77 resultados para Roxas, Simón de, Beato


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We empirically investigate whether the transmission of the recent crisis in euro area sovereign debt markets was due to fundamentals-based or pure contagion. To do so, we examine the behaviour of EMU sovereign bond yield spreads with respect to the German bund for a sample of both central and peripheral countries from January 1999 to December 2012. First we apply a dynamic approach to analyse the evolution of the degree of Grangercausality within the 90 pairs of sovereign bond yield spreads in our sample, in order to detect episodes of significantly increased causality between them (which we associate with contagion) and episodes of significantly reduced interconnection (which we associate with immunisation). We then use an ordered logit model to assess the determinants of the occurrence of the episodes detected. Our results suggest the importance of variables proxying market sentiment and of variables proxying macrofundamentals in determining contagion and immunisation outcomes. Therefore, our findings underline the coexistence of “pure” and “fundamentals-based contagion” during the recent European debt crisis.


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This paper contributes to the literature by applying the Granger causality approach and endogenous breakpoint test to offer an operational definition of contagion to examine European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) countries public debt behaviour. A database of yields on 10-year government bonds issued by 11 EMU countries covering fourteen years of monetary union is used. The main results suggest that the 41 new causality patterns, which appeared for the first time in the crisis period, and the intensification of causality recorded in 70% of the cases, provide clear evidence of contagion in the aftermath of the current euro debt crisis.


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Se describe una intervención educativa en un aula externa concertada con un centro de educación secundana. El caso se refiere a un alumno inestable, con una situación familiar compleja, con problemas de adaptación y que manifiesta gran preocupación por obtener el graduado en educación secundaria.


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Este artículo se inicia con la presentación de la moderna concepción científica de la enseñanza/ aprendizaje de la historia que considera que la mejor manera de enseñar esta disciplina social es reproduciendo el método que utiliza el historiador en la construcción de la historia. Se da a conocer una experiencia docente de integración de la didáctica del patrimonio en el curriculum de la formación de maestros. Siguiendo la idea ya señalada por otros especialistas, se defiende la necesidad de utilizar el patrimonio como un elemento del entorno que, en tanto que proyecta el pasado en el presente, se convierte en una fuente primaria de primer orden que favorece una enseñanza/aprendizaje de la historia y del método del historiador, de forma inducida, realista y por descubrimiento dirigido, mediante el análisis de las fuentes documentales de carácter muy diverso que encierra el propio elemento patrimonial estudiado. Al mismo tiempo, desde una perspectiva constructivista del aprendizaje manifiesta la necesidad de la previa investigación que sobre dicho elemento patrimonial debe realizar el profesor universitario de didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales para llevar a cabo y definitivamente normalizar este tipo de docencia innovadora.


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This paper contributes to the literature by applying the Granger causality approach and endogenous breakpoint test to offer an operational definition of contagion to examine European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) countries public debt behaviour. A database of yields on 10-year government bonds issued by 11 EMU countries covering fourteen years of monetary union is used. The main results suggest that the 41 new causality patterns, which appeared for the first time in the crisis period, and the intensification of causality recorded in 70% of the cases, provide clear evidence of contagion in the aftermath of the current euro debt crisis.


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El artículo que se comenta y otros trabajos publicados anteriormente por J.L. Simón, individualmente o en colaboración, establecen una evolución de la deformación terciaria compresiva y distensiva en el ámbito de la Cadena Ibérica que, en mi opinión, tiene aspectos discutibles, ya que se basa, parcialmente, en algunos datos poco representativos y en una aplicación de los conceptos de comprensión y de distensión a mi entender errónea. Esta es la razón de los presentes comentarios que se centrarán, principalmente, en la discusión de las edades del final de la comprensión y del inicio de la distensión, en el uso de las estructuras frágiles a la escala del afloramiento y en los conceptos de compresión y de distensión.


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La lectura no es posible sin libro, para que los libros lleguen al lector deben recorrer un largo proceso material y una no menos material circulación desde que se imprimen hasta que llegan a manos u oídos del lector. Atender los circuitos por los cuales llegan a Quito los libros que alimentan el interés de los lectores coloniales, puede resultar un primer paso para precisar las posibilidades reales de adquisición y lectura de libros. La movilidad del libro muestra un universo de relaciones, de tal manera que el libro implica a un buen número de agentes sociales y culturales. Este trabajo se ocupa de las redes comerciales y de intercambio del libro destinado al mercado quiteño a través de la carrera de Indias.


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A partir de diversas sesiones de debate contrastado, en las que se presentaban realidades muy diferentes bajo el análisis de una concepción educativa atenta a la diversidad y basada en la perspectiva contextual y en la propuesta de respuestas inclusivas, ofrecemos a continuación una síntesis de algunos aspectos fundamentales para avanzar hacia la mejora.


