78 resultados para Ecosistemas mediterráneos


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In occidental Europe, Spain is one of countries the most severely affected by desertification (Arnalds & Arsher 2000). Particularly, South-eastern Spain is considered as one of the most threatened areas by desertification in Mediterranean Europe (Vallejo 1997). In 2003, the Valencia Regional Forest Service implemented a restoration demonstration project in this area. The project site is a small catchment (25 ha) located in the Albatera municipality. The catchment is highly heterogeneous, with terraced slopes, south-facing slopes and north-facing slopes. The restoration strategy was based on planting evergreen trees and shrubs which can grow quickly after disturbances, and on field treatments aimed at maximizing water collection (micro-catchments, planting furrows), organic amendment (compost), and conservation (tree shelters, mulching). On south landscape unit, the whole category of restoration treatments was applied: water micro-catchment + Tubex tree shelters + mulching & compost, while on north landscape unit: netting tree shelters + mulching & compost only were applied, while in terrace landscape unit: furrows + netting tree shelters + mulching & compost were applied. Survival and growth of the planted seedlings were used as metrics of restoration success. To assess the effects of the treatments applied for soil conservation, soil loss rates (from 2005 to 2009) were evaluated using the erosion pin method. We conclude that, despite the limiting conditions prevailing on the south unit, this landscape unit showed the highest survival and growth plant rates in the area. The best seedling performances on the south landscape unit were probably due to the highest technical efforts applied, consisting in the water micro-catchment installation and the Tubex plant shelters addition. In addition, soil loss rates followed decreasing trends throughout the assessment period. Soil loss rates were highest on south landscape unit in comparison with the other landscape units, due to the more accentuated relief. North landscape unit and terrace unit showed a net soil mass gain, probably reflecting the trapping of sediments produced by plantation works.


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A solid state formulation of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin has been developed for biological control of the Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790). Two kinds of bioassays (dry conidia and dipping) using 10 isolates from several coleopterans in Mediterranean environments, identified 2 RPW derived isolates (193 and 203) as most pathogenic to RPW larvae and adults (zero survival within first 4–5 d for dry conidia, and 14 and 23 d for dipping bioassays). Isolate 203 (5.1 × 108 ± 1.9 × 108 conidia g-1) was formulated with fragmented date seed into solid granules and tested in palms infested with RPW under semi-field conditions in Feb, Apr/May and Jun of both 2007 and 2008. Beauveria bassiana significantly reduced RPW adult survival with respect to controls in May 2007 and in the Apr/Jun 2008 experiments. Total RPW adult mortality was achieved within 30 days for all B. bassiana treatments, and was associated with increasing numbers of insects with signs of mycosis in 2008 experiments. Beauveria bassiana formulation reduced RPW multiplication in artificially infested palms compared to controls, and a positive correlation between numbers of larvae and time post-infestation was recorded. The suppression of RPW adult populations by B. bassiana persisted for at least 3 months under semi-field conditions. The Beauveria bassiana solid formulation, which induces great adult mortality and persistence in the field, could be applied as a preventive as well as a curative treatment for the integrated management of RPW.


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A woman stung by the box jellyfish Carybdea marsupialis (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) at a Spanish Mediterranean beach, showed systemic manifestations over several months (pain far from the inoculation point, arthralgia, paresthesia, hyperesthesia, increase of eosinophils and IgE) in addition to the skin condition.


