman integrointiin, on yritysportaali. Työssä käytettävä yritysportaalin viitekehys rakentuu kolmeen päätoiminnallisuuteen; sisällönhallintaan, yhteistyöominaisuuksiin ja liiketoimintatiedon hallintaan. Työ todistaa yhteyden viitekehyksen sekä tietojohtamisen perusmallien, kuten tietojohtamisen prosessimallin sekä tietoympäristöjen välillä. Yritysportaali voi täten toimia, ei ainoastaan yksittäisten tietojohtamistyökalujen implementoinnissa, vaan tietojohtamisstrategian luomisen apuna tarjoten alustan tai 'katalyytin' kokonaisvaltaiselle tietojohtamiselle.
Työn tarkoituksena oli kerätä käyttövarmuustietoa savukaasulinjasta kahdelta suomalaiselta sellutehtaalta niiden käyttöönotosta aina tähän päivään asti. Käyttövarmuustieto koostuu luotettavuustiedoista sekä kunnossapitotiedoista. Kerätyn tiedon avulla on mahdollista kuvata tarkasti laitoksen käyttövarmuutta seuraavilla tunnusluvuilla: suunnittelemattomien häiriöiden lukumäärä ja korjausajat, laitteiden seisokkiaika, vikojen todennäköisyys ja korjaavan kunnossapidon kustannukset suhteessa savukaasulinjan korjaavan kunnossapidon kokonaiskustannuksiin. Käyttövarmuustiedon keräysmetodi on esitelty. Savukaasulinjan kriittisten laitteiden määrittelyyn käytetty metodi on yhdistelmä kyselytutkimuksesta ja muunnellusta vian vaikutus- ja kriittisyysanalyysistä. Laitteiden valitsemiskriteerit lopulliseen kriittisyysanalyysiin päätettiin käyttövarmuustietojen sekä kyselytutkimuksen perusteella. Kriittisten laitteiden määrittämisen tarkoitus on löytää savukaasulinjasta ne laitteet, joiden odottamaton vikaantuminen aiheuttaa vakavimmat seuraukset savukaasulinjan luotettavuuteen, tuotantoon, turvallisuuteen, päästöihin ja kustannuksiin. Tiedon avulla rajoitetut kunnossapidon resurssit voidaan suunnata oikein. Kriittisten laitteiden määrittämisen tuloksena todetaan, että kolme kriittisintä laitetta savukaasulinjassa ovat molemmille sellutehtaille yhteisesti: savukaasupuhaltimet, laahakuljettimet sekä ketjukuljettimet. Käyttövarmuustieto osoittaa, että laitteiden luotettavuus on tehdaskohtaista, mutta periaatteessa samat päälinjat voidaan nähdä suunnittelemattomien vikojen todennäköisyyttä esittävissä kuvissa. Kustannukset, jotka esitetään laitteen suunnittelemattomien kunnossapitokustannusten suhteena savukaasulinjan kokonaiskustannuksiin, noudattelevat hyvin pitkälle luotettavuuskäyrää, joka on laskettu laitteen seisokkiajan suhteena käyttötunteihin. Käyttövarmuustiedon keräys yhdistettynä kriittisten laitteiden määrittämiseen mahdollistavat ennakoivan kunnossapidon oikean kohdistamisen ja ajoittamisen laitteiston elinaikana siten, että luotettavuus- ja kustannustehokkuusvaatimukset saavutetaan.
