75 resultados para Innovation System, Research Policy
The scale of research and development (R&D), and other technological activities, and the way in which the available resources are managed and organized at the enterprise and national level contribute to the rate of technological change in a country. A well organized national innovation system can be a powerful engine of progress, whereas a lack of interaction between institutions results in the slowing down of technological change, thereby diminishing its contribution to economic growth and welfare. The research object of this thesis is Australias national innovation system and the state of R&D in Australia. In order to establish an overall picture of the situation and to be able to make recommendations for future development, the general level of R&D activity and the main performers and funders of R&D within the system are analyzed. The framework policies supporting R&D and prevalent dynamics between different actors and sectors are of specific interest of the research. The findings reveal that the Australian culture is not a culture of research and innovation and that the main challenge is building a coherent system with strong domestic and international linkages.
At the time of moving towards knowledge-based economy, countries pay much attention to innovations by making them a central issue in countries innovation policy development. Innovations are influenced much by the institutional environment, in which they are created. That is why exploration of National Innovation Systems, as an important part of such an environment, became central in works of different researchers all over the world.
In the Innovation Union Scoreboard of 2011, Latvia ranked last amongst the EU countries in innovation performance. Even though there is sufficient scientific and technological basis, the results remain modest or low in most of the indicators concerning innovations. Several aspects influence the performance a national innovation system. In Latvia, the low effectiveness is often attributed to lack of financial support tools. As a comparison, Finland was chosen because of its well-established and documented innovation system. The aim of this study is to research the efficiency and effectiveness of the current financial innovation support tool system in Latvia from the point of view of an innovating company. It also attempts to analyze the support tool system of Latvia and compare to the relevant parts of the Finnish system. The study found that it is problematic for innovative companies in Latvia to receive the necessary funding especially for start-ups and SMEs due to the low number of grant programs, funds and lacking offer from banks, venture capital and business angels. To improve the situation, the Latvian government should restructure the funding mechanisms putting a bigger emphasis on innovative start-ups and SMEs. That would lay a foundation for future growth and boost research and scientific activities in Latvia.
Systemic innovation has emerged as an important topic due to the interconnected technological and sociotechnical change of our current complex world. This study approaches the phenomenon from an organizing perspective, by analyzing the various actors, collaborative activities and resources available in innovation systems. It presents knowledge production for innovation and discusses the organizational challenges of shared innovation activities from a dynamic perspective. Knowledge, interaction, and organizational interdependencies are seen as the core elements of organizing for systemic innovations. This dissertation is divided into two parts. The first part introduces the focus of the study and the relevant literature and summarizes conclusions. The second part includes seven publications, each reporting on an important aspect of the phenomenon studied. Each of the in-depth single-case studies takes a distinct and complementary systems approach to innovation activities linking the refining of knowledge to the enabling of organizations to participate in shared innovation processes. These aspects are summarized as theoretical and practical implications for recognizing innovation opportunities and turning ideas into innovations by means of using information and organizing activities in an efficient manner. Through its investigation of the existing literature and empirical case studies, this study makes three main contributions. First, it describes the challenges inherent in utilizing information and transforming it into innovation knowledge. Secondly, it presents the role of interaction and organizational interdependencies in innovation activities from various novel perspectives. Third, it highlights the interconnection between innovations and organizations, and the related path dependency and anticipatory aspects in innovation activities. In general, the thesis adds to our knowledge of how different aspects of systems form innovations through interaction and organizational interdependencies. It highlights the continuous need to redefine information and adjust organizations and networks based on ongoing activities stressing the emergent, systemic nature of innovation.
The importance of university-company collaboration has increased during the last decades. The drivers for that are, on the one hand, changes in business logic of companies and on the other hand the decreased state funding of universities. Many companies emphasize joint research with universities as an enabling input to their development processes, which aim at creating new innovations, products and wealth. These factors have changed universities operations and they have adopted several practices of dynamic business organizations, such as strategic planning, monitoring and controlling methods of internal processes etc. The objective of this thesis is to combine different characteristics of successful university-company partnership and its development. The development process starts with identifying potential partners in the universitys interest group, which requires understanding the role of different partners in the innovation system. Next, in order to find a common development basis, matching the policy and strategy between partners is needed. The third phase is to combine the academic and industrial objectives of a joint project, which is a typical form of university-company collaboration. The optimum is a win-win situation where both partners, universities and companies, can get addedvalue. For the companies added value typically means access to new research results before their competitors. For the universities added value offers a possibility to carry on high level scientific work. The research output in the form of published scientific articles is evaluated by the international science community. Because the university-company partnership is often executed by joint projects, the different forms of this kind of projects is discussed in this study. The most challenging form of collaboration is a semi-open project model, which is not based on bilateral activities between universities and companies but on a consortium of several universities, research institutes and companies. The universities and companies are core actors in the innovation system. Thus the discussion of their roles and relations to public operators like publicly funded financiers is important. In the Finnish innovation system there are at least the following doers executing strategies and policies: EU, Academy of Finland and TEKES. In addition to these, Strategic Centres for Science, Technology and Innovation which are owned jointly by companies, universities and research organizations have a very important role in their fields of business. They transfer research results into commercial actions to generate wealth. The thesis comprises two parts. The first part consists of an overview of the study including introduction, literature review, research design, synthesis of findings and conclusions. The second part introduces four original research publications.
