35 resultados para International financial relations


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International Monetary Fund (IMF) eli Kansainvälinen valuuttarahasto perustettiin v. 1945 valvomaan 187 jäsenmaansa rahoitusjärjestelmiä ja edistämään rahoitusmarkkinoiden vakautta ja kansainvälistä kauppaa. IMF julkaisee kansainvälisiä maksutasetilastoja n. 200 maasta, ulkomaankaupan tilastotietoa, aikasarjoja v. 1948 lähtien ja valtiontalouden rahoitustilastoja sekä maakohtaisia raportteja. Painettuun kokoelmaan kuuluu vuosikertomuksia, kausijulkaisuja, tilastoja ja monografioita. Ne käsittelevät makrotaloutta, taloudellista kehitystä, rahoitusmarkkinoita, kansainvälistä taloutta ja valuuttamarkkinoita. Kokoelmassa on yhteensä n. 4342 nimekettä ja se karttuu jatkuvasti. Kokoelman vanhin julkaisu on vuodelta 1944. Suurin osa kokoelman julkaisuista on ilmestynyt v. 1995 - 2011. Sitä uudempia ei ole enää hankittu painettuina. Kokoelmaan kuuluu erilaisia vuosikirjoja pitkältä ajanjaksolta, kuten Annual report (1948 -), Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements (1990 -), Balance of payments statistics yearbook (1938 - ), Direction of trade statistics yearbook (1958 - ), Government finance statistics yearbook (1952 - ) ja International financial statistics yearbook (1991 - ). Kokoelma sisältää myös kausijulkaisuja kuten Economic review (1951 - ), IMF staff papers (1951 -) ja International financial statistics (1948 -). Kokoelmaan kuuluvat myös elektronisia julkaisuja sisältävät IMF E-Library ja AREAER -tietokannat. AREAR-tietokannassa on Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements -julkaisut sähköisessä muodossa. Tietokannassa on dataa mm. IMF:n jäsenmaiden valuutta- ja kauppajärjestelyistä. IMF E-Library, sisältää elektronisia julkaisuja sekä tilastotietokannat: International financial statistics (IFS), Balance of payments statistics (BOP), Direction of trade statistics (DOT) ja Government finance statistics (GFS). Julkaisuja on yhteensä n. 11 806. Kokoelman uudempaa osaa säilytetään Suomen Pankin kirjaston avokokoelmassa ja vanhempaa varastokokoelmassa. Painetut julkaisut ovat käytettävissä kirjastossa ja lainattavissa lukuun ottamatta tilastojulkaisuja, kausijulkaisuja ja vuosikirjoja. Elektronisia tietokantoja voi käyttää vain organisaation henkilökunta.


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Suomen Pankin kirjastolla on erilliskokoelma Siirtymätalouksien tutkimuslaitoksessa, BOFITissa. Kokoelma on painottunut siirtymätalouksia käsittelevään tieteelliseen kirjallisuuteen, tilasto- ja kausijulkaisuihin. Kokoelmaa on kartutettu 1980-luvulta lähtien ja siihen sisältyy merkittävä määrä nimekkeitä, joita ei ole hankittu muihin suomalaisiin kirjastoihin. Kokoelmaa on rajattu sekä aihepiireiltään että maantieteellisesti kulloistenkin tutkimuspainopisteiden mukaisesti. Kokoelman keskeinen aihealue on makrotalous ja erityisinä painopisteinä ovat rahatalous, talouspolitiikka ja talousuudistukset. Paljon kirjallisuutta löytyy myös raha- ja valuuttapolitiikasta, pankkitoiminnasta ja kansainvälisistä taloussuhteista. Maantieteellisinä painopisteinä ovat tällä hetkellä erityisesti Venäjä ja Kiina. Vanhempaa aineistoa löytyy myös Baltian sekä Itä-Euroopan maista, Neuvostoliitosta sekä Suomen idänkaupasta. Kirjakokoelma sisältää n. 5300 nimekettä, lehtikokoelma n. 150 nimekettä. Artikkeliviitteitä löytyy n. 2300 vuodesta 1990 lähtien. Kokoelma sisältää tiedot myös kaikesta BOFITin omasta julkaisutuotannosta. Suurin osa kokoelmasta on englanninkielistä.