Ohjelmistoteollisuudessa pitkiä ja vaikeita kehityssyklejä voidaan helpottaa käyttämällä hyväksi ohjelmistokehyksiä (frameworks). Ohjelmistokehykset edustavat kokoelmaa luokkia, jotka tarjoavat yleisiä ratkaisuja tietyn ongelmakentän tarpeisiin vapauttaen ohjelmistokehittäjät keskittymään sovelluskohtaisiin vaatimuksiin. Hyvin suunniteltujen ohjelmistokehyksien käyttö lisää suunnitteluratkaisujen sekä lähdekoodin uudelleenkäytettävyyttä enemmän kuin mikään muu suunnittelulähestymistapa. Tietyn kohdealueen tietämys voidaan tallentaa ohjelmistokehyksiin, joista puolestaan voidaan erikoistaa viimeisteltyjä ohjelmistotuotteita. Tässä diplomityössä kuvataan ohjelmistoagentteihin (software agents) perustuvaa ohjelmistokehyksen suunnittelua toteutusta. Pääpaino työssä on vaatimusmäärittelyä vastaavan suunnitelman sekä toteutuksen kuvaaminen ohjelmistokehykselle, josta voidaan erikoistaa erilaiseen tiedonkeruuseen kykeneviä ohjelmistoja Internet ympäristöön. Työn kokeellisessa osuudessa esitellään myös esimerkkisovellus, joka perustuu työssä kehitettyyn ohjelmistokehykseen.
Diplomityön pääongelmana oli selvittää miten markkina-ajattelu ilmenee Pietarsaaren teknisen viraston toiminnassa. Diplomityön aihe oli saatu toimeksiantona. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastatteluja. Haastateltaviksi valittiin Pietarsaaren kaupungin teknisen viraston ylin johto (kuusi henkilöä) sekä Pietarsaaren kaupungin teknisestä lautakunnasta kolme jäsentä. Markkina-ajattelun katsottiin tutkimuksessa rakentuvan kolmesta osasta: markkinamekanismien hyödyntämisestä kunnallisen palveluntuotannon järjestämisessä, kilpailutuksen käyttämisestä työkaluna ja yritysmäisestä toimintatavasta kunnallisella sektorilla. Tutkimuksen toisena teoreettisena lähtökohtana oli uusi julkisjohtaminen, joka nähtiin kokoelmana instrumentteja julkisen sektorin johtamisen tehostamiseksi. Perusasenteeltaan teknisen viraston haastateltavat antoivat itsestään melko uudistushaluisen kuvan. Palveluiden vaihtoehtoisia järjestämistapoja ei ole vielä organisaatiossa juurikaan sovellettu. Kilpailuttamisen koettiin tuovan pääosin lisätyötä ja haittapuolia toimintaan. Haastateltavat kokivat yrittäjämäisen toimintatavan sisältävän kapeasti lähinnä taloudellisten tavoitteiden tarkempaa seurantaa. Teknisen viraston kilpailemisen yksityisten palveluntuottajien kanssa pitää tulevaisuudessa mahdollisena kaikki kolme teknisestä lautakunnasta haastateltua. Palveluiden vaihtoehtoiset järjestämistavat eivät olleet heille tuttuja. Kilpailutustilanteista lautakunnasta haastatellut kokivat saavansa riittämättömästi informaatiota, mikä johtaa siihen, että halvin tarjous on aina hyväksyttävä.
Music p. 1-12.
The objective of the dissertation is to examine organizational responses of public actors to customer requirements which drive the transformation of value networks and promote public-private partnership in the electricity distribution industry and elderly care sectors. The research bridges the concept of offering to value networks where capabilities can be acquired for novel product concepts. The research contributes to recent literature, re-examining theories on interactions of customer requirements and supply management. A critical realist case study approach is applied to this abductive the research which directs to describe causalities in the analyzed phenomena. The presented evidence is based on three sources, which are in-depth interviews, archival analysis and the Delphi method. Service provision requires awareness on technology and functionalities of offering. Moreover, service provision includes interactions of multiple partners, which suggests the importance of the co-operative orientation of actors. According to the findings,portfolio management has a key role when intelligent solutions are implemented in public service provision because its concepts involve a variety of resources from multiple suppliers. However, emergent networks are not functional if they lack leaders who have access to the customer interface, have power to steer networks and a capability to build offerings. Public procurement policies were recognized to focus on a narrow scope in which price is a key factor in decisions. In the future, the public sector has to implement technology strategies and portfolio management, which mean longterm platform development and commitment to partnerships. On the other hand, the service providers should also be more aware of offerings into which their products will be integrated in the future. This requires making the customer’s voice in product development and co-operation in order to increase the interconnectivity of products.
