121 resultados para Energy scenario
The sensitizing action of amorphous silicon nanoclusters on erbium ions in thin silica films has been studied under low-energy (long wavelength) optical excitation. Profound differences in fast visible and infrared emission dynamics have been found with respect to the high-energy (shortwavelength) case. These findings point out to a strong dependence of the energy transfer process on the optical excitation energy. Total inhibition of energy transfer to erbium states higher than thefirst excited state (4I13/2) has been demonstrated for excitation energy below 1.82 eV (excitation wavelength longer than 680 nm). Direct excitation of erbium ions to the first excited state (4I13/2)has been confirmed to be the dominant energy transfer mechanism over the whole spectral range of optical excitation used (540 nm¿680 nm).
Coulomb suppression of shot noise in a ballistic diode connected to degenerate ideal contacts is analyzed in terms of the correlations taking place between current fluctuations due to carriers injected with different energies. By using Monte Carlo simulations we show that at low frequencies the origin of Coulomb suppression can be traced back to the negative correlations existing between electrons injected with an energy close to that of the potential barrier present in the diode active region and all other carriers injected with higher energies. Correlations between electrons with energy above the potential barrier with the rest of electrons are found to influence significantly the spectra at high frequency in the cutoff region.
We report a spectroscopic study about the energy transfer mechanism among silicon nanoparticles (Si-np), both amorphous and crystalline, and Er ions in a silicon dioxide matrix. From infrared spectroscopic analysis, we have determined that the physics of the transfer mechanism does not depend on the Si-np nature, finding a fast (< 200 ns) energy transfer in both cases, while the amorphous nanoclusters reveal a larger transfer efficiency than the nanocrystals. Moreover, the detailed spectroscopic results in the visible range here reported are essential to understand the physics behind the sensitization effect, whose knowledge assumes a crucial role to enhance the transfer rate and possibly employing the material in optical amplifier devices. Joining the experimental data, performed with pulsed and continuous-wave excitation, we develop a model in which the internal intraband recombination within Si-np is competitive with the transfer process via an Auger electron"recycling" effect. Posing a different light on some detrimental mechanism such as Auger processes, our findings clearly recast the role of Si-np in the sensitization scheme, where they are able to excite very efficiently ions in close proximity to their surface. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.
A series of InxAl12xAs samples (0.51,x,0.55) coherently grown on InP was studied in order to measure the band-gap energy of the lattice matched composition. As the substrate is opaque to the relevant photon energies, a method is developed to calculate the optical absorption coefficient from the photoluminescence excitation spectra. The effect of strain on the band-gap energy has been taken into account. For x50.532, at 14 K we have obtained Eg05154966 meV. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.
[spa] En lo que concierne al cambio climático, los pronósticos de cercanos picos de combustible fósiles parecen buenas noticias pues la mayoría de las emisiones proceden de la quema de combustibles fósiles. Sin embargo, esto podría resultar engañoso de confirmarse las enormes estimaciones de reservas de carbón pues puede divisarse un intercambio de combustible fósiles con baja concentración de carbono (petróleo y gas) por otros de mayor (carbón). Ciñéndonos a esta hipótesis desarrollamos escenarios donde tan pronto el petróleo y el gas natural alcanzan su cénit la extracción de carbón crece lo necesario para compensar el descenso de los primeros. Estimamos las emisiones que se deriva de tales supuestos y las comparamos con el peor escenario del IPCC. Si bien dicho escenario parece improbable concluimos que los picos de petróleo y gas no son suficientes para evitar peligrosas sendas de gases de efecto invernadero. Las concentraciones de CO2 halladas superan con creces las 450 ppm sin signos de remisión.
We study the spectrum and magnetic properties of double quantum dots in the lowest Landau level for different values of the hopping and Zeeman parameters by means of exact diagonalization techniques in systems of N=6 and 7 electrons and a filling factor close to 2. We compare our results with those obtained in double quantum layers and single quantum dots. The Kohn theorem is also discussed.
The difficulties arising in the calculation of the nuclear curvature energy are analyzed in detail, especially with reference to relativistic models. It is underlined that the implicit dependence on curvature of the quantal wave functions is directly accessible only in a semiclassical framework. It is shown that also in the relativistic models quantal and semiclassical calculations of the curvature energy are in good agreement.
Semiclassical theories such as the Thomas-Fermi and Wigner-Kirkwood methods give a good description of the smooth average part of the total energy of a Fermi gas in some external potential when the chemical potential is varied. However, in systems with a fixed number of particles N, these methods overbind the actual average of the quantum energy as N is varied. We describe a theory that accounts for this effect. Numerical illustrations are discussed for fermions trapped in a harmonic oscillator potential and in a hard-wall cavity, and for self-consistent calculations of atomic nuclei. In the latter case, the influence of deformations on the average behavior of the energy is also considered.
We explore the deformation properties of the newly postulated Barcelona-Catania-Paris (BCP) energy density functional (EDF). The results obtained for three isotope chains of Mg, Dy, and Ra are compared to the available experimental data as well as to the results of the Gogny-D1S force. Results for the fission barrier of 240Pu are also discussed.
The density and excitation energy dependence of symmetry energy and symmetry free energy for finite nuclei are calculated microscopically in a microcanonical framework, taking into account thermal and expansion effects. A finite-range momentum and density-dependent two-body effective interaction is employed for this purpose. The role of mass, isospin, and equation of state (EOS) on these quantities is also investigated; our calculated results are in consonance with the available experimental data.
The influence of hole-hole (h-h) propagation in addition to the conventional particle-particle (p-p) propagation, on the energy per particle and the momentum distribution is investigated for the v2 central interaction which is derived from Reid¿s soft-core potential. The results are compared to Brueckner-Hartree-Fock calculations with a continuous choice for the single-particle (SP) spectrum. Calculation of the energy from a self-consistently determined SP spectrum leads to a lower saturation density. This result is not corroborated by calculating the energy from the hole spectral function, which is, however, not self-consistent. A generalization of previous calculations of the momentum distribution, based on a Goldstone diagram expansion, is introduced that allows the inclusion of h-h contributions to all orders. From this result an alternative calculation of the kinetic energy is obtained. In addition, a direct calculation of the potential energy is presented which is obtained from a solution of the ladder equation containing p-p and h-h propagation to all orders. These results can be considered as the contributions of selected Goldstone diagrams (including p-p and h-h terms on the same footing) to the kinetic and potential energy in which the SP energy is given by the quasiparticle energy. The results for the summation of Goldstone diagrams leads to a different momentum distribution than the one obtained from integrating the hole spectral function which in general gives less depletion of the Fermi sea. Various arguments, based partly on the results that are obtained, are put forward that a self-consistent determination of the spectral functions including the p-p and h-h ladder contributions (using a realistic interaction) will shed light on the question of nuclear saturation at a nonrelativistic level that is consistent with the observed depletion of SP orbitals in finite nuclei.