31 resultados para Copenhagen commitments


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Tässä työssä selvitettiin altistutaanko kreosoottikyllästetyn puun käsittelyssä polysyklisille aromaattisille hiilivedyille ja mistä työsuojelullisista syistä altistumista tapahtuu. Lisäksi työssä selvitettiin mitä altistuminen tarkoittaa työnantajan kannalta. Altistumista tarkasteltiin työturvallisuuden näkökulmasta. Lähtöaineisto koostui maastossa toteutetuista tutkimuksista. Aineisto kerättiin kesällä 2009 kolmesta Itä-Suomessa sijaitsevasta kohteesta, joissa käsiteltiin kreosootilla kyllästettyä puuta. Altistumisen todentamiseksi tutkimukseen osallistuneilta työntekijöiltä pyydettiin virtsanäytteet, joista analysoitiin yhden yleisimmän PAH-altistumista indikoivan merkkiaineen, virtsan 1-pyrenolin pitoisuuksia työntekijöillä. Altistumisen syiden selvittämiseksi työntekijöitä haastateltiin ja havainnoitiin. Tulosten perusteella työntekijät altistuvat PAH-yhdisteille työssään. PAH-altistumisen merkkiaineena olleelle virtsan 1-pyrenolille ei toimenpiderajaa tällä hetkellä ole, mutta se on Työterveyslaitoksella suunnitteilla. Lainsäädäntö velvoittaa erinäisin toimenpitein työnantajaa minimoimaan työntekijöiden altistumisen syöpäsairauden vaaraa aiheuttaville aineille, kuten PAH-yhdisteille. Tulosten perusteella työsuojelutoimenpiteitä on syytä tehostaa altistumisen minimoimiseksi ja etenkin ihon suojaamiseen on syytä kiinnittää erityistä huomiota.


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International energy and climate strategies also set Finland’s commitments to increasing the use of renewable energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The target can be achieved by, for example, increasing the use of energy wood. Finland’s forest biomass potential is significant compared with current use. Increased use will change forest management and wood harvesting methods however. The thesis examined the potential for integrated pulp and paper mills to increase bioenergy production. The effects of two bioenergy production technologies on the carbon footprint of an integrated LWC mill were studied at mill level and from the cradle-to-customer approach. The LignoBoost process and FT diesel production were chosen as bioenergy cases. The data for the LignoBoost process were obtained from Metso and for the FT diesel process from Neste Oil. The rest of the information is based on the literature and databases of the KCL-ECO life-cycle computer program and Ecoinvent. In both case studies, the carbon footprint was reduced. From the results, it can be concluded that it is possible to achieve a fossil-fuel-free pulp mill with the LignoBoost process. By using steam from the FT diesel process, the amount of auxiliary fuel can be reduced considerably and the bark boiler can be replaced. With a choice of auxiliary fuels for use in heat production in the paper mill and the production methods for purchased electricity, it is possible to affect the carbon footprints even more in both cases.


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Artikel i konferensrapport.


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This Master´s thesis illustrates how growing a business ties up the company´s working capital and what the cost of committed capital. In order to manage a company´s working capital in rapid business growth phase, the thesis suggests that by monitoring and managing the operating and cash conversion cycles of customers´ projects, a company can find ways to secure the required amount of capital. The research method of this thesis was based on literature reviews and case study research. The theoretical review presents the concepts of working capital and provides the background for understanding how to improve working capital management. The company in subject is a global small and medium-sized enterprise that manufactures pumps and valves for demanding process conditions. The company is expanding, which creates lots of challenges. This thesis concentrates to the company´s working capital management and its efficiency through the supply chain and value chain perspective. The main elements of working capital management are inventory management, accounts receivable management and accounts payable management. Prepayments also play a significant role, particularly in project-based businesses. Developing companies´ working capital management requires knowledge from different kind of key operations´ in the company, like purchasing, production, sales, logistics and financing. The perspective to develop and describe working capital management is an operational. After literature reviews the thesis present pilot projects that formed the basis of a model to monitor working capital in the case company. Based on analysis and pilot projects, the thesis introduces a rough model for monitoring capital commitments in short time period. With the model the company can more efficiently monitor and manage their customer projects.