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Despite the low biodegradability of seawater NOM, problems associated with biofouling are common in facilities that handle seawater. In this work, a fixed-film aerobic biofilter is proposed as an effective unit for preventing biofouling in such facilities. A packed-bed biofilter with an EBCT = 6 - 11 min was employed. The results demonstrated that the DOC is reduced by 6% and the BOD7 is reduced up to 15%. The LC-OCD analysis revealed that biofiltration abates the LMW neutrals and biopolymer fractions by 33 and 17%, respectively. However, the fractionation with UF membrane showed that the biofiltration process is able to degrade the more biodegradable compounds that have molecular weights that are greater than 1 kDa and compounds with molecular weights of less than 1 kDa. After biofiltration, the biological activity measured in terms of ATP removal was reduced by 60%. Finally, a test to evaluate the biofilm formation capacity of a water sample revealed reductions of ~94% when comparing biofiltered and non-biofiltered seawater. Therefore, a fixed-film aerobic biofiltration process could be a useful treatment for the removal of biodegradable organic matter from seawater and for improving the water quality in terms of less biofilm formation capacity.


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Durant els cursos acadèmics compresos entre 2008 i 2012, i a dues assignatures de primer curs de l"antiga diplomatura i del nou grau d"Educació Infantil de la Universitat de Barcelona, es va implementar la modalitat d"aules obertes a la professionalització (AOP), basada en un treball conjunt entre universitat i centres escolars i en la incorporació d"estratègies de pràctica reflexiva, per tal d"oferir la formació teoricopràctica necessària per al desenvolupament de la professió de mestre/a. Des d"aquest entorn d"aprenentatge s"ha pogut aprofundir en les competències que l"alumnat universitari considera importants per desenvolupar en l"exercici professional dels mestres i ha portat, tant els mestres en actiu com el professorat universitari, a interrogar-se sobre quina és la seva funció fonamental i com dur-la a terme. Aquest estudi es va fer en el marc de la recerca «Aules obertes a la professionalització (AOP): anàlisi del seu impacte en la identitat i competències del formador» (REDICE 1002-29), de la qual fou investigadora principal Begoña Piqué.


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¿Están las nuevas generaciones preparadas para hacer frente a la sociedad del conocimiento? La alfabetización mediática proporciona las habilidades y las competencias necesarias para hacer frente a los retos y demandas que plantea la inclusión de las nuevas tecnologías y los medios en todas los ámbitos de la sociedad. A través de un estudio de caso se pretende conocer cuáles son las competencias mediáticas que poseen un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria y la implicación que su centro educativo tiene con la enseñanza y el desarrollo de la alfabetización mediática


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Our research aims to analyze the causal relationships in the behavior of public debt issued by peripheral member countries of the European Economic and Monetary Union -EMU-, with special emphasis on the recent episodes of crisis triggered in the eurozone sovereign debt markets since 2009. With this goal in mind, we make use of a database of daily frequency of yields on 10-year government bonds issued by five EMU countries -Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain-, covering the entire history of the EMU from its inception on 1 January 1999 until 31 December 2010. In the first step, we explore the pair-wise causal relationship between yields, both for the whole sample and for changing subsamples of the data, in order to capture the possible time-varying causal relationship. This approach allows us to detect episodes of contagion between yields on bonds issued by different countries. In the second step, we study the determinants of these contagion episodes, analyzing the role played by different factors, paying special attention to instruments that capture the total national debt -domestic and foreign- in each country.


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The article examines public-private sector wage differentials in Spain using microdata from the Structure of Earnings Survey (Encuesta de Estructura Salarial). When applying various decomposition techniques, we find that it is important to distinguish by gender and type of contract. Our results also highlight the presence of a positive wage premium for public sector workers that can be partially explained by their better endowment of characteristics, in particular by the characteristics of the establishment where they work. The wage premium is greater for female and fixed-term employees and falls across the wage distribution, being negative for more highly skilled workers.


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Based on contingent claims analysis, CCA, this paper tries to estimate the systemic risk build-up in the European Economic and Monetary Union, EMU countries using a market based measure distance-to-default, DtD. It analyzes the individual and aggregated series for a comprehensive set of banks in each eurozone country over the period 2004-Q4 to 2013-Q2. Given the structural differences in financial sector and banking regulations at national level, the indices provide a useful indicator for monitoring country specific banking vulnerability and stress. We find that average DtD indicators are intuitive, forward-looking and timely risk indicators. The underlying trend, fluctuations and correlations among indices help us analyze the interdependence while cross-sectional differences in DtD prior to crisis suggest banking sector fragility in peripheral EMU countries.


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The aim of this paper is to present cDVF-E scales for families with children of 0-18 years, on one hand, and over 18 years, on the other, that researchers from five spanish universities have recently validated and standardized to the spanish population. To this end, first, the importance of the construct of quality of family life and its implications for research and practice should be emphasized. Afterwards, we introduce the first international initiatives measuring the quality of family life developed in the first decade of this century. Then the features, dimensions and psychometric properties of the scales are synthetically presented. Finally, the authors encourage practitioners and organizations to use these tools in the context of family-centered model and provides, as a conclusions, some considerations