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Taloudellinen globalisaatio ja pääomamarkkinoiden avautuminen ovat johtaneet tarpeeseen informoida yrityksen sidosryhmiä eri maissa ja tuottaa kansainvälisesti vertailukelpoista tilinpäätösinformaatiota. Yhtenäistämiskeskustelussa etenkin kansainvälisten IFRS-standardien (International Financial Reporting Standards) maailmanlaajuinen käyttöönottaminen on herättänyt kasvavaa kiinnostusta siihen, miten kansalliset kirjanpitokäytännöt poikkeavat toisistaan, ja missä määrin kansallisen kulttuurin voidaan nähdä vaikuttavan eroavaisuuksiin maiden välillä. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkitaan kansallisen kulttuurin vaikutusta kirjanpitokäytäntöihin ja niissä havaittaviin eroihin erityisesti Saksan ja Suomen välillä Tutkielmassa sovelletaan Hofsteden (1980) määritelmää kansallisesta kulttuurista mielen kollektiivisena ohjautumisena ja kulttuurillisina arvoina, jotka yhteiskunnan jäsenet jakavat. Tutkielmassa pyritään myös ottamaan huomioon kulttuurin käsitteen monimuotoisuus ja tuomaan esille kulttuurin ilmeneminen yhteiskunnan institutionaalisten tekijöiden kautta. Tämän tutkielman tutkimusote on käsiteanalyyttinen eli se pohjautuu aikaisempaan käsiteanalyysiin ja aiheen empiirisiin tutkimustuloksiin. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkimuksessa käytetään Hofsteden (1980) muotoilemia kansallisen kulttuurin arvoulottuvuuksia sekä niihin pohjautuvia Grayn (1988) laskentatoimen alakulttuurin arvoulottuvuuksia. Näiden pohjalta tutkielmassa luodaan malli, jonka mukaan kansallisen kulttuurin nähdään vaikuttavan kansalliseen kirjanpitokäytäntöön. Kulttuurin vaikutuksen havaitaan olevan monissa tapauksissa epäsuora ja sitä voidaan suoremmin analysoida yhteiskunnan institutionaalisten tekijöiden, tärkeimpänä lainsäädäntö- ja verotusjärjestelmän kautta. Tutkielmassa saadaan tulokseksi, ettei Hofsteden (1980) kansallisen kulttuurin arvoulottuvuuksien voida nähdä selittävän kansallisten kirjanpitokäytäntöjen eroja Saksan ja Suomen välillä, johtuen etenkin maiden historiallisesti läheisistä kulttuurillisista ja kaupallisista suhteista. Molemmissa maissa on lisäksi historiallisista syistä samankaltaiset pankkikeskeiset rahoitusmarkkinat ja verotuksella on keskeinen vaikutus kirjanpitokäytäntöön. Suomen kirjanpitokäytännön voidaan nähdä olevan Grayn (1988) ulottuvuuksilla lähempänä ammattimaisuutta ja joustavuutta kuin Saksan. Tämän nähdään selittyvän sillä, että Suomen kirjanpitokäytäntö on taustaltaan teoriaperusteista, kun taas Saksan vahvemmin lakiperusteista. Saksan kirjanpitokäytäntö on taas konservatiivisempaa ja läpinäkymättömämpää kuin Suomen kirjanpitokäytäntö, vaikkakin molempia maita on kritisoitu näistä kirjanpidon ominaisuuksista. EU:n ja IASB:n kansainvälisten harmonisointipyrkimyksien seurauksena molempien maiden kirjanpitokäytännöt kuitenkin edelleen lähentyvät kansainvälistä kirjanpitokäytäntöä.


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The objectives of this thesis areto identify the best elements from Information Technology Infrastructure Library financial management for an international company. The elements need to be customized to fit existing elements and the thesis needs to provide implementation proposal. The new IT financial management needs to improve cost visibility and bring benefits to the company. In order to find the best elements for IT financial management, there needs to be a research to discover the companys business needs. The ITIL library is used to find answers and solutions to the companys issues in IT financial management. Other IT frameworks can and will be used as well, if they are able to work with ITIL model. ITIL consists from budgeting, accounting and charging in IT financial management, which all needs to be investigated. In addition more ITIL elements such as contract management and supplier management can be used, in order to make IT financial management work better.


