89 resultados para local security committee


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RESUMO - O envelhecimento da população tem alterado os padrões de doença, com mais pessoas a morrer de doenças crónicas severas do que por doença aguda, o que leva à necessidade de promover a prestação de cuidados paliativos e aferir a qualidade dos cuidados prestados a indivíduos com doença em estado avançado ou em fase final de vida. Historicamente, os cuidados paliativos surgiram para mitigar a dor de doentes oncológicos, no entanto, a maioria de doentes que atualmente necessita deste tipo de cuidados padece de doenças potencialmente fatais não oncológicas, como são o caso de VIH/Sida, Alzheimer ou doença de Parkinson. No contexto dos cuidados paliativos, o local de morte tem sido considerado um indicador de qualidade dos cuidados de fim de vida, visto ser frequente o desfasamento entre as preferências dos doentes e o local de morte. Apesar da elevada proporção de indivíduos que, em estado avançado de doença, expressa preferência por morrer num ambiente familiar, estima-se que a maioria morre em meio hospitalar, tanto no contexto internacional como nacional. Foram analisados neste estudo dados de mortalidade da população, adulta portuguesa, com base no certificado de óbito. Os resultados obtidos indicam que 70,3% da população adulta residente em Portugal (continente e arquipélagos dos Açores e Madeira) faleceu por condições patológicas que potencialmente beneficiariam com a prestação de cuidados paliativos. Desses indivíduos, a maioria dos óbitos (64,2%) ocorreu em meio hospitalar e fatores como o ano de morte, a idade, sexo, estado civil, nacionalidade, região de residência e causa de morte influenciaram independentemente o local de morte. Entre 2008 e 2012, os óbitos no hospital por causas com necessidades paliativas aumentaram em hospital e ocorreram mais frequentemente nas classes mais jovens, no sexo masculino, em indivíduos casados e residentes nas regiões do Algarve, Açores ou Madeira. Padecer de VIH/Sida, doenças hepáticas, respiratória, cancro e doença renal também promoveu a morte neste local. O elevado número de casos com necessidades paliativas falecidos no hospital encontrado em Portugal deve constituir uma chamada de atenção. É necessário desenvolver e/ou reorganizar recursos físicos, mas também formar recursos humanos, para que ambos permitam que a referenciação de doentes para cuidados paliativos seja realizada atempadamente. As diferenças encontradas entre países, na revisão de literatura, podem refletir diferentes políticas e práticas de prestação de cuidados de fim de vida. A evidência internacional é importante para observar consequências da aplicação de determinadas medidas de saúde pública, mas devem-se desenvolver e aplicar soluções adaptadas à realidade portuguesa. Espera-se que os resultados deste estudo possam constituir um ponto de partida para determinação de um valor de necessidades paliativas na população portuguesa e contribuir para ajudar a planear os recursos de fim de vida, nomeadamente, em serviços hospitalares.


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The uneven spatial distribution of start-ups and their respective survival may reflect comparative advantages resulting from the local institutional background. For the first time, we explore this idea using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assess the relative efficiency of Portuguese municipalities in this specific context. We depart from the related literature where expenditure is perceived as a desirable input by choosing a measure of fiscal responsibility and infrastructural variables in the first stage. Comparing results for 2006 and 2010, we find that mean performance decreased substantially 1) with the effects of the Global Financial Crisis, 2) as municipal population increases and 3) as financial independence decreases. A second stage is then performed employing a double-bootstrap procedure to evaluate how the regional context outside the control of local authorities (e.g. demographic characteristics and political preferences) impacts on efficiency.


