10 resultados para Convenções processuais

em RUN (Repositório da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) - FCT (Faculdade de Cienecias e Technologia), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Portugal


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em História de Arte Contemporânea


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Tese de Doutoramento em História Contemporânea Institucional e Política de Portugal


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A fotografia tem sido utilizada desde a sua génese como uma ferramenta performativa para a autorepresentação identitária, servindo para criar reflexivamente uma imagem idealizada do self, através de mecanismos retóricos que lhe são próprios. Seja através da representação directa ou não, a fotografia quando em contextos comunicacionais e narrativos oferece sempre uma construção identitária do criador destas imagens, ao tornar visível as suas escolhas de estilo de vida. A memória desempenha também um importante papel nas práticas fotográficas, permitindo que estas imagens inertes participem na criação de narrativas pessoais e salvando das incertezas da mente humana os momentos fugazes da nossa existência. Visto como mais objectiva, a fotografia funciona prova de algo ou da existência de alguém, parecendo residir nesta capacidade apodítica o seu maior valor, a despeito do seu inevitável enviesamento ideológico. A fotografia é também forçosamente um artefacto social, obedecendo a regras e convenções que lhe são implícitas e que moldam-na, assim como à leitura que os outros farão dela. Com a introdução da fotografia digital estas práticas massificaram-se e tornaram-se mais baratas, portáteis e integradas no dia-a-dia, notando-se uma aceleração quer na criação quer na visualização de imagens e uma maior abertura para a experimentação, aceitando o mundano e o banal como possíveis objectos de interesse e dando-lhes um destaque até então impensável. As novas redes sociais, em especial o Instagram, vieram alargar consideravelmente o número de fotógrafos e expandir as possibilidades da fotografia vernacular, tornando necessário reavaliar estas questões à luz das novas práticas fotográficas que este instaurou.


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The following report reflects a five-month internship in the Department of Legal Affairs of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from 4 August to 30 December 2014. This report mainly had as a basis the knowledge from the Administrative Law, Procedural Administrative Law, Labour Law, Special Labour Law and Social Law classes. Thus, it was possible to experience procedural administrative phases, such as the hierarchical appeal, the impugnation of public tender, witness hearing, among others. Apart from these, it was possible to collaborate on the elaboration of a Handbook of Good Practices of Administrative Law and to receive training on Public Procurement.


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The means of obtaining evidence, the amount of evidence obtained, the number of defendants related to each criminal case and the gravity of the crimes for which the magistrates of the Department are holders of penal action, define its real importance to the Rule of Law. I have deeply studied the subject of the institution of hierarchical intervention required by the assistant and the application of an opening statement by the defendant, starting from a hypothetical case, provided when the query of an investigation with the subject of the crime of active corruption, where this institution was called as a reaction to the archiving dispatch delivered by the Public Ministry. I have study about the implementation of the institution of provisional suspension of the process, specifically in the scope of fiscal criminality, analyzing the effective satisfaction of the purposes of the sentences in two slopes: general prevention and special prevention. I went for my first time to a Central Court of Criminal Instruction, where I attended the measures of inquiry and instructive debate of a process that culminated with the prosecution and pronunciation of the defendants. In addition to this criminal experience, I have deepened and consolidated the academic knowledge with the study of various criminal cases from various fields in the scope of criminality investigated by the Department. I could therefore check the basis of procedural delays, regarding to our legal system, especially in this type of crime, raising issues that I analyzed and discussed, always in a critical and academic way. I had the opportunity to attend and witness a seminar in the Lisbon Directorate of Finance as well of entering the Centre for Judicial Studies to attend a conference on the International Anti-Corruption Day. Focus on the investigatory importance of the international judicial cooperation, through the various organs, with special interest to EUROJUST. I comprehended the organization and functioning of these communitarian organs and means of communication of procedural acts, in particular, the rogatory letters and european arrest warrants. This involvement is motivated by the moratorium factor of the investigations where rogatory letters are necessary for the acquisition of evidence or information relevant to the good continuation of the process. For this reason the judicial cooperation through the relevant communitarian organs, translates a streamlined response between the competent judicial authorities of the Member States, through the National Member that integrates EUROJUST. This report aims to highlight some of the difficulties and procedural issues that Public Prosecutors of DCIAP and criminal police bodies that assist them, face in combating violent and organized crime, of national and transnational nature, of particular complexity, according to the specifics of criminal types.