Supply chain risk management has emerged as an increasingly important issue in logistics as disruptions in the supply chain have become critical issues for many companies. The scientific literature on the subject is developing and in many respects the understanding of it is still in its infancy. Thus, there is a need for more information in order for scholars and practitioners to understand the causalities and interrelations that characterise the phenomenon. The aim of this dissertation is to narrow this gap by exploring key aspects of supply chain risk management through two maritime supply chains in the immediate region of the Gulf of Finland. The study contributes to the field in three different ways. Firstly, it facilitates the identification of risks on different levels of the supply chain through a systematic analysis of the processes and actors, and of the cognitive barriers that limit the actors’ visibility and their understanding of the operations and the risks involved. There is a clear need to increase collaboration and information exchange in order to improve visibility in the chain. Risk management should be a collaborative effort among the individual actors, aimed at obtaining a holistic picture. Secondly, the study contributes to the literature on risk analysis through the use of systemic frameworks that illustrate the causalities and linkages in the system, thereby making it easier to perceive the vulnerabilities. Thirdly, the study enhances current knowledge of risk control in identifying actor roles, risk visibility and risk controllability as being among the key factors determining risk-management effectiveness against supply-chain vulnerability. This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part gives a general overview of the relevant literature, the research design and the conclusions of the study, and the second part comprises six research publications. Case-study methodology with systematic combining approach is used, where in-depth interviews, questionnaires and expert panel sessions are the main data collection methods. The study illustrates the current state of risk management in multimodal maritime supply chains, and develops frameworks for further analysis. The results imply that there are major differences between organizations in their ability to execute supply chain risk management. Further collaboration should be considered in order to facilitate the development of systematic and effective management processes.
Marine litter is an international environmental problem that causes considerable costs to coastal communities and the fishing industry. Several international and national treaties and regulations have provisions to marine litter and forbid disposal of waste into the sea. However, none of these regulations state a responsibility for public authorities to recover marine litter from the sea, like they do for marine litter that washes up on public beaches. In a financial evaluation of a value chain for marine litter incineration it was found out that the total costs of waste incineration are approximately 100 ─ 200 % higher than waste fees offered by waste contractors of ports. The high costs of incineration are derived from the high calorific value of marine litter and therefore a high incineration cost for the waste, and long distances between ports that are taking part in a project for marine litter recovery from the sea and an Energy-from-Waste (EfW) facility. This study provides a possible solution to diverting marine litter from landfills to more environmentally sustainable EfW use by using a public-private partnership (PPP) framework. PPP would seem to fit as a suitable cooperative approach for answering problems of current marine litter disposal in theory. In the end it is up to the potential partners of this proposed PPP to decide whether the benefits of cooperation justify the required efforts.
The aim of this study is to assess the current and future preconditions for conducting private business in municipal service systems for home care in Lahti and Hyvinkää in Finland, and in Uppsala and Huddinge in Sweden. This study also aims to assess the implications of quality related issues on the preconditions for conducting private business in the service systems in question. The theories and the research methodologies of the study are based on the Business Model Generation and the Business Model Canvas -concepts. Also a couple of frameworks on implications of quality are applied and integrated into the study. The study is completed as a case study – with structured and identical approaches for all four municipalities. The analyses and assessments of the study are primarily qualitative, but supported by simple quantitative methodologies. The data of the study consists primarily of publicly available information, and secondarily of answers provided by the case-municipalities to multiple choice questions. The results of the study show that the service systems for home care among the case-municipalities are, from perspective of private companies, diverse with local characteristics. Both the premises for conducting private business and the quality-issues are in many respects different in the Finnish and the Swedish case-municipalities. This is partly due to differences in the national service systems; the service voucher system versus the system of choice. Still, it appears that the current preconditions for conducting private business in the service systems for home care, including the implications of quality, would be more favorable in Uppsala and Huddinge than in Lahti and Hyvinkää. On the other hand, the service systems are subject to changes, and the most positive and significant development is here forecasted for a Finnish case-municipality (Lahti). Communication of quality is clearly more advanced in the Swedish case-municipalities. The results of this study can be utilized in several ways, for instance by private companies interested in entering into service systems for home care, either in some of the case-municipalities, or in some other Finnish or Swedish municipalities. Also municipalities can apply the analyses of the study when designing, developing or evaluating their own service systems for home care.
