103 resultados para Food solutions
The intensity of selection exerted on ornaments typically varies between environments. Reaction norms may help to identify the conditions under which ornamented individuals have a selective advantage over drab conspecifics. It has been recently hypothesized that in vertebrates eumelanin-based coloration reflects the ability to regulate the balance between energy intake and expenditure. We tested two predictions of this hypothesis in barn owl nestlings, namely that darker eumelanic individuals have a lower appetite and lose less weight when food-deprived. We found that individuals fed ad libitum during 24 h consumed less food when their plumage was marked with larger black spots. When food-deprived for 24 h nestlings displaying larger black spots lost less weight. Thus, in the barn owl the degree of eumelanin-based coloration reflects the ability to withstand periods of food depletion through lower appetite and resistance to food restriction. Eumelanic coloration may therefore be associated with adaptations to environments where the risk of food depletion is high.
BACKGROUND: Due to the distinct cultural and language differences that exist in Switzerland, there is little information on the dietary intake among the general Swiss population. Adequately assessing dietary intake is thus paramount if nutritional epidemiological studies are to be conducted. OBJECTIVE: To assess the reproducibility and validity of a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) developed for French-speaking Swiss adults. DESIGN: A total of 23 men and 17 women (43.1+/-2.0 years) filled out one FFQ and completed one 24-hour dietary recall at baseline and 1 month afterward. RESULTS: Crude Pearson's correlation coefficients between the first and the second FFQ ranged from 0.58 to 0.90, intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) ranged between 0.53 and 0.92. Lin's concordance coefficients ranged between 0.55 and 0.87. Over 80% of participants were classified in the same or adjacent tertile using each FFQ. Macronutrient intakes estimated by both FFQs were significantly higher than those estimated from the 24-hour recall for protein and water, while no significant differences were found for energy, carbohydrate, fats (five groups), and alcohol. De-attenuated Pearson's correlation coefficients between the 24-hour recall and the first FFQ ranged between 0.31 and 0.49, while for the second FFQ the values ranged between 0.38 and 0.59. Over 40 and 95% of participants fell into the same or the adjacent energy and nutrient tertiles, respectively, using the FFQs and the 24-hour recall. CONCLUSIONS: This FFQ shows good reproducibility and can be used determining macronutrient intake in a French-speaking Swiss population in an epidemiological setting.
The rate of food consumption is a major factor affecting success in scramble competition for a limited amount of easy-to-find food. Accordingly, several studies report positive genetic correlations between larval competitive ability and feeding rate in Drosophila; both become enhanced in populations evolving under larval crowding. Here, we report the experimental evolution of enhanced competitive ability in populations of D. melanogaster previously maintained for 84 generations at low density on an extremely poor larval food. In contrast to previous studies, greater competitive ability was not associated with the evolution of higher feeding rate; if anything, the correlation between the two traits across lines tended to be negative. Thus, enhanced competitive ability may be favored by nutritional stress even when competition is not intense, and competitive ability may be decoupled from the rate of food consumption.
This prospective study was designed to identify abnormalities of energy expenditure and fuel utilization which distinguish post-obese women from never-obese controls. 24 moderately obese, postmenopausal, nondiabetic women with a familial predisposition to obesity underwent assessments of body composition, fasting and postprandial energy expenditure, and fuel utilization in the obese state and after weight loss (mean 12.9 kg) to a post-obese, normal-weight state. The post-obese women were compared with 24 never-obese women of comparable age and body composition. Four years later, without intervention, body weight was reassessed in both groups. Results indicated that all parameters measured in the post-obese women were similar to the never-obese controls: mean resting energy expenditure, thermic effect of food, and fasting and postprandial substrate oxidation and insulin-glucose patterns. Four years later, post-obese women regained a mean of 10.9 kg while control subjects remained lean (mean gain 1.7 kg) (P < 0.001 between groups). Neither energy expenditure nor fuel oxidation correlated with 4-yr weight changes, whereas self-reported physical inactivity was associated with greater weight regain. The data suggest that weight gain in obesity-prone women may be due to maladaptive responses to the environment, such as physical inactivity or excess energy intake, rather than to reduced energy requirements.
Immunotherapy is a promising means to fight cancer, prompting a steady increase in clinical trials and correlative laboratory studies in this field. As antitumor T cells play central roles in immunity against malignant diseases, most immunotherapeutic protocols aim to induce and/or strengthen their function. Various treatment strategies have elicited encouraging clinical responses; however, major challenges have been uncovered that should be addressed in order to fully exploit the potential of immunotherapy. Here, we outline pitfalls for the mobilization of antitumor T cells and offer solutions to improve their therapeutic efficacy. We provide a critical perspective on the main methodologies used to characterize T-cell responses to cancer therapies, with a focus on discrepancies between T-cell attributes measured in vitro and protective responses in vivo. This review altogether provides recommendations to optimize the design of future clinical trials and highlights important considerations for the proficient analysis of clinical specimens available for research.
