44 resultados para Phantom Stereopsis
em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal
Purpose - This study aims to investigate the influence of tube potential (kVp) variation in relation to perceptual image quality and effective dose (E) for pelvis using automatic exposure control (AEC) and non-AEC in a Computed Radiography (CR) system. Methods and materials - To determine the effects of using AEC and non-AEC by applying the 10 kVp rule in two experiments using an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom. Images were acquired using 10 kVp increments (60–120 kVp) for both experiments. The first experiment, based on seven AEC combinations, produced 49 images. The mean mAs from each kVp increment were used as a baseline for the second experiment producing 35 images. A total of 84 images were produced and a panel of 5 experienced observers participated for the image scoring using the two alternative forced choice (2AFC) visual grading software. PCXMC software was used to estimate E. Results - A decrease in perceptual image quality as the kVp increases was observed both in non-AEC and AEC experiments, however no significant statistical differences (p > 0.05) were found. Image quality scores from all observers at 10 kVp increments for all mAs values using non-AEC mode demonstrates a better score up to 90 kVp. E results show a statistically significant decrease (p = 0.000) on the 75th quartile from 0.37 mSv at 60 kVp to 0.13 mSv at 120 kVp when applying the 10 kVp rule in non-AEC mode. Conclusion - Using the 10 kVp rule, no significant reduction in perceptual image quality is observed when increasing kVp whilst a marked and significant E reduction is observed.
Background - Pelvis and hip radiography are consistently found to be amongst the highest contributors to the collective effective dose (E) in all ten DOSE DATAMED countries in Europe, representing 2.8 to 9.4% of total collective dose (S) in the TOP 20 exams list. The level of image quality should provide all the diagnostic information in order not to jeopardise the diagnosis, but being able to provide the needed clinical information with the minimum dose. A recent study suggests further research to determine whether the “10 kVp rule” would have value for a range of examinations using Computed Radiography (CR) systems. As a “rule of thumb” increasing the kVp by 10 whilst halving the mAs is suggested to give a similar perceptual image quality when compared to the original exposure factors. Aims - In light of the 10kVp rule, this study aims to investigate the influence of tube potential (kVp) variation in relation to perceptual image quality and E for pelvis imaging using automatic exposure control (AEC) and non-AEC in a Computed Radiography (CR) system. Research questions - Does the 10kVp rule works for the pelvis in relation to image quality in a CR system? Does the image quality differs when the AEC is used instead of manual mode using the 10kVp rule and how this impacts on E?
Human virtual phantoms are being widely used to simulate and characterize the behavior of different organs, either in diagnosis stages but also to enable foreseeing the therapeutic effects obtained on a certain patient. In the present work a typical patient’s heart was simulated using XCAT2©, considering the possibility of a lesion and/or anatomical alteration being affecting the myocardium. These simulated images, were then used to carry out a set of parametric studies using Matlab©. Although performed in controlled sceneries, these studies are very important to understand and characterize the performance of the methodologies used, as well as to determine to what extent the relations between the perturbation introduced at the myocardium and the resulting simulated images can be considered conclusive.
Introduction: multimodality environment; requirement for greater understanding of the imaging technologies used, the limitations of these technologies, and how to best interpret the results; dose optimization; introduction of new techniques; current practice and best practice; incidental findings, in low-dose CT images obtained as part of the hybrid imaging process, are an increasing phenomenon with advancing CT technology; resultant ethical and medico-legal dilemmas; understanding limitations of these procedures important when reporting images and recommending follow-up; free-response observer performance study was used to evaluate lesion detection in low-dose CT images obtained during attenuation correction acquisitions for myocardial perfusion imaging, on two hybrid imaging systems.
Background: Computed tomography (CT) is one of the most used modalities for diagnostics in paediatric populations, which is a concern as it also delivers a high patient dose. Research has focused on developing computer algorithms that provide better image quality at lower dose. The iterative reconstruction algorithm Sinogram-Affirmed Iterative Reconstruction (SAFIRE) was introduced as a new technique that reduces noise to increase image quality. Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare SAFIRE with the current gold standard, Filtered Back Projection (FBP), and assess whether SAFIRE alone permits a reduction in dose while maintaining image quality in paediatric head CT. Methods: Images were collected using a paediatric head phantom using a SIEMENS SOMATOM PERSPECTIVE 128 modulated acquisition. 54 images were reconstructed using FBP and 5 different strengths of SAFIRE. Objective measures of image quality were determined by measuring SNR and CNR. Visual measures of image quality were determined by 17 observers with different radiographic experiences. Images were randomized and displayed using 2AFC; observers scored the images answering 5 questions using a Likert scale. Results: At different dose levels, SAFIRE significantly increased SNR (up to 54%) in the acquired images compared to FBP at 80kVp (5.2-8.4), 110kVp (8.2-12.3), 130kVp (8.8-13.1). Visual image quality was higher with increasing SAFIRE strength. The highest image quality was scored with SAFIRE level 3 and higher. Conclusion: The SAFIRE algorithm is suitable for image noise reduction in paediatric head CT. Our data demonstrates that SAFIRE enhances SNR while reducing noise with a possible reduction of dose of 68%.
Aim: Optimise a set of exposure factors, with the lowest effective dose, to delineate spinal curvature with the modified Cobb method in a full spine using computed radiography (CR) for a 5-year-old paediatric anthropomorphic phantom. Methods: Images were acquired by varying a set of parameters: positions (antero-posterior (AP), posteroanterior (PA) and lateral), kilo-voltage peak (kVp) (66-90), source-to-image distance (SID) (150 to 200cm), broad focus and the use of a grid (grid in/out) to analyse the impact on E and image quality (IQ). IQ was analysed applying two approaches: objective [contrast-to-noise-ratio/(CNR] and perceptual, using 5 observers. Monte-Carlo modelling was used for dose estimation. Cohen’s Kappa coefficient was used to calculate inter-observer-variability. The angle was measured using Cobb’s method on lateral projections under different imaging conditions. Results: PA promoted the lowest effective dose (0.013 mSv) compared to AP (0.048 mSv) and lateral (0.025 mSv). The exposure parameters that allowed lower dose were 200cm SID, 90 kVp, broad focus and grid out for paediatrics using an Agfa CR system. Thirty-seven images were assessed for IQ and thirty-two were classified adequate. Cobb angle measurements varied between 16°±2.9 and 19.9°±0.9. Conclusion: Cobb angle measurements can be performed using the lowest dose with a low contrast-tonoise ratio. The variation on measurements for this was ±2.9° and this is within the range of acceptable clinical error without impact on clinical diagnosis. Further work is recommended on improvement to the sample size and a more robust perceptual IQ assessment protocol for observers.
Purpose: To determine whether using different combinations of kVp and mAs with additional filtration can reduce the effective dose to a paediatric phantom whilst maintaining diagnostic image quality. Methods: 27 images of a paediatric AP pelvis phantom were acquired with different kVp, mAs and additional copper filtration. Images were displayed on quality controlled monitors with dimmed lighting. Ten diagnostic radiographers (5 students and 5 experienced radiographers) had eye tests to assess visual acuity before rating the images. Each image was rated for visual image quality against a reference image using 2 alternative forced choice software using a 5-point Likert scale. Physical measures (SNR and CNR) were also taken to assess image quality. Results: Of the 27 images rated, 13 of them were of acceptable image quality and had a dose lower than the image with standard acquisition parameters. Two were produced without filtration, 6 with 0.1mm and 5 with 0.2mm copper filtration. Statistical analysis found that the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability was high. Discussion: It is possible to obtain an image of acceptable image quality with a dose that is lower than published guidelines. There are some areas of the study that could be improved. These include using a wider range of kVp and mAs to give an exact set of parameters to use. Conclusion: Additional filtration has been identified as amajor tool for reducing effective dose whilst maintaining acceptable image quality in a 5 year old phantom.
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the influence of tube potential (kVp) variation in relation to perceptual image quality and effective dose for pelvis using automatic exposure control (AEC) and non-AEC in a computed radiography (CR) system. Methods and Materials: To determine the effects of using AEC and non-AEC by applying the 10 kVp rule in two experiments using an anthropomorphic pelvis phantom. Images were acquired using 10 kVp increments (60-120 kVp) for both experiments. The first experiment, based on seven AEC combinations, produced 49 images. The mean mAs from each kVp increment were used as a baseline for the second experiment producing 35 images. A total of 84 images were produced and a panel of 5 experienced observers participated for the image scoring using the 2 AFC visual grading software. PCXMC software was used to estimate the effective dose. Results: A decrease in perceptual image quality as the kVp increases was observed both in non-AEC and AEC experiments, however no significant statistical differences (p> 0.05) were found. Image quality scores from all observers at 10 kVp increments for all mAs values using non-AEC mode demonstrates a better score up to 90 kVp. Effective dose results show a statistical significant decrease (p=0.000) on the 75th quartile from 0.3 mSv at 60 kVp to 0.1 mSv at 120 kVp when applying the 10 kVp rule in non-AEC mode. Conclusion: No significant reduction in perceptual image quality is observed when increasing kVp whilst a marked and significant effective dose reduction is observed.
