94 resultados para Digitizatin Project of Kindred Languages


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Jussi-Pekka Hakkaraisen esitys Udmurtian kansalliskirjastossa Izhevskissä 11.4.2013


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Jussi-Pekka Hakkaraisen esitys Variantti-kollokviossa Helsingissä 5.6.2013


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Jussi-Pekka Hakkaraisen esitys Fenno-Ugrica -kokoelman julkaisutilaisuudessa Helsingissä 6.6.2013


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Jussi-Pekka Hakkaraisen esitys Historiallisen yhdistyksen seminaarissa Helsingissä 23.11.2013


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The National Library of Finland realizes the Digitization Project of Kindred Languages in 2012–15. The project is financially supported by the Kone Foundation. During this project the National Library of Finland has digitized and made available approximately 1200 monograph and more than 100 newspaper titles in several Uralic languages. The materials are available to both researchers and citizens in the National Library’s Fenno-Ugrica collection. The project will produce digitized materials in the Uralic languages as well as their development tools to support linguistic research and citizen science. The resulting materials will constitute the largest resource for the Uralic languages in the world. Through this project, researchers will gain access to corpora which they have not been able to study before and to which all users will have open access regardless of their place of residence. In my presentation, I will discuss 1) how we utilized the social media (Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte etc) to gain audience for our collection and 2) how the needs of researchers and laymen were met in crowdsourcing.


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Lappeenrannan teknillisen korkeakoulun sähkötekniikan osasto muutti 1.8.2005 sähkötekniikan tutkinnon kaksiportaiseksi ja vastaamaan näin Bologna-prosessia ja Suomen yliopistolainsäädäntöä. Tutkinnonuudistuksen myötä osasto haluaa varmistaa sähkötekniikan tutkintojen laadun ja vertailtavuuden sekä parantaa opiskelijoidensekä henkilökunnan liikkuvuutta. Tutkintojen laatu ja vertailtavuus osoitetaan sähkötekniikan osaston benchmark-projektilla, jossa kerätään tietoja maisteri- ja tohtorintutkintoa tarjoavista eurooppalaisista yliopistoista. Diplomityö käsittää BM-projektin kolmannen vaiheen suunnittelun ja toteutuksen sisältäen teoriaa benchmark-projekteille tyypillisistä toimintatavoista. Hyväksi havaitut menetelmiä, kuten kyselyt ja matriisit, on tässä työssä otettu soveltuvin osin sähkötekniikan osaston BM-projektin työkaluiksi. Diplomityössä analysoidaan työkalujen avulla BM-kumppaneilta kerättyjä tietoja sekä esitetään ratkaisuja, miten sähkötekniikan osastolla voidaan jatkaa parhaiden toimintatapojen löytämistä.


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The research on language equations has been active during last decades. Compared to the equations on words the equations on languages are much more difficult to solve. Even very simple equations that are easy to solve for words can be very hard for languages. In this thesis we study two of such equations, namely commutation and conjugacy equations. We study these equations on some limited special cases and compare some of these results to the solutions of corresponding equations on words. For both equations we study the maximal solutions, the centralizer and the conjugator. We present a fixed point method that we can use to search these maximal solutions and analyze the reasons why this method is not successful for all languages. We give also several examples to illustrate the behaviour of this method.


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Can crowdsourcing solutions serve many masters? Can they be beneficial for both, for the layman or native speakers of minority languages on the one hand and serious linguistic research on the other? How did an infrastructure that was designed to support linguistics turn out to be a solution for raising awareness of native languages? Since 2012 the National Library of Finland has been developing the Digitisation Project for Kindred Languages, in which the key objective is to support a culture of openness and interaction in linguistic research, but also to promote crowdsourcing as a tool for participation of the language community in research. In the course of the project, over 1,200 monographs and nearly 111,000 pages of newspapers in Finno-Ugric languages will be digitised and made available in the Fenno-Ugrica digital collection. This material was published in the Soviet Union in the 1920s and 1930s, and users have had only sporadic access to the material. The publication of open-access and searchable materials from this period is a goldmine for researchers. Historians, social scientists and laymen with an interest in specific local publications can now find text materials pertinent to their studies. The linguistically-oriented population can also find writings to delight them: (1) lexical items specific to a given publication, and (2) orthographically-documented specifics of phonetics. In addition to the open access collection, we developed an open source code OCR editor that enables the editing of machine-encoded text for the benefit of linguistic research. This tool was necessary since these rare and peripheral prints often include already archaic characters, which are neglected by modern OCR software developers but belong to the historical context of kindred languages, and are thus an essential part of the linguistic heritage. When modelling the OCR editor, it was essential to consider both the needs of researchers and the capabilities of lay citizens, and to have them participate in the planning and execution of the project from the very beginning. By implementing the feedback iteratively from both groups, it was possible to transform the requested changes as tools for research that not only supported the work of linguistics but also encouraged the citizen scientists to face the challenge and work with the crowdsourcing tools for the benefit of research. This presentation will not only deal with the technical aspects, developments and achievements of the infrastructure but will highlight the way in which user groups, researchers and lay citizens were engaged in a process as an active and communicative group of users and how their contributions were made to mutual benefit.


