60 resultados para Direito - Historia - Assis (SP)


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In, Separata do VI vol. do Dicionário Jurídico da Administração Pública e Dicionário Jurídico de Administração Pública, VI, Lisboa, 1994, pp. 165 e ss.


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This study specifically addresses the situation of minority shareholders after the transfer of control in an listed company. The various underlying interests and reasons that shareholders have for investing in a company can demonstrate shareholders’ reasoning for taking radically different positions on issues relating to the transfer of control of the referred company. This study analyses the current legal system in Portugal and in the European Union in order to assess whether, in the event of a takeover bid of a listed company where there is a transfer of control, minority shareholders have the same appraisal rights as other shareholders to sell their shares and leave the company. The study then examines the European Court of Justice decision on whether a general principle of equal treatment of minority shareholders exists upon a transfer of control (Audiolux) and the Portuguese Securities Market Commission decision regarding the delisting of Brisa - Autoestradas de Portugal, S.A. based on the principle of investor protection. The study concludes that although the principle of equality amongst shareholders has made progress in the European legal system e.g. it is laid down in Directive 2004/25/EC of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids and the Portuguese Securities Market Code, there is also a need for further improvement, which can be accomplished by allowing minority shareholders to exercise an appraisal right in similar unregulated situations.


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This dissertation aims to analyze the right of withdrawal and its implications on distance and off-premises contracts, due to the importance of these contracts in our society. Our main goal is, first of all, to explain the meaning and characteristics of both distance and off-premises contracts and the reason why a right of withdrawal is granted. Secondly, we intend to explain all of the relevant aspects related to this right, such as its legal concept and main characteristics, the origin and evolution of the right of withdrawal on both European and Portuguese legislation, its implications in the contracting parties and, finally, a brief analysis of the applicable law. In a nutshell, the right of withdrawal allows the consumer to withdraw from a distance or off-premises contract, unilaterally, without having to indicate any motive to justify the decision, after a cooling-off period of 14 calendar days. In these two types of contracts such right exists due to the reasons or circumstances that lead to the conclusion of the contract.


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With the recent technological development, we have been witnessing a progressive loss of control over our personal information. Whether it is the speed in which it spreads over the internet or the permanent storage of information on cloud services, the means by which our personal information escapes our control are vast. Inevitably, this situation allowed serious violations of personal rights. The necessity to reform the European policy for protection of personal information is emerging, in order to adapt to the technological era we live in. Granting individuals the ability to delete their personal information, mainly the information which is available on the Internet, is the best solution for those whose rights have been violated. However, once supposedly deleted from the website the information is still shown in search engines. In this context, “the right to be forgotten in the internet” is invoked. Its implementation will result in the possibility for any person to delete and stop its personal information from being spread through the internet in any way, especially through search engines directories. This way we will have a more comprehensive control over our personal information in two ways: firstly, by allowing individuals to completely delete their information from any website and cloud service and secondly by limiting access of search engines to the information. This way, it could be said that a new and catchier term has been found for an “old” right.


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In Consumer Law there is a special concern to protect the consumer, who is the weaker party in the legal relationship. With this thesis we intend to show that the professional sometimes needs protection against abusive conducts from consumers. The thesis describes the different categories of abuse of rights and explains some types of consumer contracts. After examining some of the consumer’s rights, we list some situations where the consumer acts frequently with abuse of rights, by analyzing judicial decisions. We conclude that it is not possible which conducts may involve an abuse of right in an abstract manner. Only by analyzing every case and its characteristics individually can one decide where there is an abuse of right.


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Release of chloroethene compounds into the environment often results in groundwater contamination, which puts people at risk of exposure by drinking contaminated water. cDCE (cis-1,2-dichloroethene) accumulation on subsurface environments is a common environmental problem due to stagnation and partial degradation of other precursor chloroethene species. Polaromonas sp. strain JS666 apparently requires no exotic growth factors to be used as a bioaugmentation agent for aerobic cDCE degradation. Although being the only suitable microorganism found capable of such, further studies are needed for improving the intrinsic bioremediation rates and fully comprehend the metabolic processes involved. In order to do so, a metabolic model, iJS666, was reconstructed from genome annotation and available bibliographic data. FVA (Flux Variability Analysis) and FBA (Flux Balance Analysis) techniques were used to satisfactory validate the predictive capabilities of the iJS666 model. The iJS666 model was able to predict biomass growth for different previously tested conditions, allowed to design key experiments which should be done for further model improvement and, also, produced viable predictions for the use of biostimulant metabolites in the cDCE biodegradation.


