162 resultados para Relatório anual 1979


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This project is the result of a four months internship at the “Julgado de Paz de Lisboa” between September and December of 2014. The internship was a necessary requirement for completing the Master’s degree in Law. In the first section we describe all the work developed during the internship and expose the main topic of the thesis. The second section describes the structure of the “Julgados de Paz” as well as its competences and its procedures. We also highlight the main differences between the “Julgados de Paz” and the “Tribunais Judiciais”. In the third section we describe the figure of the lawyer taking a historical perspective as well the most relevant principles for the topic of the thesis. The fourth section analyses the present legislation both at the “Julgados de Paz” as well as the “Tribunais Judiciais” it what respects mandatories of the requirement of a lawyer. In the final section we present our conclusions and our proposals for solving the existing anomalies that arise from the present regime.


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The experience of an internship is always considered an experience that should be enriching, a first contact with the employment world. The intention is to build a bridge between the theory and practice - applying what has been learnt throughout the course. Therefore, it was started a new learning phase that seeks to take advantage and obtain experiences useful for a professional life based in efficiency and efficacy. The curricular internship was carried out within the Masters in Public Law and held by Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FDUNL)(Law School Of University New Of Lisbon) in the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML) (Lisbon's Town Hall), in the Departamento de Política de Solos e Valorização Patrimonial (DPSVP) (Soil Politics and Patrimonial Valuation Department) of the Direção Municipal de Planeamento, Reabilitação e Gestão Urbanística (Municipal Direction of Planning, Rehabilitation and Urban Management) between September and December 2013. Throughout this internship, several activities within the DPSVP were developed. In an early stage, there was a presentation of the organic structure of Lisbon's Town Hall, and the Department where I was going to do the internship, and its competencies. Therefore I acquired key concepts and researched jurisprudence and legislation needed to the analysis and understanding of the activities done in the internship. In a second stage, it was done the analysis and understanding of the division into lots administrative procedures, as well as the solving of the problems occurred throughout that analysis. Besides that, there was the need to help preparing some procedural acts to be applied regarding the Department competencies, namely within the alienation, procurement, encumbrance and rental of immovable assets owned by the Municipality of Lisbon.


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This report will describe the activities undertaken during my internship at the Personnel Department (DPE-UPE4.1) in Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), Lisbon, between September 22, 2014, and February 28, 2015. I consider that it is important to note from the outset i) that the subject of my training was suggested by my supervisor in the DPE and accepted by me; and ii) that the internship consisted essentially of carrying out research and information gathering into the different social systems that coexist within the bank and the application of each legal system in solving concrete situations of the CGD employees. The research and analysis of information was important not only for my study but for the CGD itself, as it enables the department to have such an important matter, full of specific characteristics, condensed into a single document, i.e. this report. This is a complex reality. The various welfare systems differ according to the contractual agreement linking the employee to the employer at the date when the labour contract is signed, and also the unique/singular characteristics of the CGD. In the early stage I started by trying to understand the financial institution and its organization and role and the department where I worked. So I analyzed the CGD Statutes and the legal measures that crystallized the scheme for its employees and I also researched its domestic and international operations. The first month was devoted to the research and analysis of such legislation to understand the creation of the CGD and its path to date. In the second and third months I studied the legal social systems that are applied to different groups of CGD workers. This period was quite important to identify and understand the differences between those regimes of CGD employees as well as the procedure inherent in each case. I highlighted the non-implementation of “the social protection regime of convergence” to the workers of this institution; the differences regarding the allocation of sickness subsidies paid to workers who belong to Social Security and CGA contributors, as well as the enforcement of internal rules to all the workers when a work-related accident happens. Then I focused on to assessing and examining external legislation and several internal regulations in order to obtain solutions to questions raised and situations involving by the workers, in order to understand how the DPE solves these situations. Over the last three months of internship, after this more theoretical work, I began the analysis of concrete situations involving employees carrying out their duties in Portugal and abroad. Some of these situations had been received by the department before the beginning of my internship and others over this period. When I was “working” in the DPE I analyzed “cases” that had been solved and some others without a final solution because they were still in courts. As for the last ones (new cases) I was able to follow their assessment and sometimes their outcome. Some of them became study cases for me. Over these five months of my internship, several cases were analyzed and discussed by legal experts of DPE in which I could participate. I always worked hard. I know that this action contributed to elucidate me about the treatment of the issues, and allowed me to have a direct contact with some workers and be part of a dynamic work team. For these reasons, my internship report is not merely descriptive of activities. It consists of an analysis of rules (legislation) and a regulatory framework of activities and it is also a description of several specific situations solved or in a solution process. Through this work I intend to make known the particular reality of a modern Portuguese financial institution not only because of its importance in our country but also such a large number of employees work here (in Portugal and abroad). I should add that throughout my internship I was allowed to attend conferences, within the scope of the bank in order to get a broader view of some issues related to the daily life of the DPE and the CGD. So, I participated in I Jornadas Bancárias and the Conferência Internacional do Contrato a Termo, given that the CGD is a bank and the DPE deals with legal and labour relations.


