48 resultados para LYMPHATIC VESSELS
INTRODUCTION: Smoothelin is a cytoskeletal protein of differentiated smooth muscle cells with contractile capacity, distinguishing it from other smooth muscle proteins, such as smooth muscle actin (SMA). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the expression of smoothelin and SMA in the skin in order to establish specific localizations of smoothelin in smooth muscle cells with high contractile capacity and in the epithelial component of cutaneous adnexal structures. Methods: Immunohistochemical analysis (smoothelin and SMA) was performed in 18 patients with normal skin. RESULTS: SMA was expressed by the vascular structures of superficial, deep, intermediate and adventitial plexuses, whereas smoothelin was specifically expressed in the cytoplasm of smooth muscle cells of the deepest vascular plexus and in no other plexus of the dermis. The hair erector muscle showed intense expression of smoothelin and SMA. Cells with nuclear expression of smoothelin and cytoplasmic expression of SMA were observed in the outer root sheath of the inferior portion of the hair follicles and intense cytoplasmic expression in cells of the dermal sheath to SMA. CONCLUSIONS: We report the first study of smoothelin expression in normal skin, which differentiates the superficial vascular plexus from the deep. The deep plexus comprises vessels with high contractile capacity, which is important for understanding dermal hemodynamics in normal skin and pathological processes. We suggest that the function of smoothelin in the outer root sheath may be to enhance the function of SMA, which has been related to mechanical stress. Smoothelin has not been studied in cutaneous pathology; however we believe it may be a marker specific for the diagnosis of leiomyomas and leiomyosarcomas of the skin. Also, smoothelin could differentiate arteriovenous malformations of cavernous hemangioma of the skin
Anisakis simplex is a nematode parasite that can infect humans who have eaten raw or undercooked seafood. Larvae invading the gastrointestinal mucosa excrete/secrete proteins that are implicated in the pathogenesis of anisakiasis and can induce IgE-mediated symptoms. Since Ani s 1 is a potent secreted allergen with important clinical relevance, its measurement could assess the quality of allergenic products used in diagnosis/immunotherapy of Anisakis allergy and track the presence of A. simplex parasites in fish foodstuffs. An antibody-based ELISA for quantification of Ani s 1 has been developed based on monoclonal antibody 4F2 as capture antibody and biotin-labelled polyclonal antibodies against Ani s 1 as detection reagent. The dose-response standard curves, obtained with natural and recombinant antigens, ranged from 4 to 2000 ng/ml and were identical and parallel to that of the A. simplex extract. The linear portion of the dose-response curve with nAni s 1 was between 15 and 250 ng/ml with inter-assay and intra-assays coefficients of variation less than 20% and 10%, respectively. The assay was specific since there was no cross-reaction with other extracts (except Ascaris extracts) and was highly sensitive (detection limit of 1·8 ng/ml), being able to detect Ani s 1 in fish extracts from codfish and monkfish.