Résumé : La production de nectar assure aux plantes entomophiles un important succès reproducteur. Malgré cela, de nombreuses espèces d'orchidées ne produisent pas de nectar. La majorité de ces orchidées dites trompeuses exploitent simplement l'instinct des pollinisateurs généralistes, qui les pousse à chercher du nectar dans les fleurs. Afin d'optimiser la récolte de nectar, les pollinisateurs apprennent à différencier les fleurs trompeuses des nectarifères, et à concentrer leurs visites sur ces dernières, au détriment des plantes trompeuses. Chez les orchidées non autogames, la reproduction est assurée uniquement par les pollinisateurs. L'apprentissage des pollinisateurs a donc un impact négatif sur la reproduction des orchidées trompeuses. Cependant, les caractéristiques d'une espèce trompeuse et des espèces nectarifères au sein d'une communauté végétale peuvent affecter l'apprentissage et le taux de visite des pollinisateurs aux plantes trompeuses. J'ai réalisé des expériences en milieu naturel et en milieu contrôlé, pour déterminer si les caractéristiques florales, spatiales et temporelles des communautés affectent le taux de visite et le succès reproducteur de plantes trompeuses. Une agrégation spatiale élevée des plantes trompeuses et des plantes nectarifères diminue le succès reproducteur des plantes trompeuses. De plus, les pollinisateurs visitent plus souvent l'espèce trompeuse Iorsque ses fleurs sont de couleur similaire à celles de l'espèce nectarifère. Cet effet bénéfique de la similarité pour la couleur des fleurs s'accentue si les deux espèces sont mélangées et proches spatialement, ou si l'espèce trompeuse fleurit après l'espèce nectarifère. Enfin, le comportement des pollinisateurs n'est pas tout de suite affecté lorsque les caractéristiques de la communauté changent. Les caractéristiques des communautés végétales affectent donc la reproduction des espèces trompeuses. Bien que L'absence de coûts associés à la production de nectar, l'exportation efficace de pollen et la production de graines de qualité dont bénéficient les orchidées trompeuses favorisent Ieur maintien, les caractéristiques de la communauté peuvent aussi y contribuer. Mon étude fournit donc une explication alternative et complémentaire au maintien des orchidées trompeuses. Je conclus par une discussion des implications possibles de ces résultats sur le maintien et l'évolution des orchidées trompeuses, en tenant compte de la dynamique des caractéristiques des communautés végétales naturelles. Abstract : Despite the importance of producing food to ensure a high reproductive success, many orchid species lack such rewards. The majority of deceptive orchids simply exploit the instinctive food-foraging behaviour of generalist pollinators. This strategy is termed generalized food deception. To optimize their foraging efficiency, pollinators can learn to discriminate deceptive from rewarding flowers and to focus their visits to the rewarding plants, to the disadvantage of the deceptive plants. Because the reproductive success of non-autogamous orchids entirely relies on pollinator visitation rate, pollinator learning decreases the reproductive success of deceptive orchids. However, the characteristics of deceptive and rewarding plants within a community may affect pollinator learning and visitation rate to a deceptive orchid. Therefore, the biological characteristics of natural plant communities may be crucial to the maintenance of generalized food deceptive orchids. My study focused on the floral, spatial and temporal characteristics of plant communities. I used both in and ex sitar experiments to investigate whether these characteristics influence pollinator visitation rates and the reproductive success of deceptive orchids. A high spatial aggregation of both deceptive and rewarding species decreased the reproductive success of the deceptive species. Also, being of similar flower colour to rewarding sympatric species increased pollinator visitation rates to a deceptive species. The beneficial effect of flower colour similarity was even more pronounced when both species were spatially closely mingled or when the deceptive species flowered after the rewarding species. Finally, pollinator behaviour was unaffected in the short term by a change in the characteristics of plant communities, indicating that pollinators need time to learn under new conditions. Thus, the characteristics of plant communities may crucially affect the reproductive success of deceptive orchids. Although the absence of costs associated with nectar production, the efficient pollen export and the high seed quality of deceptive orchids may favour their maintenance, the characteristics of plant communities may also contribute to it. Therefore, my study provides an alternative yet complementary explanation to the maintenance of generalized food deceptive orchids in natural populations. I discuss the possible implications for the maintenance and the evolution of generalized food deceptive orchids with regards to the floral and temporal dynamics of natural plant communities.