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Tämän pro gradu tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuinka pieni ohjelmistoalan yritys voi menestyksekkäästi kansainvälistyä markkinoinnin partnership suhteiden tukemana. Tutkimuksen lähtokohtana oli hankkia case yritys Viope Solutions Oy:n käytettäväksi konkreettisia työkaluja ensimmäisten maltillisesti etenevien kansainvälistymisoperaatioiden tueksi. Tutkielma jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Näistä jälkimmäisessä kerättiin kvalitatiivisen henkilökohtaisen haastattelututkimuksen avulla kuudelta ohjelmistoalan esimerkkiyritykseltä tietoa ja kokemuksia kansainvälistymisen sekä kansainvälisten partnership suhteiden menestyksekkääseen kehittämiseen. Esimerkkiyritysten kansainvälistymisessä havaittiin monenlaisia eri strategioita ja käytännön keinoja lähestyä kohdemarkkinoita. Kansainvälisten markkinoinnin partnership suhteiden menestystekijöitä havaittiin olevan osapuolten keskinäinen luottamus, yhteensopivat tuotevalikoimat, tehokas kommunikaatio sekä rahallinen ja täsmällinen sitoutuminen yhteistyöhön. Vastaavasti tärkeimmiksi mahdollisiksi ongelmiksi yhteistyölle todettiin kohdemarkkinoiden muuttuminen tai pettäminen, osapuolten suhteeseen sitoutumisen puute ja liialliset lupaukset seka ongelmat henkilökohtaisessa kanssakäymisessä. Saatua aineistoa ja aikaisempaa teoriakatsausta pyrittiin soveltamaan Viopen Ruotsin operaatioiden avuksi. Samoin Ruotsin markkinoita pyrittiin analysoimaan Internet pohjaisen aineiston avulla. Havaittiin, etta Viopella on melko hyvät mahdollisuudet onnistua Ruotsissa omien ja kumppanien komplementaarisia panostuksia hyödyntäen.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli muodostaa viitekehys sijoittajaviestinnän strategian muodostamiseen ja soveltaa viitekehystä käytännössä. Tutkimusongelma nousi case-yrityksestä, SSH Communications Security Oyj:stä, joka listautui vuoden 2000 lopussa. Teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu aikaisempaan kirjallisuuteen sijoittajaviestinnästä, strategian kehittämisestä ja rahoitusteoriasta. Rahoitusteorian alueet, joita käsiteltiin tutkimuksessa ovat; vapaaehtoinen tiedottaminen, markkinatehokkuus ja agenttiteoria. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa toteutettiin soveltamalla teoreettista viitekehystä case yritykseen. Empiirisessä osuudessa käytiin läpi seuraavat vaiheet; nykyisen tilan ulkoinen ja sisäinen analyysi, tavoitteiden asettaminen ja sijoittajaviestintä strategia ehdotuksen muodostaminen case yritykseen. Tutkielman viimeinen kappale kokoaa tärkeimmät löydökset, pohtii työn teoreettista kontribuutiota ja liikkeenjohdollisia kytköksiä sekä esittää tutkimuksen herättämiä ehdotuksia jatkotutkimuksille


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Minimizing the risks of an investment portfolio but not in the favour of expected returns is one of the key interests of an investor. Typically, portfolio diversification is achieved using two main strategies: investing in different classes of assets thought to have little or negative correlations or investing in similar classes of assets in multiple markets through international diversification. This study investigates integration of the Russian financial markets in the time period of January 1, 2003 to December 28, 2007 using daily data. The aim is to test the intra-country and cross-country integration of the Russian stock and bond markets between seven countries. Our test methodology for the short-run dynamics testing is the vector autoregressive model (VAR) and for the long-run cointegration testing we use the Johansen cointegration test which is an extension to VAR. The empirical results of this study show that the Russian stock and bond markets are not integrated in the long-run either at intra-country or cross-country level which means that the markets are relatively segmented. The short-run dynamics are also relatively low. This implies a presence of potential gains from diversification.


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The main objective of this study is to investigate whether the Finnish investors’ country-specific strategy concentrating on emerging markets provides diversification benefits. We also analyze whether the benefits of international diversification has been diminished after periods of high volatility caused by different market crisis. The objective is investigated with three methods: Correlation coefficients, rolling correlations added with OLS trend-lines and Box’s M statistic. All the empirical tests are analyzed and calculated with logarithmic returns of weekly time series data from Friday closing values between January 1995 and December 2007. The number of weekly observations is 678. The data type is total return indices of different countries. Data is collected from DataStream and provided by Datastream Financial. Countries investigated are Finland, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, India, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Thailand and Turkey. The current data is quoted both in U.S. Dollars and local currencies. The empirical results of this thesis show that the correlation coefficients are time-varying across Finland and 12 emerging market countries. Although the correlations have risen from 1995 to 2007, there can be found sub-periods where the correlation has declined from earlier period. The results also indicate that a Finnish investor constructing a portfolio of emerging market countries cannot rely on the correlation coefficients estimated from historical data because of the instability of correlation matrices.


