194 resultados para Factor V leiden
There is considerable evidence showing that the neurodegenerative processes that lead to sporadic Parkinson`s disease (PD) begin many years before the appearance of the characteristic motor symptoms and that impairments in olfactory, cognitive and motor functions are associated with time-dependent disruption of dopaminergic neurotransmission in different brain areas. Midkine is a 13-kDa retinoic acid-induced heparin-binding growth factor involved in many biological processes in the central nervous system such as cell migration, neurogenesis and tissue repair. The abnormal midkine expression may be associated with neurochemical dysfunction in the dopaminergic system and cognitive impairments in rodents. Here, we employed adult midkine knockout mice (Mdk(-/-)) to further investigate the relevance of midkine in dopaminergic neurotransmission and in olfactory, cognitive and motor functions. Mdk(/-) mice displayed pronounced impairments in their olfactory discrimination ability and short-term social recognition memory with no gross motor alterations. Moreover, the genetic deletion of midkine decreased the expression of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase in the substantia nigra reducing partially the levels of dopamine and its metabolites in the olfactory bulb and striatum of mice. These findings indicate that the genetic deletion of midkine causes a partial loss of dopaminergic neurons and depletion of dopamine, resulting in olfactory and memory deficits with no major motor impairments. Therefore, Mdk(-/-) mice may represent a promising animal model for the study of the early stages of PD and for testing new therapeutic strategies to restore sensorial and cognitive processes in PD.
Despite wide clinical application, the efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for repairing bone defects and enhancing osseointegration of metal implants is still subject of debate. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a well-defined PRP-like mixture containing platelet-derived growth factor-BB, transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta 1, TGF-beta 2, albumin, fibronectin, and thrombospondin [growth factors (GFs) + proteins] on the development of the osteogenic phenotype on titanium (Ti) in vitro. Human alveolar bone-derived osteoblastic cells were subcultured on Ti discs and exposed during the first 7 days to osteogenic medium supplemented with GFs + proteins and to osteogenic medium alone thereafter up to 14 days. Control cultures were exposed to only osteogenic medium. Dose-response experiments were carried out using rat primary calvarial cells exposed to GFs + proteins and 1:10 or 1:100 dilutions of the mixture. Treated human-derived cell cultures exhibited a significantly higher number of cycling cells at days 1 and 4 and of total cells at days 4 and 7, significantly reduced alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity at days 4, 7, and 10, and no Alizarin red-stained areas (calcium deposits) at day 14, indicating an impairment in osteoblast differentiation. Although the 1:10 and 1:100 dilutions of the mixture restored the proliferative activity of rat-derived osteogenic cells to control levels and promoted a significant increase in ALP activity at day 10 compared with GFs + proteins, mineralized nodule formation was only observed with the 1:100 dilution (similar to 50% of the control). These results showed that a PRP-like protein mixture inhibits development of the osteogenic phenotype in both human and rat osteoblastic cell cultures grown on Ti. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:265-276, 2009)
Background: The CXC chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) and its ligand, stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1 alpha or CXC chemokine ligand 12) are involved in the trafficking of leukocytes into and out of extravascular tissues. The purpose of this study was to determine whether SDF-1 alpha secreted by host cells plays a role in recruiting inflammatory cells into the periodontia during local inflammation. Methods: SDF-1 alpha levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of 24 individuals with periodontitis versus healthy individuals in tissue biopsies and in a preclinical rat model of Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-induced experimental bone loss. Neutrophil chemotaxis assays were also used to evaluate whether SDF-1 alpha plays a role in the recruitment of host cells at periodontal lesions. Results: Subjects with periodontal disease had higher levels of SDF-1 alpha in their GCF compared to healthy subjects. Subjects with periodontal disease who underwent mechanical therapy demonstrated decreased levels of SDF-1 alpha. Immunohistologic staining showed that SDF-1 alpha and CXCR4 levels were elevated in samples obtained from periodontally compromised individuals. Similar results were observed in the rodent model. Neutrophil migration was enhanced in the presence of SDF-1 alpha, mimicking immune cell migration in periodontal lesions. Conclusions: SDF-1 alpha may be involved in the immune defense pathway activated during periodontal disease. Upon the development of diseased tissues, SDF-1 alpha levels increase and may recruit host defensive cells into sites of inflammation. These studies suggest that SDF-1 alpha may be a useful biomarker for the identification of periodontal disease progression.