[Ressource électronique] : open access journal
Food intake high in calcium content is important in the development of skeleton and the prevention of osteoporosis. From a public health perspective, it is therefore important to know the dietary calcium intake of a population. Two population surveys in the French and Italian parts of Switzerland (MONICA, 1988-1989, and Geneva, 1991), were combined to study nutritional habits related to calcium intake. A random population sample, aged 35 et 65 years, answered to a 24 hour recall questionnaire, either self-administered (MONICA, cantons of Vaud, Fribourg and Tessin, N = 2734) or by phone (canton of Geneva, N = 475). In the 4 cantons, for the previous day, 60% of participants ate dairy products, particularly whole milk and cheese. They drunk 3-4 dl/day of milk. A significant proportion (10%) of french and italian speaking Swiss did not consume any food high in calcium content. In Geneva, the mean daily calcium intake was 656 mg in men and 489 mg in women. In conclusion 1) eating habits related to calcium intake are similar across cantons; 2) women consume dairy products more frequently than men, but in smaller quantities; 3) about 60% of men and 80% of women do not get the daily amount of calcium recommended for the prevention of osteoporosis.
AIMS: To explore, both among patients with diabetes and healthcare professionals, opinions on current diabetes care and the development of the "Regional Diabetes Program". METHODS: We employed qualitative methods (focus groups - FG) and used purposive sampling strategy to recruit patients with diabetes and healthcare professionals. We conducted one diabetic and one professional FG in each of the four health regions of the canton of Vaud/Switzerland. The eight FGs were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was then undertaken. RESULTS: Results showed variability in the perception of the quality of diabetes care, pointed to insufficient information regarding diabetes, and lack of collaboration. Participants also evoked patients' difficulties for self-management, as well as professionals' and patients' financial concerns. Proposed solutions included reinforcing existing structures, developing self-management education, and focusing on comprehensive and coordinated care, communication and teamwork. Patients and professionals were in favour of a "Regional Diabetes Program" tailored to the actors' needs, and viewed it as a means to reinforce existing care delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Patients and professionals pointed out similar problems and solutions but explored them differently. Combined with coming quantitative data, these results should help to further develop, adapt and implement the "Regional Diabetes Program".
La chirurgie bariatrique est le seul traitement qui permette une perte pondérale significative sur le long terme mais le succès d'une telle intervention repose avant tout dans une sélection et une préparation attentive du patient. Une bonne connaissance des implications de l'opération permet de favoriser un changement de comportement alimentaire et par là aussi de diminuer les complications et les désagréments alimentaires. L'éducation du patient n'a de sens que si elle s'inscrit dans une prise en charge pluridisciplinaire, comprenant également un suivi diététique, planifié sur le long terme. La mastication, la vitesse d'ingestion des aliments, le fait de renoncer aux boissons gazeuses et de devoir boire régulièrement entre les repas, sont les éléments les plus difficiles à mettre en place pour le patient. Bariatric surgery is the only treatment inducing effective weight loss on the long term. The success of such an intervention is possible by carefully selecting and educating the candidates. Good understanding of the bariatric surgery implications allows the patients to modify their eating habits and thus decrease complications and food intolerance. Therefore patient education requires a multidisciplinary approach which implies the follow-up of a dietician on the long term. Mastication, speed of food ingestion, avoidance of carbonated beverages as well as the obligation to drink at frequent and regular intervals are the most difficult aspects to be taught to the patients
Obesity is an excess of fat mass. Fat mass is an energy depot but also an endocrine organ. A deregulation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) might produce obesity. Stress exaggerates diet-induced obesity. After stress, SNS fibers release neuropeptide Y (NPY) which directly increases visceral fat mass producing a metabolic syndrome (MbS)-like phenotype. Adrenergic receptors are the main regulators of lipolysis. In severe obesity, we demonstrated that the adrenergic receptor subtypes are differentially expressed in different fat depots. Liver and visceral fat share a common sympathetic pathway, which might explain the low-grade inflammation which simultaneously occurs in liver and fat of the obese with MbS. The neuroendocrine melanocortinergic system and gastric ghrelin are also greatly deregulated in obesity. A specific mutation in the type 4 melanocortin receptor induces early obesity onset, hyperphagia and insulin-resistance. Nonetheless, it was recently discovered that a mutation in the prohormone convertase 1/3 simultaneously produces severe gastrointestinal dysfunctions and obesity.