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In, revista "O Direito", Ano 122, II (Abril-Junho) 1990


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O objectivo deste Trabalho de Projecto é criar um plano de comunicação para a futura empresa Chousa Grande, com enfoque no lançamento do seu Queijo de Cabra “Chousa Grande Gourmet”. Mais do que um produto de qualidade premium, a marca Chousa Grande tem subjacente os valores de desenvolvimento local, sustentabilidade e preservação ambiental, concentrados num projecto ambicioso, da autoria de dois jovens naturais da aldeia de Chãos, que, com a construção de uma queijaria tradicional, pretendem revitalizar a actividade pastorícia e torná-la economicamente sustentável, assim como a outras actividades económicas relacionadas. Para tal, enquadramos as temáticas do marketing, sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento local, três dos pilares fundamentais que suportam o projecto e que, estrategicamente conjugados, posicionam a marca de acordo com as principais tendências dos consumidores actualmente identificadas. Assim, as acções de comunicação também devem espelhar os valores defendidos neste projecto. A estratégia assenta, portanto, na aposta em ferramentas de comunicação que não impliquem investimentos demasiado avultados, como a assessoria de imprensa, as relações públicas, os novos meios, a força de vendas e a promoção, mas que demonstrem ser igualmente eficazes a transmitir as mensagens ao público-alvo e a tornar a marca reconhecida.


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I test the Duffie, Gârleanu, and Pedersen hypothesis that security prices incorporate expected future securities lending income. To determine whether institutional investors anticipate gains from future lending of securities, I examine their trading behavior around loan-fee increases. The evidence suggests that institutions buy shares in response to an increase in lending fees, and that this could explain the premium associated with high- lending-fee stocks. Expected future lending income affects stock prices, although the effect seems to be attenuated by the negative information that arises from short selling.


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Na região de Nisa, concelho de Portalegre, situa-se um dos maiores e mais relevantes jazigos de urânio alguma vez descoberto em território nacional. Trata-se de um jazigo ainda inexplorado que encerra um potencial estimado em cerca de 32 milhões de toneladas de minério tal qual. Este jazigo ocorre à superfície e encontra-se em contexto metassedimentar embutido em xistos mosqueados, pertencentes ao Grupo das Beiras, nas proximidades do contacto com o granito do Maciço de Nisa. Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar de forma qualitativa e quantitativa a dispersão geoquímica provocada por processos naturais de erosão e de transporte hidrogravítico na envolvente à anomalia geoquímica natural localmente induzida por este jazigo. Para o efeito estabeleceu-se uma metodologia com as seguintes etapas principais: (1) georreferenciação em SIG de elementos de cartografia; (2) planeamento e elaboração do plano de amostragem; (3) recolha e tratamento de amostras de solos e sedimentos; (4) ensaios não destrutivos de medição de radiação gama por SPP2 e determinações analíticas por XRF; (5) análise exploratória e tratamento estatístico de dados e análise espacial; (6) análise de resultados; (7) definição de teores geoquímicos de fundo local. As amostras de sedimentos foram retiradas de uma ribeira que intersecta a área da anomalia e alimenta uma barragem local de enrocamento; as amostras de solos foram retiradas de linhas de amostragem perpendiculares à ribeira. As determinações analíticas registaram os teores em diversos metais, como o urânio, crómio, molibdénio, nióbio, vanádio e zinco e do semimetal arsénio. Com exceção do zinco, os resultados evidenciam que as concentrações naturais nestes metais no local onde se localiza uma importante jazida de minérios de urânio são muito elevados, e quando comparados com os valores standard da norma Canadiana mostram poder existir risco para a saúde se não forem limitados os usos do local.


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The recent massive inflow of refugees to the European Union (EU) raises a number of unanswered questions on the economic impact of this phenomenon. To examine these questions, we constructed an overlapping-generations model that describes the evolution of the skill premium and of the welfare benefit level in relevant European countries, in the aftermath of an inflow of asylum-seekers. In our simulation, relative wages of skilled workers increase between 8% and 11% in the period of the inflow; their subsequent time path is dependent on the initial skill premium. The entry of migrants creates a fiscal surplus of about 8%, which can finance higher welfare benefits in the subsequent periods. These effects are weaker in a scenario where refugees do not fully integrate into the labor market.