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Master’s Thesis concentrates to means and challenges in international operations for a Finnish mobile application provider Small Planet Oy during its various company stages from founding till maturing and during macro economical phases between year 1998 and 2008. Small Planet has just celebrated its 10 year anniversary and is therefore quite an extraordinary company which has survived all the highs and lows during past ten years and which has operated in the market as long as the whole mobile application industry has existed. Master’s Thesis describes possibilities for a company’s internationalization with different entry modes like exporting, licensing, investment entry and co-operative operations which are suitable for a mobile application provider. Unsuitable entry modes like franchising or contract manufacturing are not explained. The goal has been to analyze Small Planet’s international operations and to make conclusions from the practical experiences. Analysis and conclusions shall help Small Planet in its international operations in the future and should give insight to other mobile application companies and their managers who are in the situation of planning their own international operations. Results show that the best ways for Small Planet to internationalize its operations has been the co-operation with a big domestic client and the co-operation with Finnish operator infrastructure providers which have complementary products with Small Planet. Through these co-operations Small Planet has got lot of new international clients. Same time financial risks and investment need for international operations have been low. Co-operative international sales can be the most efficient international entry mode for a mobile application provider.


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Last two decades have seen a rapid change in the global economic and financial situation; the economic conditions in many small and large underdeveloped countries started to improve and they became recognized as emerging markets. This led to growth in the amounts of global investments in these countries, partly spurred by expectations of higher returns, favorable risk-return opportunities, and better diversification alternatives to global investors. This process, however, has not been without problems and it has emphasized the need for more information on these markets. In particular, the liberalization of financial markets around the world, globalization of trade and companies, recent formation of economic and regional blocks, and the rapid development of underdeveloped countries during the last two decades have brought a major challenge to the financial world and researchers alike. This doctoral dissertation studies one of the largest emerging markets, namely Russia. The motivation why the Russian equity market is worth investigating includes, among other factors, its sheer size, rapid and robust economic growth since the turn of the millennium, future prospect for international investors, and a number of important major financial reforms implemented since the early 1990s. Another interesting feature of the Russian economy, which gives motivation to study Russian market, is Russia’s 1998 financial crisis, considered as one of the worst crisis in recent times, affecting both developed and developing economies. Therefore, special attention has been paid to Russia’s 1998 financial crisis throughout this dissertation. This thesis covers the period from the birth of the modern Russian financial markets to the present day, Special attention is given to the international linkage and the 1998 financial crisis. This study first identifies the risks associated with Russian market and then deals with their pricing issues. Finally some insights about portfolio construction within Russian market are presented. The first research paper of this dissertation considers the linkage of the Russian equity market to the world equity market by examining the international transmission of the Russia’s 1998 financial crisis utilizing the GARCH-BEKK model proposed by Engle and Kroner. Empirical results shows evidence of direct linkage between the Russian equity market and the world market both in regards of returns and volatility. However, the weakness of the linkage suggests that the Russian equity market was only partially integrated into the world market, even though the contagion can be clearly seen during the time of the crisis period. The second and the third paper, co-authored with Mika Vaihekoski, investigate whether global, local and currency risks are priced in the Russian stock market from a US investors’ point of view. Furthermore, the dynamics of these sources of risk are studied, i.e., whether the prices of the global and local risk factors are constant or time-varying over time. We utilize the multivariate GARCH-M framework of De Santis and Gérard (1998). Similar to them we find price of global market risk to be time-varying. Currency risk also found to be priced and highly time varying in the Russian market. Moreover, our results suggest that the Russian market is partially segmented and local risk is also priced in the market. The model also implies that the biggest impact on the US market risk premium is coming from the world risk component whereas the Russian risk premium is on average caused mostly by the local and currency components. The purpose of the fourth paper is to look at the relationship between the stock and the bond market of Russia. The objective is to examine whether the correlations between two classes of assets are time varying by using multivariate conditional volatility models. The Constant Conditional Correlation model by Bollerslev (1990), the Dynamic Conditional Correlation model by Engle (2002), and an asymmetric version of the Dynamic Conditional Correlation model by Cappiello et al. (2006) are used in the analysis. The empirical results do not support the assumption of constant conditional correlation and there was clear evidence of time varying correlations between the Russian stocks and bond market and both asset markets exhibit positive asymmetries. The implications of the results in this dissertation are useful for both companies and international investors who are interested in investing in Russia. Our results give useful insights to those involved in minimising or managing financial risk exposures, such as, portfolio managers, international investors, risk analysts and financial researchers. When portfolio managers aim to optimize the risk-return relationship, the results indicate that at least in the case of Russia, one should account for the local market as well as currency risk when calculating the key inputs for the optimization. In addition, the pricing of exchange rate risk implies that exchange rate exposure is partly non-diversifiable and investors are compensated for bearing the risk. Likewise, international transmission of stock market volatility can profoundly influence corporate capital budgeting decisions, investors’ investment decisions, and other business cycle variables. Finally, the weak integration of the Russian market and low correlations between Russian stock and bond market offers good opportunities to the international investors to diversify their portfolios.


