22 resultados para Transnational Social Movement, Transnational Dinamics
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
One main concern of Ecological Economics is the balance between human population and natural resources. This is rightly named the Malthusian question because Malthus predicted that human populations, if unchecked, would grow exponentially while agricultural production (and other land-based productions) would be subject to decreasing returns to the labour input. This article shows that over one hundred years ago, there was in Europe and America a successful social movement that called itself Neo-Malthusianism. In contrast to Malthus pessimism, it believed that population growth could be stopped among the poor classes by voluntary decisions. Women were entitled to choose the number of children they wanted to have. The movement did not appeal to the State to impose restrictions on population growth. On the contrary, in Southern Europe it was based on "bottom up" activism against governments and the Catholic Church.
RESUM Actualment la majoria de nosaltres sabem de lexistncia de molts programes lliures, per hem tenir clar que lliure no vol dir sempre programa gratut. Tot i que a vegades s que pot ser-ho, es t en compte molt ms que aix: s una manera de pensar i entendre el programari i al llarg dels anys ha generat tot un moviment social. Considerem que un programa lliure s aquell que garanteix als usuaris la llibertat per executar, copiar, distribuir, estudiar, canviar i millorar el codi programat, com molt b defineixen les seves llibertats bsiques. El programari lliure el podem trobar funcionant en ordinadors personals, escoles, empreses diverses, administracions, etc. ja que la majoria de programes que utilitzen actualment, com hem vist, tenen el seu equivalent en lliure. El fet de si s viable que una empresa es passi a programari lliure, depn ben b del seu entorn, ja que en funci daquest li ser ms o menys fcil la migraci. La finalitat daquest projecte s, primer de tot, fer un ampli estudi del mn del programari lliure i del seu moviment social. Sha fet una recerca de diferents aspectes dins del programari lliure per conixer-lo a fons i desprs sha proposat una possible implantaci daquest en un usuari domstic i en una administraci pblica, tenint en compte tots els aspectes vistos en lestudi, valorant si totes les idees que defensa i els beneficis que aporta sn aplicables i viables en qualsevol persona i mbit i el perqu. Com a conclusi principal en destacaria que tot i que el programa lliure disposa duna ideologia que agrada i t uns programes tcnicament perfectes (sense que aix sigui el seu objectiu principal), penso que encara hi ha molt cam per recrrer quant a una migraci en grans entorns, ja que per exemple en un ajuntament una migraci total s encara difcil (tot i que no impossible perqu nhi ha que shi han migrat). A lapartat dannexos shi inclou un glossari amb un seguit de terminologies amb paraules que no tothom pot saber i sha cregut oport incloure-les en aquest apartat. La primera vegada que apareix alguna daquestes paraules la podem trobar senyalitzada amb un *.
El presente proyecto de investigacin es el trabajo final del Mster en Estudis Avanats en Comunicaci Social de la UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) y pretende ser el punto de partida de la futura tesis doctoral. El objetivo de este proyecto es determinar cmo modific el 15-M la agenda de la prensa espaola. Esta investigacin se aborda desde el modelo de la Network Agenda Setting y conceptos de la social movement media culture. Elperiodo considerado va desde el 9 de febrero al 19 de junio de 2011. Las tcnicas para esta investigacin son el anlisis de contenido de los tuits de la prensa espaola, por un lado, y el anlisis de contenido de los tuits del 15-M, por el otro, as comoencuestas y entrevistas cualitativas a los perfiles del 15-M y periodistas de la prensa espaola implicados en esta investigacin.
Actualment la majoria de nosaltres sabem de lexistncia de molts programes lliures, per hem tenir clar que lliure no vol dir sempre programa gratut. Tot i que a vegades s que pot ser-ho, es t en compte molt ms que aix: s una manera de pensar i entendre el programari i al llarg dels anys ha generat tot un moviment social. Considerem que un programa lliure s aquell que garanteix als usuaris la llibertat per executar, copiar, distribuir, estudiar, canviar i millorar el codi programat, com molt b defineixen les seves llibertats bsiques. El programari lliure el podem trobar funcionant en ordinadors personals, escoles, empreses diverses, administracions, etc. ja que la majoria de programes que utilitzenactualment, com hem vist, tenen el seu equivalent en lliure. El fet de si s viable que una empresa es passi a programari lliure, depn ben b del seu entorn, ja que en funci daquest li ser ms o menys fcil la migraci. La finalitat daquest projecte s, primer de tot, fer un ampli estudi del mn del programari lliure i del seu moviment social. Sha fet una recerca de diferents aspectes dins del programari lliure per conixer-lo a fons i desprs sha proposat una possible implantaci daquest en un usuari domstic i en una administraci pblica, tenint en compte tots els aspectes vistos en lestudi, valorant si totes les idees que defensa i els beneficis que aporta sn aplicables i viables en qualsevol persona i mbit i el perqu. Com a conclusi principal en destacaria que tot i que el programa lliure disposa duna ideologia que agrada i t uns programes tcnicament perfectes (sense que aix sigui el seu objectiu principal), penso que encara hi ha molt cam per recrrer quant a una migraci en grans entorns, ja que per exemple en un ajuntament una migraci total s encara difcil (tot i que no impossible perqu nhi ha que shi han migrat). A lapartat dannexos shi inclou un glossari amb un seguit de terminologies amb paraules que no tothom pot saber i sha cregut oport incloure-les en aquest apartat. La primera vegada que apareix alguna daquestes paraules la podem trobar senyalitzada amb un *.