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The present work offers a brief historical and evolutionary introduction to the legal basis of the Portuguese Republic Intelligence System (SIRP) which comprises two services – the Security Intelligence Service (SIS) and the Defence Strategic Intelligence Service (SIED) – and two entities responsible for its oversight – the Supervisory Body (CFSIRP) and the Data Monitoring Committee (CFD), also responsible for supervising the Military Intelligence and Security Centre (CISMIL) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (EMGFA). The initial narrative subsequently leads us to a detailed analysis of the Portuguese Intelligence services' current model of monitoring, as well as of the legislator’s options, namely in the legal drafting field, used within the construction and definition of the legal structure that currently regulates the Portuguese Republic Intelligence System. For the purposes of this study we have broadly examined different models of the European Union, in particular those of Belgium, the Netherlands and Croatia. We have also transposed to the text the valuable contributions collected during the research phase, more precisely the replies to questionnaires and interviews conducted with certain individuals selected according to their knowledge and affinity with the subject of this study, including members and former members of the Supervisory Body and former directors of the three portuguese intelligence services. The present dissertation intends to contribute to the development of this subject, promoting critical analysis, within and beyond the academia, with the aim that some of its reflections might be useful towards the intelligence system’s future reform, particularly in what concerns intelligence services monitoring.


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The challenge of this work is to assess the importance of the municipal police in improving the safety of citizens, if gauging from this reality through contributions from the Municipal Police Guimarães. The IV Constitutional Review in 1997, enabled the Portuguese municipalities creating administrative police bodies. These services, known as Municipal Police, have gradually come up in several municipalities. Currently the Municipal Police have their fundamental legal regulations of Law No. 19/2004 of 20 May, which, according to the Portuguese Constitution provides that these must be seen as municipal services, which act in a space territorially delimited, which corresponds to the municipality that each belongs. Under Article 237, paragraph 3, of the Constitution, the Municipal Police are municipal services, which shall cooperate in the maintenance of public order and protection of local communities, acting in cooperation with the security forces, public security functions. The safety concept has been taking an increasingly significant importance within the population. Is also no doubt say that, currently, insecurity affects all of society and is a major concern of law enforcement authorities. To find suitable answers we found that there are several studies on these subjects. In order to be able to make our contribution, text looks us on this subject, having had the support of the Municipal Police Guimarães, in the preparation of this work. Thus, based on a survey, they were sounded out, as privileged actors, agents of the Municipal Police Guimarães, in order to know their perceptions with regard to security issues faced in the context of security. We understand ask them to answer in particular the following questions: What are the most facilitators situations of crime? How important is the Municipal Police Guimarães in crime prevention? What are the strategies for prevention of incivilities? What other skills that can be conferred upon the Municipal Police? The results obtained allowed us to conclude that incivilities facilitate the occurrence of crimes and that the Municipal Police may have a more active role in the security of the population. If you were given other duties, in addition to that already have, the Municipal Police could reach another level of effectiveness. However we understand that any change to the tasks of this police need a serious and profound reflection, to find complementary alternatives with the security forces, which does not conflict with current assignments of any of the parties or with the interests of citizens.


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The emergence of new technologies has introduced significant changes in the citizens life’s. There is a constant evolution of technological means and profound impact of their use in the habits of life of the human being. These new technological media are important tools in labor relations. The working and businesses worlds are increasingly turning to these new technologies, so that the use of video surveillance in the workplace is nowadays common. New technologies in general and the use of video surveillance in workplace in particular are providing ways to allow control of the work performance that are desired by most employers. However, the collection of images in the workplace often collides with the fundamental rights and freedoms of workers, in particular, with the right to privacy. The subject concerns the question of investigating is whether the images collected in workplace can be used as evidence in disciplinary proceedings. In fact, this issue is controversial. Doctrine and jurisprudence defend, at least, two responses for the same question. Those who understand that the evidence may be admitted for not violate any right of the worker, and others who argue that the evidence should not be admitted in disciplinary office. In the Portuguese legal system, there is, even, a new intermediate theory that begins to be defended, that only on certain occasions the evidence may be admitted. The solution to this problem involves the study of employment law and data video surveillance processing. Analysis of workers fundamental rights is fundamental to come to a grounded conclusion.


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The aim of this research is to evaluate if a premium beauty brand, in this case, Lancôme, can influence positively the purchase intention from Brazilian young adults, between 18 and 29 years old, consumers of beauty products, by initiating a relationship with a local celebrity or “it” girl on social media. This hypothesis has not been tested, and this research is a first attempt of evaluating it. Additionally, the consumer behavior, brand preferences and social media activeness of this age segment in Brazil are further studied as important insights for beauty brands to conquer these consumers. Results did not confirm the positive influence of local celebrities on this age segment’s purchase intention but several suggestions are made for future research to revisit this topic. Furthermore, there is a significant brand love for M.A.C., an international Lancôme competitor, amongst this target, as well as a probable price sensitivity facing premium beauty brands.