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O presente relatório é o resultado do estágio de seis meses efetuado entre setembro de 2014 e fevereiro de 2015 no Centro de Arbitragem Comercial da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa. O presente texto descreve as diversas atividades desenvolvidas durante o período do estágio, assim como uma análise teórica do instituto de arbitragens paralelas. Foi também efetuada uma atualização de dados recolhidos sobre processos arbitrais do Centro de Arbitragem já terminados, entre os anos 1990 e 2015, e adicionados dados novos, sobre as diferentes pessoas jurídicas que recorrem ao CAC, tanto em arbitragens institucionalizadas como arbitragens ad hoc.


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This report is the outcome of an internship that took place in Centro de Arbitragem Comercial da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa and its completion is an essential part of the path towards obtaining the Master’s Degree in Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. This report has been structured in two stages – firstly, the presentation of the Centro de Arbitragem Comercial, focusing on its field of expertise, organic structure, principles and advantages. Then, the description of the activities developed within the Secretariat over the several stages of the arbitration procedure – since the reception of the arbitration requirement in institutional proceedings, terms of reference in ad hoc procedures, through the monitoring of the arbitral tribunal sessions (preliminary hearings, submission of evidence and final allegations) and the notification of the arbitration award. The second stage of this report is related to the description of the functions and powers of the President of Centro de Arbitragem Comercial. Firstly, it defines those powers by analyzing the statutes and rules of proceedings of the Centro de Arbitragem, drawing comparisons between the above mention and the rules of proceedings of others arbitral institutional centres, some of them are international references. The report assesses and describes the presidential powers, such as: configuration and composition of the arbitral tribunal (including arbitrator’s replacements, excuses and refusals); deadline extensions; determination of procedural rules and decision-making on any procedural incidents which arise before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal; definition of arbitration costs and fees; joinder of parties and consolidation of proceedings admission; and appointment of an emergency arbitrator. Lastly, this report analyzes some decisions delivered by the President in the respective institutional procedures which took place in the Centre.


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The present report has the goal of enunciating and exposing some of the main judicial subjects that were developed during the period of internship, coming forth in the form of answers to questions properly reformulated as not to injure the confidentiality of data available while in the process of making said report, they deal with different branches of the law, although with a special focus on the field of Insurance Law. It being an academic piece, it was of the utmost importance to focus more sharply on a specific theme, in casu, medical-civil responsibility, causing the interest in this matter due to the curricular internship and a case law research on the subject. The last chapter of this paper focuses mainly on the problematic of seizure by insurance intermediary’s commissions, credits from occupational accidents and illnesses and Retirement and Education Savings Plans (PPR/Es), this being one problematic with which I dealt directly in the early stages of the internship.