Background: Visceral artery aneurysms (VAA), although uncommon, are increasingly being detected. We describe a case of spontaneous retroperitoneal hemorrhage from a ruptured IMA aneurysm associated with stenosis of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and celiac trunk, successfully treated with surgery. Methods: A 65-year-old man presented with abdominal pain and hypovolemic shock. Abdominal CT scan showed an aneurysm of the inferior mesenteric artery with retroperitoneal hematoma. In addition, an obstructive disease of the superior mesenteric artery and celiac axis was observed. Results: Upon emergency laparotomy a ruptured inferior mesenteric artery aneurysm was detected. The aneurysm was excised and the artery reconstructed by end-to-end anastomosis. Conclusions This report discusses the etiology, presentation, diagnosis and case management of inferior mesenteric artery aneurysms
INTRODUCTION Evidence-based recommendations can be made with respect to many aspects of the acute management of the bleeding trauma patient, which when implemented may lead to improved patient outcomes. METHODS The multidisciplinary Task Force for Advanced Bleeding Care in Trauma was formed in 2005 with the aim of developing guidelines for the management of bleeding following severe injury. Recommendations were formulated using a nominal group process and the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) hierarchy of evidence and were based on a systematic review of published literature. RESULTS Key recommendations include the following: The time elapsed between injury and operation should be minimised for patients in need of urgent surgical bleeding control, and patients presenting with haemorrhagic shock and an identified source of bleeding should undergo immediate surgical bleeding control unless initial resuscitation measures are successful. A damage control surgical approach is essential in the severely injured patient. Pelvic ring disruptions should be closed and stabilised, followed by appropriate angiographic embolisation or surgical bleeding control, including packing. Patients presenting with haemorrhagic shock and an unidentified source of bleeding should undergo immediate further assessment as appropriate using focused sonography, computed tomography, serum lactate, and/or base deficit measurements. This guideline also reviews appropriate physiological targets and suggested use and dosing of blood products, pharmacological agents, and coagulation factor replacement in the bleeding trauma patient. CONCLUSION A multidisciplinary approach to the management of the bleeding trauma patient will help create circumstances in which optimal care can be provided. By their very nature, these guidelines reflect the current state-of-the-art and will need to be updated and revised as important new evidence becomes available.
INTRODUCTION: We made a clinical study, about nutrition in seriously ill patients, which includes a typical heterogeneous group of critical ill patients, with/without anaemia's, that have been admitted to Intensive Care Unit, ICU. It is difficult to individualize and to generalize the relative importance of all the factors that can contribute to these anaemia's in the admission to the Unit, including nutritional deficiencies, inflammatory alterations, the immune response to aggressions, inmunitary modifications and the complex relations existing between these clinic processes. OBJECTIVE: Indirect valuation of the nutritional situation and anaemia's, in a typical heterogeneous group of critical ill patients. METHOD/RESULTS: We studied 202 patients admitted to ICU, of varied and heterogeneous origin, classifying them in 3 groups: control, post surgery and septic group's, becoming the indirect valuation of the nutritional situation on the basis of: Global Subjective Valuation, (VGS) and the nutritional analytical determinations of total lymphocytes, albumin, and transferrin. Also we made hemogram and determinations of sideremia and ferritinemia to all of them. In 57% of the patients, we observed levels haemoglobin < 12.5 g/dl, basically in the post surgery groups, 68 patients and septic group's, 10 patients. And with levels haemoglobin < 10 g/dl, in 25 patient's (12.3%). There were 87 patients, 23 of them in the control group's, 58 in the post surgery and 5 septic group's, with levels haemoglobin > 12.5 g/dl. Regarding the nutritional prognoses indicators, (VGS + nutritional profile), in the control group's, they did not present anaemia nor analytical clinical under nourishment, in the post surgery group's, anaemia and slight under nourishment and in the septic group's, anaemia and moderate under nourishment. There were significant differences between the surgery and septic group and control group's, in values of haemoglobin, iron, total lymphocytes, transferrin and albumin. A statistical correlation between sideremia and albumin was significative. (Spearman's Rho 0,277). CONCLUSIONS: The evaluation of the anaemia and nutritional valuation. and the ferroterapic treatment, as immune-nutrient, can be beneficial for the integrity of the immune system and its defense's abilities against the aggressions in critically ills.
