33 resultados para fallback foods
Selostus: Heraproteiinit terveysvaikutteisten elintarvikkeiden kehittämisessä
Selostus: Terveysvaikutteisten elintarvikkeiden tuottamista edesauttavat maitohappobakteerien molekyyligeneettiset tutkimukset
Summary: Prevalence of salmonella in dairy herds producing feeder calves for LSO Foods Ltd
Selostus: Suolamerkinnät valintamyymälöiden pakatuissa elintarvikkeissa
Selostus: Muutospaineet ja muutosvastarinta: kuluttajien suhtautuminen ravitsemuksellisesti muunnettuihin elintarvikkeisiin
Fytoestrogeenit ovat kasvimateriaalista peräisin olevia yhdisteitä, joilla on ihmisen estrogeeni-hormonin kaltaista aktiivisuutta. Fytoestrogeenit voidaan jakaa kolmeen pääryhmään, joista yksi merkittävä ryhmä on lignaanit. Lignaaneilla on todettu olevan antioxidatiivisia, antiviraalisia ja antibakteriaalisia ominaisuuksia. Niillä on todettu olevan myös positiivisia vaikutuksia hormoniperäisten syöpien ehkäisyssä. Näiden ominaisuuksien vuoksi lignaaneja pyritään hyödyntämään esimerkiksi aktiivisina ainesosina funktionaalisissa elintarvikkeissa. Tässä työssä tutkittiin lignaanin, hydroksimatairesinolin (HMRlignanTM) kemiallisia ominaisuuksia ja soveltuvuutta eri ruoka-aineisiin. Työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää ruoka-aineisiin lisätyn hydroksimatairesinolin kemiallista pysyvyyttä erilaisissa säilytys- ja prosessointioloissa sekä tutkia lignaanin liukoisuutta erilaisiin liuottimiin. Hydroksimatairesinolin analysoimiseksi ruoka-aineista käytettiin korkean erotuskyvyn omaavaa nestekromatografista menetelmää. Menetelmä validoitiin ennen varsinaista analysointia ICH-ohjeiston mukaisesti. Validoinnissa tutkittiin kromatografiamenetelmän spesifisyys, lineaarisuus, tarkkuus, oikeellisuus sekä detektointi- ja määritysrajat tutkittavalle lignaanille. Käytetty menetelmä soveltui hyvin lignaanin analysoimiseen ruoka-aineista. Hydroksimatairesinolin vesiliukoisuuden todettiin olevan noin 1 mg/ml. Tutkimukset osoittivat hydroksimatairesinolin olevan stabiili alle 50ºC:en lämpötiloissa. Korkeammissa lämpötiloissa hydroksimatairesinoli oli stabiili jauhemuodossa lisättynä.
The thesis discusses the regulation of foodstuffs and medicines, and particularly the regulation of functional foods. Legal systems investigated are the EU and China. Both are members of the WTO and Codex Alimentarius, which binds European and Chinese rules together. The study uses three Chinese berries as case examples of how product development faces regulation in practice. The berries have traditional uses as herbal medicines. Europe and China have similar nutrition problems to be resolved, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The three berries might be suitable raw materials for functional foods. Consumer products with health-enhancing functions, such as lowering blood pressure, might legally be classifi ed either as foodstuffs or medicines. The classifi cation will depend on functions and presentation of the product. In our opinion, food and medicine regulation should come closer together so the classifi cation issue would no longer be an issue. Safety of both foodstuffs and medicines is strictly regulated. With medicines, safety is a more relative concept, where benefi ts of the product are compared to side-effects in thorough scientifi c tests and trials. Foods, on the other hand, are not allowed to have side-effects. Hygiene rules and rules on the use of chemicals apply. In China, food safety is currently at focus as China has had several severe food scandals. Newly developed foods are called novel foods, and are specifi cally regulated. The current European novel food regulation from 1997 treats traditional third country products as novel. The Chinese regulation of 2007 also defi nes novel foods as something unfamiliar to a Chinese consumer. The concepts of novel food thus serve a protectionist purpose. As regards marketing, foods are allowed to bear health claims, whereas medicines bear medicinal claims. The separation is legally strict: foods are not to be presented as having medicinal functions. European nutrition and health claim regulation exists since 2006. China also has its regulation on health foods, listing the permitted claims and how to substantiate them. Health claims are allowed only on health foods. The European rules on medicines include separate categories for herbal medicines, traditional herbal medicines, and homeopathic medicines, where there are differing requirements for scientifi c substantiation. The scientifi c and political grounds for the separate categories provoke criticism. At surface, the Chinese legal system seems similar to the European one. To facilitate trade, China has enacted modern laws. Laws are needed as the country moves from planned economy to market economy: ‘rule of law’ needs to replace ‘rule of man’. Instead of being citizens, Chinese people long were subordinates to the Emperor. Confucius himself advised to avoid confl ict. Still, Chinese people do not and cannot always trust the legal system, as laws are enforced in an inconsistent manner, and courts are weak. In China, there have been problems with confl icting national and local laws. In Europe, the competence of the EU vs. the competence of the Member States is still not resolved, even though the European Commission often states that free trade requires harmonisation. Food and medicine regulation is created by international organisations, food and medicine control agencies, standards agencies, companies and their organisations. Regulation can be divided in ‘hard law’ and ‘soft law’. One might claim that hard law is in crisis, as soft law is gaining importance. If law is out of fashion, regulation certainly isn’t. In the future, ‘law’ might mean a process where rules and incentives are created by states, NGOs, companies, consumers, and other stakeholders. ‘Law’ might thus refer to a constant negotiation between public and private actors. Legal principles such as transparency, equal treatment, and the right to be heard would still be important.
