13 resultados para Corpus-based Translation Studies
em Universidad de Alicante
This paper examines both theoretical and practical issues related to conversion. A quite detailed characterization of the 5329 instances identified in a 300.000-word corpus of American English written in the late 90s is provided. The examples are grouped according to the type of conversion involved. Frequency and the internal structure of words are also considered and compared with the results obtained by earlier scholars. In spite of the limitations that a corpus study imposes, the conclusions obtained seem to suggest that any item, independent of its morphological structure, may undergo conversion and this may happen in any register. Moreover, conversion seems to be an important source of new items in American English nowadays.
Publishing and impact criteria, and their bearing on Translation Studies: In search of comparability
This paper questions the current concept of quality as used in research assessment rankings and peer review, with special reference to the link often established between impact and the way this impact is measured in the form of citation counting. Taking translation studies as a case study, we will offer a two-level approach to reveal both the macro- and micro-level biases that exist in this regard. We will first review three key aspects related to the idea of the quality of publications, namely peer review, journal indexing, and journal impact factor. We will then pinpoint some of the main macro-level problems regarding current practices and criteria as applied to translation studies, such as Thomson Reuters World of Science's journal coverage, citation patterns, and publication format. Next we will provide a micro-textual and practical perspective, focusing on citation counts and suggesting a series of corrective measures to increase comparability.
El foco geográfico de un documento identifica el lugar o lugares en los que se centra el contenido del texto. En este trabajo se presenta una aproximación basada en corpus para la detección del foco geográfico en el texto. Frente a otras aproximaciones que se centran en el uso de información puramente geográfica para la detección del foco, nuestra propuesta emplea toda la información textual existente en los documentos del corpus de trabajo, partiendo de la hipótesis de que la aparición de determinados personajes, eventos, fechas e incluso términos comunes, pueden resultar fundamentales para esta tarea. Para validar nuestra hipótesis, se ha realizado un estudio sobre un corpus de noticias geolocalizadas que tuvieron lugar entre los años 2008 y 2011. Esta distribución temporal nos ha permitido, además, analizar la evolución del rendimiento del clasificador y de los términos más representativos de diferentes localidades a lo largo del tiempo.
Metadiscurso y traducción en el lenguaje de los negocios: estudio basado en corpus (francés-español)
En este artículo estudiamos el concepto de metadiscurso, que puede entenderse, en esencia, como el conjunto de elementos retóricos utilizados según los objetivos de la comunicación. Nuestro objetivo es conocer, por una parte, el esquema metadiscursivo propio de los mensajes o cartas de presidentes en los informes anuales de las sociedades, y, por otra parte, el comportamiento traductológico francés-español de estos elementos microtextuales. Los resultados muestran que estos textos tienen su propio esquema metadiscursivo y que los traductores suelen respetar su estructura, si bien introducen nuevos tipos. Asimismo, los resultados pueden tenerse en cuenta en la enseñanza de la traducción y de la lengua de los negocios.
El intérprete de conferencias debe llevar a cabo un trabajo documental antes, durante y después de los eventos en los que presta sus servicios, independientemente de su subcompetencia extralingüística. Desafortunadamente, pocas son las propuestas metodológicas que se hayan planteado para que este profesional pueda realizar esta tarea de manera sistemática. En el presente artículo, repasamos algunos de los trabajos que se han referido a las posibilidades que tiene el intérprete de satisfacer sus necesidades informativas. Una vez reseñada la mencionada escasez de propuestas, presentamos, en un estudio de caso, una aproximación metodológica a este trabajo de documentación, fundamentada en la compilación de corpus paralelos ad hoc y la extracción terminológica en forma de glosarios.
This paper describes the automatic process of building a dependency annotated corpus based on Ancora constituent structures. The Ancora corpus already has a dependency structure information layer, but the new annotated data applies a purely syntactic orientation and offers in this way a new resource to the linguistic research community. The paper details the process of reannotating the corpus, the linguistic criteria used and the obtained results.
L’estudi de la neologia és indestriable de l’estudi del canvi lingüístic i, doncs, de la diacronia. Ens proposem ací descriure el procés de canvi semàntic que va experimentar el verb esmar, forma patrimonial del llatí *adaestimare, paral·lela del cultisme estimar. Aquesta recerca es fonamenta en l’aprofitament dels corpus textuals i altres materials despullats manualment. Sobre aquests materials, s’ha assajat l’anàlisi de la subjectivació i de les inferències que proposa la teoria de la inferència invitada del canvi semàntic (= TIICS).
Este artículo bibliográfico propone una panorámica de MonTI (Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación), una revista académica anual nacida en 2009 y publicada conjuntamente por las tres universidades públicas que ofrecen un grado en Traducción e Interpretación en la Comunidad Autónoma Valenciana.
Este estudo apresenta uma breve análise sobre o Museu Inhotim, considerado o maior museu a céu aberto do mundo. Nele, são expostas obras de Arte Contemporânea inseridas no meio ambiente, num processo de diálogo com a natureza, presente numa reserva florestal que era uma antiga fazenda. Entre jardins, arquitetura e arte, as obras também se relacionam entre si. No local são oferecidos passeios culturais, artísticos e educacionais, pois o museu conta com um setor educativo voltado para a educação através da reflexão sobre as obras de arte expostas e o meio ambiente, quanto à preservação do patrimônio ambiental e cultural. A arte, nesse contexto, ganha uma análise baseada em alguns conceitos sobre Arte Contemporânea, que se fundamentam em estudos propostos por autores como Giulio Carlo Argan, Umberto Eco, Michael Archer, Ernst Fischer, Fayga Ostrower, entre outros.
The aim of this paper is to describe the use that professional translators make of corpora as translation resources. First, we briefly review the literature on translation practitioners’ use of corpora in the contexts of both translation training and professional translation. Then we present our survey-based study, analyse the uptake of corpora among Spanish translators and describe the use of this kind of translation resource. The results show that even if corpora are not as frequently used as other kinds of resources, such as dictionaries, there are professional translators who do use corpora, in a variety of ways, in their work. Additionally, non-users do not seem entirely sceptical about corpora. Against that backdrop, translator trainers are invited to continue to report on how corpora can be used as translation resources.
This paper describes a stage in the COMENEGO project, which is creating comparable corpora of Business texts in order to distribute them among translation practitioners so that they can use this resource when translating economic, business or financial texts. This stage consists of discursive analysis of a pilot specialised corpus initially compiled in French and Spanish. Its textual resources are classified in different categories which need to be confirmed so that they can be useful when including them into the virtual platform which will allow users exploit the corpus and filter their searches according to their specific needs. The aim of this paper is to propose a discursive analysis approach based on the concept of ‘metadiscourse’ (Hyland, 2005).
Statistical machine translation (SMT) is an approach to Machine Translation (MT) that uses statistical models whose parameter estimation is based on the analysis of existing human translations (contained in bilingual corpora). From a translation student’s standpoint, this dissertation aims to explain how a phrase-based SMT system works, to determine the role of the statistical models it uses in the translation process and to assess the quality of the translations provided that system is trained with in-domain goodquality corpora. To that end, a phrase-based SMT system based on Moses has been trained and subsequently used for the English to Spanish translation of two texts related in topic to the training data. Finally, the quality of this output texts produced by the system has been assessed through a quantitative evaluation carried out with three different automatic evaluation measures and a qualitative evaluation based on the Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM).