19 resultados para Initial Value Problems (IVP)


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This Thesis discusses the phenomenology of the dynamics of open quantum systems marked by non-Markovian memory effects. Non-Markovian open quantum systems are the focal point of a flurry of recent research aiming to answer, e.g., the following questions: What is the characteristic trait of non-Markovian dynamical processes that discriminates it from forgetful Markovian dynamics? What is the microscopic origin of memory in quantum dynamics, and how can it be controlled? Does the existence of memory effects open new avenues and enable accomplishments that cannot be achieved with Markovian processes? These questions are addressed in the publications forming the core of this Thesis with case studies of both prototypical and more exotic models of open quantum systems. In the first part of the Thesis several ways of characterizing and quantifying non-Markovian phenomena are introduced. Their differences are then explored using a driven, dissipative qubit model. The second part of the Thesis focuses on the dynamics of a purely dephasing qubit model, which is used to unveil the origin of non-Markovianity for a wide class of dynamical models. The emergence of memory is shown to be strongly intertwined with the structure of the spectral density function, as further demonstrated in a physical realization of the dephasing model using ultracold quantum gases. Finally, as an application of memory effects, it is shown that non- Markovian dynamical processes facilitate a novel phenomenon of timeinvariant discord, where the total quantum correlations of a system are frozen to their initial value. Non-Markovianity can also be exploited in the detection of phase transitions using quantum information probes, as shown using the physically interesting models of the Ising chain in a transverse field and a Coulomb chain undergoing a structural phase transition.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tehdä elinkaariarviointi (LCA) prosessiteollisuuden sekoittimelle Helmix HF-80 ja analysoida LCA-tulokset, vaikutus ilmaston lämpenemisen potentiaalin (GWP) suhteen, sekä tutkia GWP-vaikutuksen pienentämisen mahdollisuuksia. Tutkittavan sekoittimen mahdolliset käyttökohteet ovat sellu- ja paperiteollisuus, raskaiden jätenesteiden käsittely, sekä muut teollisuusalueet, joissa käytetään tämän tyyppisiä laitteita. Työssä on muun muassa käsitelty sekoitusprosessit, sekoituslaitteiden tyypit, niiden rakenteiden ominaisuudet, käyttötarkoitus, toimintaperiaatteet, sekä sellu- ja paperi-teollisuudessa käytettävien sekoittimien yleiskatsaus. Työssä on myös kuvattu elinkaariarviointi (LCA) -menetelmä ja sen käyttötarkoitus. Tärkeimmistä tuloksista voi mainita sen, että sekoittimen (ilman säiliötä, sähkömoottoria ja vaihteistoa) kokoelinkaaren ilmastonlämpenemisen potentiaali (GWP) on noin 750 000 kg CO2-Equiv. Sekoittimen tuotanto- ja kierrätysaikana syntyy vain 1200 kg CO2-Equiv. ja suurin osa 748 000 kg CO2-Equiv. johtuu sähköenergian kulutuksesta käytön aikana. Käyttöajan vaikutusta voisi pienentää arvoksi 0 kg CO2-Equiv. käyttämällä pelkästään uusiutuvaa energiaa. Jos tuotantoaikana käytetty energia myös korvataan uusiutuvalla energialla, niin GWP-arvo koko elinkaaren aikana laskee arvoon 1006 kg CO2eqv., mikä on vain 0,13 % saaduista tuloksista. Suurin osa tästä arvosta liittyy sekoittimen materiaalin, tässä tapauksessa ruostumattoman teräksen tuotantoon.