Despite the complexity of the Chinese culture consumer product businesses should apply them in building brands for Chinese markets. There are reasons to believe that cultural values and attitudes affect the buying behavior of Chinese consumers. Companies that wish to create brands in China should therefore be aware of the prevailing cultural values and consumer attitudes. This thesis will examine which values and attitudes mostly affect Chinese consumers of health food products. The study will be done by conducting a netnography. Because netnography is actually a collection methods rather than a single method, other auxiliary methods will also be applied. These methods are emotion, language and sentiment analysis (ELS analysis). Emotion analysis will be conducted because cultural values are mostly built on emotional basis. Sentiment analysis will assist in recognizing the key factors that help to locate values and attitudes. Because the netnography will be conducted in Chinese web forums by a non-native researcher, linguistic aspects should also be analyzed in parallel with emotions and sentiment analysis. The study shows that the Chinese consumers of health food products put much importance on functional, analytical and collectivistic attitudes as well as social and psychological values. Of all the twelve cultural values defined, the role of family rose above all. Also perseverance, frugality, guanxi and harmony were highly presented. The attitudes were found by recognizing certain attitude factors. Of all the factors, health foods’ functional benefits and aesthetic content together with consumers’ value consciousness surpassed other factors. Besides these results that can be applied by foreign health food companies willing to enter Chinese consumer markets, also academia can benefit this new approach for conducting ethnographies online.
Abstract: Ethnography of hunger : food and nourishing in South India
Nanotiltration is a membrane separation method known for its special characteristic of rejecting multivalent ions and passing monovalent ions. Thus, it is commonly applied with dilute aqueous solutions in partial salt removal, like in drinking water production. The possibilities of nanofiltration have been studied and the technique applied in a wide branch of industries, e.g. the pulp and paper, the textile and the chemical processing industry. However, most present applications and most of the potential applications studied involve dilute solutions, the permeating stream being generally water containing monovalent salts. In this study nanotiltration is investigated more as a fractionation method. A well-known application in the dairy industry is concentration and partial salt removal from whey. Concentration and partial demineralization is beneficial for futher processing of whey as whey concentrates are used e.g. in baby foods. In the experiments of this study nanotiltration effectively reduced the monovalent salts in the whey concentrate. The main concern in this application is lactose leakage into the permeate. With the nanofiltration membranes used the lactose retentions were practically ? 99%. Another dairy application studied was the purification and reuse of cleaning solutions. This is an environmentally driven application. An 80% COD reduction by nanofiltration was observed for alkaline cleaning-in-place solution. Nanofiltration is not as commonly applied in the sugar and sweeteners industry as in the dairy industry. In this study one potential application was investigated, namely xylose purification from hemicellulose hydrolyzate. Xylose is raw material for xylitol production. Xylose separation from glucose was initially studied with xylose-glucose model solutions. The ability of nanofiltration to partially separate xylose into the permeate from rather concentrated xylose-glucose solutions (10 w-% and 30 w-%) became evident. The difference in size between xylose and glucose molecules according to any size measure is small, e.g. the Stokes diameter of glucose is 0.73 nm compared to 0.65 nm for xylose. In further experiments, xylose was purified into nanoliltration permeate from a hemicellulose hydrolyzate solution. The xylose content in the total solids was increased by 1.4—1.7 fold depending on temperature, pressure and feed composition.
