15 resultados para Supramolecular Adducts

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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A new approach to the synthesis of 4,5-disubstituted cyclopentenones is described. The strategy is based on the Pauson-Khand (PK) reaction of norbornadiene and N-Boc-propargylamine as alkyne with a masked leaving group, which can be eliminated at will. This approach to the synthesis of 4,5-disubstituted cyclopentenones overcomes the problem of using the alkylation to introduce the alpha-side-chain. As an example, prostane 13-epi-12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (13-epi-12-oxo-PDA) methyl ester was synthesized.


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A new approach to the synthesis of 4,5-disubstituted cyclopentenones is described. The strategy is based on the Pauson-Khand (PK) reaction of norbornadiene and N-Boc-propargylamine as alkyne with a masked leaving group, which can be eliminated at will. This approach to the synthesis of 4,5-disubstituted cyclopentenones overcomes the problem of using the alkylation to introduce the alpha-side-chain. As an example, prostane 13-epi-12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (13-epi-12-oxo-PDA) methyl ester was synthesized.


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A new approach to the synthesis of 4,5-disubstituted cyclopentenones is described. The strategy is based on the Pauson-Khand (PK) reaction of norbornadiene and N-Boc-propargylamine as alkyne with a masked leaving group, which can be eliminated at will. This approach to the synthesis of 4,5-disubstituted cyclopentenones overcomes the problem of using the alkylation to introduce the alpha-side-chain. As an example, prostane 13-epi-12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (13-epi-12-oxo-PDA) methyl ester was synthesized.


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Gold metallogelators is an emerging area of research. The number of results published in the literature is still scarce. The majority of these gels is observed in organic solvents, and the potential applications are still to be explored. In this work, we present an overview about gold metallogelators divided in two different groups depending on the type of solvent used in the gelation process (organogelators and hydrogelators). A careful analysis of the data shows that aurophilic interactions are a common motif directly involved in gelation involving Au(I) complexes. There are also some Au(III) derivatives able to produce gels but in this case the organic ligands determine the aggregation process. A last section is included about the potential applications that have been reported until now with this new and amazing class of supramolecular assemblies.


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Mimicking Nature, supramolecular chemistry represents the chemistry beyond the molecule, in view that intermolecularinteractions constitute the driving force for the preparation of molecular and supramolecular assemblies, using the chemicalinformation contained in molecular building blocks. Upon molecular recognition between discrete units, chemical processessuch as self-assembly and self-organisation start operating, and are the leading processes to build up supramolecular aggregates and materials. When those materials have dimensions on thenanometric scale, a recently emerging scientific discipline is defined,Nanoscience. Nanomaterials are promising tools for many applications, and their use in biomedical and clinical applicationsdefines the so-called Nanomedicine. In this review we present a few selected examples of nanomaterials designed for therapeutical purposes, emphasizing the importance of the preparation methodology in terms of their therapeutical use.


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La 3,4-Metilendioximetanfetamina (MDMA, éxtasis) es un derivado anfetamínico sintético ampliamente usado como droga recreativa, que produce neurotoxicidad serotonérgica en animales y posiblemente también en humanos. El mecanismo subyacente de neurotoxicidad, incluye la formación de especies reactivas de oxigeno (ROS), pero la fuente de generación de estos es un punto de controversia. Se postula que la neurotoxicidad inducida por la MDMA es mediada por la formación de metabolitos bioreactivos. Específicamente, los metabolitos primarios de tipo catecol, la 3,4- dihidroximetanfetamina (HHMA) y la 3,4-dihidroxianfetamina (HHA), que luego dan lugar a la formación de conjugados con el glutatión y la N-acetilcisteína, y que conservan la capacidad de entrar en el ciclo redox y presentan neurotoxicidad serotonérgica en ratas. Aunque la presencia de dichos metabolitos se demostró recientemente en microdialisados de cerebros de ratas, su formación en humanos no se ha reportado aun. Este trabajo describe la detección de N-acetil-cisteína-HHMA (NAC-HHMA) y N-acetil-cisteína-HHA (NAC-HHA) en orina humana de 15 consumidores recreacionales de MDMA (1.5 mg/kg) en un entorno controlado. Los resultados revelan que en las primeras 4 horas después del consumo de MDMA aproximadamente el 0.002% de la dosis administrada es recuperada como aductos tioéter. Los polimorfismos genéticos en la expresión de las enzimas CYP2D6 y COMT, que en conjunto son las principales determinantes de los niveles estables de HHMA y HHA, posiblemente expliquen la variabilidad interindividual observada en la recuperación de la NAC-HHMA y la NAC-HHA en orina. Resumiendo, por primera vez se demuestra la formación de aductos tioéteres neurotóxicos de la MDMA en humanos. Estos resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que la bioactivación de la MDMA a metabolitos neurotóxicos es el mecanismo relevante para la generación de la neurotoxicidad en humanos.