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Values and value processes are said to be needed in every organization nowadays, as the world is changing and companies have to have something to "keep it together". Organizational values, which are approvedand used by the personnel, could be the key. Every organization has values. But what is the real value of values? The greatest and most crucial challenge is the feasibility of the value process. The main point in this thesis is tostudy how organizational members at different hierarchical levels perceive values and value processes in their organizations. This includes themes such as how values are disseminated, the targets of value processing, factors that affect the process, problems that occur during the value implementation and improvements that could be made when organizational values are implemented. These subjects are studied from the perspective of organizational members (both managers and employees); individuals in the organizations. The aim is to get the insider-perspective on value processing, from multiple hierarchical levels. In this research I study three different organizations (forest industry, bank and retail cooperative) and their value processes. The data is gathered from companies interviewing personnel in the head office and at the local level. The individuals areseen as members of organizations, and the cultural aspect is topical throughout the whole study. Values and cultures are seen as the 'actuality of reality' of organizations, interpreted by organizational members. The three case companies were chosen because they represented different lines of business and they all implemented value processing differently. Sincethe emphasis in this study is at the local level, the similar size of the local units was also an important factor. Values are in 'fashion' -but what does the fashion tell us about the real corporate practices? In annual reports companies emphasize the importance and power of official values. But what is the real 'point' of values? Values are publicly respected and advertised, but still it seems that the words do not meet the deeds. There is a clear conflict between theoretical, official and substantive organizational values: in the value processing from words to real action. This contradiction in value processing is studied through individual perceptions in this study. I study the kinds of perceptions organizationalmembers have when values are processed from the head office to the local level: the official value process is studied from the individual's perspective. Value management has been studied more during the 1990's. The emphasis has usually been on managers: how they consider the values in organizations and what effects it has on the management. Recent literature has emphasized values as tools for improving company performance. The value implementation as a process has been studied through 'good' and 'bad' examples, as if one successful value process could be copied to all organizations. Each company is different with different cultures and personnel, so no all-powerful way of processing values exists. In this study, the organizational members' perceptions at different hierarchical levels are emphasized. Still, managers are also interviewed; this is done since managerial roles in value dissemination are crucial. Organizational values cannot be well disseminated without management; this has been proved in several earlier studies (e.g. Kunda 1992, Martin 1992, Parker 2000). Recent literature has not sufficiently emphasized the individual's (organizational member's) role in value processing. Organizations consist of differentindividuals with personal values, at all hierarchical levels. The aim in this study is to let the individual take the floor. Very often the value process is described starting from the value definition and ending at dissemination, and the real results are left without attention. I wish to contribute to this area. Values are published officially in annual reports etc. as a 'goal' just like profits. Still, the results/implementationof value processing is rarely followed, at least in official reports. This is a very interesting point: why do companies espouse values, if there is no real control or feedback after the processing? In this study, the personnel in three different companies is asked to give an answer. In the empirical findings, there are several results which bring new aspects to the research area of organizational values. The targets of value processing, factors effecting value processing, the management's roles and the problems in value implementation are presented through the individual's perspective. The individual's perceptions in value processing are a recurring theme throughout the whole study. A comparison between the three companies with diverse value processes makes the research complete


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The objective of this thesis is to provide a business model framework that connects customer value to firm resources and explains the change logic of the business model. Strategic supply management and especially dynamic value network management as its scope, the dissertation is based on basic economic theories, transaction cost economics and the resource-based view. The main research question is how the changing customer values should be taken into account when planning business in a networked environment. The main question is divided into questions that form the basic research problems for the separate case studies presented in the five Publications. This research adopts the case study strategy, and the constructive research approach within it. The material consists of data from several Delphi panels and expert workshops, software pilot documents, company financial statements and information on investor relations on the companies’ web sites. The cases used in this study are a mobile multi-player game value network, smart phone and “Skype mobile” services, the business models of AOL, eBay, Google, Amazon and a telecom operator, a virtual city portal business system and a multi-play offering. The main contribution of this dissertation is bridging the gap between firm resources and customer value. This has been done by theorizing the business model concept and connecting it to both the resource-based view and customer value. This thesis contributes to the resource-based view, which deals with customer value and firm resources needed to deliver the value but has a gap in explaining how the customer value changes should be connected to the changes in key resources. This dissertation also provides tools and processes for analyzing the customer value preferences of ICT services, constructing and analyzing business models and business concept innovation and conducting resource analysis.


