108 resultados para SMOKE DETECTORS


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We present a computer vision system that associates omnidirectional vision with structured light with the aim of obtaining depth information for a 360 degrees field of view. The approach proposed in this article combines an omnidirectional camera with a panoramic laser projector. The article shows how the sensor is modelled and its accuracy is proved by means of experimental results. The proposed sensor provides useful information for robot navigation applications, pipe inspection, 3D scene modelling etc


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Obtaining automatic 3D profile of objects is one of the most important issues in computer vision. With this information, a large number of applications become feasible: from visual inspection of industrial parts to 3D reconstruction of the environment for mobile robots. In order to achieve 3D data, range finders can be used. Coded structured light approach is one of the most widely used techniques to retrieve 3D information of an unknown surface. An overview of the existing techniques as well as a new classification of patterns for structured light sensors is presented. This kind of systems belong to the group of active triangulation method, which are based on projecting a light pattern and imaging the illuminated scene from one or more points of view. Since the patterns are coded, correspondences between points of the image(s) and points of the projected pattern can be easily found. Once correspondences are found, a classical triangulation strategy between camera(s) and projector device leads to the reconstruction of the surface. Advantages and constraints of the different patterns are discussed


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This paper overviews the field of graphical simulators used for AUV development, presents the taxonomy of these applications and proposes a classification. It also presents Neptune, a multivehicle, real-time, graphical simulator based on OpenGL that allows hardware in the loop simulations


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Aquest projecte es centra principalment en el detector no coherent d’un GPS. Per tal de caracteritzar el procés de detecció d’un receptor, es necessita conèixer l’estadística implicada. Pel cas dels detectors no coherents convencionals, l’estadística de segon ordre intervé plenament. Les prestacions que ens dóna l’estadística de segon ordre, plasmada en la ROC, són prou bons tot i que en diferents situacions poden no ser els millors. Aquest projecte intenta reproduir el procés de detecció mitjançant l’estadística de primer ordre com a alternativa a la ja coneguda i implementada estadística de segon ordre. Per tal d’aconseguir-ho, s’usen expressions basades en el Teorema Central del Límit i de les sèries Edgeworth com a bones aproximacions. Finalment, tant l’estadística convencional com l’estadística proposada són comparades, en termes de la ROC, per tal de determinar quin detector no coherent ofereix millor prestacions en cada situació.


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Aquesta tesi explora la possibilitat de fer servir enllaços inductius per a una aplicació de l’automòbil on el cablejat entre la centraleta (ECU) i els sensors o detectors és difícil o impossible. S’han proposat dos mètodes: 1) el monitoratge de sensors commutats (dos possibles estats) via acoblament inductiu i 2) la transmissió mitjançant el mateix principi físic de la potència necessària per alimentar els sensors autònoms remots. La detecció d'ocupació i del cinturó de seguretat per a seients desmuntables pot ser implementada amb sistemes sense fils passius basats en circuits ressonants de tipus LC on l'estat dels sensors determina el valor del condensador i, per tant, la freqüència de ressonància. Els canvis en la freqüència són detectats per una bobina situada en el terra del vehicle. S’ha conseguit provar el sistema en un marge entre 0.5 cm i 3 cm. Els experiments s’han dut a terme fent servir un analitzador d’impedàncies connectat a una bobina primària i sensors comercials connectats a un circuit remot. La segona proposta consisteix en transmetre remotament la potència des d’una bobina situada en el terra del vehicle cap a un dispositiu autònom situat en el seient. Aquest dispositiu monitorarà l'estat dels detectors (d'ocupació i de cinturó) i transmetrà les dades mitjançant un transceptor comercial de radiofreqüència o pel mateix enllaç inductiu. S’han avaluat les bobines necessàries per a una freqüència de treball inferior a 150 kHz i s’ha estudiat quin és el regulador de tensió més apropiat per tal d’aconseguir una eficiència global màxima. Quatre tipus de reguladors de tensió s’han analitzat i comparat des del punt de vista de l’eficiència de potència. Els reguladors de tensió de tipus lineal shunt proporcionen una eficiència de potència millor que les altres alternatives, els lineals sèrie i els commutats buck o boost. Les eficiències aconseguides han estat al voltant del 40%, 25% i 10% per les bobines a distàncies 1cm, 1.5cm, i 2cm. Les proves experimentals han mostrat que els sensors autònoms han estat correctament alimentats fins a distàncies de 2.5cm.