Seudullinen innovaatio on monimutkainen ilmi, joka usein sijaitsee paikallisten toimijoiden keskinisen vuorovaikutuksen kentss. Tten sit on perinteisesti pidetty vaikeasti mitattavana ilmin. Tyss sovellettiin Data Envelopment Analysis menetelm, joka on osoittautunut aiemmin menestyksekkksi tapauksissa, joissa mitattavien sytteiden ja tuotteiden vliset suhteet eivt ole olleet ilmeisi. Tyss luotiin konseptuaalinen malli seudullisen innovaation sytteist ja tuotteista, jonka perusteella valittiin 12 tilastollisen muuttujan mittaristo. Kytten Eurostat:ia datalhteen, lhdedata kahdeksaan muuttujsta saatiin seudullisella tasolla, sek mittaristoa tydennettiin yhdell kansallisella muuttujalla. Arviointi suoritettiin lopulta 45 eurooppalaiselle seudulle. Tutkimuksen painopiste oli arvioida DEA-menetelmn soveltuvuutta innovaatio-jrjestelmn mittaamiseen, sill menetelm ei ole aiemmin sovellettu vastaavassa tapauksessa. Ensimmiset tulokset osoittivat yliptn liiallisen korkeita tehok-kuuslukuja. Korjaustoimenpiteit erottelutarkkuuden parantamiseksi esiteltiin ja sovellettiin, jonka jlkeen saatiin realistisempia tuloksia ja ranking-lista arvioitavista seuduista. DEA-menetelmn todettiin olevan tehokas ja kiinnostava tykalu arviointikytntjen ja innovaatiopolitiikan kehittmiseen, sikli kun datan saatavuusongelmat saadaan ratkaistua sek itse mallia tarkennettua.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli arvioida alueellista kehityst tietmysperustaisesta aluenkemyksest ksin Kanta-Hmeen maakunnassa. Tarkoituksena oli mys selvitt millaisia resursseja alueella on tai tulisi olla tulevaisuuden kestv kilpailukyky ajatellen. Tietmysperustaisen aluenkemyksen mukaan kaikista alueella kytettviss olevista resursseista alueen kestvn kilpailukyvyn lhteen on tieto, erityisesti hiljainen tieto. Kirjallisuus korostaa mys innovaatioiden merkityst kilpailukyvyn lhteen. Tyss kytetyst nkkulmasta katsoen innovaatiot ovat eplineaarisia ja vuorovaikutteisia oppimisprosesseja, joissa sosiaaliset tekijt, kuten yhteisty ja oppiminen ovat trkeit. Tyn empiirinen osuus koostuu ryhmhaastatteluista ja yrityskyselyst. Ryhmhaastatteluja kytettiin alueen nykyisen teknotaloudellisen tilanteen ymmrtmiseksi. Ryhm koostui viidesttoista alueen kehittjorganisaatioihin kuuluneesta toimijasta. Ryhmhaastattelujen perusteella yhteisty, vuorovaikutus ja sosiaalinen poma olivat niiden tekijiden joukossa, jotka vaikuttavat alueen pitkn aikavlin kehittmiseen. Ryhmhaastattelujen avulla oli mys mahdollista muodostaa joitakin ehdotuksia alueen kilpailukyky koskevista kehittmisen edellytyksist. Nm ehdotukset tytyy testata tulevaisuudessa. Tarvitaan mys tarkempaa tutkimusta esimerkiksi sen ymmrtmiseksi, mitk tekijt vaikuttavat sosiaalisen poman muotoutumiseen alueen eri toimijoiden vlill. Yrityskysely koostui 86 yrityksen tiedoista. Kysely toteutettiin kesll 2004. Tuote- ja palveluinnovaatioilla ja innovaatiotoimintaan tehdyill tutkimus- ja kehittmispanostuksilla mitaten alueen yrityksiss on innovaatiotoimintaa. Kyselyn perusteella oli mys mahdollista saada selville joitain yritysten innovaatioympristn kannalta trkeit tekijit. Toisaalta ert tulokset olivat osittain ristiriitaisia. Tmn vuoksi esimerkiksi alueen yritysten innovaatiokyvykkyyteen on lhitulevaisuudessa kiinnitettv enemmn huomiota.