P>The use of seven domains for the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP)-EDENT was not supported for its Brazilian version, making data interpretation in clinical settings difficult. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess patients` responses for the translated OHIP-EDENT in a group of edentulous subjects and to develop factor scales for application in future studies. Data from 103 conventional and implant-retained complete denture wearers (36 men, mean age of 69 center dot 1 +/- 10 center dot 3 years) were assessed using the Brazilian version of the OHIP-EDENT. Oral health-related quality of life domains were identified by factor analysis using principal component analysis as the extraction method, followed by varimax rotation. Factor analysis identified four factors that accounted for 63% of the 19 items total variance, named masticatory discomfort and disability (four items), psychological discomfort and disability (five items), social disability (five items) and oral pain and discomfort (five items). Four factors/domains of the Brazilian OHIP-EDENT version represent patient-important aspects of oral health-related quality of life.
This multicentric population-based study in Brazil is the first national effort to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis B (HBV) and risk factors in the capital cities of the Northeast. Central-West, and Federal Districts (2004-2005). Random multistage cluster sampling was used to select persons 13-69 years of age. Markers for HBV were tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The HBV genotypes were determined by sequencing hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Multivariate analyses and simple catalytic model were performed. Overall. 7,881 persons were inculded < 70% were not vaccinated. Positivity for HBsAg was less than 1% among non-vaccinated persons and genotypes A, D, and F co-circulated. The incidence of infection increased with age with similar force of infection in all regions. Males and persons having initiated sexual activity were associated with HBV infection in the two settings: healthcare jobs and prior hospitalization were risk factors in the Federal District. Our survey classified these regions as areas with HBV endemicity and highlighted the risk factors differences among the settings.
This work examined how the conceptus modulates endometrial tissue remodeling and vascular development prior to implantation in mares. A macroscopic uterine examination was completed at day 21 of pregnancy. In situ morphology revealed that the endometrium involved in encroachment is restricted to the dorsal endometrium immediately overlying the yolk sac. The amount of stromal area occupied by blood vessels and the number of endometrial glands were increased during early pregnancy. Endometrial histomorphometry as well as the endometrial mRNA abundance and immunolocalization of VEGF, VEGFR1, VEGFR2, and Ki-67 was completed at days 14 and 21 of pregnancy, at day 10 of the estrous cycle, and during estrus. No obvious differences in VEGF and VEGFR1 protein localization were detected between pregnant and cycling mares but differential staining pattern for VEGFR2 and Ki-67 was observed. VEGFR2 localized to luminal and glandular epithelium of pregnant mares, while luminal epithelium was negative in cycling mares. Ki-67 staining was weak during the luteal phase but exhibited prominent luminal epithelium staining during estrus. In pregnant mares, all endometrial layers were Ki-67 positive. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed a greater abundance of VEGF mRNA during pregnancy. VEGFR2 transcript abundance was greatest in pregnant mares on day 21. This study supports the concept that the conceptus plays an active role in directing vasculogenesis within the uterus and thereby establishing hemotrophic nutrition that supports pregnancy after implantation. Reproduction (2011) 142 593-603
Purpose: Interferon regulatory factor 6 encodes a member of the IRF family of transcription factors. Mutations in interferon regulatory factor 6 cause Van der Woude and popliteal pterygium syndrome, two related orofacial clefting disorders. Here, we compared and contrasted the frequency and distribution of exonic Mutations in interferon regulatory factor 6 between two large geographically distinct collections of families with Van der Woude and between one collection of families with popliteal pterygium syndrome. Methods: We performed direct sequence analysis of interferon regulatory factor 6 exons oil samples from three collections, two with Van der Woude and one with popliteal pterygium syndrome. Results: We identified mutations in interferon regulatory factor 6 exons in 68% of families in both Van der Woude collections and in 97% of families with popliteal pterygium syndrome. In sum, 106 novel disease-causing variants were found. The distribution of mutations in the interferon regulatory factor 6 exons in each collection was not random; exons 3, 4, 7, and 9 accounted for 80%. In the Van der Woude collections, the mutations were evenly divided between protein truncation and missense, whereas most mutations identified in the popliteal pterygium syndrome collection were missense. Further, the missense mutations associated with popliteal pterygium syndrome were localized significantly to exon 4, at residues that are predicted to bind directly to DNA. Conclusion: The nonrandom distribution of mutations in the interferon regulatory factor 6 exons suggests a two-tier approach for efficient mutation screens for interferon regulatory factor 6. The type and distribution of mutations are consistent with the hypothesis that Van der Woude is caused by haploinsufficiency of interferon regulatory factor 6. Oil the other hand, the distribution of popliteal pterygium syndrome-associated mutations suggests a different, though not mutually exclusive, effect oil interferon regulatory factor 6 function. Genet Med 2009:11(4):241-247.