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This dissertation analyses the growing pool of copyrighted works, which are offered to the public using Creative Commons licensing. The study consist of analysis of the novel licensing system, the licensors, and the changes of the "all rights reserved" —paradigm of copyright law. Copyright law reserves all rights to the creator until seventy years have passed since her demise. Many claim that this endangers communal interests. Quite often the creators are willing to release some rights. This, however, is very difficult to do and needs help of specialized lawyers. The study finds that the innovative Creative Commons licensing scheme is well suited for low value - high volume licensing. It helps to reduce transaction costs on several le¬vels. However, CC licensing is not a "silver bullet". Privacy, moral rights, the problems of license interpretation and license compatibility with other open licenses and collecting societies remain unsolved. The study consists of seven chapters. The first chapter introduces the research topic and research questions. The second and third chapters inspect the Creative Commons licensing scheme's technical, economic and legal aspects. The fourth and fifth chapters examine the incentives of the licensors who use open licenses and describe certain open business models. The sixth chapter studies the role of collecting societies and whether two institutions, Creative Commons and collecting societies can coexist. The final chapter summarizes the findings. The dissertation contributes to the existing literature in several ways. There is a wide range of prior research on open source licensing. However, there is an urgent need for an extensive study of the Creative Commons licensing and its actual and potential impact on the creative ecosystem.


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The article describes some concrete problems that were encountered when writing a two-level model of Mari morphology. Mari is an agglutinative Finno-Ugric language spoken in Russia by about 600 000 people. The work was begun in the 1980s on the basis of K. Koskenniemi’s Two-Level Morphology (1983), but in the latest stage R. Beesley’s and L. Karttunen’s Finite State Morphology (2003) was used. Many of the problems described in the article concern the inexplicitness of the rules in Mari grammars and the lack of information about the exact distribution of some suffixes, e.g. enclitics. The Mari grammars usually give complete paradigms for a few unproblematic verb stems, whereas the difficult or unclear forms of certain verbs are only superficially discussed. Another example of phenomena that are poorly described in grammars is the way suffixes with an initial sibilant combine to stems ending in a sibilant. The help of informants and searches from electronic corpora were used to overcome such difficulties in the development of the two-level model of Mari. The variation of the order of plural markers, case suffixes and possessive suffixes is a typical feature of Mari. The morphotactic rules constructed for Mari declensional forms tend to be recursive and their productivity must be limited by some technical device, such as filters. In the present model, certain plural markers were treated like nouns. The positional and functional versatility of the possessive suffixes can be regarded as the most challenging phenomenon in attempts to formalize the Mari morphology. Cyrillic orthography, which was used in the model, also caused problems. For instance, a Cyrillic letter may represent a sequence of two sounds, the first being part of the word stem while the other belongs to a suffix. In some cases, letters for voiced consonants are also generalized to represent voiceless consonants. Such orthographical conventions distance a morphological model based on orthography from the actual (morpho)phonological processes in the language.