This article explores the case of Barcelona as paradigmatic global city in such transnational productions as Vicky Cristina Barcelona by Woody Allen (2008) and Biutiful by Alejandro Gonzlez Irritu (2010). Allen"s film shows the extreme dilution that national and linguistic identity undergoes under foreign eyes in its rendition of a"hip Barcelona" for tourists"invaded" by transnational subjects in search of bourgeois pleasures. Maybe in pursuit of a more"real" city, Irritu"s Biutiful moves to the Barcelona of the immigrants and the undocumented, a transnational and paradoxical location inhabited by those who need to cross borders in order to survive. Through reference to the work of Manuel Castells, Saskia Sassen, Neil Smith and Michel De Certeau among others, we argue that neither of these representations of the city is more real or unreal than the other. In their drastically divergent ways, both films contribute their external perspectives to the imaginary construction of Barcelona as a fascinating global city and can be seen as a dyptich of a transnational Barcelona. Further, they contribute to the ongoing debate about the polarization between the local and the global, the construction of urban boarders inside cities through gentrification, the transformation of the places we (would like to) inhabit, and the translation of all these into visual terms.
This book offers the reader the study and the conclusions obtained from theresearch made in Spain in the frame of the JUST/2009/FRAC/AG/0933 project,Childrens rights in action. Improving childrens rights in migration acrossEurope. The Romanian case. A project funded by the Department of FundamentalRights and Citizenship of the European Commission. This research wascarried out in Spain, Italy and Romania between October 2010 and June 2012,performing activities to spread the results obtained until March 2013.
Transnational study of roles/functions and associated ICT competencies for Higher Education teachers
Aquest estudi forma part del projecte eLene-TLC1 Virtual Campus (2007-2008) recolzat pel programa eLearning de la Comissi Europea. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte s que els professors i els estudiants facin el millor s possible de les TIC en l'educaci superior, preparant als professors per als estudiants de la generaci xarxa, permetent als estudiants a la transferncia de coneixements i prctiques de la vida quotidiana per al seu aprenentatge i estimular tant la integraci plena de prctiques innovadores d'ensenyament i d'aprenentatge possibilitades per un entorn tecnolgic en constant evoluci. Per tal de cobrir part d'aquest objectiu general, es va concebre un estudi per examinar les competncies en TIC professors d'Educaci Superior en entorns d'aprenentatge en lnia.
This article discusses the lessons learned from developing and delivering the Vocational Management Training for the European Tourism Industry (VocMat) online training programme, which was aimed at providing flexible, online distance learning for the European tourism industry. The programme was designed to address managers need for flexible, senior management level training which they could access at a time and place which fitted in with their working and non-work commitments. The authors present two main approaches to using the Virtual Learning Environment, the feedback from the participants, and the implications of online Technology in extending tourism training opportunities
Aquest article dna un cop d'ull ms de prop com les qestions de legitimitat democrtica es van negociar durant la primera de les tres etapes de la redacci de la Constituci, en la Convenci sobre el Futur d'Europa (febrer de 2002-juliol 2003), i per la posterior Conferncia Intergovernamental (juliol de 2003 a juny de 2004). L'objectiu d'aquesta anlisi s avaluar el grau en qu els redactors de la Comissi Europea s'han resolt els problemes de disputes sobre la democrcia postnacional que es van debatre en la Convenci
Recent years have seen a striking proliferation of the term global in public and political discourse. The popularity of the term is a manifestation of the fact that there is a widespread notion that contemporary social reality is global. The acknowledgment of this notion has important political implications and raises questions about the role played by the idea of the global in policy making. These questions, in turn, expose even more fundamental issues about whether the term global indicates a difference in kind, even an ontological shift, and, if so, how to approach it. This paper argues that the notion of global, in other words the global dimension, is a significant aspect of contemporary politics that needs to be investigated. The paper argues that in the globalization discourse of International Studies global is naturalized, which means that it is taken for granted and assumed to be self-evident. The term global is used mainly in a descriptive way and subsumed under the rubric of globalization. Global tends to be equated with transnational and/or world-wide; hence, it addresses quantitative differences in degree but not (alleged) differences in kind. In order to advance our understanding of contemporary politics, global needs to be taken seriously. This means, firstly, to understand and to conceptualize global as a social category; and, secondly, to uncover global as a naturalized concept in the Political and International Studies strand of the globalization discourse in order to rescue it for innovative new approaches in the investigation of contemporary politics. In order to do so, the paper suggests adopting a strong linguistic approach starting with the analysis of the word global. Based on insights from post-structuralism as well as cognitive and general constructivist perspectives it argues that a frame-based corpus linguistic analysis offers the possibility of investigating the collective/social meaning(s) of global in order to operationalize them for the analysis of the global dimension of contemporary politics.