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The goal of this Master’s Thesis is to investigate the typical perceptions of health club exercise among middle-aged women. This study is conducted for a Finnish health club Viva Wellness Club due to their interest to examine the perceived barriers of middle-aged women to exercise at their health club. In addition, the behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, motivation and facilitating factors concerning health club exercise are studied. The social aspect of health clubs as social environments is taken into account. The study is conducted qualitatively with semi-structured interviews Eight customers from Viva Wellness Club are interviewed. The findings revealed that the consumers perceived health club exercise as important, effective, diverse and convenient. Despite the fact that some differences were found, the perceptions about exercise in general concurred with the contestants’ perceptions about health club exercise. The perceived barriers to health club exercise encompassed lack of time, tiredness, health restrictions, weather, family commitments and feelings of embarrassment about one’s appearance and condition.


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Työn tarkoituksena on tutkia työsuojelun ja työturvallisuuden kehitystä Suomessa, keskeisintä työturvallisuutta ohjaavaa lainsäädäntöä infra-alalla sekä alalla tapahtuneita tapaturmia TOT -raporttien kautta sekä tapaturmista aiheutuvia kustannuksia. Haastattelujen avulla pyritään selvittämään miten työturvallisuusasiat hoidetaan pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä. Haastattelujen tuloksia verrataan alan isoon toimijaan. Teoriatietoa on haettu alan julkaisuista ja työn tutkimuksellinen tieto on saatu haastattelemalla erikokoisia maarakennusalan yrityksiä (10 kpl). Näiden yritysten liikevaihto on vaihdellut 0,2 - 80 milj. euroon henkilöstömäärän vaihdellessa 1 - 150 henkilöön. Lainsäädäntö Suomessa antaa riittävän hyvät lähtökohdat työturvallisuuden erinomaiselle tasolle, jos jokainen osapuoli hoitaa heille laissa ja asetukissa määrätyt velvoitteensa. Tapaturmien ennalta ehkäisy on paras tapa ehkäistä tapaturmia. Haastatteluista kävi ilmi, että erityisesti pienissä yrityksissä annettuja lakeja ja säännöksiä ei aina noudateta lain vaatimalla tavalla. Laiminlyönnit eivät välttämättä ole tahallisia vaan kaikissa yrityksissä ei ole asioista tietoa. Puutteita nimenomaan havaittiin suunnitelmien laadinnassa, vaarojen ja riskien kartoittamisessa. Yrittäjien tapaturmat ovat lisääntyneet palkansaajiin verrattuna rakentamisen toimialalla työpaikkatapaturma tilaston mukaan.


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Presentation given at the Nordic Open Access Forum meeting in Copenhagen, June 24, 2014.


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The Sun is a crucial benchmark for how we see the universe. Especially when it comes to the visible range of the spectrum, stars are commonly compared to the Sun, as it is the most thoroughly studied star. In this work I have focussed on two aspects of the Sun and how it is used in modern astronomy. Firstly, I try to answer the question on how similar to the Sun another star can be. Given the limits of observations, we call a solar twin a star that has the same observed parameters as the Sun within its errors. These stars can be used as stand-in suns when doing observations, as normal night-time telescopes are not built to be pointed at the Sun. There have been many searches for these twins and every one of them provided not only information on how close to the Sun another star can be, but also helped us to understand the Sun itself. In my work I have selected _ 300 stars that are both photometrically and spectroscopically close to the Sun and found 22 solar twins, of which 17 were previously unknown and can therefore help the emerging picture on solar twins. In my second research project I have used my full sample of 300 solar analogue stars to check the temperature and metallicity scale of stellar catalogue calibrations. My photometric sample was originally drawn from the Geneva-Copenhagen-Survey (Nordström et al. 2004; Holmberg et al. 2007, 2009) for which two alternative calibrations exist, i.e. GCS-III (Holmberg et al. 2009) and C11 (Casagrande et al. 2011). I used very high resolution spectra of solar analogues, and a new approach to test the two calibrations. I found a zero–point shift of order of +75 K and +0.10 dex in effective temperature and metallicity, respectively, in the GCS-III and therefore favour the C11 calibration, which found similar offsets. I then performed a spectroscopic analysis of the stars to derive effective temperatures and metallicities, and tested that they are well centred around the solar values.


