31 resultados para Zeta Psi Fraternity


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The theory of ecological stoichiometry considers ecological interactions among species with different chemical compositions. Both experimental and theoretical investigations have shown the importance of species composition in the outcome of the population dynamics. A recent study of a theoretical three-species food chain model considering stoichiometry [B. Deng and I. Loladze, Chaos 17, 033108 (2007)] shows that coexistence between two consumers predating on the same prey is possible via chaos. In this work we study the topological and dynamical measures of the chaotic attractors found in such a model under ecological relevant parameters. By using the theory of symbolic dynamics, we first compute the topological entropy associated with unimodal Poincareacute return maps obtained by Deng and Loladze from a dimension reduction. With this measure we numerically prove chaotic competitive coexistence, which is characterized by positive topological entropy and positive Lyapunov exponents, achieved when the first predator reduces its maximum growth rate, as happens at increasing delta(1). However, for higher values of delta(1) the dynamics become again stable due to an asymmetric bubble-like bifurcation scenario. We also show that a decrease in the efficiency of the predator sensitive to prey's quality (increasing parameter zeta) stabilizes the dynamics. Finally, we estimate the fractal dimension of the chaotic attractors for the stoichiometric ecological model.


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The aim of the study is to adapt and then discuss the appropriateness of the Life Orientation Test as a one or two dimension scale. The research includes two studies; one is composed of a sequential sample of 280 people with multiple sclerosis, 71% female, and another includes a convenience sample of 615 individuals from the community, 51.1% female. Because the construct is built upon a theoretical assumption that has one dimension, we examine the hypothesis of one or two factor solutions through confirmatory factor analysis, and the two-dimension solution premise demonstrates better adjustment for both samples. The other psychometric properties explored show appropriate results for the Portuguese sample, and similar to the original ones; the Test therefore seems appropriate for use in cross cultural studies. Based on our results, we discuss whether the questionnaire is a one or two dimension instrument, concluding that it appears appropriate to accept the recommendations of the original authors to use it as a one-dimensional tool and, when necessary, to use both dimensions. - RESUMO: El objetivo del estudio es adaptar y discutir la adecuación de la prueba de Orientación de la Vida en una o dos escalas de dimensión. La investigación engloba dos estudios, uno constituido por una muestra secuencial de 280 personas con esclerosis múltiple, 71% mujeres y otro con una muestra de conveniencia de la comunidad de 615 individuos, 51,1% del sexo femenino. Como el constructo se asienta sobre la presunción teórica de que tiene una dimensión, inspeccionamos la hipótesis de una o dos soluciones de factor a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio y la hipótesis de dos dimensiones manifiesta un mejor ajuste para ambas muestras. Las otras propiedades psicométricas exploradas muestran los resultados apropiados para la muestra portuguesa, y semejantes a los originales. Parece apropiado para los estudios culturales transversales. Basándonos en nuestros resultados, discutimos si el cuestionario es un instrumento de una o dos dimensiones, concluyéndose que parece conveniente seguir las recomendaciones de los autores originales, para utilizarlo como un instrumento unidimensional y, si fuera necesario necesario, utilizar cada una de las dimensiones.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras


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Mestrado em Controlo de Gestão e dos Negócios


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Mestrado em Contabilidade Internacional


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We consider a fluid of hard boomerangs, each composed of two hard spherocylinders joined at their ends at an angle Psi. The resulting particle is nonconvex and biaxial. The occurence of nematic order in such a system has been investigated using Straley's theory, which is a simplificaton of Onsager's second-virial treatment of long hard rods, and by bifurcation analysis. The excluded volume of two hard boomerangs has been approximated by the sum of excluded volumes of pairs of constituent spherocylinders, and the angle-dependent second-virial coefficient has been replaced by a low-order interpolating function. At the so-called Landau point, Psi(Landau)approximate to 107.4 degrees, the fluid undergoes a continuous transition from the isotropic to a biaxial nematic (B) phase. For Psi not equal Psi(Landau) ordering is via a first-order transition into a rod-like uniaxial nematic phase (N(+)) if Psi > Psi(Landau), or a plate-like uniaxial nematic (N(-)) phase if Psi < Psi(Landau). The B phase is separated from the N(+) and N(-) phases by two lines of continuous transitions meeting at the Landau point. This topology of the phase diagram is in agreement with previous studies of spheroplatelets and biaxial ellipsoids. We have checked the accuracy of our theory by performing numerical calculations of the angle-dependent second virial coefficient, which yields Psi(Landau)approximate to 110 degrees for very long rods, and Psi(Landau)approximate to 90 degrees for short rods. In the latter case, the I-N transitions occur at unphysically high packing fractions, reflecting the inappropriateness of the second-virial approximation in this limit.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Análise Financeira


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Mestrado em Auditoria


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Ainda que a saúde mental dos doentes crónicos seja cada vez mais uma preocupação dos profissionais de saúde, não é generalizada a avaliação rotineira do seu funcionamento sexual, que poderá ter impacto sobre a sua saúde mental. O objectivo do presente estudo é explorar a relação entre funcionamento sexual e saúde mental em doentes crónicos. Foram avaliados 77 adultos com diabetes tipo 1, 40 com diabetes tipo 2, 100 com esclerose múltipla, 79 com epilepsia, 205 com obesidade e 106 com cancro, recorrendo a um Questionário Sócio-demográfico e Clínico, à Escala de Função Sexual do MSQOL-54 e à Escala de Saúde Mental do SF-36. Na amostra total, verificaram-se correlações lineares estatisticamente significativas entre Funcionamento Sexual e Saúde Mental nos dois sexos (homens: r(161)=-0,35, p<0,0001; mulheres: r(387)=-0,36, p<0,0001). Entre os homens, as correlações oscilaram entre rs(33)=-0,58 (p<0,0001) e rs(34)=-0,21 (p=0,23); entre as mulheres, entre rs(161)=-0,49 (p<0,0001) e rs(19)=-0,03 (p=0,89). Mais concretamente, nos indivíduos com diabetes tipo 1 e cancro verificaram-se correlações lineares estatisticamente significativas entre Funcionamento Sexual e Saúde Mental nos dois sexos; nos indivíduos com diabetes tipo 2 e esclerose múltipla não se verificaram correlações significativas em nenhum dos sexos; nos indivíduos com obesidade só se verificaram correlações significativas nos indivíduos do sexo feminino; nos indivíduos com epilepsia só se verificaram correlações significativas nos indivíduos do sexo masculino. Os resultados sugerem que a promoção do funcionamento sexual de doentes crónicos poderá saldar-se por uma melhoria na sua saúde mental (e vice-versa), mas não em todas as doenças crónicas analisadas.


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We define nonautonomous graphs as a class of dynamic graphs in discrete time whose time-dependence consists in connecting or disconnecting edges. We study periodic paths in these graphs, and the associated zeta functions. Based on the analytic properties of these zeta functions we obtain explicit formulae for the number of n-periodic paths, as the sum of the nth powers of some specific algebraic numbers.