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Hoy en día es común estudiar los patrones globales de biodiversidad a partir de las predicciones generadas por diferentes modelos de nicho ecológico. Habitualmente, estos modelos se calibran con datos procedentes de bases de datos de libre acceso (e.g. GBIF). Sin embargo, a pesar de la facilidad de descarga y de la accesibilidad de los datos, la información almacenada sobre las localidades donde están presentes las especies suele tener sesgos y errores. Estos problemas en los datos de calibración pueden modificar drásticamente las predicciones de los modelos y con ello pueden enmascarar los patrones macroecológicos reales. El objetivo de este trabajo es investigar qué métodos producen resultados más precisos cuando los datos de calibración incluyen sesgos y cuáles producen mejores resultados cuando los datos de calibración tienen, además de sesgos, errores. Para ello creado una especie virtual, hemos proyectado su distribución en la península ibérica, hemos muestreado su distribución de manera sesgada y hemos calibrado dos tipos de modelos de distribución (Bioclim y Maxent) con muestras de distintos tamaños. Nuestros resultados indican que cuando los datos sólo están sesgados, los resultados de Bioclim son mejores que los de Maxent. Sin embargo, Bioclim es extremadamente sensible a la presencia de errores en los datos de calibración. En estas situaciones, el comportamiento de Maxent es mucho más robusto y las predicciones que proporciona son más ajustadas.


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Conceptual frameworks of dryland degradation commonly include ecohydrological feedbacks between landscape spatial organization and resource loss, so that decreasing cover and size of vegetation patches result in higher water and soil losses, which lead to further vegetation loss. However, the impacts of these feedbacks on dryland dynamics in response to external stress have barely been tested. Using a spatially-explicit model, we represented feedbacks between vegetation pattern and landscape resource loss by establishing a negative dependence of plant establishment on the connectivity of runoff-source areas (e.g., bare soils). We assessed the impact of various feedback strengths on the response of dryland ecosystems to changing external conditions. In general, for a given external pressure, these connectivity-mediated feedbacks decrease vegetation cover at equilibrium, which indicates a decrease in ecosystem resistance. Along a gradient of gradual increase of environmental pressure (e.g., aridity), the connectivity-mediated feedbacks decrease the amount of pressure required to cause a critical shift to a degraded state (ecosystem resilience). If environmental conditions improve, these feedbacks increase the pressure release needed to achieve the ecosystem recovery (restoration potential). The impact of these feedbacks on dryland response to external stress is markedly non-linear, which relies on the non-linear negative relationship between bare-soil connectivity and vegetation cover. Modelling studies on dryland vegetation dynamics not accounting for the connectivity-mediated feedbacks studied here may overestimate the resistance, resilience and restoration potential of drylands in response to environmental and human pressures. Our results also suggest that changes in vegetation pattern and associated hydrological connectivity may be more informative early-warning indicators of dryland degradation than changes in vegetation cover.


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La temperatura superficial del mar (SST) estimada a partir de los productos 11 μm diurnos y nocturnos y 4 μm nocturnos del sensor MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) a bordo de la plataforma Aqua, han sido comparados con datos medidos in situ a tres profundidades diferentes (15, 50 y 100 cm) en una zona costera del Mediterráneo Occidental. Esta comparación ha permitido analizar la incertidumbre que existe en la estimación de este parámetro en aguas someras y próximas a la costa mediante imágenes de satélite de baja resolución espacial. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el producto diurno SST_11 μm, obtiene los estadísticos RMSE (error cuadrático medio) y r2 (coeficiente de correlación de Pearson) más ajustados con valores de 1°C y 0,96, respectivamente, para la profundidad 50 cm.


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Heavy metal contamination and drought are expected to increase in large areas worldwide. However, their combined effect on plant performance has been scantly analyzed. This study examines the effect of Zn supply at different water availabilities on morpho-physiological traits of Quercus suber L. in order to analyze the combined effects of both stresses. Seedlings were treated with four levels of zinc from 3 to 150 µM and exposed to low watering (LW) or high watering (HW) frequency in hydroponic culture, using a growth chamber. Under both watering regimes, Zn concentration in leaves and roots increased with Zn increment in nutrient solution. Nevertheless, at the highest Zn doses, Zn tissue concentrations were almost twice in HW than in LW seedlings. Functional traits as leaf photosynthetic rate and root hydraulic conductivity, and morphological traits as root length and root biomass decreased significantly in response to Zn supply. Auxin levels increased with Zn concentrations, suggesting the involvement of this phytohormone in the seedling response to this element. LW seedlings exposed to 150 µM Zn showed higher root length and root biomass than HW seedlings exposed to the same Zn dose. Our results suggest that low water availability could mitigate Zn toxicity by limiting internal accumulation. Morphological traits involved in the response to both stresses probably contributed to this response.