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The purpose of this study was to find out how a software company can successfully expand business to the Danish software market through distribution channel. The study was commissioned by a Finnish software company and it was conducted using a qualitative research method by analyzing external and internal business environment, and interviewing Danish ICT organizations and M-Files personnel. Interviews were semi-structured interviews, which were designed to collect comprehensive information on the existing ICT and software market in Denmark. The research used three external and internal analyzing frameworks; PEST analysis (market level), Porter´s Five Force analysis (industry level competition) and SWOT analysis (company level). Distribution channels theory was a base to understand why and what kind of distribution channels the case company uses, and what kind of channels target markets companies’ uses. Channel strategy and design were integrated to the industry level analysis. The empirical findings revealed that Denmark has very business friendly ICT environment. Several organizations have ranked Denmark´s information and communication technology as the best in the world. Denmark’s ICT and software market are relatively small, compared to many other countries in Europe. Danish software market is centralized. Largest software clusters are in the largest cities; Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg. From these clusters, software companies can most likely find suitable resellers. The following growing trends are clearly seen in the software market: mobile and wireless applications, outsourcing, security solutions, cloud computing, social business solutions and e-business solutions. When expanding software business to the Danish market, it is important to take into account these trends. In Denmark distribution channels varies depending on the product or service. For many, a natural distribution channel is a local partner or internet. In the public sector solutions are purchased through a public procurement process. In the private sector the buying process is more straight forwarded. Danish companies are buying software from reliable suppliers. This means that they usually buy software direct from big software vendors or local partners. Some customers prefer to use professional consulting companies. These consulting companies can strongly influence on the selection of the supplier and products, and in this light, consulting companies can be important partners for software companies. Even though the competition is fierce in ECM and DMS solutions, Danish market offers opportunities for foreign companies. Penetration to the Danish market through reseller channel requires advanced solutions and objective selection criteria for channel partners. Based on the findings, Danish companies are interested in advanced and efficient software solutions. Interest towards M-Files solutions was clearly seen and the company has excellent opportunity to expand business to the Danish market through reseller channel. Since the research explored the Danish ICT and software market, the results of the study may offer valuable information also to the other software companies which are expanding their business to the Danish market.


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Nowadays, when most of the business are moving forward to sustainability by providing or getting different services from different vendors, Service Level Agreement (SLA) becomes very important for both the business providers/vendors and as well as for users/customers. There are many ways to inform users/customers about various services with its inherent execution functionalities and even non-functional/Quality of Services (QoS) aspects through negotiating, evaluating or monitoring SLAs. However, these traditional SLA actually do not cover eco-efficient green issues or IT ethics issues for sustainability. That is why green SLA (GSLA) should come into play. GSLA is a formal agreement incorporating all the traditional commitments as well as green issues and ethics issues in IT business sectors. GSLA research would survey on different traditional SLA parameters for various services like as network, compute, storage and multimedia in IT business areas. At the same time, this survey could focus on finding the gaps and incorporation of these traditional SLA parameters with green issues for all these mentioned services. This research is mainly points on integration of green parameters in existing SLAs, defining GSLA with new green performance indicators and their measurable units. Finally, a GSLA template could define compiling all the green indicators such as recycling, radio-wave, toxic material usage, obsolescence indication, ICT product life cycles, energy cost etc for sustainable development. Moreover, people’s interaction and IT ethics issues such as security and privacy, user satisfaction, intellectual property right, user reliability, confidentiality etc could also need to add for proposing a new GSLA. However, integration of new and existing performance indicators in the proposed GSLA for sustainable development could be difficult for ICT engineers. Therefore, this research also discovers the management complexity of proposed green SLA through designing a general informational model and analyses of all the relationships, dependencies and effects between various newly identified services under sustainability pillars. However, sustainability could only be achieved through proper implementation of newly proposed GSLA, which largely depends on monitoring the performance of the green indicators. Therefore, this research focuses on monitoring and evaluating phase of GSLA indicators through the interactions with traditional basic SLA indicators, which would help to achieve proper implementation of future GSLA. Finally, this newly proposed GSLA informational model and monitoring aspects could definitely help different service providers/vendors to design their future business strategy in this new transitional sustainable society.


