Study on the removal of biodegradable NOM from seawater using biofiltration

Autoria(s): Simón, Francesc Xavier; Rudé i Payró, Elisabet; Llorens Llacuna, Joan; Baig, Sylvie

Universitat de Barcelona


Despite the low biodegradability of seawater NOM, problems associated with biofouling are common in facilities that handle seawater. In this work, a fixed-film aerobic biofilter is proposed as an effective unit for preventing biofouling in such facilities. A packed-bed biofilter with an EBCT = 6 - 11 min was employed. The results demonstrated that the DOC is reduced by 6% and the BOD7 is reduced up to 15%. The LC-OCD analysis revealed that biofiltration abates the LMW neutrals and biopolymer fractions by 33 and 17%, respectively. However, the fractionation with UF membrane showed that the biofiltration process is able to degrade the more biodegradable compounds that have molecular weights that are greater than 1 kDa and compounds with molecular weights of less than 1 kDa. After biofiltration, the biological activity measured in terms of ATP removal was reduced by 60%. Finally, a test to evaluate the biofilm formation capacity of a water sample revealed reductions of ~94% when comparing biofiltered and non-biofiltered seawater. Therefore, a fixed-film aerobic biofiltration process could be a useful treatment for the removal of biodegradable organic matter from seawater and for improving the water quality in terms of less biofilm formation capacity.





Elsevier B.V.


(c) Elsevier B.V., 2013


Palavras-Chave #Aigua de mar #Biodegradació #Biofilms #Contaminació de l'aigua #Enginyeria química #Seawater #Biodegradation #Biofilms #Water pollution #Chemical engineering