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on the source, some 15 000-20 000 Italian men volunteered in the Waffen-SS), has been hitherto largely unknown to historical research. The available literature on the Italian volunteers, mainly written by military history enthusiast journalists and methodologically weak, concentrates mainly on the combat operations and military organization, and offers a rather stereotypical profile of the volunteers. My dissertation does not aim to reconstruct the military history of the different divisions of the Waffen-SS in which Italian volunteers operated but instead to examine the subjective, private and intimate experience of the volunteers in order to understand the motivations, attitudes, beliefs and cultural and family background, as well as their political ideas. The main objective of my doctoral dissertation is to discover the ideological precepts of the volunteers’ political credo. As the last phase of fascism and its ideology, often defined as the “Germanisation” or “Nazification” of fascism, is still the object of wide academic debate, a better understanding of the volunteers’ ideology also contributes to deepening overall knowledge of the nature of this last phase. The theoretical frame of my dissertation lies in oral history, in particular in the postmodernist approach to oral history, through which I reconstruct the volunteers’ ideology. In-depth interviews with former volunteers are the main primary source, but multiple data collection methods have been adopted. Phone interviews and correspondence with the volunteers have also been considered as primary sources. In addition to interviews and correspondence, family archives consisting of diaries, correspondence with the volunteers’ relatives and photographic material have also been collected and examined. An ethnographic observation of the volunteers’ domestic spaces has been conducted during the in-depth interviews, and photo self-elicitation techniques have been used in cases where the volunteers were willing to share their photographs. An exhaustive portrait of the ideological structure of the volunteers has been obtained, as well as of the cultural and social origins of the values that contributed to the rise and adoption of this ideology. Further, the volunteers’ motivations to enlist have been clearly reconstructed, together with their cultural, political, social and military backgrounds. The results of the research are particularly relevant both for comprehension of the Italian phenomenon of volunteering in the Waffen-SS and for the reconstruction of the ideological dynamics of the last phase of fascism. The volunteers’ political and ideological system, which can be defined as the Italian SS-fascist ideology, disagrees strongly with the vaguely described ideological profile offered by previous studies that describe volunteers as generically “super-fascist”. The research also offers the opportunity for a deeper understanding of the final fascist ideological trajectory, currently defined, not without a certain level of approximation, as the “Germanisation” or “Nazification” of fascist ideology.
Transport volumes have increased and will continue to increase in European Union. Even though the growth has not been equal between different transport modes. Most of the growth has been faced on road transport. European Union aims to balance the unbalanced market shares between the modes by gaining and supporting the competitiveness of railway and waterway transport. In EU railway transportation is seen as solution to increase safety in traffic and decrease the environmental impacts of transportation. The aim of this research is to figure out how it is possible to decrease the environmental impacts by the technology already in use. Main focus of this research is in intermodality and combining the road and railway transportation. This study aims also to figure out demands and expectations towards new Rail Baltica railway route connecting Tallinn and Berlin. The research is conducted by performing a literature review about decreasing environmental impacts and combining road and rail transport. Another viewpoint is taken from the possible effects of tourism to the passenger transport on rails. Knowledge gained by literature review is deepened by additional internet questionnaire study and expert interview study. In decreasing the environmental impacts of transportation electric trains are definitely the best option providing that the electricity is generated from renewable or carbon dioxide free sources. Decrease of environmental impacts has been reached also with acceptance of larger road transport vehicles. According to interviewed passenger transport experts, the whole route from Tallinn to Berlin may not be convenient to be used in passenger transport, just because the route is too long.. In EU freight is transported mainly with semi-trailer combinations, and that is why it could be logical if huckepack trains would be used on Rail Baltica. Huckepack train allows semi-trailers to be transported on rails with time efficient loading-unloading process. Overall, Rail Baltica project is experienced as a future-oriented one and new railway alignment is seen as great alternative option for transport modes using fossil fuels.