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En los últimos años el crecimiento de la nanotecnología ha revolucionado el mundo de la investigación farmacológica promoviendo la investigación de nuevos vehículos de transporte de fármacos de tamaño nanométrico denominados “drug nanocarriers” entre los cuales las vesículas y las partículas poliméricas biodegradables son los que se han estudiado más ampliamente. Estas entidades son interesantes ya que pueden mejorar la biodisponibilidad del activo y pueden ser empleadas como materiales inteligentes que pueden transportar el activo al sitio específico de acción. A pesar de haber sido demostrado que con estos dispositivos en muchos casos se consigue administrar el fármaco de un modo más eficiente que administrando éste en su forma libre, el éxito de estos “nanocarriers” está ligado al desarrollo de tecnologías reproducibles, eficientes, respetuosas con el medio ambiente y fácilmente escalables que permitan su producción a escala industrial. A día de hoy las tecnologías basadas en fluidos comprimidos (FCs), que emergieron a principio de los años 90 como una alternativa al uso de disolventes líquidos convencionales en la producción de materiales micro- y nanoparticulados, están siendo investigadas para la producción de diversos “nanocarriers”. Algunas de las ventajas de estas tecnologías son: la reducción en el uso de disolventes orgánicos, el empleo de bajas temperaturas de procesado, disminución del número de etapas de producción, ser fácilmente escalables y reproducibles. A su vez, este tipo de procesos permiten obtener productos más uniformes estructuralmente que aquellos obtenidos mediante tecnologías convencionales. Dentro de este marco el grupo Nanomol (ICMAB-CSIC) ha desarrollado el proceso DELOS-susp, basado en el uso de fluidos comprimidos, para la obtención en un solo paso de producción vesículas unilamelares pequeñas (SUVs) con elevada uniformidad tanto a nivel de tamaño y morfología como a nivel supramolecular con aplicación en nanomedicina. Como un paso más en el desarrollo del proceso DELOS-susp para la producción de SUVs, en este proyecto se ha estudiado y probado la viabilidad de este proceso para le encapsulación de activos hidrofílicos en vesículas catiónicas de colesterol:CTAB usando sulfato de gentamicina como activo hidrofílico modelo y se ha demostrado la factibilidad de un escalado del proceso por un factor de 50.


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In this study, glyoxalated alkaline lignins with a non-volatile and non-toxic aldehyde, which can be obtained from several natural resources, namely glyoxal, were prepared and characterized for its use in wood adhesives. The preparation method consisted of the reaction of lignin with glyoxal under an alkaline medium. The influence of reaction conditions such as the molar ratio of sodium hydroxide-to-lignin and reaction time were studied relative to the properties of the prepared adducts. The analytical techniques used were FTIR and 1H-NMR spectroscopies, gel permeation chromatography (GPC), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Results from both the FTIR and 1H-NMR spectroscopies showed that the amount of introduced aliphatic hydroxyl groups onto the lignin molecule increased with increasing reaction time and reached a maximum value at 10 h, and after they began to decrease. The molecular weights remained unchanged until 10 h of reaction time, and then started to increase, possibly due to the repolymerization reactions. DSC analysis showed that the glass transition temperature (Tg) decreased with the introduction of glyoxal onto the lignin molecule due to the increase in free volume of the lignin molecules. TGA analysis showed that the thermal stability of glyoxalated lignin is not influenced and remained suitable for wood adhesives. Compared to the original lignin, the improved lignin is reactive and a suitable raw material for adhesive formula