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In this report, we summarize results of our part of the ÄLYKOP-project on customer value creation in the intersection of the health care, ICT, forest and energy industries. The research directs to describe how industry transformation and convergence create new possibilities, business opportunities and even new industries.The report consists of findings which are presented former in academic publications. The publication discusses on customer value, service provision and resource basis of the novel concepts through multiple theorethical frameworks. The report is divided into three maim sections which are theoretical background, discussion on health care industry and evaluations regarding novel smart home concepts. Transaction cost economics and Resource- Based view on the firm provides the theoretical basis to analyze the prescribed phenomena. The health care industry analysis describes the most important changes in the demand conditions of health care services, and explores the features that are likely to open new business opportunities for a solution provider. The third part of the report on the smart home business provides illustrations few potential concepts that can be considered to provide solutions to economical problems which arise from aging of population. The results provide several recommendations for the smart home platform developers in public and private sectors. By the analysis, public organizations dominate service provision and private markets are emergent state at present. We argue that public-private partnerships are nececssary for creating key suppliers. Indeed, paying attion on appropriate regulation, service specifications and technology standards would foster diffusion of new services. The dynamics of the service provision networks is driven by need for new capabiltities which are required for adapting business concepts to new competitive situation. Finally, the smart home framework revealed links between conventionally distant business areas such as health care and energy distribution. The platform integrates functionalities different for purposes which however apply same resource basis.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kokonaisnäkemyksen luominen Helsingin seudun liikenteenhallinnan tilasta ja kehitysnäkymistä sekä seuraavien tärkeimpien kehittämispolkujen tunnistaminen ja konkretisointi toimenpiteiksi. Työssä keskityttiin seuraaviin painopistealueisiin 1. Liityntäpysäköinnin informaation ja maksujärjestelmien kehittäminen 2. Liikenteenhallintakeskuksen toiminnan kehittäminen ja laajentaminen 3. Liikennejärjestelmän reaaliaikainen tilannekuva ja lyhyen aikavälin ennusteet 4. Pääkaupunkiseudun pääväylien ruuhkien ja häiriöiden hallinta 5. Joukkoliikenteen ajantasaisen matkustajainformaation kehittäminen. Työssä laadittiin katsaus kullakin painopistealueella jo tapahtuneeseen sekä käynnissä olevaan kehitystyöhön, kuvattiin esiin nousseita ongelmia ja laadittiin esitys vuoteen 2020 ulottuvasta toiminnallisesta tavoitetilasta sekä konkreettisista kehittämistoimista. Työssä järjestettiin myös tulevaisuustyöpaja, johon pyydettiin alustuksia valikoiduilta viranomaistahoilta, tutkijoilta ja palveluntuottajilta. Näiden keskustelujen kautta kirkastettiin seudun toimijoiden näkemystä älyliikenteen toimialan kehitysnäkymistä ja –tarpeista. Työn lopputuloksena syntyneeseen toimenpideohjelmaan kirjattiin yhteensä 30 hanketta. Näistä viisi hanketta valittiin työpajatyöskentelyn kautta varsinaisiksi kärkihankkeiksi, joiden toteutus on kriittistä liikkujien ja viranomaistyön palvelutason kannalta ja joka edellyttää usean toimijan yhteistyötä. Lisäksi tunnistettiin joukko seurattavia hankkeita. Valitut kärkihankkeet, käynnistämisen vastuutaho sekä tavoitteellinen käynnistysvuosi ovat seuraavat: 1. Liityntäpysäköinnin dynaamisen informaatiojärjestelmän pilotointi Hämeenlinnanväylän käytävässä Kehäradan asemilla (HSL 2012) 2. HSL:n alueen joukkoliikenteen häiriönhallinnan uudelleenorganisointi (HSL, Liikennevirasto 2012) 3. Seudullisen liikenteenhallintasuunnitelman laadinta verkollisen operoinnin kehittämiseksi häiriötilanteissa (ELY-keskus, Liikennevirasto 2013) 4. Reaaliaikaisen sujuvuustiedon tuottaminen ruuhkautuvalta pääkatu- ja alempiasteiselta maantieverkolta (Liikennevirasto, kunnat 2012) 5. Liikenteen vaihtuvan ohjauksen ja tiedottamisen hyödyntäminen pääväylien ruuhkautumisen ja häiriöiden hallinnassa. (ELY-keskus 2012) Kärkihankkeisiin ei liity sellaisia riippuvuuksia, että niitä ei voitaisi käynnistää ennen päätöksentekoa jostakin muusta investoinnista. Merkittävimmät riippuvuudet liittyvät LIJ2014-järjestelmän ajoneuvojen paikannuksen ja muiden työkalujen valmistumiseen. Johtoryhmän linjauksen mukaan kärkihankkeissa ja muissakin toimijoiden omissa hankkeissa syntyvien tietojärjestelmien rajapinnat avataan soveltuvasti kaupallisten toimijoiden käyttöön, jolloin syntyvien kaupallisten loppukäyttäjäpalveluiden kautta voidaan parantaa tietopalvelujen tavoittavuutta. Kärkihankkeiden valinta ja sisältö on rakennettu pitkälti sen lähtökohdan varaan, että liikenteen tietopalveluissa julkistoimijoiden roolina on pääasiassa lähtötietojen tuottaminen ja jakaminen varsinaisille palveluntuottajille. Vuoteen 2016 mennessä uusien rajapintojen kautta jaettavien tietojen määrä on nykyiseen verrattuna huomattavasti laajempi, ja odotukset uusien ja innovatiivisten palvelujen syntymiselle ovat korkeat. HLH-johtoryhmä nimeää jokaisen kärkihankkeen läpiviennistä vastaavan työryhmän, joiden työskentelyä ohjataan nykyisen kaltaisessa johtoryhmätyössä. Johtoryhmätyön organisointi on todettu toimivaksi, sillä ryhmä koostuu seudun 14 kunnan alueen keskeisistä julkisista toimijoista ja sen kautta on olemassa vahvat kytkennät sekä seudun liikennejärjestelmätyöhön (HLJ) että valtakunnalliseen älyliikenteen kehitystyöhön.