The main aims of the present report are to describe the current state of railway transport in Russia, and to gather standpoints of Russian private transportation logistics sector towards the development of new railway connection called Rail Baltica Growth Corridor, connecting North-West Russia with Germany through the Baltic States and Poland. North-West Russia plays important role not only in Russian logistics, but also wider European markets as in container sea ports handling is approx. 2.5 mill. TEU p.a. and handling volume in all terminals is above 190 million tons p.a. The whole transportation logistics sector is shortly described as an operational environment for railways – this is done through technical and economic angles. Transportation development is always going in line with economics of the country, so the analysis on economical development is also presented. Logistics integration of the country is strongly influenced by its engagement in the international trade. Although, raw material handling at sea ports and container transports (imports) are blossoming, domestic transportation market is barely growing (in long-term perspective). Thus, recent entrance of Russia into World Trade Organization (WTO) is analyzed theme in this research, as the WTO is an important regulator of the foreign trade and enabler of volume growth in foreign trade related transportation logistics. However, WTO membership can influence negatively the development of Russia’s own industry and its volumes (these have been uncompetitive in global markets for decades). Data gathering in empirical part was accomplished by semi-structured case study interviews among North-West Russian logistics sector actors (private). These were conducted during years 2012-2013, and research compiles findings out of ten case company interviews. Although, there was no sea port involved in the study, most of the interviewed companies relied in European Logistics within significant parts in short sea shipping and truck combined transportation chains (in Russian part also using railways). As the results of the study, it could be concluded that Rail Baltica is seen as possible transport corridor in most of the interviewed companies, if there is enough cargo available. However, interviewees are a bit sceptical, because major and large-scale infrastructural improvements are needed. Delivery time, frequency and price level are three main factors influencing the attractiveness of Rail Baltica route. Price level is the most important feature, but if RB can offer other advantages such as higher frequency, shorter lead times or more developed set of value-added services, then some flexibility is possible for the price level. Environmental issues are not the main criteria of today, but are recognized and discussed among customers. Great uncertainty exists among respondents e.g. on forthcoming sulphur oxide ban on Baltic Sea shipping (whether or not it is going to be implemented in Russia). Rather surprisingly, transportation routes to Eastern Europe and Mediterranean area are having higher value and price space than those to Germany/Central Europe. Border crossing operations (traction monopoly at rails and customs), gauge widths as well as unclear decision-making processes (in Russia), are named as hindering factors. Performance standards for European connected logistics among Russian logistics sector representatives are less demanding as compared to neighbourhood countries belonging to EU.
This thesis examined both domestic and international forest investment options for a Finnish non-industrial private forest investor. The focus was on forest-based investment instruments. The influence of movements of currency exchange rates on foreign returns were also taken into account. Annual data from 1995 to 2011 was used. The main portfolio optimization model in this study was the Mean-Variance model but the results were also validated by using the Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall models. In addition, the exchange rate risk hedging was established by using one-week-maturity forward contracts. The results suggested that 75 % of the total wealth should be invested in Finnish private forests and the rest, 25 %, to a US REIT, in this case Rayonier. With hedging, the total return on the portfolio was 7.21 % (NIPF 5.3%) with the volatility of 6.63 % (NIPF 7.9%). Taxation supported US investments in this case. As a conclusion, a Finnish private forest investor may, as evidenced, benefit in diversifying a portfolio using REITs in the US.