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L’esfingosina-1-fosfat (S1P) és un lípid bioactiu amb funcions crucials en la biologia cel•lular. Entre aquestes, la seva activitat mitogènica i citoprotectora són les més estudiades. L’S1P és catabolitzada intracel•lularment mitjançant l’esfingosina-1-fosfat liasa (SGPL1) per generar (E)-2-hexadecenal i fosforiletanolamina. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és explorar si l’(E)-2-hexadecenal és realment un catabòlit innocu o bé si, pel seu caràcter acceptor de Michael, és capaç de reaccionar amb pèptids o proteïnes específics. Aquesta interacció podria traduïr-se en funcions biològiques determinades, algunes de les quals són possiblement atribuïdes a l’esfingosina-1-fosfat com a tal. Per poder explorar el potencials adductes proteïcs amb l’aldehid, s’han emprat, sobre cèl•lules HeLa que sobreexpressen SGPL1, sondes anàlegs a esfingosina i esfinganina (i els seus derivats fosforil•lats) que presenten una funció azida en la posició omega de la cadena esfingoide. Aquestes, mitjançant química click sense coure, s’han fet reaccionar amb una molècula que presenta un dibenzociclooctí unit a biotina DBCObiotina). Després d’aïllar les proteïnes així biotinilades amb una reïna d’estreptavidina, aquestes es van separar per electroforesi. Les bandes proteïques observades es van extreure del gel i es van digerir amb tripsina, per posteriorment analitzar els pèptids per MALDI-TOF, el que permetria l’identificació de proteïnes a partir de “peptide mass fingerprinting”. Lamentablement, a la fi d’aquest contracte, encara no s’ha pogut identificar cap proteïna que s’uneixi a l’aldehid alliberat per la reacció de l’esfingosina-1- fosfat liasa. No obstant, durant aquest temps s’ha millorat el mètode per detectar aquests adductes proteïcs. Per això, si la recerca continua en aquesta línia, properament es podria saber amb certesa si existeixen o no aquestes interaccions covalents entre determinades proteïnes i l’(E)-2-hexadecenal.


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Monodispersed colloidal crystals based on silica sub-micrometric particles were synthesized using the Stöber-Fink-Bohn process. The control of nucleation and coalescence result in improved characteristics such as high sphericity and very low size dispersion. The resulting silica particles show characteristics suitable for self-assembling across large areas of closely-packed 2D crystal monolayers by an accurate Langmuir-Blodgett deposition process on glass, fused silica and silicon substrates. Due to their special optical properties, colloidal films have potential applications in fields including photonics, electronics, electro-optics, medicine (detectors and sensors), membrane filters and surface devices. The deposited monolayers of silica particles were characterized by means of FESEM, AFM and optical transmittance measurements in order to analyze their specific properties and characteristics. We propose a theoretical calculation for the photonic band gaps in 2D systems using an extrapolation of the photonic behavior of the crystal from 3D to 2D. In this work we show that the methodology used and the conditions in self-assembly processes are decisive for producing high-quality two-dimensional colloidal crystals by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique.


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Abstract: The scope of the Pauson-Khand reaction (PKR) of internal trifluoromethyl alkynes, previously described with norbornadiene, is expanded to norbornene and ethylene. A thorough structural analysis of the resulting PK adducts has been carried out to unveil that α-trifluoromethylcyclopentenones are preferred in all cases, independently of the electronic properties of the alkyne. The regioselectivity observed with norbornadiene and ethylene is higher than in the case of norbornene.