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The purpose of this research is to describe how the scope of internationalization affects partner management in software companies. The effects are analyzed separately for small and large companies. Partner management is described from three perspectives: who should manage partnerships, how they should be managed and how does the context affect the choice of management style. Inductive case study is selected as research design. Eventually four case companies are chosen. The findings reveal that the size of the company affects the volume whereas the scope of internationalization affects the choice of partner management activities. Companies with high scope of internationalization required a more formal yet flexible management system whereas companies with low scope of internationalization relied more on the informal relations and personal management.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze how different stakeholders, such as the European Central Bank, the European Commission, the European Central Securities Depositories Association, the Bank of International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund, have influenced the European financial integration in the area of securities clearing and settlement since the introduction of the single currency. The results show that the contribution differs from stakeholder to another and can take the form of standards and recommendations, legislation, research and publications, risk analysis etc. The Eurosystem has been particularly active in this area by proving and planning central bank services, such as TARGET2, CCMB2 and T2S. Along the way the development has and continues to face challenges that need to be solved by European authorities. Coordination is a key factor for the future as we have seen during the recent financial turmoil.


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This research focuses on the link between quantitative sustainability disclosure and information asymmetry. It builds upon previous research which links information asymmetry with voluntary disclosure. Stakeholders from the financial services sector claim that sustainability disclosure needs to be more numerical and comparable between companies. This research covers 111 firms from Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden from non-service industries and studies how quantitative their sustainability disclosure is, and whether or not there is a negative relation with information asymmetry. The results support the hypotheses, where two out of three information asymmetry proxies have a significant negative relation with quantitative disclosure. Size is supported as a moderating factor. Quantitativity also proves to have a significant link with third party sustainability ratings. The direct link between quantitativity and cost of capital is not however supported.