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O presente trabalho divide-se em duas partes. A primeira é constituída pelo relatório de estágio que decorreu na Escola Secundária Jorge Peixinho durante o ano letivo de 2011/2012. A segunda refere-se ao relatório de investigação na prática pedagógica desenvolvido no decorrer do mesmo ano letivo. Os principais objetivos da investigação na prática pedagógica foram, verificar se os alunos mobilizaram os seus conhecimentos num contexto de Modelação Matemática e tentar entender quais as suas maiores dificuldades perante este tipo de problemas. A investigação decorreu ao longo do segundo período letivo, nas aulas da disciplina de Matemática A, numa turma do 11º ano de escolaridade. Foram propostas três tarefas de Modelação Matemática e escolhidos três alunos para uma observação mais atenta por parte da investigadora. Assim, foi adotada uma metodologia qualitativa, seguindo uma estratégia de estudo de caso e as técnicas utilizadas na recolha de dados foram a observação, a análise documental e o inquérito por questionário. Relativamente a este último, com o objetivo de recolher dados descritivos na escrita dos alunos e conhecer melhor algumas das suas conceções, foram colocadas três questões de resposta aberta sobre Modelação Matemática. No final das três sessões os alunos responderam ainda a um questionário confidencial, que tinha como principal propósito verificar qual a apreciação e opinião dos mesmos acerca de todo o processo desenvolvido ao longo das aulas. Por fim, procedeu-se à análise de todos os dados recolhidos e às respetivas conclusões.


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The main purpose of this report is to inform about the work developed throughout the curricular training period, which took place in the Legal Department of The Portuguese Football Federation. Firstly, and in general terms, issues such as the evolution of football in Portugal and Sports Federations will be dealt with in this study. In addition, a characterization of the welcoming entity will be done as well, focusing not only on its legal context, but also on its organic structure and operating dynamics. Also, the work developed during the training period will be made known, namely the activities undertaken as part of the project. Besides all the above-mentioned, a study has been carried out essentially on the Regional District Football Associations, in what concerns the statutes of the various associations ( object of study ), including the statutes of FPF- since the main goal of this work is to understand whether the various District and Regional Football Associations, as regular partners of the Portuguese Football Federation, do or do not comply with the Duty of Statutory Adjustment imposed by it, regarding the amendment to the Sports Federation legal regime.


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O presente relatório de estágio enquadra-se no método de avaliação final do Mestrado em Novos Media e Práticas Web, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e pretende abordar o trabalho desenvolvido por mim durante o estágio curricular realizado na agência de comunicação e publicidade Ogilvy. O estágio decorreu entre novembro de 2014 e fevereiro de 2015, durante o qual desempenhei o cargo de online producer e fui supervisionada por Sara Cabral Fonseca, diretora de projeto. Todos os trabalhos tiveram como objetivo principal o acompanhamento e conhecimento do processo ligado ao desenvolvimento de projetos digitais, desde o briefing até à programação e conteúdo. Os trabalhos compreenderam a realização de testes de usabilidade em deskop e mobile dos sites e aplicações desenvolvidos pelo departamento digital da empresa, e também o apoio na realização de tarefas ligadas à gestão de conteúdos de vários websites. Este relatório resulta de todo o trabalho concretizado e pretende efetuar uma contextualização teórica ligada à importância dos testes de usabilidade e do Responsive Web Design (RWD) na implementação de projetos digitais.


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Versão corrigida e melhorada após a sua defesa pública


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Este relatório apresenta o meu percurso realizado durante o estágio nas Edições Piaget como parte da componente não-letiva do Mestrado em Edição de Texto. São descritas as funções delegadas e exercidas ao longo da trajetória, assim como todo o processo de realização do livro no decorrer do estágio. Contam-se entre as principais tarefas exercidas: o conhecimento da história e atividade da editora, e do seu catálogo de obras; os processos de preparação de texto e a sua revisão, como parte do circuito das atividades de trabalho desenvolvidas. Procedeu-se ainda à elaboração de um projeto editorial específico, do qual fiquei responsável, tendo por objetivo principal a edição de um texto sobre Contos com Música. A este respeito, descreve-se o percurso de simulação da atividade real desenvolvida desde a seleção dos textos até à elaboração de um livro, exercício cujos elementos principais se incluem anexamente.


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O presente relatório descreve as actividades desenvolvidas no estágio que realizei na Chiado Editora em 2014, como parte da componente não lectiva do Mestrado em Edição de Texto. No primeiro capítulo faz-se uma breve apresentação da editora e da sua organização e funcionamento. No segundo capítulo, são apresentadas as várias funções que me foram atribuídas no decorrer do estágio: paginação, coordenação editorial, representação da editora em sessões de lançamento


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