340 resultados para Åberg, Kai: Romanilauluja Itä-Suomesta


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Etelä- ja Itä-Kiinan meret ovat maailman liikennöidyimpiä – ja kiistellyimpiä – merialueita. Merialueita ympäröivät valtiot ovat ajautuneet kiistelemään jopa pinnanalaisista karikoista, mutta miksi? Aluekiistojen taustalta löytyy useita geo-poliittisia tekijöitä ja valtioiden intressien ristiriitaisuus tekee kiistoista hankalia ratkaista. Alueen suurvalta Kiina on modernisoinut asevoimiaan ja Yhdysvallat pyrkii yhteistyöhön Kiinaa ympäröivien maiden kanssa sekoittaen entisestään alueen voimasuhteita.


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Social media has become a part of many people’s everyday lives. In the library field the adoption of social media has been widespread and discussions of the development of “Library 2.0” began at an early stage. The aim with this thesis is to study the interface between public libraries, social media, and users, focusing on information activities. The main research question is: How is the interface between public libraries and social media perceived and acted upon by its main stakeholders (library professionals and users)? The background of Library 2.0 is strongly associated with the development of the Web and social media, as well as with the public libraries and their user-centered and information technological development. The theoretical framework builds on the research within the area of Library and Information Science concerning information behavior, information practice, and information activities. Earlier research on social media and public libraries is also highlighted in this thesis. The methods survey and content analysis were applied to map the interface between social media and public libraries. A questionnaire was handed out to the users and another questionnaire was sent out to the library professionals. The results were statistically analyzed. In the content analysis public library Facebook pages were studied. All the empirical investigations were conducted in the area of Finland Proper. An integrated analysis of the results deepens the understanding of the key elements of the social media and public library context. These elements are interactivity, information activities, perceptions, and stakeholders. In this context seven information activities were distinguished: reading, seeking, creating, communicating, informing, mediating, and contributing. This thesis contributes to develop the research concerning information activities and draws a realistic picture of the challenges and opportunities in the social media and public library context. It also contributes with knowledge on library professionals and library users, and the existing differences in their perceptions of the interface between libraries and social media.


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The practice of social entrepreneurship already exists for a long time but the concept is quite new and has more recently raised a growing interest among academics. However, the majority of researches and considerations about the subject have taken a strong positive concern by omitting some sort of a critical reflection. The idea of this study is to consider the gap between the very optimistic and the more precautious concerns about social entrepreneurship. It means presenting the advantages and downsides connected to the topic in the business, public and third sector. The aim is to help the reader building his/her own belief on social entrepreneurship by considering the positive and negative sides of social entrepreneurship. Hence, the research is intended to take a critical step and aims to answer to the following research questions:  Shall we believe in social entrepreneurship?  What are the reasons for believing or not in social entrepreneurship taking into account the advantages and possible risks of it in the business, public, and third sector? The theoretical framework consists of the comparison between the promising and precautious sides about social entrepreneurship for private, public and non-governmental organizations including the actors or participants inside these sectors. The empirical part is conducted using a qualitative method. Personal interviews of experts in the fields of business, public and third sectors were handled. The purpose of this approach is to compare the critics in theory with the experience of persons dealing with social entrepreneurship. The results from the interviews revealed that in general, reasons for believing in social entrepreneurship prevail over critics about the subject. Social entrepreneurship may not yet represent a full performing business. Concerns for weakening the public power and putting aside the interests of communities in need may exist too. Furthermore, naïve and extra liberal ways of thinking or doing can lead to practices going in opposition with initial social objectives. Nevertheless, problems about social entrepreneurship would be mainly due to the young age of the movement. Time and experience would give better foundations and results to social entrepreneurs. Critics about social entrepreneurship could also easily be done to any sorts of business. Overall, the positive considerations of social entrepreneurship with skillful, motivated and responsible actors could represent some useful tools for enterprises, governments and charities. Some tools among many other possibilities to help people in need.


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Despite the increasing number of research on translating for children, no study has so far taken into consideration the translations of children’s literature from Finnish into Italian. This dissertation sets out to fill this gap with a comparative study of Finnish picturebooks and their translations into Italian. Besides being the first research in the field analysing the shifts between these two systems, the study thoroughly investigates the characteristics of the translation process of picturebooks. The works chosen as case study are the Finnish picturebooks by Mauri Kunnas and their Italian translations from the period 1979-2009 because they are characterized by a high number of linguistic and cultural complexities which challenge translators’ skills and knowledge. The dissertation establishes whether and how culture-specific elements (anthroponyms, toponyms, food and allusions) and the word-image interaction have a significant impact on the quality and the nature of the target works, and also whether these aspects are still consistent after the translation and the adaptation process to the target system. Since picturebooks are multimodal texts whose message is produced by both the verbal and the visual, it has been necessary to use a multimodal comparative analysis. Such a descriptive comparative study has allowed me to describe the textual and cultural manipulations undergone by Kunnas’s picturebooks translated into Italian. Indeed, it has helped to identify what kind of shifts occur when cultural specific elements are transferred from the source system to the target one, to determine the most frequent translation strategies used to ensure a higher degree of readability, and to establish whether particular translation choices have contributed to modify the word-image interaction. The results of the multimodal comparative analysis have shown that Italian translators have been deeply influenced by the preponderance of the illustrations and for this reason they have often verbalised the visual and added information not originally contained in the source written text. Moreover, the findings of the analysis together with the interviews to the Italian translator and publishing house have also demonstrated that the latter aimed at producing works “good for the child” – and at the same time “good for the adult” – and at minimizing Finnish cultural specificity, even to the detriment of the aesthetic nature of the original picturebooks.


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Sekä projektimainen että virtuaalinen työskentely ovat arkipäivää IT-alalla. Arkipäivää ovat myös uutiset epäonnistuneista tietojärjestelmäprojekteis-ta. Tehokas tiedon jakaminen on projektien menestystekijä. Tutkielmassa etsittiin vastausta kysymykseen: mitkä ovat tiedon jakamisen esteitä ja edistäjiä virtuaalisissa tietojärjestelmäprojekteissa. Tutkimusstrategia oli vertaileva tapaustutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin teema-haastatteluilla. Haastatteluun osallistui kymmenen henkilöä neljästä eri projektista. Henkilöt olivat eri organisaatioista ja edustivat niin asiakkaan, toimittajan kuin alihankkijoidenkin näkemyksiä. Eniten projekteissa jaet-tiin projektinhallintaan liittyvää tietoa, mutta ihmisten johtamiseen liittyvää tietoa ja liiketoimintahyötyihin liittyvää tietoa jaettiin vähän. Haastattelujen perusteella merkittävimmät tiedon jakamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät ovat yh-teisen käsitteistön ja yhteisen ymmärryksen puute, luottamus, tietotekni-set välineet sekä projektipäällikön toiminta. Yhteenvetona todetaan, että virtuaalisuus ei projekteissa aiheuttanut ongelmia, mutta se korosti muista syistä syntyneitä ongelmia. Virtuaalipro-jekteissa on erityistä huomiota kiinnitettävä projektin alkuvaiheessa ta-pahtuvaan tutustumiseen.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014