97 resultados para Java Native Interface


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This paper presents a tool for the analysis and regeneration of Web contents, implemented through XML and Java. At the moment, the Web content delivery from server to clients is carried out without taking into account clients' characteristics. Heterogeneous and diverse characteristics, such as user's preferences, different capacities of the client's devices, different types of access, state of the network and current load on the server, directly affect the behavior of Web services. On the other hand, the growing use of multimedia objects in the design of Web contents is made without taking into account this diversity and heterogeneity. It affects, even more, the appropriate content delivery. Thus, the objective of the presented tool is the treatment of Web pages taking into account the mentioned heterogeneity and adapting contents in order to improve the performance on the Web


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El projecte que es descriu en aquest document consisteix en el desenvolupament d'una arquitectura de suport per a aplicacions web empresarials basada en tecnologia J2EE. La idea és gestionar totes les funcionalitats de baix nivell per tal que el desenvolupador de l'aplicació web pugui centrar-se quasi exclusivament en implementar els temes funcionals.


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L'objectiu del projecte és la realització d'una eina capaç de traduir el pseudocodi al llenguatge de programació Java, utilitzant la programació orientada a objectes. S'obté un programa en Java del qual es podrà comprovar el seu bon funcionament, tot compilant-lo amb qualsevol compilador estàndard de Java com el distribuït per Sun Microsystems. El projecte està basat en teories de llenguatges i creació d'autòmats reconeixedors de gramàtiques, ja que són els fonaments per tal de realitzar un compilador/traductor. En el traductor s'implementa tant l'anàlisi lèxica, com la sintàctica i la semàntica. Les etapes de generació de codi intermedi, optimització i generació de codi final són substituïdes per la generació de codi Java


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En un projecte anterior es va desenvolupar una aplicació web amb Java on s'implementava un simulador de granges de llet. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és desenvolupar una interfície d'usuari per a dispositius mòbils que permeti interactuar amb les mateixes granges virtuals.


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The genetic characterization of Native Mexicans is important to understand multiethnic based features influencing the medical genetics of present Mexican populations, as well as to the reconstruct the peopling of the Americas. We describe the Y-chromosome genetic diversity of 197 Native Mexicans from 11 populations and 1,044 individuals from 44 Native American populations after combining with publicly available data. We found extensive heterogeneity among Native Mexican populations and ample segregation of Q-M242* (46%) and Q-M3 (54%) haplogroups within Mexico. The northernmost sampled populations falling outside Mesoamerica (Pima and Tarahumara) showed a clear differentiation with respect to the other populations, which is in agreement with previous results from mtDNA lineages. However, our results point toward a complex genetic makeup of Native Mexicans whose maternal and paternal lineages reveal different narratives of their population history, with sex-biased continental contributions and different admixture proportions. At a continental scale, we found that Arctic populations and the northernmost groups from North America cluster together, but we did not find a clear differentiation within Mesoamerica and the rest of the continent, which coupled with the fact that the majority of individuals from Central and South American samples are restricted to the Q-M3 branch, supports the notion that most Native Americans from Mesoamerica southwards are descendants from a single wave of migration. This observation is compatible with the idea that present day Mexico might have constituted an area of transition in the diversification of paternal lineages during the colonization of the Americas.


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Mesoamerica, defined as the broad linguistic and cultural area from middle southern Mexico to Costa Rica, might have played a pivotal role during the colonization of theAmerican continent. It has been suggested that the Mesoamerican isthmus could have played an important role in severely restricting prehistorically gene flow between North and SouthAmerica. Although the Native American component has been already described in admixedMexican populations, few studies have been carried out in native Mexican populations. In thisstudy we present mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data for the first hypervariable region (HVR-I) in 477 unrelated individuals belonging to eleven different native populations from Mexico. Almost all the Native Mexican mtDNAs could be classified into the four pan-Amerindian haplogroups (A2, B2, C1 and D1); only three of them could be allocated to the rare Native American lineage D4h3. Their haplogroup phylogenies are clearly star-like, as expected from relatively young populations that have experienced diverse episodes of genetic drift (e.g. extensive isolation, genetic drift and founder effects) and posterior population expansions. In agreement with this observation is the fact that Native Mexican populations show a high degree of heterogeneity in their patterns of haplogroup frequencies. HaplogroupX2a was absent in our samples, supporting previous observations where this clade was only detected in the American northernmost areas. The search for identical sequences in the American continent shows that, although Native Mexican populations seem to show a closer relationship to North American populations, they cannot be related to a single geographical region within the continent. Finally, we did not find significant population structure on the maternal lineages when considering the four main and distinct linguistic groups represented in our Mexican samples (Oto-Manguean, Uto-Aztecan, Tarascan, and Mayan), suggesting that genetic divergence predates linguistic diversification in Mexico.