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This thesis attempts to fill gaps in both a theoretical basis and an operational and strategic understanding in the areas of social ventures, social entrepreneurship and nonprofit business models. This study also attempts to bridge the gap in strategic and economic theory between social and commercial ventures. More specifically, this thesis explores sustainable competitive advantage from a resource-based theory perspective and explores how it may be applied to the nonmarket situation of nonprofit organizations and social ventures. It is proposed that a social value-orientation of sustainable competitive advantage, called sustainable contributive advantage, provides a more realistic depiction of what is necessary in order for a social venture to perform better than its competitors over time. In addition to providing this realistic depiction, this research provides a substantial theoretical contribution in the area of economics, social ventures, and strategy research, specifically in regards to resource-based theory. The proposed model for sustainable contributive advantage uses resource-based theory and competitive advantage in order to be applicable to social ventures. This model proposes an explanation of a social venture’s ability to demonstrate consistently superior performance. In order to determine whether sustainable competitive advantage is in fact, appropriate to apply to both social and economic environments, quantitative analyses are conducted on a large sample of nonprofit organizations in a single industry and then compared to similar quantitative analyses conducted on commercial ventures. In comparing the trends and strategies between the two types of entities from a quantitative perspective, propositions are developed regarding a social venture’s resource utilization strategies and their possible impact on performance. Evidence is found to support the necessity of adjusting existing models in resource-based theory in order to apply them to social ventures. Additionally supported is the proposed theory of sustainable contributive advantage. The thesis concludes with recommendations for practitioners, researchers and policy makers as well as suggestions for future research paths.


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This research report illustrates and examines new operation models for decreasing fixed costs and transforming them into variable costs in the field of paper industry. The report illustrates two cases – a new operation model for material logistics in maintenance and an examination of forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions. Conventional material logistics in maintenance operation is illustrated and some problems related to conventional operation are identified. A new operation model that solves some of these problems is presented including descriptions of procurement and service contracts and sources of added value. Forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions are examined by illustrating the responsibilities of a host company and a service provider both before and after outsourcing. The customer buys outsourcing services in order to improve its investment productivity. The mechanism of how these services affect the customer company’s investment productivity is illustrated.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnosis delay and its impact on the stage of disease. The study also evaluated a nuclear DNA content, immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67 and bcl-2, and the correlation of these biological features with the clinicopathological features and patient outcome. 