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Because of the increased availability of different kind of business intelligence technologies and tools it can be easy to fall in illusion that new technologies will automatically solve the problems of data management and reporting of the company. The management is not only about management of technology but also the management of processes and people. This thesis is focusing more into traditional data management and performance management of production processes which both can be seen as a requirement for long lasting development. Also some of the operative BI solutions are considered in the ideal state of reporting system. The objectives of this study are to examine what requirements effective performance management of production processes have for data management and reporting of the company and to see how they are effecting on the efficiency of it. The research is executed as a theoretical literary research about the subjects and as a qualitative case study about reporting development project of Finnsugar Ltd. The case study is examined through theoretical frameworks and by the active participant observation. To get a better picture about the ideal state of reporting system simple investment calculations are performed. According to the results of the research, requirements for effective performance management of production processes are automation in the collection of data, integration of operative databases, usage of efficient data management technologies like ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, data warehouse (DW) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and efficient management of processes, data and roles.


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There are more than 7000 languages in the world, and many of these have emerged through linguistic divergence. While questions related to the drivers of linguistic diversity have been studied before, including studies with quantitative methods, there is no consensus as to which factors drive linguistic divergence, and how. In the thesis, I have studied linguistic divergence with a multidisciplinary approach, applying the framework and quantitative methods of evolutionary biology to language data. With quantitative methods, large datasets may be analyzed objectively, while approaches from evolutionary biology make it possible to revisit old questions (related to, for example, the shape of the phylogeny) with new methods, and adopt novel perspectives to pose novel questions. My chief focus was on the effects exerted on the speakers of a language by environmental and cultural factors. My approach was thus an ecological one, in the sense that I was interested in how the local environment affects humans and whether this human-environment connection plays a possible role in the divergence process. I studied this question in relation to the Uralic language family and to the dialects of Finnish, thus covering two different levels of divergence. However, as the Uralic languages have not previously been studied using quantitative phylogenetic methods, nor have population genetic methods been previously applied to any dialect data, I first evaluated the applicability of these biological methods to language data. I found the biological methodology to be applicable to language data, as my results were rather similar to traditional views as to both the shape of the Uralic phylogeny and the division of Finnish dialects. I also found environmental conditions, or changes in them, to be plausible inducers of linguistic divergence: whether in the first steps in the divergence process, i.e. dialect divergence, or on a large scale with the entire language family. My findings concerning Finnish dialects led me to conclude that the functional connection between linguistic divergence and environmental conditions may arise through human cultural adaptation to varying environmental conditions. This is also one possible explanation on the scale of the Uralic language family as a whole. The results of the thesis bring insights on several different issues in both a local and a global context. First, they shed light on the emergence of the Finnish dialects. If the approach used in the thesis is applied to the dialects of other languages, broader generalizations may be drawn as to the inducers of linguistic divergence. This again brings us closer to understanding the global patterns of linguistic diversity. Secondly, the quantitative phylogeny of the Uralic languages, with estimated times of language divergences, yields another hypothesis as to the shape and age of the language family tree. In addition, the Uralic languages can now be added to the growing list of language families studied with quantitative methods. This will allow broader inferences as to global patterns of language evolution, and more language families can be included in constructing the tree of the world’s languages. Studying history through language, however, is only one way to illuminate the human past. Therefore, thirdly, the findings of the thesis, when combined with studies of other language families, and those for example in genetics and archaeology, bring us again closer to an understanding of human history.