In mammals, the production of melatonin by the pineal gland is mainly controlled by the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), the master clock of the circadian system. We have previously shown that agents involved in inflammatory responses, such as cytokines and corticosterone, modulate pineal melatonin synthesis. The nuclear transcription factor NFKB, detected by our group in the rat pineal gland, modulates this effect. Here, we evaluated a putative constitutive role for the pineal gland NFKB pathway. Male rats were kept under 12 h: 12 h light-dark (LD) cycle or under constant darkness (DD) condition. Nuclear NFKB was quantified by electrophoretic mobility shift assay on pineal glands obtained from animals killed throughout the day at different times. Nuclear content of NFKB presented a daily rhythm only in LD-entrained animals. During the light phase, the amount of NFKB increased continuously, and a sharp drop occurred when lights were turned off. Animals maintained in a constant light environment until ZT 18 showed diurnal levels of nuclear NFKB at ZT15 and ZT18. Propranolol (20 mg/kg, i.p., ZT 11) treatment, which inhibits nocturnal sympathetic input, impaired nocturnal decrease of NFKB only at ZT18. A similar effect was observed in free-running animals, which secreted less nocturnal melatonin. Because melatonin reduces constitutive NFKB activation in cultured pineal glands, we propose that this indolamine regulates this transcription factor pathway in the rat pineal gland, but not at the LD transition. The controversial results regarding the inhibition of pineal function by constant light or blocking sympathetic neurotransmission are discussed according to the hypothesis that the prompt effect of lights-off is not mediated by noradrenaline, which otherwise contributes to maintaining low levels of nuclear NFKB at night. In summary, we report here a novel transcription factor in the pineal gland, which exhibits a constitutive rhythm dependent on environmental photic information. (Author correspondence: rpmarkus@usp.br)
Familial idiopathic basal ganglia calcification, also known as ""Fahr`s disease"" (FD), is a neuropsychiatric disorder with autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance and characterized by symmetric basal ganglia calcifications and, occasionally, other brain regions. Currently, there are three loci linked to this devastating disease. The first one (IBGC1) is located in 14q11.2-21.3 and the other two have been identified in 2q37 (IBGC2) and 8p21.1-q11.13 (IBGC3). Further studies identified a heterozygous variation (rs36060072) which consists in the change of the cytosine to guanine located at MGEA6/CTAGE5 gene, present in all of the affected large American family linked to IBGC1. This missense substitution, which induces changes of a proline to alanine at the 521 position (P521A), in a proline-rich and highly conserved protein domain was considered a rare variation, with a minor allele frequency (MAF) of 0.0058 at the US population. Considering that the population frequency of a given variation is an indirect indicative of potential pathogenicity, we screened 200 chromosomes in a random control set of Brazilian samples and in two nuclear families, comparing with our previous analysis in a US population. In addition, we accomplished analyses through bioinformatics programs to predict the pathogenicity of such variation. Our genetic screen found no P521A carriers. Polling these data together with the previous study in the USA, we have now a MAF of 0.0036, showing that this mutation is very rare. On the other hand, the bioinformatics analysis provided conflicting findings. There are currently various candidate genes and loci that could be involved with the underlying molecular basis of FD etiology, and other groups suggested the possible role played by genes in 2q37, related to calcium metabolism, and at chromosome 8 (NRG1 and SNTG1). Additional mutagenesis and in vivo studies are necessary to confirm the pathogenicity for variation in the P521A MGEA6.