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Esta dissertação tem por objecto a flor da melancolia e o ímpeto cesariano nas Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas, de Machado de Assis, noções que reflectem um confronto com a temática schopenhauriana e nietzschiana da negação e afirmação da vida. Trata-se de uma tese em Filosofia – variante Estética, que procura identificar no romance do escritor brasileiro aquilo que nele corresponde a um substrato metafísico, a uma procura pelo sentido e a uma tentativa de lidar com o sofrimento – feitas por um homem para quem Deus morreu, e que encontra numa dimensão temporal tudo o que há para encontrar. Consideramos que a despeito do pessimismo que atravessa o livro, há nele uma vitalidade que decorre grandemente do ponto de vista do narrador, do facto de as Memórias serem Póstumas. E pensamos que é no acto criador da escrita que Brás Cubas, e com ele Machado de Assis, firma o estandarte de César e abotoa a flor da melancolia, o sofrimento de que padece a Humanidade e que, no caso do personagem, surge depois da morte da mãe, no período de luto em que, pela primeira vez, há um questionamento acerca de si próprio e do seu lugar no mundo.


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We have witnessed in recent years, an obvious effort by the competent European institutions, towards the harmonization of general law applicable to all Member States (MS's). Many developments have been registered in several areas of law, a europeanization process that aims to add value to cross-border transactions and, consequently, the internal market and european trade. This trend manifests itself in general to the private law level, and particularly in contract law. The extension of the field in which market participants - whether professionals or consumers - can act, must imperatively be articulated with a consequent wider protection. After all, the consumer is also a leading European purposes and its level should not be called into question for the sake of promoting trade. The link between the positions of two opposing parties, professionals and consumers, requires commitment and work reinforced by the institutions but only on that basis is consistent legislative production. The proposed Regulation on a Common European Sales Law of the sale, the European Commission, set focus to European contract law and raises questions about the relevance and necessity of such uniformity. An instrument for purposes of harmonization of European contract law, that can be applied to all cross-border consumer contracts, similar in all MS's certainly bring many benefits. However, its applicability and usefulness would depend on the level of protection that would provide, compared to the existing national rights. Would an optional instrument ensure the designs of a common law? Moreover, would a binding instrument be the best alternative in that sense? Keywords:


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Ne bis in idem, understood as a procedural guarantee in the EU assumes different features in the AFSJ and in european competition law. Despite having a common origin (being, in both sectors the result of the case law of the same jurisdictional organ) its components are quite distintic in each area of the integration. In the AFSJ, the content of bis and idem are broader and addressed at a larger protection of individuals. Its axiological ground is based on the freedom of movements and human dignity, whereas in european competition law its closely linked to defence rights of legal persons and the concept of criminal punishment of anticompetitive sanctions as interpreted by the ECHR´s jurisprudence. In european competition law, ne bis in idem is limited by the systemic framework of competition law and the need to ensure parallel application of both european and national laws. Nonetheless, the absence of a compulsory mechanism to allocate jurisdiction in the EU (both in the AFSJ and in the field of anti-trust law) demands a common axiological framework. In this context, ne bis in idem must be understood as a defence right based on equity and proportionality. As far as its international dimension is concerned, ne bis in idem also lacks an erga omnes effect and it is not considered to be a rule of ius cogens. Consequently, the model which the ECJ has built regarding the application of the ne bis in idem in transnational and supranational contexts should be replicated by other courts through cross fertilization, in order to internationalize that procedural guarantee and broaden its scope of application.


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In this thesis, we will treat the discrimination based on age, more specifically of older workers. In recent years, there was an increasing interest on the part of doctrine and jurisprudence on this subject. In fact, in a world in which you live a real economic crisis, older workers tend to have difficulties finding jobs or are targets of the discrimination based on age, at the time of hiring or during the contract. Thus, we will focus on discrimination. We will examine, first, the difference between direct and indirect discrimination, taking into account the importance of the burden of proof, then we will study the figures of positive action measures. Then, treat the legislative framework of the discrimination based on age, that is, in relation to the Labor Code and the Directive 2000/78/EC of November 27, 2000. Eventually, we will determine the cases in which they may accept the discrimination based on age. In fact, these differences in treatment based on age are justified, but must be aimed at a legitimate objective with appropriate and necessary means.