200 Libyan women, diagnosed during 2008–2009 were interviewed about the period from the first symptoms to the final histological diagnosis of breast cancer. Also retrospective preclinical and clinical data were collected from medical records on a form (questionnaire) in association with the interview. Tumor material of the patients was collected and nuclear DNA content analysed using DNA image cytometry. The expression of Ki-67 and bcl-2 were assessed using immunohistochemistry (IHC). The studies described in this thesis show that the median of diagnosis time for women with breast cancer was 7.5 months and 56% of patients were diagnosed within a period longer than 6 months. Inappropriate reassurance that the lump was benign was an important reason for prolongation of the diagnosis time. Diagnosis delay was also associated with initial breast symptom(s) that did not include a lump, old age, illiteracy, and history of benign fibrocystic disease. The patients who showed diagnosis delay had bigger tumour size (p<0.0001), positive lymph nodes (p<0.0001), and high incidence of late clinical stages (p<0.0001). Biologically, 82.7% of tumors were aneuploid and 17.3% were diploid. The median SPF of tumors was 11% while the median positivity of Ki-67 was 27.5%. High Ki-67 expression was found in 76% of patients, and high SPF values in 56% of patients. Positive bcl-2 expression was found in 62.4% of tumors. 72.2% of the bcl-2 positive samples were ER-positive. Patients who had tumor with DNA aneuploidy, high proliferative activity and negative bcl-2 expression were associated with a high grade of malignancy and short survival. The SPF value is useful cell proliferation marker in assessing prognosis, and the decision cut point of 11% for SPF in the Libyan material was clearly significant (p<0.0001). Bcl-2 is a powerful prognosticator and an independent predictor of breast cancer outcome in the Libyan material (p<0.0001). Libyan breast cancer was investigated in these studies from two different aspects: health services and biology. The results show that diagnosis delay is a very serious problem in Libya and is associated with complex interactions between many factors leading to advanced stages, and potentially to high mortality. Cytometric DNA variables, proliferative markers (Ki-67 and SPF), and oncoprotein bcl-2 negativity reflect the aggressive behavior of Libyan breast cancer and could be used with traditional factors to predict the outcome of individual patients, and to select appropriate therapy.


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Kysynnän ja tarjonnan epävarmuudet ovat nykyisin arkipäivää useilla toimialoilla. Elämme epävarmuuden suhteen ennen näkemättömiä aikoja, minkä on arvioitu jatkuvan myös tulevaisuudessa. Yritysten tilauskannat ovat lyhyitä, ja tilaukset viivästyvät tai peruuntuvat kokonaan. Toisaalta tarjonnan epävarmuudet aiheuttavat asiakasyrityksille haasteita esimerkiksi toimitusmyöhästymisten muodossa. Tuotannon ollessa hajaantunut verkostoihin yksittäisten yritysten toiminta ja päätökset vaikuttavat toisten verkostoyritysten toimintaan. Tämän takia epävarmuuden aiheuttamista muutoksista ja poikkeamista tulisi tiedottaa kumppaniyrityksiä, jotta kaikki pysyisivät samalla kellotaajuudella. Operatiivisen ja taktisen tiedon jakaminen on nykyisissä toimitusketjuissa jo arkipäivää, mutta yritysten välisistä rajapinnoista löytyy edelleen kehitettävää. Riittävästä ei kiinnitetä huomiota vastaanottajan kykyyn ja tapaan hyödyntää informaatiota – varsinkaan muutostilanteissa. Ajan/nopeuden ollessa yhä tärkeämpi kilpailutekijä informaation ajoituksella on kriittinen merkitys kysyntä-toimitusketjujen kokonaissuorituskykyyn. Toisin sanoen, millä ajanhetkellä tietoa tulisi jakaa, jotta kumppani pystyisi hyödyntämään saamaansa tietoa mahdollisimman hyvin. Kysyntä-toimitusketjun synkronoinnilla tarkoitetaan tässä väitöstutkimuksessa nimenomaan aikatekijään keskittymistä yritysten välisessä päätöksenteossa ja informaation jakamisessa toimitusketjun kokonaissuorituskyvyn parantamiseksi. Tutkimus kytkeytyy toimitusketjukoordinoinnin tieteelliseen keskusteluun. Koordinointiteorian keskeinen osa ovat riippuvuussuhteet, joita johdetaan koordinointimekanismien avulla. Kysyntätoimitusketjun synkronointia on mallinnettu aikaisemmin VOP-OPP-mallin (Value Offering Point – Order Penetration Point) ja sen johdannaisten avulla. Näissä malleissa asiakasyrityksen kysyntäketju ja toimittajayrityksen toimitusketju ovat keskinäisessä riippuvuussuhteessa, jota johdetaan päätöksenteon synkronoinnin ja informaation jakamisen koordinointimekanismeilla. VOP-OPP-malli johdannaisineen eivät kuitenkaan huomioi epävarman toimintaympäristön vaikutuksia synkronointiin. Näissä malleissa informaation ainoana laatudimensiona tarkasteltava aikatekijä on liian kapea-alainen näkökulma synkronointiin epävarmassa ympäristössä. Lisäksi nämä mallit keskittyvät vain yksisuuntaiseen, kysyntälähtöiseen, synkronointiin jättäen huomioimatta tarjontalähtöisen synkronoinnin. Aikatekijä- ja kokonaissuorituskykypainotustensa takia VOP-OPP-malli tarjosi kuitenkin hyvän lähtöfilosofian uusien synkronointimallien kehittämiseen. Väitöstutkimus toteutettiin hypoteettis-deduktiivisena tapaustutkimuksena, jossa ensin luotiin kirjallisuuden perusteella uudet teoreettiset synkronointimalliehdotukset. Tämän jälkeen ehdotusten toimivuutta arvioitiin käytännön kysyntä-toimitusketjuissa. Tutkimuksen uutuusarvo liittyy kysyntä-toimitusketjun synkronoinnin keskeisten piirteiden systeemiseen mallintamiseen epävarmassa toimintaympäristössä. Kontribuutiona esitetään kysyntä-toimitusketjun synkronoinnin moniulotteinen kokonaismalli, joka sisältää koordinointimekanismeina päätöksenteon synkronoinnin, informaation läpinäkyvyyden sekä asiakas- ja toimittajapään joustot. Tiedon vaihtoa mallissa tarkastellaan kaksisuuntaisesti – kysyntä- ja tarjontalähtöisesti. Informaation laatudimensioina mallissa ovat informaation ajoitus, luotettavuus ja tarkkuus. Kokonaismalli sisältää kolme alimallia: Demand Visibility Point – Demand Penetration Point (DVP-DPP) on kysyntälähtöisen synkronoinnin malli, Supply Visibility Point – Supply Information Penetration Point (SVP-SIPP) on tarjontalähtöisen synkronoinnin malli ja Integroitu DVP-DPP - SVP-SIPP-malli kytkee edellä mainitut mallit toisiinsa. Näissä alimalleissa informaation eri luokkia ovat tilausta edeltävä, tilaukseen liittyvä, tilauksen jälkeinen ja sovitun toimitusajankohdan jälkeinen kysyntä- ja tarjontatieto. Käytännön hyödyntämisen näkökulmasta mallit toimivat ns. mentaalitason koordinointimekanismeina, joiden tarkoitus on herättää toimitusketjukumppanit tavoittelemaan kokonaissuorituskyvyn parantamista oman edun tavoittelemisen sijasta. Tutkimuksen päärajoitteena on sen keskittyminen ainoastaan kahdenvälisiin yhteistyösuhteisiin, mikä tarjoaa nykyisessä verkostoituneessa toimintaympäristössä varsin kapean kuvan käytännön synkronointihaasteisiin.


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In today’s world because of the rapid advancement in the field of technology and business, the requirements are not clear, and they are changing continuously in the development process. Due to those changes in the requirements the software development becomes very difficult. Use of traditional software development methods such as waterfall method is not a good option, as the traditional software development methods are not flexible to requirements and the software can be late and over budget. For developing high quality software that satisfies the customer, the organizations can use software development methods, such as agile methods which are flexible to change requirements at any stage in the development process. The agile methods are iterative and incremental methods that can accelerate the delivery of the initial business values through the continuous planning and feedback, and there is close communication between the customer and developers. The main purpose of the current thesis is to find out the problems in traditional software development and to show how agile methods reduced those problems in software development. The study also focuses the different success factors of agile methods, the success rate of agile projects and comparison between traditional and agile software development.