The objective of this masters thesis was to examine the role of preannouncing in innovation launch strategy. Preannouncing was studied from three different angles that were preannouncement usage, preannouncement timing and preannouncement goals and from two different perspectives that were the firms internal strategy and the external circumstances. The firms internal strategy encompassed the product strategy the firm had chosen. The external circumstances consisted of the industry, the nature of competition and the nature of market. Additionally, the products performance in the short term was studied in order to be able to speak out whether it is advantageous to preannounce. The empirical study was conducted as a partial replication study. The data for the empirical part was collected with a wide mailing and Internet enquiry in October 2008 June 2009. Sample (N = 713) consisted of Finnish firms representing different industries and innovation activities. The data collection produced 272 answers and thus, the final response rate of the study was 38.15 %. The data was analyzed by using Microsoft Excel and statistical analysis program SAS Enterprise Guide. As a conclusion, the major results indicate that even if the firms use preannouncing quite often (54.8 % of the respondents), preannouncing behavior cannot be explained by industry. However, out of other external circumstances, the customer related turbulence affects on preannouncing usage. It was also revealed that the product type has an effect on preannouncing behavior. Additionally, preannouncement timing was noticed to differ according to audiences (distributors and end users).
The aim of the study is to find out What are the challenges to overcome for the successful nanotechnology commercialization in Russia? Working closely with the case country was definitely an advantage when it comes to the understanding of the research subject. The thesis is divided to two parts: first part examines the concept of technology commercialization and identifies unique aspects of the process in context of nanotechnology. Second part is dedicated to an empirical research, investigating current status of nanotechnology commercialization in Russia. For the purpose of this study, Russian and international scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, industry and government representatives were interviewed systematically during 2007 2009. Based on the research done it can be concluded that immense public funding provides necessary support for the development of Russian nanotechnology industry. However, investments alone do not address important structural shortcomings of a national innovation system, which in turn slow down the progress. Taking into consideration gap between science and business and challenging IPR legislation, expected significant economic impact in Russia may be overestimated. Nevertheless it should be noted that development of nanotechnology is advancing rapidly and therefore, the state of commercialization is changing accordingly, even while this lines are written.
Tyn tavoitteena on etsi syit tuotekehityksen kansainvlistymiseen ja selvitt sen seurauksia. Mys ilmin kansainvlisyyden nykyist astetta kartoitetaan. Tuloksia verrataan sek tuotekehityksen ett yritysten kansainvlistymisen teorioihin. Monikansallisten yritysten toimintamallin kautta pyritn ymmrtmn tuotekehityksen kansainvlistymisen prosesseja. Yritykset harjoittavat kansainvlist tuotekehityst lhes aina, kun ne erilaistavat tuotteitaan kotipesn ulkopuolisten, kasvavien markkinoiden tarpeisiin. Monikansalliset yritykset tekevt kansainvlist tuotekehityst etupss hankkiakseen markkina-asemia ja kyvykkyyksi. Kohdemaan innovaatiosysteemill on trke asema verkostoitumisstrategian onnistumisen kannalta, joka on monikansallisten yritysten pasiallinen toimintatapa. Ulkomaansijoitusten eri tyypeist tuotekehityksess ylivoimaisesti eniten kytetyt ovat yhteisyritys sek fuusioituminen & haltuunotto. Tuotekehitysyksikiden siirtminen ulkomaille saattaa vhent toimintaa Suomessa. T&K-toiminnan painopiste on siirtymss Aasiaan, vaikkakin Eurooppa ja USA ovat yh tehokkuussyist kannattavia alueita.
Tmn diplomityn tavoitteena on tutkia ekologisen kestvyyden huomioimista Suomen innovaatiojrjestelmss. Ekologinen kestvyys on osa laajempaa kestvn kehityksen ksitett, joka syntyi jo 1980-luvun lopulla. Sill viitataan toimintaan, joka jtt mahdollisuuksia tuleville sukupolville yht paljon tai enemmn kuin nykyn on kytettviss. Kestvyyteen pyritn nykyisin laajalti ja sen toteutumisen turvaamiseksi on laadittu muun muassa EU-maat, Pohjoismaat ja Suomen kattavat strategiat. Ekologisen kestvyyden suurimmat uhat ovat tll hetkell ilmastonmuutos, biodiversiteetin pieneneminen ja ravinteiden kierto. Kestv innovointi ja ympristinnovaatiot ovat trkeit keinoja ekologiseen kestvyyteen panostettaessa. Niss innovaatioissa kyse on teknologian, talouden ja ympristn tasapainosta. Suomen innovaatiotoimintaa tuetaan ja kansallista kilpailukyky pidetn yll kansallisen innovaatiojrjestelmn avulla. Suomen innovaatiojrjestelmss on useita eri tason toimijoita. Trkeimpin voidaan pit pttji, rahoittajia ja tutkimuksen tuottajia. Rahoituksen suuntaaminen vaikuttaa siihen, mist aihealueista tutkimusta tuotetaan. Suomen Akatemialla, Tekesill ja Sitralla on ekologista kestvyytt edistvi ohjelmia. Lisksi mm. SHOK:issa on huomioitu ekologisuus. Perustutkimusta rahoitetaan Suomen innovaatiojrjestelmss huomattavasti soveltavaa tutkimusta vhemmn. Ekologiseen kestvyyteen panostavan tutkimuksen teemoista nousee selkeimmin esiin kestv energiantuotanto sek kestv rakentaminen. Jatkotutkimuksena voisi selvitt, kuinka nm panostukset ovat vaikuttaneet suomalaiseen rakennusalaan.
The Thesis concentrates on two central terms Technology park and the resource-based view of the organization. General attention is devoted to competencies and capabilities of organizations that operate in foreign environment. It is difficult to go abroad without any experience and support from local government, especially for small or medium company. Technology and Science parks are the main sources of competitive advantage for this kind of organizations. They provide a huge range of services as well as business consultations and financial support on different stages of companies development. The Thesis was made with the assistance of Technopolis Oy in Lappeenranta. During the research companies in Finland and Russia were interviewed. Based on empirical findings important capabilities for entering foreign market were identified and some recommendations for the Technology park were given.
The main objective of this study was to find out the bases for innovation model formulation in an existing organization based on cases. Innovation processes can be analyzed based on their needs and based on their emphasis on the business model development or R&D. The research was conducted in energy sector within one company by utilizing its projects as cases for the study. It is typical for the field of business that development is slow, although the case company has put emphasis on its innovation efforts. Analysis was done by identifying the cases needs and comparing them. The results were that because of the variances in the needs of the cases, the applicability of innovation process models varies. It was discovered that by dividing the process into two phases, a uniform model could be composed. This model would fulfill the needs of the cases and potential future projects as well.
This study discusses the importance of government intervention for companies and the expansion of national innovation systems. The purpose of the study is to examine the impact which the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki can have on Finnish businesses through their business support programs and events. The embassy has shifted focus in recent years with the creation of an innovation center and increased business services. The study has sub-objectives to discover the critical factors for producing impact, host and home based factor interaction, and effects produced by these initiatives. The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the concepts of national innovation systems and government intervention. The empirical research conduct for this study is based on interviews with experts from the environment surrounding the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki, Finland and participation in embassy events. The data was collected between March 2014 and September 2015. Seven interviews were conducted; five with representatives of the U.S. Embassy and two with related organizations. Thematic analysis was used to categorize and interpret interview and observation data. The use of an impact radar was implemented as a basis for analysis. This study finds that the internationalization of national innovation systems provides interesting opportunities and challenges for national governments. The opportunity to provide services to foreign companies by an embassy in a stable environment opens the possibility to create positive notice and relations with the host country. The increased connections and inputs to the national innovation system of the home country have the potential to increase knowledge absorption and create positive growth. The most effective way for governments to encourage businesses is to create incentives and reduce barriers. The services are best aimed at small to medium sized companies in the early stages of development. The findings of this report suggest that the most critical factors for producing impact on companies are the ability to disseminate information effectively, the ability to create a positive image of the country, the ability to foster effective networks between the two countries, and the ability to facilitate the internationalization of companies. In the best cases, the embassy is able to create incentives to internationalize to the United States and reduce barriers which are encountered by companies. Future research is necessary to fully understand the impact of business services provided by an embassy can have on the political and economic relations of countries, and on particular industry sectors. The institutional setting provided by the embassys focus on business relations provides a rich environment for further study in a number of areas.