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Työn tarkoituksena on tarkastella Euroopan siirtymätalousalueelta kotimaisen biopoltto-ainevoimalaitoksen kilpailukykyä potentiaalisimmiksi markkinakohteiksi arvioitujen nykyisten Eu-valtioiden osalta. Työ tehdään osana kokoluokaltaan 3,5 MWth/1,0 MWe pienvoimalaitoksen tuotekehityshanketta, joka on käynnistynyt Varkaudessa tämän vuoden maaliskuussa. Potentiaalisimpien siirtymätalousmaiden valintakriteereinä on käytetty aiempia tutkimuksia ja raportteja. Huomio keskitetään kiinteän biopolttoaineen resursseihin ja biopolttoaineisiin pohjautuvalle energiantuotannolle asetettuihin tavoitteisiin. Edellä mainittujen kriteerien pohjalta tarkasteltaviksi valittujen valtioiden osalta tehtiin tarkemmat kilpailukykyanalyysit, otettiin yhteyttä markkina-alueeltaalan ammattilaisiin ja kartoitettiin potentiaalisimmat markkinakohteet. Tavoitteena on arvioida varteenotettavin kilpailija kiinteisiin biopolttoaineisiin pohjautuvalle sähkön ja lämmön yhteistuotannolle, jonka perusteella laaditaan mallivoimalaitoksen kilpailukykyisen hinnan määrittämiseksi tiettyyn takaisinmaksuaikaan ja korkotekijään perustuen. Lopulta tehdään maakohtaisesti yhteenveto merkittävimmistä markkinapotentiaaliin vaikuttavista kilpailutekijöistä, arvioidaan potentiaalisin kohdemaa sekä esitetään mahdollinen investoinnin rahoitusvaihtoehto ja keinoja markkinoida tuotetta potentiaalisille asiakkaille.


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Informaatiotulva ja organisaation monimutkaisuus luoneet tarpeen tietämyksen hallinnalle. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tunnistaa muutostarpeet, jotka portaalin käyttöönotto tietämyksenhallintatyökaluna luo. Tutkimuksessa verrataan myös uusia työkaluja olemassa oleviin sekä arvioidaan organisaation kykyä siirtää tietämystä virtuaalisesti. Kirjallisuutta vastaavanlaisista projekteista ei ole ollut saatavilla, sillä käyttöönotettava teknologia on melko uutta. Samaa teknologiaa on käytössä hieman eri alueella, kuin tässä projektissa on tavoitteena. Tutkimus on tapaustutkimus, jonka pääasialliset lähteet ovat erilaisissa kokouksissa tuotettuja dokumentteja. Tutkija on osallistunut aktiivisesti projektityöhön, joten osa taustatiedoista perustuu tutkijan huomioihin sekä vielä keskusteluihin. Teoriaosassa käsitellään tietämyksen jakamista tietämyksen hallinnan ja virtuaalisuuden näkökulmasta. Muutoksen hallintaa on käsitelty lyhyesti tietämyksenhallintatyökalun käyttöönotossa. Tutkimus liittyy Stora Enso Consumer Boardsin tietämyksen hallintaprojektiin.


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The purpose of this comparative study is to profile second language learners by exploring the factors which have an impact on their learning. The subjects come from two different countries: one group comes from Milwaukee, US, and the other from Turku, Finland. The subjects have attended bilingual classes from elementary school to senior high school in their respective countries. In the United States, the subjects (N = 57) started in one elementary school from where they moved on to two high schools in the district. The Finnish subjects (N = 39) attended the same school from elementary to high school. The longitudinal study was conducted during 1994-2004 and combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods. A Pilot Study carried out in 1990-1991 preceded the two subsequent studies that form the core material of this research. The theoretical part of the study focuses first on language policies in the United States and Finland: special emphasis is given to the history, development and current state of bilingual education, and the factors that have affected policy-making in the provision of language instruction. Current language learning theories and models form the theoretical foundation of the research, and underpin the empirical studies. Cognitively-labeled theories are at the forefront, but sociocultural theory and the ecological approach are also accounted for. The research methods consist of questionnaires, compositions and interviews. A combination of statistical methods as well as content analysis were used in the analysis. The attitude of the bilingual learners toward L1 and L2 was generally positive: the subjects enjoyed learning through two languages and were motivated to learn both. The knowledge of L1 and parental support, along with early literacy in L1, facilitated the learning of L2. This was particularly evident in the American subject group. The American subjects’ L2 learning was affected by the attitudes of the learners to the L1 culture and its speakers. Furthermore, the negative attitudes taken by L1 speakers toward L2 speakers and the lack of opportunities to engage in activities in the L1 culture affected the American subjects’ learning of L2, English. The research showed that many American L2 learners were isolated from the L1 culture and were even afraid to use English in everyday communication situations. In light of the research results, a politically neutral linguistic environment, which the Finnish subjects inhabited, was seen to be more favorable for learning. The Finnish subjects were learning L2, English, in a neutral zone where their own attitudes and motivation dictated their learning. The role of L2 as a means of international communication in Finland, as opposed to a means of exercising linguistic power, provided a neutral atmosphere for learning English. In both the American and Finnish groups, the learning of other languages was facilitated when the learner had a good foundation in their L1, and the learning of L1 and L2 were in balance. Learning was also fostered when the learners drew positive experiences from their surroundings and were provided with opportunities to engage in activities where L2 was used.