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Climate change is one of the biggest challenges faced by this generation. Despite being the single most important environmental challenge facing the planet and despite over two decades of international climate negotiations, global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continue to rise. By the middle of this century, GHGs must be reduced by as much as 40-70% if dangerous climate change is to be avoided. In the Kyoto Protocol no quantitative emission limitation and reduction commitments were placed on the developing countries. For the planning of the future commitments period and possible participation of developing countries, information of the functioning of the energy systems, CO2 emissions development in different sectors, energy use and technological development in developing countries is essential. In addition to the per capita emissions, the efficiency of the energy system in relation to GHG emissions is crucial for the decision of future long-term burden sharing between countries. Country’s future development of CO2 emissions can be defined by the estimated CO2 intensity of the future and the estimated GDP growth. The changes in CO2 intensity depend on several factors, but generally developed countries’ intensity has been increasing in the industrialization phase and decreasing when their economy shifts more towards the system dominated by the service sector. The level of the CO2 intensity depends by a large extent on the production structure and the energy sources that are used. Currently one of the most urgent issues regarding global climate change is to decide the future of the Kyoto Protocol. Negotiations on this topic have already been initiated, with the aim of being finalised by the 2015. This thesis provides insights into the various approaches that can be used to characterise the concept of comparable efforts for developing countries in a future international climate agreement. The thesis examines the post-Kyoto burden sharing questions for developing countries using the contraction and convergence model, which is one approach that has been proposed to allocate commitments regarding future GHG emissions mitigation. This new approach is a practical tool for the evaluation of the Kyoto climate policy process and global climate change negotiations from the perspective of the developing countries.


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The fall of 2013 could be characterized as a crossroad in the geopolitics of Eastern Europe, namely Ukraine. Two rivalry geopolitical projects have been developing throughout the post-Cold War years, and it seems that they reached a collision point in Ukraine; a country whose authorities have been for long switching sides between the European Union and the Russian Federation in their foreign policy commitments. The refusal/postponing to sign the Association Agreement with Brussels, an expected event by a large category of the Ukrainian society, by Yanukovich’s government led to the outset of the latter; and brought a pro-Western, anti-Russian government in Kyiv. It seems that Ukraine, after those events, has embarked definitively on the path of integration into the West (European Union and possibly NATO). The Russian Federation, who has been throughout Putin’s years engaged into the re-integration of post-Soviet space, reacted to these developments in an assertive manner by violating borders, agreements and the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Thus, the incorporation of the Crimea into the Russian Federation is the first in its kind in the post-Soviet space, despite the existence of various other conflicts that broke out in the region after the Soviet Union broke up. I will investigate in this thesis the nature of what will be labelled, in this work, the Crimean issue. I argue that the incorporation of the Crimean peninsula into the Russian Federation marks a new era in Russian geopolitical thinking that shapes, to a far extent, Russian foreign policy. Discourse analysis will be the methodological basis for this study, with a special focus on Michel Foucault’s Archaeology of Knowledge. The innovation that this research brings is the fact that it discusses Russian geopolitical discourse within the scope of Foucault’s ‘discursive tree’, with a reference to the Crimean issue. A wide range of primary sources will be consulted in this study such as presidential addresses to the Federal Assembly (2000-2014), Foreign Policy Concepts of the Russian Federation (2000, 2008), Russian maritime doctrines, as wells as Dugin’s Osnovy Geopolitiki (Foundations of Geopolitics), Mahan’s (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660–1783) and other Eurasianism related literature.