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The United Nations is an international organization that was created after World War II, whose main objective is to promote cooperation, social and economic development, as well as to ensure international peace and security. The Member States are key actors in the international political system. For that reason they have strategic interests in what regards taking part in the international organizations. They see it as an opportunity to achieve those goals. The United Nations Security Council has a very important role in preserving international peace and security. It is the organ of the United Nations in which fifteen member states are represented: five permanently and ten non-permanently, being that the latter are elected for two years. Participating in the Security Council is a unique opportunity for middle powers like Portugal to promote their national interests and to increase their international visibility. In addition, they can contribute to the world’s destiny during their mandate period. Portugal has exercised his third term as a non-permanent member of the Security Council in 2011-2012 biennium, defeating Canada after a successful campaign carried out by the Portuguese diplomacy. This study analyses the participation of Portugal in the Security Council´s 2011-2012 biennium. It will focus the application process and election and the role of Portugal in the Security Council, especially in its the presidency and its intervention in the presidency of the Sanctions Committee on Libya. Its aim is to show the impact of Portuguese participation in the Security Council for international peace and security, as well as the geopolitical importance for the country of being part of the Security Council.


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Os aquivos municipais preservam a documentação definida legalmente como de conservação permanente, a memória e a experiência da Administração Local e, como tal, são agentes imprescindíveis à preservação dos direitos municipais. A preocupação com a preservação da documentação deve constituir um dos pilares principais do arquivo desde o início da sua criação. E não somente quando a documentação é transferida para o Arquivo Histórico, deve estar presente durante todo o ciclo de vida da documentação. Com a criação do PARAM (Programa de Apoio à Rede de Arquivos Municipais), os arquivos municipais ganham um novo incremento, não só a nível técnico como a nível financeiro, sendo-lhe reconhecido o seu devido valor e importância, na sua dupla dimensão, administrativa e cultural. Uma das funções do arquivo é disponibilizar a documentação que têm à sua guarda e que se encontra armazenada nos depósitos. Para tal é fundamental criar condições a curto, a médio e a longo prazo, implementando toda uma política integrada de preservação, envolvendo os demais serviços da instituição, fazendo-se o controlo do estado de conservação da documentação, aplicando uma metodologia da manipulação de documentos para disponibilizá-los tanto aos clientes internos como externos. O Arquivo Intermédio da Câmara Municipal de Sintra não possui plano de preservação documental, nem ações de preservação extensíveis aos objetos digitais, daí que a presente tese de mestrado pretenda ser um proposta de um contributo de um plano de preservação, que tenha em consideração os demais aspetos desde a localização e construção ou manutenção do edifício onde se encontra o arquivo, questões de segurança, de controlo ambiental, de luz/fotodegradação, o controlo integrado de pragas, danos causados por água, os desastres naturais, a poluição, a limpeza e vigilância na zona de depósitos e armazenamento e manuseamento dos documentos.


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There is a rising demand for local food which traveled only short distances and is marketed directly by the producer. With growing importance of local food also the amount of literature in this field increased. Yet, literature is lacking to examine the challenges and burdens consumers face while trying to purchase local food. Evidence is shown that a gap exists between the intention of consumers who would like to purchase local food and their actual behavior. However, reasons for this gap are only discovered as byproducts of other research objectives. Consequently, this study investigates the specific reasons for the intention-behavior gap of consumers in the local food market. The study makes use of semi-structured face-to-face interviews with rural and urban respondents. The interviews are analyzed by qualitative content analysis based on Elo and Kyngäs (2008). Revealed key drivers for the intention-behavior gap are (1) the lack of awareness where to purchase local food products, (2) the limited reachability of local food producers, (3) the assortment of the local producer in regard to size and composition and (4) the lack in transparency of the prices of local food. Consequently, it is the producers turn to eliminate the revealed barriers by proactively bringing their products closer to the consumer.