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The Voxel Imaging PET (VIP) Path nder project got the 4 year European Research Council FP7 grant in 2010 to prove the feasibility of using CdTe detectors in a novel conceptual design of PET scanner. The work presented in this thesis is a part of the VIP project and consists of, on the one hand, the characterization of a CdTe detector in terms of energy resolution and coincidence time resolution and, on the other hand, the simulation of the setup with the single detector in order to extend the results to the full PET scanner. An energy resolution of 0.98% at 511 keV with a bias voltage of 1000 V/mm has been measured at low temperature T=-8 ºC. The coincidence time distribution of two twin detectors has been found to be as low as 6 ns FWHM for events with energies above 500 keV under the same temperature and bias conditions. The measured energy and time resolution values are compatible with similar ndings available in the literature and prove the excellent potential of CdTe for PET applications. This results have been presented in form of a poster contribution at the IEEE NSS/MIC & RTSD 2011 conference in October 2011 in Valencia and at the iWoRID 2012 conference in July 2012 in Coimbra, Portugal. They have been also submitted for publication to "Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)" in September 2012.


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En aquest projecte es pretén implementar un dispositiu capaç de ser auto-suficient i no dependre de cap tipus de pila, bateria o fil elèctric que l’abasteixi d’energia elèctrica. El dispositiu recol·lectarà la energia magnètica generada per la corrent elèctrica a un fil i la transformarà en energia elèctrica, que serà emmagatzemada per el seu posterior ús. A demès, aquest projecte s’ha desenvolupat en col·laboració amb un segon projecte, dintre del qual s’implementarà una xarxa de sensors, mitjançant el protocol MIWI. Aquest projecte es divideix en tres grans blocs. El primer bloc del projecte serà una introducció teòrica de tots els coneixements relacionats amb el concepte d’energy harvesting i els mecanismes físic implicats. Al segon bloc podrem veure com s’han realitzat els càlculs, simulacions i posada en marxa, dels diferents elements que formaran el dispositiu recol·lector d’energia. Per últim en el tercer bloc veurem el prototip ja implementat. Es valoraran els resultats obtinguts, i es veuran els temps que necessitarà per alimentar al microcontrolador.


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Background: There is evidence that exposure to passive smoking in general, and in babies in particular, is an important cause of morbimortality. Passive smoking is related to an increased risk of pediatric diseases such as sudden death syndrome, acute respiratory diseases, worsening of asthma, acute-chronic middle ear disease and slowing of lung growth.The objective of this article is to describe the BIBE study protocol. The BIBE study aims to determine the effectiveness of a brief intervention within the context of Primary Care, directed to mothers and fathers that smoke, in order to reduce the exposure of babies to passive smoking (ETS).Methods/DesignCluster randomized field trial (control and intervention group), multicentric and open. Subject: Fathers and/or mothers who are smokers and their babies (under 18 months) that attend pediatric services in Primary Care in Catalonia.The measurements will be taken at three points in time, in each of the fathers and/or mothers who respond to a questionnaire regarding their baby's clinical background and characteristics of the baby's exposure, together with variables related to the parents' tobacco consumption. A hair sample of the baby will be taken at the beginning of the study and at six months after the initial visit (biological determination of nicotine). The intervention group will apply a brief intervention in passive smoking after specific training and the control group will apply the habitual care.Discussion: Exposure to ETS is an avoidable factor related to infant morbimortality. Interventions to reduce exposure to ETS in babies are potentially beneficial for their health. The BIBE study evaluates an intervention to reduce exposure to ETS that takes advantage of pediatric visits. Interventions in the form of advice, conducted by pediatric professionals, are an excellent opportunity for prevention and protection of infants against the harmful effects of ETS.