A number of contaminants such as arsenic, cadmium and lead are released into the environment from natural and anthropogenic sources contaminating food and water. Chronic oral ingestion of arsenic, cadmium and lead is associated with adverse effects in the skin, internal organs and nervous system. In addition to conventional methods, biosorption using inactivated biomasses of algae, fungi and bacteria has been introduced as a novel method for decontamination of toxic metals from water. The aim of this work was to evaluate the applicability of lactic acid bacteria as tools for heavy metal removal from water and characterize their properties for further development of a biofilter. The results established that in addition to removal of mycotoxins, cyanotoxins and heterocyclic amines, lactic acid bacteria have a capacity to bind cationic heavy metals, cadmium and lead. The binding was found to be dependent on the bacterial strain and pH, and occurred rapidly on the bacterial surface, but was reduced in the presence of other cationic metals. The data demonstrates that the metals were bound by electrostatic interactions to cell wall components. Transmission electron micrographs showed the presence of lead deposits on the surface of biomass used in the lead binding studies, indicating involvement of another uptake/binding mechanism. The most efficient strains bound up to 55 mg Cd and 176 mg Pb / g dry biomass. A low removal of anionic As(V) was also observed after chemical modification of the cell wall. Full desorption of bound cadmium and lead using either dilute HNO3 or EDTA established the reversibility of binding. Removal of both metals was significantly reduced when biomass regenerated with EDTA was used. Biomass regenerated with dilute HNO3 retained its cadmium binding capacity well, but lead binding was reduced. The results established that the cadmium and lead binding capacity of lactic acid bacteria, and factors affecting it, are similar to what has been previously observed for other biomasses used for the same purpose. However, lactic acid bacteria have a capacity to remove other aqueous contaminants such as cyanotoxins, which may give them an additional advantage over the other alternatives. Further studies focusing on immobilization of biomass and the removal of several contaminants simultaneously using immobilized bacteria are required.
Packaging has to fulfill a lot of demands and the main purpose is to be able to protect the foodstuff packed inside. Typically requirements set on packaging materials reflect the consumer needs. Based on the consumer studies the importance of product visibility is considered as an important property among consumers. However, making the package more transparent the actual shelf life of the product might be reduced. It might have an effect on sensitive foods which contain ingredients vulnerable to light and start to deteriorate more rapidly. The aim for this Masters of Science Thesis was to develop a paperboard cup with a plastic window where different kind of fatty/dry foodstuffs could be stored. The main target was to be able to create an instruction manual how this kind of cup with a window had to be produced without decreasing air tightness and other barrier properties of cupboard material used as a base board. The focus in this work was on designing a shape of the window and finding critical limits for the size, shape and location of the window in the final paperboard cup. Windows were made by cutting holes with different sizes and shapes to different places in the cup blank by using a model cutter. For the windows one plastic film type was selected due to its low oxygen and water vapour transmission properties. The window film was attached to the cup blank by using hot bar and laser seaming methods. Cup manufacturing was done at Stora Enso InnoCentre, Imatra. As a result critical limits for the place, size and shape of the window could be found. The sealing method had a significant effect on the tightness of the cups. Windows didn’t decrease the grip stiffness of the cup. The cup itself gave better light protection than the plastic film used in the windows. The bigger the window, the less the cup could protect the possible foodstuff. Bursting strength was lower in the windows compared to the cup material itself. From environmental point of view DSD licence fees have to be paid due to the amount of used plastic.When using bigger windows the ratio of plastic to fibres increase. This would raise the DSD fee. However, the amount of material is overall reduced which lowers the fee.
Characterizing Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LC705 as a new probiotic combination: basic properties of JS and pilot in vivo assessment of the combination Each candidate probiotic strain has to have the documentation for the proper identification with current molecular tools, for the biological properties, for the safety aspects and for the health benefits in human trials if the intention is to apply the strain as health promoting culture in the commercial applications. No generalization based on species properties of an existing probiotic are valid for any novel strain, as strain specific differences appear e.g. in the resistance to GI tract conditions and in health promoting benefits (Madsen, 2006). The strain evaluation based on individual strain specific probiotic characteristics is therefore the first key action for the selection of the new probiotic candidate. The ultimate goal in the selection of the probiotic strain is to provide adequate amounts of active, living cells for the application and to guarantee that the cells are physiologically strong enough to survive and be biologically active in the adverse environmental conditions in the product and in GI tract of the host. The in vivo intervention studies are expensive and time consuming; therefore it is not rational to test all the possible candidates in vivo. Thus, the proper in vitro studies are helping to eliminate strains which are unlikely to perform well in vivo. The aims of this study were to characterize the strains of Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LC705, both used for decades as cheese starter cultures, for their technological and possible probiotic functionality applied in a combined culture. The in vitro studies of Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS focused on the monitoring of the viability rates during the acid and bile treatments and on the safety aspects such as antibiotic susceptibility and adhesion. The studies with the combination of the strains JS and LC705 administered in fruit juices monitored the survival of the strains JS and LC705 during the GI transit and their effect on gut wellbeing properties measured as relief of constipation. In addition, safety parameters such as side effects and some peripheral immune parameters were assessed. Separately, the combination of P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LC705 was evaluated from the technological point of view as a bioprotective culture in fermented foods and wheat bread applications. In this study, the role ofP. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS as a candidate probiotic culture alone and in a combination with L. rhamnosus LC705 was demonstrated. Both strains were transiently recovered in high numbers in fecal samples of healthy adults during the consumption period. The good survival through the GI transit was proven for both strains with a recovery rate from 70 to 80% for the JS strain and from 40 to 60% for the LC705 strain from the daily dose of 10 log10 CFU. The good survival was shown from the consumption of fruit juices which do not provide similar matrix protection for the cells as milk based products. The strain JS did not pose