24 resultados para generic medicines
Notre objectif consiste à interroger les effets de dispositifs d’enseignement apprentissage de l’écriture narrative, en prenant pour analyseur l’usage du stéréotype par des élèves de la fin de l’école élémentaire. Le stéréotype, considéré comme le lieu commun de l’expression (Dufays & Kervin, 2010) est potentiellement générateur de ressources (Marin & Crinon, 2014, à paraître) par les contraintes mêmes qu’il induit (Plane, 2006). En prise sur l’appréhension des critères de genre, la reconnaissance des stéréotypes renvoie à une forme particulièrement discriminante de capital symbolique (Tardy et Swales, 2008) dont il convient d’envisager les effets sur la régulation des inégalités entre élèves (Rochex & Crinon, 2011). Nous présentons en complémentarité deux recherches, dans lesquelles les élèves bénéficient de ressources de nature différente : l’aide apportée y assumant pour la première le statut d’outil technique (Crinon, Legros & Marin, 2002-2003), alors qu’elle relève pour la seconde d’un instrument psychologique (Marin, 2011). Les résultats de ces recherches montrent comment la focalisation sur les critères de genre constitue une ressource utile aux élèves, la seconde mettant en exergue le rôle des tuteurs dans la critique des textes de leurs pairs et son effet récursif sur la conscientisation des invariants génériques du texte de fiction.
Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios
Desde o início da utilização da imunohistoquímica em anatomia patológica, um dos objetivos tem sido detetar as quantidades mais ínfimas de antigénio, tornando-o visível ao microscópio ótico. Vários sistemas de amplificação têm sido aplicados de forma a concretizar este objetivo, tendo surgido um grupo genérico de métodos simples e que apresentam uma amplificação superior: são os denominados métodos do polímero indireto. Tendo em conta a variedade de métodos disponíveis, o autor propõe-se a comparar a qualidade de quatro sistemas de amplificação, que recorrem ao método do polímero indireto com horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Foram utilizadas lâminas de diferentes tecidos, fixados em formol e incluídos em parafina, nos quais se procedeu à identificação de 15 antigénios distintos. Na amplificação recorreu-se a quatro sistemas de polímero indireto (Dako EnVision+ System – K4006; LabVision UltraVision LP Detection System – TL-004-HD; Leica NovoLink – RE7140-k; Vector ImmPRESS Reagent Kit – MP-7402). A observação microscópica e classificação da imunomarcação obtida foram feitas com base num algoritmo que enquadra intensidade, marcação específica, marcação inespecífica e contraste, num score global que pode tomar valores entre 0 e 25. No tratamento dos dados, para além da estatística descritiva, foi utilizado o teste one-way ANOVA com posthoc de tukey (alfa=0.05). O melhor resultado obtido, em termos de par média/desvio-padrão, dos scores globais foi o do NovoLink (22,4/2,37) e o pior foi o do EnVision+ (17,43/3,86). Verificou-se ainda que existe diferença estatística entre os resultados obtidos pelo sistema NovoLink e os sistemas UltraVision (p=.004), ImmPRESS (p=.000) e EnVision+ (p=.000). Concluiu-se que o sistema que permitiu a obtenção de melhores resultados, neste estudo, foi o Leica NovoLink.
Workflows have been successfully applied to express the decomposition of complex scientific applications. This has motivated many initiatives that have been developing scientific workflow tools. However the existing tools still lack adequate support to important aspects namely, decoupling the enactment engine from workflow tasks specification, decentralizing the control of workflow activities, and allowing their tasks to run autonomous in distributed infrastructures, for instance on Clouds. Furthermore many workflow tools only support the execution of Direct Acyclic Graphs (DAG) without the concept of iterations, where activities are executed millions of iterations during long periods of time and supporting dynamic workflow reconfigurations after certain iteration. We present the AWARD (Autonomic Workflow Activities Reconfigurable and Dynamic) model of computation, based on the Process Networks model, where the workflow activities (AWA) are autonomic processes with independent control that can run in parallel on distributed infrastructures, e. g. on Clouds. Each AWA executes a Task developed as a Java class that implements a generic interface allowing end-users to code their applications without concerns for low-level details. The data-driven coordination of AWA interactions is based on a shared tuple space that also enables support to dynamic workflow reconfiguration and monitoring of the execution of workflows. We describe how AWARD supports dynamic reconfiguration and discuss typical workflow reconfiguration scenarios. For evaluation we describe experimental results of AWARD workflow executions in several application scenarios, mapped to a small dedicated cluster and the Amazon (Elastic Computing EC2) Cloud.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão em Saúde
Workflows have been successfully applied to express the decomposition of complex scientific applications. However the existing tools still lack adequate support to important aspects namely, decoupling the enactment engine from tasks specification, decentralizing the control of workflow activities allowing their tasks to run in distributed infrastructures, and supporting dynamic workflow reconfigurations. We present the AWARD (Autonomic Workflow Activities Reconfigurable and Dynamic) model of computation, based on Process Networks, where the workflow activities (AWA) are autonomic processes with independent control that can run in parallel on distributed infrastructures. Each AWA executes a task developed as a Java class with a generic interface allowing end-users to code their applications without low-level details. The data-driven coordination of AWA interactions is based on a shared tuple space that also enables dynamic workflow reconfiguration. For evaluation we describe experimental results of AWARD workflow executions in several application scenarios, mapped to the Amazon (Elastic Computing EC2) Cloud.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica Ramo de Automação e Eletrónica Industrial
Modular design is crucial to manage large-scale systems and to support the divide-and-conquer development approach. It allows hierarchical representations and, therefore, one can have a system overview, as well as observe component details. Petri nets are suitable to model concurrent systems, but lack on structuring mechanisms to support abstractions and the composition of sub-models, in particular when considering applications to embedded controllers design. In this paper we present a module construct, and an underlying high-level Petri net type, to model embedded controllers. Multiple interfaces can be declared in a module, thus, different instances of the same module can be used in different situations. The interface is a subset of the module nodes, through which the communication with the environment is made. Module places can be annotated with a generic type, overridden with a concrete type at instance level, and constants declared in a module may have a new value in each instance.
This paper extents the by now classic sensor fusion complementary filter (CF) design, involving two sensors, to the case where three sensors that provide measurements in different bands are available. This paper shows that the use of classical CF techniques to tackle a generic three sensors fusion problem, based solely on their frequency domain characteristics, leads to a minimal realization, stable, sub-optimal solution, denoted as Complementary Filters3 (CF3). Then, a new approach for the estimation problem at hand is used, based on optimal linear Kalman filtering techniques. Moreover, the solution is shown to preserve the complementary property, i.e. the sum of the three transfer functions of the respective sensors add up to one, both in continuous and discrete time domains. This new class of filters are denoted as Complementary Kalman Filters3 (CKF3). The attitude estimation of a mobile robot is addressed, based on data from a rate gyroscope, a digital compass, and odometry. The experimental results obtained are reported.