Brain dystrophin is enriched in the postsynaptic densities of pyramidal neurons specialized regions of the subsynaptic cytoskeletal network, which are critical for synaptic transmission and plasticity. Lack of dystrophin in brain structures have been involved with impaired cognitive functions. The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a regulator of neuronal survival, fast synaptic transmission, and activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. The present study investigated BDNF protein levels by Elisa analysis in prefrontal cortex, cerebellum, hippocampus, striatum and cortex tissues from male dystrophic mdx (n = 5) and normal C57BL10 mouse (n = 5). We observed that the mdx mouse display diminution in BDNF levels in striatum (t = 6.073; df = 6; p = 0.001), while a tendency of decrease in BDNF levels was observed in the prefrontal cortex region (t = 1.962; df = 6; p = 0.096). The cerebellum (t = 1.258; df = 7; p = 0.249), hippocampus (t = 0.631; df = 7; p = 0.548) and cortex (t = 0.572; df = 7; p = 0.586) showed no significant alterations as compared to wt mouse. In conclusion, we demonstrate that only striatum decreased BDNF levels compared with wild-type (wt) mouse, differently to the other areas of the brain. This dystrophin deficiency may be affecting BDNF levels in striatum and contributing, in part, in memory storage and restoring. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: this study aimed to develop a nondecalcified bone sample processing technique enabling immunohistochemical labeling of proteins by kappa-beta nuclear factor (NF-kB) utilizing the Technovit 7200 VCR (R) in adult male Wistar rats. Study Method: A 1.8 mm diameter defect was performed 0.5mm from the femur proximal joint by means of a round bur. Experimental groups were divided according to fixing solution prior to histologic processing: Group 1- ethanol 70%; Group 2-10% buffered formalin; and Group 3- Glycerol diluted in 70% ethanol at a 70/30 ratio + 10% buffered formalin. The post-surgical periods ranged from 01 to 24 hours. Control groups included a nonsurgical procedure group (NSPG) and surgical procedures where bone exposure was performed (SPBE) without drilling. Prostate carcinoma was the positive control (PC) and samples subjected to incomplete immunohistochemistry protocol were the negative control (NC). Following euthanization, all samples were kept at 4 degrees C for 7 days, and were dehydrated in a series of alcohols at -20 degrees C. The polymer embedding procedure was performed at ethanol/polymer ratios of 70%-30%, 50%-50%, 30%-70%, 100%, and 100% for 72 hours at -20 degrees C. Polymerization followed the manufacturer`s recommendation. The samples were grounded and polished to 10-15 mu m thickness, and were deacrylated. The sections were rehydrated and were submitted to the primary polyclonal antibody anti-NF-kB on a 1:75 dilution for 12 hours at room temperature. Results: Microscopy showed that the Group 2 presented positive reaction to NF-kB, diffuse reactions for NSPG and SPBE, and no reaction for the NC group. Conclusion: The results obtained support the feasibility of the developed immunohistochemistry technique.