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social/ Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados)
INTRODUCTION Although several parameters have been proposed to predict the hemodynamic response to fluid expansion in critically ill patients, most of them are invasive or require the use of special monitoring devices. The aim of this study is to determine whether noninvasive evaluation of respiratory variation of brachial artery peak velocity flow measured using Doppler ultrasound could predict fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients. METHODS We conducted a prospective clinical research in a 17-bed multidisciplinary ICU and included 38 mechanically ventilated patients for whom fluid administration was planned due to the presence of acute circulatory failure. Volume expansion (VE) was performed with 500 mL of a synthetic colloid. Patients were classified as responders if stroke volume index (SVi) increased >or= 15% after VE. The respiratory variation in Vpeakbrach (DeltaVpeakbrach) was calculated as the difference between maximum and minimum values of Vpeakbrach over a single respiratory cycle, divided by the mean of the two values and expressed as a percentage. Radial arterial pressure variation (DeltaPPrad) and stroke volume variation measured using the FloTrac/Vigileo system (DeltaSVVigileo), were also calculated. RESULTS VE increased SVi by >or= 15% in 19 patients (responders). At baseline, DeltaVpeakbrach, DeltaPPrad and DeltaSVVigileo were significantly higher in responder than nonresponder patients [14 vs 8%; 18 vs. 5%; 13 vs 8%; P < 0.0001, respectively). A DeltaVpeakbrach value >10% predicted fluid responsiveness with a sensitivity of 74% and a specificity of 95%. A DeltaPPrad value >10% and a DeltaSVVigileo >11% predicted volume responsiveness with a sensitivity of 95% and 79%, and a specificity of 95% and 89%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Respiratory variations in brachial artery peak velocity could be a feasible tool for the noninvasive assessment of fluid responsiveness in patients with mechanical ventilatory support and acute circulatory failure. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT00890071.
Lymphomas represent a wide group of heterogenic diseases with different biological and clinical behavior. The underlying microenvironment-specific composition seems to play an essential role in this scenario, harboring the ability to develop successful immune responses or, on the contrary, leading to immune evasion and even promotion of tumor growth. Depending on surrounding lymphoid infiltrates, lymphomas may have different prognosis. Moreover, recent evidences have emerged that confer a significant impact of main lymphoma's treatment over microenvironment, with clinical consequences. In this review, we summarize these concepts from a pathological and clinical perspective. Also, the state of the art of lymphoma's anti-idiotype vaccine development is revised, highlighting the situations where this strategy has proven to be successful and eventual clues to obtain better results in the future.
OBJECTIVES Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia is a lymphatic system's disorder, where lymphatic drainage is blockaged. Clinically it produces malabsorption, protein-losing enteropathy, hypogammaglobulin in blood, and several degrees of malnutrition. Its treatment is not easy and includes dietetic-therapy and drugs. MATERIAL AND METHOD A 35-year-old-woman case report is exposed. She has recurrent chylosa ascites, requiring several admissions and evacuatory paracentesis. After food-fat was replaced by medium-chain triacyl-glicerol-enriched diet, a clinical, analytical and anthropometric improvement was demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS The major way of treatment in intestinal lymphangiectasia in this case is the employement of specific-diet and adaptaded-basic-food. It's difficult and high collaboration of the patient is required, being necessary medical revisions during the whole life, due to the not well known evolution of this long-standing disease.
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is an expanding procedure thus far restricted to a target population of old and high-comorbidity patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis. The need for bulky devices (up to 24F) combined with the high prevalence of peripheral vascular disease in these patients explains the increased risk of vascular complications in transfemoral Edwards Sapien (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, Calif) transcatheter aortic valve implantation procedures, with a rate of 20% for the transfemoral arm of either the Placement of AoRTic traNscathetER valves in the European Union (PARTNER EU) trial or the SOURCE Registry.1,2
Renal angiomyolipomas (AMLs) are commonly benign tumours formed by fat, blood vessels and non-striated muscle, which tend to be associated with neuroendocrine syndromes, or turn up sporadically.