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A photoactivated ruthenium(II) arene complex has been conjugated to two receptor-binding peptides, a dicarba analogue of octreotide and the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) tripeptide. These peptides can act as"tumor-targeting devices" since their receptors are overexpressed on the membranes of tumor cells. Both ruthenium-peptide conjugates are stable in aqueous solution in the dark, but upon irradiation with visible light, the pyridyl-derivatized peptides were selectively photodissociated from the ruthenium complex, as inferred by UV-vis and NMR spectroscopy. Importantly, the reactive aqua species generated from the conjugates, [(η6-p-cym)Ru(bpm)(H2O)]2+, reacted with the model DNA nucleobase 9-ethylguanine as well as with guanines of two DNA sequences, 5′dCATGGCT and 5′dAGCCATG. Interestingly, when irradiation was performed in the presence of the oligonucleotides, a new ruthenium adduct involving both guanines was formed as a consequence of the photodriven loss of p-cymene from the two monofunctional adducts. The release of the arene ligand and the formation of a ruthenated product with a multidentate binding mode might have important implications for the biological activity of such photoactivated ruthenium(II) arene complexes. Finally, photoreactions with the peptide-oligonucleotide hybrid, Phac-His-Gly-Met-linker-p5′dCATGGCT, also led to arene release and to guanine adducts, including a GG chelate. The lack of interaction with the peptide fragment confirms the preference of such organometallic ruthenium(II) complexes for guanine over other potential biological ligands, such as histidine or methionine amino acids.


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The existence of a supramolecular organization of the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) is now being widely accepted by the scientific community. Indeed, GPCR oligomers may enhance the diversity and performance by which extracellular signals are transferred to the G proteins in the process of receptor transduction, although the mechanism that underlies this phenomenon still remains unsolved. Recently, it has been proposed that a trans-conformational switching model could be the mechanism allowing direct inhibition/activation of receptor activation/inhibition, respectively. Thus, heterotropic receptor-receptor allosteric regulations are behind the GPCR oligomeric function. In this paper we want to revise how GPCR oligomerization impinges on several important receptor functions like biosynthesis, plasma membrane diffusion or velocity, pharmacology and signaling. In particular, the rationale of receptor oligomerization might lie in the need of sensing complex whole cell extracellular signals and translating them into a simple computational model.


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Monomers allowing for the introduction of [2,5-dimethylfuran]-protected maleimides into polyamides such as peptides, peptide nucleic acids, and peptoids were prepared, as well as the corresponding oligomers. Suitable maleimide deprotection conditions were established in each case. The stability of the adducts generated by Michael-type maleimide-thiol reaction and Diels-Alder cycloaddition to maleimide deprotection conditions was exploited to prepare a variety of conjugates from peptide and PNA scaffolds incorporating one free and one protected maleimide. The target molecules were synthesized by using two subsequent maleimide-involving click reactions separated by a maleimide deprotection step. Carrying out maleimide deprotection and conjugation simultaneously gave better results than performing the two reactions subsequently.


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The effects of exohedral moieties and endohedral metal clusters on the isomerization of M3N@Ih-C80 products from the Prato reaction through [1,5]-sigmatropic rearrangement were systematically investigated by using three types of fulleropyrrolidine derivatives and four different endohedral metal clusters. As a result, all types of derivatives provided the same ratios of the isomers for a given trimetallic nitride template (TNT) as the thermodynamic products, thus indicating that the size of the endohedral metal clusters inside C80 was the single essential factor in determining the equilibrium between the [6,6]-isomer (kinetic product) and the [5,6]-isomer. In all the derivatives, the [6,6]- and [5,6]-Prato adducts with larger metal clusters, such as Y3N and Gd3N, were equally stable, which is in good agreement with DFT calculations. The reaction rate of the rearrangement was dependent on both the substituent of exohedral functional groups and the endohedral metal-cluster size. Further DFT calculations and 13C NMR spectroscopic studies were employed to rationalize the equilibrium in the rearrangement between the [6,6]- and [5,6]-fulleropyrrolidines