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is expressed in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), and act centrally to provoke stress-like autonomic and behavioral responses. Urocortins 1-3 are additional ligands to the CRF receptors 1 and 2. Ucn 1 neurons are primarily concentrated in the Edinger-Westphal (EW) nucleus and also have been associated with stress responses. It is also known that UCN 1 respond in different ways depending on the stressor presented. Benzodiazepines can act via the CRF peptidergic system and chronic administration of alprazolam does not interfere with CRF mRNA expression in the PVN, but significantly increase Ucn 1 mRNA expression in the EW. The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between different stressor stimuli, foot shock (FS) and restraint (R), and the mRNA expression of CRF and Ucn 1 in the PVN and EW using alprazolam (A). We employed fos activation and in situ hybridization. Restraint group presented increased fos-ir and CRF mRNA expression in the PVN compared to FS group. The stress responses of R group were prevented by A. In the EW,fos-ir was higher in the FS group than in the R group, whereas Ucn 1 mRNA expression was higher in the R group than in the FS group. Alprazolam significantly increased fos-ir and Ucn 1 mRNA expression in both groups. Our results show that PVN and EW respond in different ways to the same stressors. Furthermore, EW of stressed animals replies in a complementary way comparing to PVN with the use of Alprazolam. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Our aim was to evaluate the effects of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) on early cardiac arrhythmias after myocardial infarction (MI) and the impact on survival. Male Wistar rats received repeated doses of 50 mu g/kg G-CSF (MI-GCSF group) or vehicle (MI group) at 7, 3, and 1 days before surgery. MI was induced by permanent occlusion of left corollary artery. The electrocardiogram was obtained before occlusion and then for 30 minutes after surgery. Events and duration of ventricular arrhythmias were analyzed. The levels of connexin43 (Cx43) were measured by Western blot immediately before MI production. Survival was significantly increased in MI-GCSF pretreated group (74% versus 52.0% MI. P < 0.05). G-CSF pretreatment also significantly reduced the ventricular premature beats when compared with the untreated-MI group (201 +/- 47 versus 679 +/- 117, P < 0.05). The number and the duration of ventricular tachycardia were smaller in the MI-G-CSF group, as well as the number of ventricular fibrillation episodes (10% versus 69% in NIL P < 0.05). Cx43 levels were significantly increased by G-CSF treatment (1.27 +/- 0.13 versus 0.86 +/- 0.11; P < 0.05). The MI size 24 hours after occlusion was reduced by G-CSF pretreatment (36 +/- 3% versus 44 +/- 2% of left ventricle in MI group; P < 0.05). The increase of Cx43 expression in the heart may explain the reduced incidence in ventricular arrhythmias in the early phases after coronary artery occlusion in rats, thus increasing survival after MI.
Long-term memory, a persistent form of synaptic plasticity, requires translation of a subset of mRNA present in neuronal dendrites during a short and critical period through a mechanism not yet fully elucidated. Western blotting analysis revealed a high content of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) in the brain of neonatal rats, a period of intense neurogenesis rate, differentiation and synaptic establishment, when compared to adult rats. Immunohistochemistry analysis revealed that eIF5A is present in the whole brain of adult rats showing a variable content among the cells from different areas (e.g. cortex, hippocampus and cerebellum). A high content of eIF5A in the soma and dendrites of Purkinje cells, key neurons in the control of motor long-term memory in the cerebellum, was observed. Detection of high eIF5A content was revealed in dendritic varicosities of Purkinje cells. Evidence is presented herein that a reduction of eIF5A content is associated to brain aging. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Amyloid P-peptide (A beta) likely causes functional alterations in neurons well prior to their death. Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B), a transcription factor that is known to play important roles in cell survival and apoptosis, has been shown to be modulated by A beta in neurons and glia, but the mechanism is unknown. Because A beta has also been shown to enhance activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, we investigated the role of NMDA receptor-mediated intracellular signaling pathways in A beta-induced NF-kappa B activation in primary cultured rat cerebellar cells. Cells were treated with different concentrations of A beta 1-40 (1 or 2 mu M) for different periods (6, 12, or 24 hr). MK-801 (NMDA antagonist), manumycin A and FTase inhibitor 1 (farnesyltransferase inhibitors), PP1 (Src-family tyrosine kinase inhibitor), PD98059 [mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor], and LY294002 [phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-k) inhibitor] were added 20 min before A beta treatment of the cells. A beta induced a time- and concentration-dependent activation of NF-kappa B (1 mu M, 12 hr); both p50/p65 and p50/p50 NF-kappa B dimers were involved. This activation was abolished by MK-801 and attenuated by manumycin A, FTase inhibitor 1, PP1, PD98059, and LY294002. AP at 1 mu M increased the expression of inhibitory protein I kappa B, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, inducible nitric oxide synthase, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and interleukin-1 beta as shown by RTPCR assays. Collectively, these findings suggest that AP activates NF-kappa B by an NMDA-Src-Ras-like protein through MAPK and PI3-k pathways in cultured cerebellar cells. This pathway may mediate an adaptive, neuroprotective response to A beta. (c) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.