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Os flebótomos são insectos vectores de vários agentes patogénicos, dos quais se destacam os protozoários do Género Leishmania. Em Portugal, as leishmanioses, canina e humana, são causadas por L. infantum, sendo o cão o principal reservatório e Phlebotomus perniciosus e P. ariasi os vectores comprovados do parasita. São conhecidos três focos de doença, mas casos de leishmaniose canina têm sido reportados em outras regiões nas quais se desconhecem as espécies flebotomínicas presentes e respectivas taxas de infecção. Neste trabalho, efectuou-se a primeira prospecção flebotomínica no Concelho de Torres Novas, Distrito de Santarém, localizado na região Centro de Portugal. Os principais objectivos foram determinar a fauna flebotomínica do Concelho, os aspectos bioecológicos, as taxas de infecção por Leishmania e os factores de risco para a transmissão vectorial. De Junho a Novembro de 2010, 275 biótopos foram prospectados com armadilhas CDC. As capturas foram realizadas em 91 localidades, nas 17 freguesias do Concelho, e incluíram habitats domésticos, peridomésticos e silváticos. Os exemplares capturados foram identificados morfologicamente, as fêmeas utilizadas para detecção molecular de DNA de Leishmania e identificação das refeições sanguíneas. Análises de regressão simples e múltipla foram utilizadas para avaliação dos factores de risco para a presença das várias espécies flebotomínicas. Testes não paramétricos foram usados para comparar densidades. Dos 1262 flebótomos capturados, quatro espécies foram assinaladas com as seguintes abundâncias relativas: P. perniciosus 73,69%, P. ariasi 8,16%, P. sergenti 6,58% e Sergentomyia minuta 11,57%. Em 82% das localidades prospectadas foi detectada pelo menos uma espécie flebotomínica e em 71,4% destas foi capturada pelo menos uma das espécies comprovadamente vectoras de L. infantum. P. perniciosus foi assinalado em todas as 17 freguesias do Concelho. Os factores de risco identificados foram: temperaturas elevadas e humidades relativas baixas, locais abrigados e ausência de vento forte, presença de pinheiros como vegetação dominante, biótopos peridomésticos, particularmente currais de ovelhas e coelheiras, ou na proximidade de ovelhas, aves de capoeira e ninhos com andorinhas. A taxa de infecção flebotomínica por L. infantum foi de 4% para P. ariasi e de 0,32% para o total de fêmeas capturadas. A maioria das fêmeas para as quais se identificou a origem da refeição sanguínea pertencia a P. perniciosus. Esta espécie apresentou um comportamento oportunista, alimentando-se numa grande variedade de hospedeiros vertebrados. A elevada abundância e distribuição das espécies vectoras, juntamente com a seroprevalência de Leishmania nos cães do Distrito (5-10%), e a captura de uma fêmea grávida de P. ariasi (infectante), sugerem que o Concelho de Torres Novas é um foco de leishmaniose no país. A maior abundância relativa de P. sergenti, comparando com prospecções realizadas noutras áreas da região Centro de Portugal, sugere que este potencial vector esteja a expandir-se para latitudes mais elevadas, aumentando o risco de introdução de L. tropica no território, por contacto com imigrantes ou viajantes infectados de áreas endémicas. A monitorização flebotomínica, e dos hospedeiros vertebrados, deverá ser continuada no Concelho para que medidas eficazes de controlo possam ser definidas e implementadas.


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A malária é uma doença infecciosa com um efeito devastador nas áreas afectadas. É provocada pelo protozoário Plasmodium e transmitida pelo insecto vector do género Anopheles. As fêmeas hematófagas ao alimentar-se de um hospedeiro infectado vão dar continuidade ao ciclo de vida do parasita e transmiti-lo a um novo hospedeiro na próxima refeição sanguínea. O intestino médio dos mosquitos é um órgão imunocompetente, onde a presença de microrganismos vai activar o sistema imunitário, determinando a sua capacidade vectorial. Novas abordagens de controlo biológico de doenças transmitidas por vectores parecem ganhar terreno. P. aeruginosa é uma bactéria Gram-negativa, potencialmente patogénica, em especial as estirpes produtoras de muco, sendo um microrganismo modelo em estudos de biofilmes. Estes são caracterizados por conferir tolerância a antibióticos e resistência ao sistema imune do hospedeiro. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se analisar o efeito da influência da flora bacteriana, nomeadamente isolados de Pseudomonas aeruginosa produtores de muco e não produtores, presentes no tracto digestivo de Anopheles sp. e a sua relação com a infecção por P. berghei. Com este estudo é possível afirmar a existência de uma proporcionalidade directa entre a taxa de infecção por P. berghei e a ausência da Microbiota. A presença de Pseudomonas produtoras de muco no intestino médio dos mosquitos demonstrou conferir algum grau de protecção no estabelecimento da infecção, bem como na intensidade da mesma. Contudo, mais estudos necessitam ser realizados e com um maior número de mosquitos, de forma a ultrapassar as limitações impostas pelo tratamento antibacteriano. Possivelmente, a sobreposição de respostas imunes anti-bacterianas e anti-Plasmodium, vão provocar um incremento no sistema imune e limitação das infecções por Plasmodium. Biofilmes bacterianos têm demonstrado a capacidade de aderir e inibir o crescimento de protozoários Uma melhor compreensão do papel da flora microbiana face ao sistema de defesa do hospedeiro poderá contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de controlo da transmissão da malária.