7 resultados para Disciplinary Tribunals

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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This research seeks to design and implement a WebGIS application allowing high school students to work with information related to the disciplinary competencies of the competency-teaching model, in Mexico. This paradigm assumes knowledge to be acquired through the application of new technologies and to link it with everyday life situations of students. The WebGIS provides access to maps regarding natural risks in Mexico, e.g. volcanism, seismic activities, or hurricanes; the prototype's user interface was designed with special emphasis on scholar needs for high school students.


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The Republican National Guard (GNR) is a military structure and hierarchical force where discipline and obedience is a serious matter, but at the same time, the scope of its activity relates to the protection of the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens and the primacy of public interest. While security force, GNR ensures democratic law, guarantee the internal security and the rights of citizens. The controversial issue that lies at the heart of this work its related with the balance between the hierarchy and the written law. The hierarchy, also established by law, with given powers, exist to apply the law. However, the rule of law has exceptions. Which institute to prioritize, hierarchy or the law. And within the law, its rules or the exceptions. Who decides? The GNR's officers have to obey the laws and regulations and comply with the accuracy and timeliness determinations, orders and instructions issued by a superior, given in terms of service, as long as does not involve the practice of crime. The GNR´s officer with command tasks exercises power of authority inherent in these functions, and the corresponding disciplinary authority, being responsible for acts by himself or by his order are practiced. Identify situations of exception to law enforcement, the situations in which one must obey illegal orders, is difficult and thankless, it requires conferred authority and raises the weight of responsibility for decisions and orders issued.


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This report aims to present the work that has been developed throughout the internship in the Portuguese Football Federation. First it is presented a characterization of the host institution, not only on its legal framework, but also on how it works. Then it´s revealed the work done during the internship, which consisted mainly in the preparation of a study about the opened / litigated cases in season 2012/2013 in what football concerns, that is to say, those cases where the Portuguese Football Federation Disciplinary Board, which is always the decision-making body, had direct intervention. The study is separated into two sections (one regards the professional football and the other the non-professional football) because each one have their own competence, and the processes obey to different formalities in the two sections. Within each section are defined all process forms, and it’s made an evaluation about their decisions and the timing of each procedural stage. What is expected with this work is that it can clarify and promote some aspects of the functioning of the sports justice in what football concerns.


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This article aims to reconstruct the critical debate regarding the examination of the crisis in the disciplines of art history and criticism with a particular focus on the proposal formulated by U.S. theorists who contributed to October journal. The discrediting of many modernist critical methods, particularly that of Clement Greenberg – the formalist diktat – marked the birth of the journal and gave rise to proposals set forth by critics committed to a new approach. Their divergent positions, nonetheless, have contributed to undermining the traditional concepts of the autonomy of art and criticism. The proposals discussed over the course of publication were the result of a reappraisal of the disciplinary instruments of art history and criticism pursuant to the crucial cultural changes which took place in the 1980s.


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Com esta investigação pretende-se caracterizar a relação indissociável entre História e Fotografia, reconhecendo as múltiplas formas de manipulação e respectivos mecanismos de hierarquização de poder, que não apenas determinam o desenvolvimento da sua produção, arquivo e recepção, como desvendam uma constelação de ligações disciplinares, técnicas e políticas que potenciam e moldam o seu sentido. Esta problemática é analisada no contexto português, a partir das práticas de exposição, publicação e colecção fotográfica e consequente ajuste do discurso teórico e crítico nas décadas de 1980 e 1990, adoptando como eixo de pesquisa o trabalho de investigação e historiografia desenvolvido entre 1973 e 1998 por António Sena e, especificamente, o modo como aplica a História (de um meio) como hiperdocumento. O filme Olho de Vidro, uma História da Fotografia (1982), realizado por António Sena e Margarida Gil, as iniciativas fotográficas desenvolvidas pela associação ether/vale tudo menos tirar olhos entre 1982 e 1994, a criação da base de dados Luzitânia/ ether pix database e as publicações Uma História de Fotografia (1991) e História da Imagem Fotográfica em Portugal, 1839-1997 (1998) da autoria de António Sena, formam o corpus do nosso estudo de caso.


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A presente investigação procura inscrever-se no domínio da epistemologia dos estudos literários, fazendo apelo a uma abordagem interdisciplinar que aponta para a necessidade de um comparatismo literário africano e, ao mesmo tempo, mundial. O conceito-chave com que operamos neste trabalho é o de disciplinarização, tendo em conta o seu potencial explicativo para entender o processo que nos irá conduzir à integração dos Estudos Literários Africanos no sistema disciplinar actual. Por disciplinarização entendemos o processo de definição que consiste na demarcação de uma determinada disciplina, por força de dinâmicas endógenas e exógenas, durante o qual se transita de uma fase pré-disciplinar para outra disciplinar, admitindo-se a existência de uma compatibilidade entre os fundamentos epistemológicos e metodológicos da produção e transmissão de conhecimentos e, por outro lado, a consagração da institucionalidade da disciplina como objecto de estudo. A profissionalização disciplinar será uma consequência desse processo e da formação de comunidades de agentes epistémicos que, conhecendo profundamente a história e os universos de referência da disciplina, sejam capazes de aplicar as metodologias mais adequadas no domínio da investigação e do ensino. Para compreender os fundamentos epistemológicos dos Estudos Literários Africanos, importa refletir sobre o momento a partir do qual se constituem como campo disciplinar na história da produção do conhecimento sobre o continente africano. Por outro lado, com o presente trabalho pretende-se avaliar o estatuto disciplinar da Literatura Angolana, num exercício que procura justificar as determinações da epistemologia disciplinar, operacionalizando os sentidos em que se pode analisar o conceito de disciplina. Deste modo, a atribuição do referido estatuto pressupõe o domínio de um instrumental teórico que implica a descrição dos tipos de conhecimento veiculados através dos processos de transmissão que caracterizam as disciplinas escolares e as disciplinas académicas.


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The emergence of new technologies has introduced significant changes in the citizens life’s. There is a constant evolution of technological means and profound impact of their use in the habits of life of the human being. These new technological media are important tools in labor relations. The working and businesses worlds are increasingly turning to these new technologies, so that the use of video surveillance in the workplace is nowadays common. New technologies in general and the use of video surveillance in workplace in particular are providing ways to allow control of the work performance that are desired by most employers. However, the collection of images in the workplace often collides with the fundamental rights and freedoms of workers, in particular, with the right to privacy. The subject concerns the question of investigating is whether the images collected in workplace can be used as evidence in disciplinary proceedings. In fact, this issue is controversial. Doctrine and jurisprudence defend, at least, two responses for the same question. Those who understand that the evidence may be admitted for not violate any right of the worker, and others who argue that the evidence should not be admitted in disciplinary office. In the Portuguese legal system, there is, even, a new intermediate theory that begins to be defended, that only on certain occasions the evidence may be admitted. The solution to this problem involves the study of employment law and data video surveillance processing. Analysis of workers fundamental rights is fundamental to come to a grounded conclusion.