Proyecto realizado a partir de una estancia en la Facultad Latinoamricana de Ciencias Sociales de Quito, Ecuador, entre julio y octubre del 2006. La estancia de investigacin est enmarcada en la realizacin de una tesis doctoral sobre las connotaciones sociales y culturales que las remesas tienen para la migracin ecuatoriana en Espaa. Se pretende aportar conocimiento sobre las remesas partiendo de los posibles significados sociales y culturales que stas guardan para los migrantes y sus familiares. En la mayor parte de los estudios sobre remesas han abundado una visin economicista y centrada nicamente en aspectos cuantitativos dejando a un margen aspectos como el papel que las remesas juegan en el mantenimiento del espacio social transnacional, su relacin con el proyecto migratorio, o el uso y finalidad que se hace de estas remesas dentro del grupo domstico. En este sentido, la estancia ha permitido realizar parte del trabajo de campo de la investigacin (observacin participante, realizacin de entrevistas semiestructuradas a familiares de migrantes, migrantes retornados, y migrantes que estaban de vacaciones, realizacin de grupos focales), as como contrastar y discutir algunas de las primeras conclusiones obtenidas en el trabajo con investigadores de este tema en Ecuador y realizar un vaciado de bibliografa publicada en Ecuador relacionada con el tema.
El presente trabajo plantea un acercamiento a las dinmicas sociales de las comunidades migradas mediante la observacin de sus usos musicales. Este acercamiento se realizar mediante el estudio de un caso concreto: la comunidad uruguaya de Barcelona y su relacin con el candombe, un tipo de msica popular del Uruguay. Los objetivos que nos planteamos resolver a travs de este estudio son poder entender el funcionamiento del candombe en sus distintas dimensiones (musical y social) y ver como ste se modifica en funcin del entorno donde se inserta. La metodologa que utilizaremos ser la observacin directa de distintos espacios relacionados con el candombe, tanto en Barcelona como en el Uruguay, as como entrevistas a personas vinculadas con estos espacios. El anlisis de los materiales recogidos en el campo se realizar a partir de los modelos tericos de Josep Mart y los que ofrecen los estudios sobre comunidades diaspricas y los enfoques transnacionales.
During more than 20 years organisations like Gesto por la Paz and Lokarri had been trying to change the social approach to violence, instilling values of peace and dialogue. This working paper defends the idea that the work of these two organisations is key to understand the end of ETA violence and the lack of support that political violence has in the Basque Country. It develops the Basque peace frame generated by this movement and explains how this frame is present in the different levels of Basque society, changing the way political collective identities are negotiated in the Basque Country. Ultimately, their effort is to propose another way of doing politics, one where nationalism and violence are not intrinsically united, escaping from the polarization and confrontation that were in place during the 80s-90s.
Throughout the past decade, social media have come on the scene of various popular revolts. Their role as tools of information and coordination of social movements, from the Iranian Green Movement in 2009 to the Arab uprisings in 2011, has been widely debated. In most cases, online activism through blogs, Facebook, Twitter or other forms of social media has allowed citizens to be part of a social networking exercise and to engage in a public sphere that would have otherwise been unreachable to them due to severe repression. In Tunisia and Egypt, social media helped protests start and expand thanks to their ability to coordinate and disseminate information quickly. The new information and communication tools were an influential factor in accelerating the revolutionary processes across the Arab world, albeit they cannot be seen as neither the spur nor the drivers of any revolution.