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Forest plantations have been extensively used to combat desertification. In drylands, harsh climate conditions and unfertile soils often preclude seedling establishment. The improvement in seedling quality by manipulating nutrient availability could contribute to increase planting success. However, morpho-functional traits defining optimum seedling quality in drylands, and the fertilization schemes to achieve them, are still under discussion. Several studies suggest that well fertilized seedlings may perform better than nutrient limited seedlings in these environments. However, recent works have shown opposite results. In this review, we discuss the concept of seedling quality in drylands based on an evaluation of the effects of nutrient manipulation on seedling morpho-functional traits and field performance. According to existing data, we hypothesize that nutrient-limited small seedlings may be better adapted to arid environments and unfavorable microsites, where access to water is uncertain and a conservative water use strategy may be advantageous. In contrast, in dry sub-humid areas, areas with deep soils, protected from excess radiation, and areas where irrigation is feasible, well-fertilized big seedlings with high root growth potential may have more chances of success. We discuss this theory in the context of the multiple objectives of dryland restoration and the environmental constrains posed by these areas, and identify knowledge gaps that should be targeted to test our hypothesis.


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Con la implantación del 4º curso del grado en Química, que se ha realizado en el presente curso académico, se han completado los cuatro cursos del grado. En la Facultad de Ciencias se han constituido ocho comisiones de semestre, en las que participan profesores de todos los departamentos que imparten docencia en la titulación y la Comisión de Grado, formada por los coordinadores de las comisiones de semestre que, a su vez, forman parte de una red docente para el seguimiento del grado. Desde estas comisiones se está realizando un intenso trabajo cooperativo cuyo objetivo es alcanzar una coherencia tanto en la distribución de contenidos, como en las metodologías docentes y de evaluación de las materias que componen el plan de estudios del Grado en Química de la Universidad de Alicante. La coordinación horizontal entre semestres de un mismo curso y la coordinación vertical entre cursos forman parte de las tareas que se desarrollan. Los resultados de este trabajo permiten identificar las deficiencias en el proceso de implantación y plantear posibles propuestas de mejora en la organización docente de la titulación.


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Con la implantación del 4º curso del grado en Ciencias del Mar, que se ha realizado en el presente curso académico, se han completado los cuatro cursos del grado. En la Facultad de Ciencias se han constituido ocho comisiones de semestre, en las que participan profesores de todos los departamentos que imparten docencia en la titulación y la Comisión de Grado, formada por los coordinadores de las comisiones de semestre que, a su vez, forman parte de una red docente para el seguimiento del grado. Desde estas comisiones se está realizando un intenso trabajo cooperativo cuyo objetivo es alcanzar una coherencia tanto en la distribución de contenidos, como en las metodologías docentes y de evaluación de las materias que componen el plan de estudios del Grado en Ciencias del Mar de la Universidad de Alicante. La coordinación horizontal entre semestres de un mismo curso y la coordinación vertical entre cursos forman parte de las tareas que se desarrollan. Los resultados de este trabajo permiten identificar las deficiencias en el proceso de implantación y plantear posibles propuestas de mejora en la organización docente de la titulación.


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Los autores de este trabajo toman como marco de estudio e interacción el espacio físico, social y cultural mediterráneo para, en primer lugar, analizar descriptiva y comparativamente los logros obtenidos en educación, salud, recursos económicos e igualdad de género que indican su nivel de desarrollo socio-cultural y de bienestar humano, y que unen y separan a sus poblaciones. En segundo lugar, se verifica la existencia en los distintos países mediterráneos de profundos desequilibrios demográficos y de desiguales niveles de desarrollo y bienestar que son algunos de los factores que favorecen, aunque no de forma única, los movimientos migratorios.