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Global trends associated with development of information technology, globalization, industrial and economic changes are influencing on company and customer domains and thus transforming company-customer relationship. The company centric paradigm with a strong product focus shifts to a customer oriented one with a strong emphasis on customer collaboration. As a result, the customer role changes from a passive observer to an active player. Moreover, global trends contribute to transformation of competitive environment making it tougher and simplifying an access to resources previously considered as unique. All that factors push the companies towards cooperation with customers in order to identify unarticulated needs and finding the best possible solution to existing customer problems. The Master’s Thesis is done for Outotec (Lappeenranta) which considers extension of dewatering business in Russian coal market. Research aims to identify key features of coal preparation and dewatering of fine coal and tailings in Russian preparation plants; analyze the state of Russian coal market and evaluate market potential for Outotec dewatering solutions. The study has a qualitative nature and implements an action research methodology that involves both creation of knowledge and introduction of changes into the system. The base for taking actions is formed by theoretical framework that targets on describing company - customer interaction and has selected co-creation as the most appropriate method of customer involvement. The integration of co-creation approach into an action research cycle allows not only fulfilling the research objectives but also facilitates organizational learning and intraorganizational collaboration, assists in establishing customer contacts and making the first steps into the market, bringing new joint projects to the company and opening real business opportunities.


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Cross-sector collaboration and partnerships have become an emerging and desired strategy in addressing huge social and environmental challenges. Despite its popularity, cross-sector collaboration management has proven to be very challenging. Even though cross-sector collaboration and partnership management have been widely studied and discussed in recent years, their effectiveness as well as their ability to create value with respect to the problems they address has remained very challenging. There is little or no evidence of their ability to create value. Regarding all these challenges, this study aims to explore how to manage cross-sector collaborations and partnerships to be able to improve their effectiveness and to create more value for all partners involved in collaboration as well as for customers. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part comprises an overview of relevant literature (including strategic management, value networks and value creation theories), followed by presenting the results of the whole thesis and the contribution made by the study. The second part consists of six research publications, including both quantitative and qualitative studies. The chosen research strategy is triangulation, as the study includes four types of triangulation: (1) theoretical triangulation, (2) methodological triangulation, (3) data triangulation and (4) researcher triangulation. Two publications represent conceptual development, which are based on secondary data research. One publication is a quantitative study, carried out through a survey. The other three publications represent qualitative studies, based on case studies, where data was collected through interviews and workshops, with participation of managers from all three sectors: public, private and the third (nonprofit). The study consolidates the field of “strategic management of value networks,” which is proposed to be applied in the context of cross-sector collaboration and partnerships, with the aim of increasing their effectiveness and the process of value creation. Furthermore, the study proposes a first definition for the strategic management of value networks. The study also proposes and develops two strategy tools that are recommended to be used for the strategic management of value networks in cross-sector collaboration and partnerships. Taking a step forward, the study implements the strategy tools in practice, aiming to show and to demonstrate how new value can be created by using the developed strategy tools for the strategic management of value networks. This study makes four main contributions. (1) First, it brings a theoretical contribution by providing new insights and consolidating the field of strategic management of value networks, also proposing a first definition for the strategic management of value networks. (2) Second, the study makes a methodical contribution by proposing and developing two strategy tools for value networks of cross-sector collaboration: (a) value network mapping, a method that allows us to assess the current and the potential value network and (b) the Value Network Scorecard, a method of performance measurement and performance prediction in cross-sector collaboration. (3) Third, the study has managerial implications, offering new solutions and empirical evidence on how to increase the effectiveness of cross-sector collaboration and also allow managers to understand how new value can be created in cross-sector partnerships and how to get the full potential of collaboration. (4) And fourth, the study also has practical implications, allowing managers to understand how to use in practice the strategy tools developed in this study, providing discussions on the limitations regarding the proposed tools as well as general limitations involved in the study.