17 resultados para convex subgraphs

em Universidad de Alicante


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The original motivation for this paper was to provide an efficient quantitative analysis of convex infinite (or semi-infinite) inequality systems whose decision variables run over general infinite-dimensional (resp. finite-dimensional) Banach spaces and that are indexed by an arbitrary fixed set J. Parameter perturbations on the right-hand side of the inequalities are required to be merely bounded, and thus the natural parameter space is l ∞(J). Our basic strategy consists of linearizing the parameterized convex system via splitting convex inequalities into linear ones by using the Fenchel–Legendre conjugate. This approach yields that arbitrary bounded right-hand side perturbations of the convex system turn on constant-by-blocks perturbations in the linearized system. Based on advanced variational analysis, we derive a precise formula for computing the exact Lipschitzian bound of the feasible solution map of block-perturbed linear systems, which involves only the system’s data, and then show that this exact bound agrees with the coderivative norm of the aforementioned mapping. In this way we extend to the convex setting the results of Cánovas et al. (SIAM J. Optim. 20, 1504–1526, 2009) developed for arbitrary perturbations with no block structure in the linear framework under the boundedness assumption on the system’s coefficients. The latter boundedness assumption is removed in this paper when the decision space is reflexive. The last section provides the aimed application to the convex case.


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A nonempty set F is called Motzkin decomposable when it can be expressed as the Minkowski sum of a compact convex set C with a closed convex cone D. In that case, the sets C and D are called compact and conic components of F. This paper provides new characterizations of the Motzkin decomposable sets involving truncations of F (i.e., intersections of FF with closed halfspaces), when F contains no lines, and truncations of the intersection F̂ of F with the orthogonal complement of the lineality of F, otherwise. In particular, it is shown that a nonempty closed convex set F is Motzkin decomposable if and only if there exists a hyperplane H parallel to the lineality of F such that one of the truncations of F̂ induced by H is compact whereas the other one is a union of closed halflines emanating from H. Thus, any Motzkin decomposable set F can be expressed as F=C+D, where the compact component C is a truncation of F̂. These Motzkin decompositions are said to be of type T when F contains no lines, i.e., when C is a truncation of F. The minimality of this type of decompositions is also discussed.


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A set is called Motzkin decomposable when it can be expressed as the Minkowski sum of a compact convex set with a closed convex cone. This paper analyzes the continuity properties of the set-valued mapping associating to each couple (C,D) formed by a compact convex set C and a closed convex cone D its Minkowski sum C + D. The continuity properties of other related mappings are also analyzed.


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This article provides results guarateeing that the optimal value of a given convex infinite optimization problem and its corresponding surrogate Lagrangian dual coincide and the primal optimal value is attainable. The conditions ensuring converse strong Lagrangian (in short, minsup) duality involve the weakly-inf-(locally) compactness of suitable functions and the linearity or relative closedness of some sets depending on the data. Applications are given to different areas of convex optimization, including an extension of the Clark-Duffin Theorem for ordinary convex programs.


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The Remez penalty and smoothing algorithm (RPSALG) is a unified framework for penalty and smoothing methods for solving min-max convex semi-infinite programing problems, whose convergence was analyzed in a previous paper of three of the authors. In this paper we consider a partial implementation of RPSALG for solving ordinary convex semi-infinite programming problems. Each iteration of RPSALG involves two types of auxiliary optimization problems: the first one consists of obtaining an approximate solution of some discretized convex problem, while the second one requires to solve a non-convex optimization problem involving the parametric constraints as objective function with the parameter as variable. In this paper we tackle the latter problem with a variant of the cutting angle method called ECAM, a global optimization procedure for solving Lipschitz programming problems. We implement different variants of RPSALG which are compared with the unique publicly available SIP solver, NSIPS, on a battery of test problems.


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Given a convex optimization problem (P) in a locally convex topological vector space X with an arbitrary number of constraints, we consider three possible dual problems of (P), namely, the usual Lagrangian dual (D), the perturbational dual (Q), and the surrogate dual (Δ), the last one recently introduced in a previous paper of the authors (Goberna et al., J Convex Anal 21(4), 2014). As shown by simple examples, these dual problems may be all different. This paper provides conditions ensuring that inf(P)=max(D), inf(P)=max(Q), and inf(P)=max(Δ) (dual equality and existence of dual optimal solutions) in terms of the so-called closedness regarding to a set. Sufficient conditions guaranteeing min(P)=sup(Q) (dual equality and existence of primal optimal solutions) are also provided, for the nominal problems and also for their perturbational relatives. The particular cases of convex semi-infinite optimization problems (in which either the number of constraints or the dimension of X, but not both, is finite) and linear infinite optimization problems are analyzed. Finally, some applications to the feasibility of convex inequality systems are described.


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Convex vector (or multi-objective) semi-infinite optimization deals with the simultaneous minimization of finitely many convex scalar functions subject to infinitely many convex constraints. This paper provides characterizations of the weakly efficient, efficient and properly efficient points in terms of cones involving the data and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions. The latter characterizations rely on different local and global constraint qualifications. The results in this paper generalize those obtained by the same authors on linear vector semi-infinite optimization problems.


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The aim of this note is to formulate an envelope theorem for vector convex programs. This version corrects an earlier work, “The envelope theorem for multiobjective convex programming via contingent derivatives” by Jiménez Guerra et al. (2010) [3]. We first propose a necessary and sufficient condition allowing to restate the main result proved in the alluded paper. Second, we introduce a new Lagrange multiplier in order to obtain an envelope theorem avoiding the aforementioned error.