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The focus of this study is to examine the role of police and immigrants’ relations, as less is known about this process in the country. The studies were approached in two different ways. Firstly, an attempt was made to examine how immigrants view their encounters with the police. Secondly, the studies explored how aware the police are of immigrants’ experiences in their various encounters and interactions on the street level. An ancillary aim of the studies is to clarify, analyse and discuss how prejudice and stereotypes can be tackled, thereby contributing to the general debate about racism and discrimination for better ethnic relations in the country. The data in which this analysis was based is on a group of adults (n=88) from the total of 120 Africans questioned for the entire study (n=45) police cadets and (n=6) serving police officers from Turku. The present thesis is a compilation of five articles. A summary of each article findings follows, as the same data was used in all five studies. In the first study, a theoretical model was developed to examine the perceived knowledge of bias by immigrants resulting from race, culture and belief. This was also an attempt to explore whether this knowledge was predetermined in my attempt to classify and discuss as well as analyse the factors that may be influencing immigrants’ allegations of unfair treatment by the police in Turku. The main finding shows that in the first paper there was ignorance and naivety on the part of the police in their attitudes towards the African immigrant’s prior experiences with the police, and this may probably have resulted from stereotypes or their lack of experience as well as prior training with immigrants where these kinds of experience are rampant in the country (Egharevba, 2003 and 2004a). In exploring what leads to stereotypes, a working definition is the assumption that is prevalent among some segments of the population, including the police, that Finland is a homogenous country by employing certain conducts and behaviour towards ethnic and immigrant groups in the country. This to my understanding is stereotype. Historically this was true, but today the social topography of the country is changing and becoming even more complex. It is true that, on linguistic grounds, the country is multilingual, as there are a few recognised national minority languages (Swedish, Sami and Russian) as well as a number of immigrant languages including English. Apparently it is vital for the police to have a line of communication open when addressing the problem associated with immigrants in the country. The second paper moved a step further by examining African immigrants’ understanding of human rights as well as what human rights violation means or entails in their views as a result of their experiences with the police, both in Finland and in their country of origin. This approach became essential during the course of the study, especially when the participants were completing the questionnaire (N=88), where volunteers were solicited for a later date for an in-depth interview with the author. Many of the respondents came from countries where human rights are not well protected and seldom discussed publicly, therefore understanding their views on the subject can help to explain why some of the immigrants are sceptical about coming forward to report cases of batteries and assaults to the police, or even their experiences of being monitored in shopping malls in their new home and the reason behind their low level of trust in public authorities in Finland. The study showed that knowledge of human rights is notably low among some of the participants. The study also found that female respondents were less aware of human rights when compared with their male counterparts. This has resulted in some of the male participants focussing more on their traditional ways of thinking by not realising that they are in a new country where there is equality in sexes and lack of respect on gender terms is not condoned. The third paper focussed on the respondents’ experiences with the police in Turku and tried to explore police attitudes towards African immigrant clients, in addition to the role stereotype plays in police views of different cultures and how these views have impacted on immigrants’ views of discriminatory policing in Turku. The data is the same throughout the entire studies (n=88), except that some few participants were interviewed for the third paper thirty-five persons. The results showed that there is some bias in mass-media reports on the immigrants’ issues, due to selective portrayal of biases without much investigation being carried out before jumping to conclusions, especially when the issues at stake involve an immigrant (Egharevba, 2005a; Egharevba, 2004a and 2004b). In this vein, there was an allegation that the police are even biased while investigating cases of theft, especially if the stolen property is owned by an immigrant (Egharevba, 2006a, Egharevba, 2006b). One vital observation from the respondents’ various comments was that race has meaning in their encounters and interaction with the police in the country. This result led the author to conclude that the relation between the police and immigrants is still a challenge, as there is rampant fear and distrust towards the police by some segments of the participating respondents in the study. In the fourth paper the focus was on examining the respondents’ view of the police, with special emphasis on race and culture as well as the respondents’ perspective on police behaviour in Turku. This is because race, as it was relayed to me in the study, is a significant predictor of police perception (Egharevba, 2005a; Egharevba and Hannikianen, 2005). It is a known scientific fact that inter-group racial attitudes are the representation of group competition and perceived threat to power and status (Group-position theory). According to Blumer (1958) a sense of group threat is an essential element for the emergence of racial prejudice. Consequently, it was essential that we explored the existing relationship between the respondents and the police in order to have an understanding of this concept. The result indicates some local and international contextual issues and assumptions that were of importance tackling prejudice and discrimination as it exists within the police in the country. Moreover, we have to also remember that, for years, many of these African immigrants have been on the receiving end of unjust law enforcement in their various countries of origin, which has resulted in many of them feeling inferior and distrustful of the police even in their own country of origin. While discussing the issues of cultural difference and how it affects policing, we must also keep in mind the socio-cultural background of the participants, their level of language proficiency and educational background. The research data analysed in this study also confirmed the difficulties associated with cultural misunderstandings in interpreting issues and how these misunderstandings have affected police and immigrant relations in Finland. Finally, the fifth paper focussed on cadets’ attitudes towards African immigrants as well as serving police officers’ interaction with African clients. Secondly, the police level of awareness of African immigrants’ distrustfulness of their profession was unclear. For this reason, my questions in this fifth study examined the experiences and attitudes of police cadets and serving police officers as well as those of African immigrants in understanding how to improve this relationship in the country. The data was based on (n=88) immigrant participants, (n=45) police cadets and 6 serving police officers from the Turku police department. The result suggests that there is distrust of the police in the respondents’ interaction; this tends to have galvanised a heightened tension resulting from the lack of language proficiency (Egharevba and White, 2007; Egharevba and Hannikainen, 2005, and Egharevba, 2006b) The result also shows that the allegation of immigrants as being belittled by the police stems from the misconceptions of both parties as well as the notion of stop and search by the police in Turku. All these factors were observed to have contributed to the alleged police evasiveness and the lack of regular contact between the respondents and the police in their dealings. In other words, the police have only had job-related contact with many of the participants in the present study. The results also demonstrated the complexities caused by the low level of education among some of the African immigrants in their understanding about the Finnish culture, norms and values in the country. Thus, the framework constructed in these studies embodies diversity in national culture as well as the need for a further research study with a greater number of respondents (both from the police and immigrant/majority groups), in order to explore the different role cultures play in immigrant and majority citizens’ understanding of police work.