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La detección de caídas mediante un sensor basado en microcontrolador y un sensor de aceleración triaxial, se basa en detectar un patrón en la señal medida por el acelerómetro durante una caída


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El treball presentat ve motivat per la necessitat d’instal•lació d’un pàrquing públic i privat de nova construcció a nivell d’il•luminació i ventilació. Per poder satisfer les necessitats del nostre client d’estalvi energètic i confort en l’edifici es decideix d’implementar una instal•lació immòtica que és l’aplicació de tècniques de gestió i control automatitzat a un edifici terciari amb bus de comunicació KNX/EIB. Per a la il•luminació s’han utilitzat fluorescents amb balasts DALI, que permeten la seva regulació i control, per així poder adequar en tot moment l’encesa i intensitat de llum d’aquests. En quant a la ventilació s’han utilitzat variadors de freqüència per també poder optimitzar el funcionament dels ventiladors podent posar-los en marxa quan realment sigui necessari i a la potència que calgui. Per enllaçar tots els elements de la instal•lació, detectors i actuadors, sorgeig la necessitat d’implementar xarxes de comunicació com el KNX/EIB, DALI, Modbus i Ethernet. Per gestionar variables, comunicacions i controlar elements, s´hi han implementen dos autòmats programables a més d’un PC integrat per la visualització i el control del pàrquing. S’ha aconseguit de realitzar un pàrquing totalment automàtic on no és necessaria l’actuació dels operaris i amb les principals càrregues elèctriques totalment regulables en potència. S’ha comprovat que la instal•lació funciona per sota de la potència nominal de les càrregues amb l’estalvi energètic que això suposa.


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Contamination of weather radar echoes by anomalous propagation (anaprop) mechanisms remains a serious issue in quality control of radar precipitation estimates. Although significant progress has been made identifying clutter due to anaprop there is no unique method that solves the question of data reliability without removing genuine data. The work described here relates to the development of a software application that uses a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model to obtain the temperature, humidity and pressure fields to calculate the three dimensional structure of the atmospheric refractive index structure, from which a physically based prediction of the incidence of clutter can be made. This technique can be used in conjunction with existing methods for clutter removal by modifying parameters of detectors or filters according to the physical evidence for anomalous propagation conditions. The parabolic equation method (PEM) is a well established technique for solving the equations for beam propagation in a non-uniformly stratified atmosphere, but although intrinsically very efficient, is not sufficiently fast to be practicable for near real-time modelling of clutter over the entire area observed by a typical weather radar. We demonstrate a fast hybrid PEM technique that is capable of providing acceptable results in conjunction with a high-resolution terrain elevation model, using a standard desktop personal computer. We discuss the performance of the method and approaches for the improvement of the model profiles in the lowest levels of the troposphere.


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Nanocrystalline TiO2 modified with Nb has been produced through the sol-gel technique. Nanopowders have been obtained by means of the hydrolysis of pure alkoxides with deionized water and peptization of the resulting hydrolysate with diluted acid nitric at 100 C. The addition of Nb stabilizes the anatase phase to higher temperatures. XRD spectra of the undoped and the Nb-doped samples show that the undoped sample has been almost totally converted to rutile at 600 C, meanwhile the doped samples present still a low percentage of rutile phase. Nanocrystalline powders stabilized at 600 C with grain sizes of about 17 nm have successfully been synthesized by the addition of Nb with a concentration of 2% at., which appears to be an adequate additive concentration to improve the gas sensor performances, such as it is suggested by the catalytic conversion efficiency experiments performed from FTIR measurements. FTIR absorbance spectra show that catalytic conversion of CO occurs at lower temperatures when niobium is introduced. The electrical response of the films to different concentrations of CO and ethanol has been monitored in dry and wet environments in order to test the influence of humidity in the sensor response. The addition of Nb decreases the working temperature and increases the stability of the layers. Also, large enhancement of the response time is obtained even with lower working temperatures. Moreover, humidity effects on the gas sensor response toward CO and ethanol are less important in Nb-doped samples than in the undoped ones.


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Background To demonstrate the tobacco industry rationale behind the "Spanish model" on non-smokers' protection in hospitality venues and the impact it had on some European and Latin American countries between 2006 and 2011. Methods Tobacco industry documents research triangulated against news and media reports. Results As an alternative to the successful implementation of 100% smoke-free policies, several European and Latin American countries introduced partial smoking bans based on the so-called "Spanish model", a legal framework widely advocated by parts of the hospitality industry with striking similarities to "accommodation programmes" promoted by the tobacco industry in the late 1990s. These developments started with the implementation of the Spanish tobacco control law (Ley 28/2005) in 2006 and have increased since then. Conclusion The Spanish experience demonstrates that partial smoking bans often resemble tobacco industry strategies and are used to spread a failed approach on international level. Researchers, advocates and policy makers should be aware of this ineffective policy.