INTRODUCTION Massive small bowel resection (MSBR) with a remnant jejunum shorter than 60 cm produces severe water, electrolytes, vitamins and protein-caloric depletion. While waiting for a viable intestinal transplantation, most of MSBR patients depend on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). CLINICAL CASE 32 years old male, with MSBR due to sectioning trauma of the superior mesenteric artery root. First surgical intervention: jejunostomy with small bowel, right colon, and spleen resection. Six months later: jejunocolic anastomosis with 12-cm long jejunum remnant and prophylactic cholecystectomy. NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTION: 1st phase. Hemodynamic stabilization and enteral stimulation (6 months): TPN + enteral nutrition with elemental formula + oral glucohydroelectrolitic solution (OGHS) + 15 g/d of oral glutamine + omeprazol. Clinical course indicators: biochemistry, I/L balance. 2a phase. Digestive adaptation with colonic integration (8 months): replacement of TPN by part-time peripheral PN. Progressive cooked diet complemented with pancreatic poly-enzyme preparation, omeprazol, OGHS, glutamine, elemental formula. Clinical course indicators: biochemistry, diuresis, weight and feces. 3a phase. Auto-sufficiency without parenteral dependence: fragmented free oral diet supplemented with pancreatic poly-enzyme preparation, mineralized beverages, enteral formula supplement, Ca and Mg oral supplements, oral multivitamin and mineral preparation, monthly IM vitamin B12. Current situation actual (52 months): slight ponderal gain, diuresis > liter/day, 2-3 normal feces, no clinical signs of any deficiency and normal blood levels of micronutrients. CONCLUSION It may be possible to withdraw from PN in MSBR considering, as in this case, favorable age and etiology and early implementation of an appropriate protocol of remnant adaptation.
Bacillary angiomatosis is a recently described infectious disease that usually affects immunosupressed hosts with a previous history of contact with cats. We report a rare case of bacillary angiomatosis in an immunocompetent 59-year-old woman with no history of previous exposure to cats, and atypical clinical features (fever and subcutaneous nodules with ulceration on the left ankle). Histopathology of the lesion showed extensive ulceration and reactive tumor-like vascular proliferation of the blood vessels with swollen endothelial cells and an inflammatory infiltrate including neutrophils and lymphocytes in the dermis and subcutis. Staining with the Warthin-Starry method demonstrated the presence of clustered bacilli located in the extracellular matrix adjacent to the proliferating endothelial cells. Diagnosis was confirmed with the detection of Bartonella spp. DNA in the affected skin and in bone marrow using polymerase chain reaction.
Obesity-induced chronic inflammation leads to activation of the immune system that causes alterations of iron homeostasis including hypoferraemia, iron-restricted erythropoiesis, and finally mild-to-moderate anaemia. Thus, preoperative anaemia and iron deficiency are common among obese patients scheduled for bariatric surgery (BS). Assessment of patients should include a complete haematological and biochemical laboratory work-up, including measurement of iron stores, vitamin B12 and folate. In addition, gastrointestinal evaluation is recommended for most patients with iron-deficiency anaemia. On the other hand, BS is a long-lasting inflammatory stimulus in itself and entails a reduction of the gastric capacity and/or exclusion from the gastrointestinal tract which impair nutrients absorption, including dietary iron. Chronic gastrointestinal blood loss and iron-losingenteropathy may also contribute to iron deficiency after BS. Perioperative anaemia has been linked to increased postoperative morbidity and mortality and decreased quality of life after major surgery, whereas treatment of perioperative anaemia, and even haematinic deficiency without anaemia, has been shown to improve patient outcomes and quality of life. However, long-term follow-up data in regard to prevalence, severity, and causes of anaemia after BS are mostly absent. Iron supplements should be administered to patients after BS, but compliance with oral iron is no good. In addition, once iron deficiency has developed, it may prove refractory to oral treatment. In these situations, IV iron (which can circumvent the iron blockade at enterocytes and macrophages) has emerged as a safe and effective alternative for perioperative anaemia management. Monitoring should continue indefinitely even after the initial iron repletion and anaemia resolution, and maintenance IV iron treatment should be provided as required. New IV preparations, such ferric carboxymaltose, are safe, easy to use and up to 1000 mg can be given in a single session, thus providing an excellent tool to avoid or treat iron deficiency in this patient population.