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This report represents four months of study on activities in the public prosecution service at the Local Instance of Setúbal judiciary district, started in September 2014 and completed of the same year. This report was prepared considering all the teachings of criminal law courses and criminal procedural law, doctrine, jurisprudence and all the practical experience experienced with prosecutors. In this context, their traineeship provided contact with different procedural stages: the investigation stage that allowed to understand better the progress of the processing of summary proceedings; the expedient distribution of urgent cases; the investigation stage, as regards the procedural impulse assistant and the accused; and the trial stage. This last phase allowed contact with different types of crimes especially road crimes and the crime of domestic violence. The analysis carried out the summary proceedings in the Public Ministry service would acquire relevant information to explain the incidence of road crimes. Topics will be addressed that were found on stage during the various procedural stages, as the implementation of new judicial map. The relationship between the prosecution and the Criminal Police Bodies was also an issue to be addressed. The work also raises awareness of the issue of archives in order to find out the position of assistant.


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This report is the outcome of an internship that took place in Centro de Arbitragem Comercial da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa and its completion is an essential part of the path towards obtaining the Master’s Degree in Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. This report has been structured in two stages – firstly, the presentation of the Centro de Arbitragem Comercial, focusing on its field of expertise, organic structure, principles and advantages. Then, the description of the activities developed within the Secretariat over the several stages of the arbitration procedure – since the reception of the arbitration requirement in institutional proceedings, terms of reference in ad hoc procedures, through the monitoring of the arbitral tribunal sessions (preliminary hearings, submission of evidence and final allegations) and the notification of the arbitration award. The second stage of this report is related to the description of the functions and powers of the President of Centro de Arbitragem Comercial. Firstly, it defines those powers by analyzing the statutes and rules of proceedings of the Centro de Arbitragem, drawing comparisons between the above mention and the rules of proceedings of others arbitral institutional centres, some of them are international references. The report assesses and describes the presidential powers, such as: configuration and composition of the arbitral tribunal (including arbitrator’s replacements, excuses and refusals); deadline extensions; determination of procedural rules and decision-making on any procedural incidents which arise before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal; definition of arbitration costs and fees; joinder of parties and consolidation of proceedings admission; and appointment of an emergency arbitrator. Lastly, this report analyzes some decisions delivered by the President in the respective institutional procedures which took place in the Centre.


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The following report aims to present the internship developed under the Master in Legal Sciences Business in the Legal Affairs management of Caixa Geral de Depósitos S.A. Activities were developed in the field of Banking Law, focusing on the Special Revitalization Process. The aim of these activities was to promote the construction of a study that, apart from its doctrinal and jurisprudential research, also excels in the practical adequacy of the regime lectured. The revitalizing effectiveness of the Special Revitalization Process is erected in the Article 17-E, nº 1, which establishes a series of procedural – stand still effects - which aim to allow the debtor "breathing space", ie, a period during which creditors are prevented from setting up "actions for debt collection" against him, suspending the pending actions with identical purposes. Therefore, this report essentially studies these effects, considering "actions in debt collection" executive actions that are intended to recover a debt of any kind, including anticipatory precautionary procedures of an action of this nature. In addition, it is necessary to set boundaries temporally and subjectively to the standstill period, understanding that this period should be extended beyond the legally established period, in order to preserve the ratio of the process, concretely, until the recovery plan effects. In turn, we understand that the standstill effects only apply to the established material in connection with the debtor, remaining the rights of creditors unaffected over the ones of the guarantors and debtors.


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Atenta a preconização da legislação desportiva a nível interno, bem como a nível internacional, aliada ao usual recurso aos meios alternativos de resolução de litígios – arbitragem voluntária – por imposição das Federações Desportivas aos atletas, o ponto de ordem do presente estudo é aferir se a voluntariedade preconizada pela denominada arbitragem voluntária existe, é efectiva, ou meramente aparente. Este trabalho tem, assim, por objecto de estudo determinados aspectos das cláusulas de resolução de litígios e das convenções de arbitragem celebradas no seio desportivo e a sua efectiva voluntariedade, ou seja, a liberdade contratual e submissão voluntária a tal resolução alternativa de litígios com preterição do recurso aos tribunais judiciais.


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The international conventions and agreements on civil liability emerged with the purpose of regulating the liability of the air carrier, bearing in mind two essential factors: i) the need to protect passengers interests, and ii) to ensure the continuous development of an incipient activity by limiting the compensation amounts. This research will focus on the analysis of the nature of the contract of air carriage, as well as the air carrier's liability regime regarding damages endured by passengers that may result from the non-performance of the contract.