Purpose: Stereopsis is the perception of depth based on retinal disparity. Global stereopsis depends on the process of random dot stimuli and local stereopsis depends on contour perception. The aim of this study was to correlate 3 stereopsis tests: TNO®, StereoTA B®, and Fly Stereo Acuity Test® and to study the sensitivity and correlation between them, using TNO® as the gold standard. Other variables as near convergence point, vergences, symptoms and optical correction were correlated with the 3 tests. Materials and Methods: Forty-nine students from Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL), aged 18-26 years old were included. Results: The stereopsis mean (standard-deviation-SD) values in each test were: TNO® = 87.04” ±84.09”; FlyTest® = 38.18” ±34.59”; StereoTA B® = 124.89’’ ±137.38’’. About the coefficient of determination: TNO® and StereoTA B® with R2 = 0.6 e TNO® and FlyTest® with R2 =0.2. Pearson correlation coefficient shows a positive correlation between TNO® and StereoTA B® (r = 0.784 with α = 0.01). Phi coefficient shows a strong and positive association between TNO® and StereoTA B® (Φ = 0.848 with α = 0.01). In the ROC Curve, the StereoTA B® has an area under the curve bigger than the FlyTest® with a sensivity of 92.3% for 94.4% of specificity, so it means that the test is sensitive with a good discriminative power. Conclusion: We conclude that the use of Stereopsis tests to study global Stereopsis are an asset for clinical use. This type of test is more sensitive, revealing changes in Stereopsis when it is actually changed, unlike the test Stereopsis, which often indicates normal Stereopsis, camouflaging a Stereopsis change. We noted also that the StereoTA B ® is very sensitive and despite being a digital application, possessed good correlation with the TNO®.
This study aimed to determine and evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of visual screening tests for detecting vision loss in elderly. This study is defined as study of diagnostic performance. The diagnostic accuracy of 5 visual tests -near convergence point, near accommodation point, stereopsis, contrast sensibility and amsler grid—was evaluated by means of the ROC method (receiver operating characteristics curves), sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratios (LR+/LR−). Visual acuity was used as the reference standard. A sample of 44 elderly aged 76.7 years (±9.32), who were institutionalized, was collected. The curves of contrast sensitivity and stereopsis are the most accurate (area under the curves were 0.814−p = 0.001, C.I.95%[0.653;0.975]— and 0.713−p = 0.027, C.I.95%[0,540;0,887], respectively). The scores with the best diagnostic validity for the stereopsis test were 0.605 (sensitivity 0.87, specificity 0.54; LR+ 1.89, LR−0.24) and 0.610 (sensitivity 0.81, specificity 0.54; LR+1.75, LR−0.36). The scores with higher diagnostic validity for the contrast sensibility test were 0.530 (sensitivity 0.94, specificity 0.69; LR+ 3.04, LR−0.09). The contrast sensitivity and stereopsis test's proved to be clinically useful in detecting vision loss in the elderly.
Actualmente a Tomografia Computorizada (TC) é um dos métodos de diagnóstico por imagem que tem uma maior contribuição para a dose de radiação X recebida pelos pacientes. Pretende-se com este estudo avaliar as doses praticadas em TC e contribuir para o estabelecimento de Níveis de Referência de Diagnóstico (NRD) na região da Grande Lisboa, Portugal. Foram efectuadas medições de dose em 5 equipamentos de TC multidetectores, considerando o abdómen como área anatómica de interesse. Recorreu-se a uma câmara de ionização e a um fantoma para obter o índice de dose de TC (CTDI) e o produto dose-comprimento (DLP), que permitem determinar os NRD. Estes valores foram comparados com os NRD propostos pela Guideline Europeia e com os estudos desenvolvidos em outros países, como o Reino Unido, Grécia e Taiwan. Os resultados revelaram que os valores de NRD obtidos neste estudo (16,7 mGy para o CTDIvol e 436,5 mGy·cm para o DLP) são discrepantes relativamente à Guideline Europeia (±50%), mas muito próximos relativamente aos NRD estabelecidos nos países considerados. Estes valores podem ser eventualmente explicados pelos equipamentos em análise e pela utilização de protocolos de exame adoptados pelos profissionais de Radiologia nas instituições analisadas. ABSTRACT - Nowadays Computed Tomography (CT) is one of the imaging techniques which have a large contribution to radiation dose received by patients. The purpose of this study is to evaluate CT doses and contribute to the establishment of Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRL) in Lisbon, Portugal. Dose measurements on 5 multidetector CT scanners have been performed, considering the abdomen as the anatomic region of interest. All measurements were performed using an ionization chamber and a phantom to obtain the index CT dose (CTDI) and the dose-length product (DLP), which are used to determine DRL. These values were compared not only with European reference dose values but also with DRL studies developed in other countries like United Kingdom, Greece and Taiwan. The results revealed that DRL values obtained in this study (CTDIvol is 16,7 mGy and DLP is 436,5 mGy·cm) have a higher discrepancy to European Guideline (±50%), while the DRL´s of other countries are nearest to values obtained in this study. Those differences may be eventually explained by the type of the evaluated equipments but also by the exam protocols used by the Radiology professionals on the analyzed institutions.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Protecção contra Radiações
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Imagem Digital.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Imagem Digital com Radiação X.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Proteção contra Radiações.