133 resultados para Algebraic attacks
A `next' operator, s, is built on the set R1=(0,1]-{ 1-1/e} defining a partial order that, with the help of the axiom of choice, can be extended to a total order in R1. Besides, the orbits {sn(a)}nare all dense in R1 and are constituted by elements of the samearithmetical character: if a is an algebraic irrational of degreek all the elements in a's orbit are algebraic of degree k; if a istranscendental, all are transcendental. Moreover, the asymptoticdistribution function of the sequence formed by the elements in anyof the half-orbits is a continuous, strictly increasing, singularfunction very similar to the well-known Minkowski's ?(×) function.
The Treatise on Quadrature of Fermat (c. 1659), besides containing the first known proof of the computation of the area under a higher parabola, R x+m/n dx, or under a higher hyperbola, R x-m/n dx with the appropriate limits of integration in each case , has a second part which was not understood by Fermat s contemporaries. This second part of the Treatise is obscure and difficult to read and even the great Huygens described it as'published with many mistakes and it is so obscure (with proofs redolent of error) that I have been unable to make any sense of it'. Far from the confusion that Huygens attributes to it, in this paper we try to prove that Fermat, in writing the Treatise, had a very clear goal in mind and he managed to attain it by means of a simple and original method. Fermat reduced the quadrature of a great number of algebraic curves to the quadrature of known curves: the higher parabolas and hyperbolas of the first part of the paper. Others, he reduced to the quadrature of the circle. We shall see how the clever use of two procedures, quite novel at the time: the change of variables and a particular case of the formulaof integration by parts, provide Fermat with the necessary tools to square very easily curves as well-known as the folium of Descartes, the cissoid of Diocles or the witch of Agnesi.
En este art\'\ı culo discutimos los resultados principalesalcanzados en mi trabajo de grado, el cual fue dirigido por elprofesor Jairo Charris Casta\~neda. La discusi\'on la limitaremos alos llamados $(p, q)$ grupos, en particular a los grupos diedros.
We present a unified geometric framework for describing both the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms of regular and non-regular time-dependent mechanical systems, which is based on the approach of Skinner and Rusk (1983). The dynamical equations of motion and their compatibility and consistency are carefully studied, making clear that all the characteristics of the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian formalisms are recovered in this formulation. As an example, it is studied a semidiscretization of the nonlinear wave equation proving the applicability of the proposed formalism.
This paper provides an explicit cofibrant resolution of the operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras. Thus it defines the notion of homotopy Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras with the required homotopy properties. To define this resolution we extend the theory of Koszul duality to operads and properads that are defind by quadratic and linear relations. The operad encoding Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras is shown to be Koszul in this sense. This allows us to prove a Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt Theorem for such an operad and to give an explicit small quasi-free resolution for it. This particular resolution enables us to describe the deformation theory and homotopy theory of BV-algebras and of homotopy BV-algebras. We show that any topological conformal field theory carries a homotopy BV-algebra structure which lifts the BV-algebra structure on homology. The same result is proved for the singular chain complex of the double loop space of a topological space endowed with an action of the circle. We also prove the cyclic Deligne conjecture with this cofibrant resolution of the operad BV. We develop the general obstruction theory for algebras over the Koszul resolution of a properad and apply it to extend a conjecture of Lian-Zuckerman, showing that certain vertex algebras have an explicit homotopy BV-algebra structure.
We present formulas for computing the resultant of sparse polyno- mials as a quotient of two determinants, the denominator being a minor of the numerator. These formulas extend the original formulation given by Macaulay for homogeneous polynomials.
The aim of this paper is to give an explicit formula for the num- bers of abelian extensions of a p-adic number field and to study the generating function of these numbers. More precisely, we give the number of abelian ex- tensions with given degree and ramification index, and the number of abelian extensions with given degree of any local field of characteristic zero. Moreover, we give a concrete expression of a generating function for these last numbers
Let S be a fibred surface. We prove that the existence of morphisms from non countably many fibres to curves implies, up to base change, the existence of a rational map from S to another surface fibred over the same base reflecting the properties of the original morphisms. Under some conditions of unicity base change is not needed and one recovers exactly the initial maps.
The purpose of this paper is two fold. First, we give an upper bound on the orderof a multisecant line to an integral arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay subscheme in Pn of codimension two in terms of the Hilbert function. Secondly, we givean explicit description of the singular locus of the blow up of an arbitrary local ring at a complete intersection ideal. This description is used to refine standardlinking theorem. These results are tied together by the construction of sharp examples for the bound, which uses the linking theorems.
We show that the motive of the quotient of a scheme by a finite group coincides with the invariant submotive.