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The main goal of this paper is to analyse the sensitivity of a vector convex optimization problem according to variations in the right-hand side. We measure the quantitative behavior of a certain set of Pareto optimal points characterized to become minimum when the objective function is composed with a positive function. Its behavior is analysed quantitatively using the circatangent derivative for set-valued maps. Particularly, it is shown that the sensitivity is closely related to a Lagrange multiplier solution of a dual program.


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In this paper, we propose a duality theory for semi-infinite linear programming problems under uncertainty in the constraint functions, the objective function, or both, within the framework of robust optimization. We present robust duality by establishing strong duality between the robust counterpart of an uncertain semi-infinite linear program and the optimistic counterpart of its uncertain Lagrangian dual. We show that robust duality holds whenever a robust moment cone is closed and convex. We then establish that the closed-convex robust moment cone condition in the case of constraint-wise uncertainty is in fact necessary and sufficient for robust duality. In other words, the robust moment cone is closed and convex if and only if robust duality holds for every linear objective function of the program. In the case of uncertain problems with affinely parameterized data uncertainty, we establish that robust duality is easily satisfied under a Slater type constraint qualification. Consequently, we derive robust forms of the Farkas lemma for systems of uncertain semi-infinite linear inequalities.


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The theory and methods of linear algebra are a useful alternative to those of convex geometry in the framework of Voronoi cells and diagrams, which constitute basic tools of computational geometry. As shown by Voigt and Weis in 2010, the Voronoi cells of a given set of sites T, which provide a tesselation of the space called Voronoi diagram when T is finite, are solution sets of linear inequality systems indexed by T. This paper exploits systematically this fact in order to obtain geometrical information on Voronoi cells from sets associated with T (convex and conical hulls, tangent cones and the characteristic cones of their linear representations). The particular cases of T being a curve, a closed convex set and a discrete set are analyzed in detail. We also include conclusions on Voronoi diagrams of arbitrary sets.


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This paper provides new versions of the Farkas lemma characterizing those inequalities of the form f(x) ≥ 0 which are consequences of a composite convex inequality (S ◦ g)(x) ≤ 0 on a closed convex subset of a given locally convex topological vector space X, where f is a proper lower semicontinuous convex function defined on X, S is an extended sublinear function, and g is a vector-valued S-convex function. In parallel, associated versions of a stable Farkas lemma, considering arbitrary linear perturbations of f, are also given. These new versions of the Farkas lemma, and their corresponding stable forms, are established under the weakest constraint qualification conditions (the so-called closedness conditions), and they are actually equivalent to each other, as well as equivalent to an extended version of the so-called Hahn–Banach–Lagrange theorem, and its stable version, correspondingly. It is shown that any of them implies analytic and algebraic versions of the Hahn–Banach theorem and the Mazur–Orlicz theorem for extended sublinear functions.


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Mathematical programming can be used for the optimal design of shell-and-tube heat exchangers (STHEs). This paper proposes a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) model for the design of STHEs, following rigorously the standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA). Bell–Delaware Method is used for the shell-side calculations. This approach produces a large and non-convex model that cannot be solved to global optimality with the current state of the art solvers. Notwithstanding, it is proposed to perform a sequential optimization approach of partial objective targets through the division of the problem into sets of related equations that are easier to solve. For each one of these problems a heuristic objective function is selected based on the physical behavior of the problem. The global optimal solution of the original problem cannot be ensured even in the case in which each of the sub-problems is solved to global optimality, but at least a very good solution is always guaranteed. Three cases extracted from the literature were studied. The results showed that in all cases the values obtained using the proposed MINLP model containing multiple objective functions improved the values presented in the literature.


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To obtain insights into archaeal nitrogen signaling and haloadaptation of the nitrogen/carbon/energy-signaling protein PII, we determined crystal structures of recombinantly produced GlnK2 from the extreme halophilic archaeon Haloferax mediterranei, complexed with AMP or with the PII effectors ADP or ATP, at respective resolutions of 1.49 Å, 1.45 Å, and 2.60 Å. A unique trait of these structures was a three-tongued crown protruding from the trimer body convex side, formed by an 11-residue, N-terminal, highly acidic extension that is absent from structurally studied PII proteins. This extension substantially contributed to the very low pI value, which is a haloadaptive trait of H. mediterranei GlnK2, and participated in hexamer-forming contacts in one crystal. Similar acidic N-extensions are shown here to be common among PII proteins from halophilic organisms. Additional haloadaptive traits prominently represented in H. mediterranei GlnK2 are a very high ratio of small residues to large hydrophobic aliphatic residues, and the highest ratio of polar to nonpolar exposed surface for any structurally characterized PII protein. The presence of a dense hydration layer in the region between the three T-loops might also be a haloadaptation. Other unique findings revealed by the GlnK2 structure that might have functional relevance are: the adoption by its T-loop of a three-turn α-helical conformation, perhaps related to the ability of GlnK2 to directly interact with glutamine synthetase; and the firm binding of AMP, confirmed by biochemical binding studies with ATP, ADP, and AMP, raising the possibility that AMP could be an important PII effector, at least in archaea.


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Introducing an appropriate inclusion between approximate minima associated with two nonconvex functions, we derive explicit relations between the closed convex hulls of these functions. The formula we obtain goes beyond the so-called epi-pointed property of functions which is usually concerned with such a topic.