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BACKGROUND: CODIS-STRs in Native Mexican groups have rarely been analysed for human identification and anthropological purposes. AIM:To analyse the genetic relationships and population structure among three Native Mexican groups from Mesoamerica.SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 531 unrelated Native individuals from Mexico were PCR-typed for 15 and 9 autosomal STRs (Identifiler™ and Profiler™ kits, respectively), including five population samples: Purépechas (Mountain, Valley and Lake), Triquis and Yucatec Mayas. Previously published STR data were included in the analyses. RESULTS:Allele frequencies and statistical parameters of forensic importance were estimated by population. The majority of Native groups were not differentiated pairwise, excepting Triquis and Purépechas, which was attributable to their relative geographic and cultural isolation. Although Mayas, Triquis and Purépechas-Mountain presented the highest number of private alleles, suggesting recurrent gene flow, the elevated differentiation of Triquis indicates a different origin of this gene flow. Interestingly, Huastecos and Mayas were not differentiated, which is in agreement with the archaeological hypothesis that Huastecos represent an ancestral Maya group. Interpopulation variability was greater in Natives than in Mestizos, both significant.CONCLUSION: Although results suggest that European admixture has increased the similarity between Native Mexican groups, the differentiation and inconsistent clustering by language or geography stresses the importance of serial founder effect and/or genetic drift in showing their present genetic relationships.


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Background: Recent advances on high-throughput technologies have produced a vast amount of protein sequences, while the number of high-resolution structures has seen a limited increase. This has impelled the production of many strategies to built protein structures from its sequence, generating a considerable amount of alternative models. The selection of the closest model to the native conformation has thus become crucial for structure prediction. Several methods have been developed to score protein models by energies, knowledge-based potentials and combination of both.Results: Here, we present and demonstrate a theory to split the knowledge-based potentials in scoring terms biologically meaningful and to combine them in new scores to predict near-native structures. Our strategy allows circumventing the problem of defining the reference state. In this approach we give the proof for a simple and linear application that can be further improved by optimizing the combination of Zscores. Using the simplest composite score () we obtained predictions similar to state-of-the-art methods. Besides, our approach has the advantage of identifying the most relevant terms involved in the stability of the protein structure. Finally, we also use the composite Zscores to assess the conformation of models and to detect local errors.Conclusion: We have introduced a method to split knowledge-based potentials and to solve the problem of defining a reference state. The new scores have detected near-native structures as accurately as state-of-art methods and have been successful to identify wrongly modeled regions of many near-native conformations.


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Análisis de desarrollo paralelo CUDA en lenguajes Java y Python, utilizando JCuda, RootBeer, PyCuda y Anaconda Accelerate. Cómo desarrollar, pros y contras de las herramientas analizadas.


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This paper investigates the effects of Spain s large recent immigration wave on thelabor supply of highly skilled native women. We hypothesize that female immigration led to an increase in the supply of affordable household services, such as housekeeping and child or elderly care. As a result, i) native females with high earnings potential were able to increase their labor supply, and ii) the effects were larger on skilled women whose labor supply was heavily constrained by family responsibilities. Our evidence indicates that over the last decade immigration led to an important expansion in the size of the household services sector and to an increase in the labor supply of women in high-earning occupations (of about 2 hours per week). We also find that immigration allowed skilled native women to return to work sooner after childbirth, to stay in the workforce longer when having elderly dependents in the household, and to postpone retirement. Methodologically, we show that the availability of even limited Registry data makes it feasible to conduct the analysis using quarterly household survey data, as opposed to having to rely on the decennial Census.


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The advances of the semiconductor industry enable microelectromechanical systems sensors, signal conditioning logic and network access to be integrated into a smart sensor node. In this framework, a mixed-mode interface circuit for monolithically integrated gas sensor arrays was developed with high-level design techniques. This interface system includes analog electronics for inspection of up to four sensor arrays and digital logic for smart control and data communication. Although different design methodologies were used in the conception of the complete circuit, high-level synthesis tools and methodologies were crucial in speeding up the whole design cycle, enhancing reusability for future applications and producing a flexible and robust component.


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An interfacing circuit for piezoresistive pressure sensors based on CMOS current conveyors is presented. The main advantages of the proposed interfacing circuit include the use of a single piezoresistor, the capability of offset compensation, and a versatile current-mode configuration, with current output and current or voltage input. Experimental tests confirm linear relation of output voltage versus piezoresistance variation.


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By an analysis of the exchange of carriers through a semiconductor junction, a general relationship for the nonequilibrium population of the interface states in Schottky barrier diodes has been derived. Based on this relationship, an analytical expression for the ideality factor valid in the whole range of applied bias has been given. This quantity exhibits two different behaviours depending on the value of the applied bias with respect to a critical voltage. This voltage, which depends on the properties of the interfacial layer, constitutes a new parameter to complete the characterization of these junctions. A simple interpretation of the different behaviours of the ideality factor has been given in terms of the nonequilibrium charging properties of interface states, which in turn explains why apparently different approaches have given rise to similar results. Finally, the relevance of our results has been considered on the determination of the density of interface states from nonideal current-voltage characteristics and in the evaluation of the effects of the interfacial layer thickness in metal-insulator-semiconductor tunnelling diodes.