27 resultados para Objective visual acuity
Póster presentado en SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, 16-19 April 2012.
Retinal image quality is commonly analyzed through parameters inherited from instrumental optics. These parameters are defined for ‘good optics’ so they are hard to translate into visual quality metrics. Instead of using point or artificial functions, we propose a quality index that takes into account properties of natural images. These images usually show strong local correlations that help to interpret the image. Our aim is to derive an objective index that quantifies the quality of vision by taking into account the local structure of the scene, instead of focusing on a particular aberration. As we show, this index highly correlates with visual acuity and allows inter-comparison of natural images around the retina. The usefulness of the index is proven through the analysis of real eyes before and after undergoing corneal surgery, which usually are hard to analyze with standard metrics.
Background: Refractive error is defined as the inability of the eye to bring parallel rays of light into focus on the retina, resulting in nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (Hyperopia) or astigmatism. Uncorrected refractive error in children is associated with increased morbidity and reduced educational opportunities. Vision screening (VS) is a method for identifying children with visual impairment or eye conditions likely to lead to visual impairment. Objective: To analyze the utility of vision screening conducted by teachers and to contribute to a better estimation of the prevalence of childhood refractive errors in Apurimac, Peru. Design: A pilot vision screening program in preschool (Group I) and elementary school children (Group II) was conducted with the participation of 26 trained teachers. Children whose visual acuity was<6/9 [20/30] (Group I) and≤6/9 (Group II) in one or both eyes, measured with the Snellen Tumbling E chart at 6 m, were referred for a comprehensive eye exam. Specificity and positive predictive value to detect refractive error were calculated against clinical examination. Program assessment with participants was conducted to evaluate outcomes and procedures. Results: A total sample of 364 children aged 3–11 were screened; 45 children were examined at Centro Oftalmológico Monseñor Enrique Pelach (COMEP) Eye Hospital. Prevalence of refractive error was 6.2% (Group I) and 6.9% (Group II); specificity of teacher vision screening was 95.8% and 93.0%, while positive predictive value was 59.1% and 47.8% for each group, respectively. Aspects highlighted to improve the program included extending training, increasing parental involvement, and helping referred children to attend the hospital. Conclusion: Prevalence of refractive error in children is significant in the region. Vision screening performed by trained teachers is a valid intervention for early detection of refractive error, including screening of preschool children. Program sustainability and improvements in education and quality of life resulting from childhood vision screening require further research.
Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento en 3 casos de exotropia intermitente (XT(i)) mediante ejercicios de terapia visual, completando la exploración clínica con Videooculografia-30 y evidenciar la potencial aplicabilidad de esta tecnología para dicho propósito. Métodos: Exponemos los cambios ocurridos tras ejercicios de terapia visual en una mujer de 36 años con XT(i) de -25 dioptrías prismáticas (dp) de lejos y 18 dp de cerca; Un niño de 10 años de edad con 8 dp de XT(i) en posición primaria, asociados a +6 dp de hipotropia izquierda; y un hombre de 63 años con XT(i) de 6 dp en posición primaria asociada a +7 dp de hipertropia derecha. Todos los pacientes presentaron buena agudeza visual corregida en ambos ojos. La inestabilidad de la desviación ocular se evidenció mediante análisis de VOG-30, revelando la presencia de components verticales y torsionales. Se realizaron ejercicios de terapia visual, incluyendo diferentes tipos de ejercicios de vergencias, acomodación y percepción de la diplopía. Resultados: Tras la terapia visual se obtuvieron excelentes rangos de vergencias fusionales y de punto próximo de convergencia («hasta la nariz»). El examen mediante VOG-3D (Sensoro Motoric lnstruments, Teltow, Germany) confirmó la compensación de la desviación con estabilidad del alineamiento ocular. Se observó una significativa mejora después de la terapia en los components verticals y torsionales, lo cuales se hicieron más estables. Los pacientes se mostraron muy satisfechos de los resultados obtenidos. Conclusión: La VOG-3D es una técnica útil para dotamos de un método objetivo de registro de la compensación y estabilidad de la desviación ocular después de realizar ejercicios de terapia visual en casos de XT(i), ofreciéndonos un detallado análisis de la mejoría de los components verticales y torsionales.
Objective: To evaluate the visual and refractive outcomes after phacoemulsification surgery in eyes with isolated lens coloboma. Design: Prospective, consecutive case series. Participants: Eighteen eyes with isolated lens coloboma of 13 patients were included in the study. Mean patient age was 13.9 ± 6.5 years. Methods: Patients underwent phacoemulsification surgery, with combined implantation of capsular tension ring (CTR) and intraocular lens. In colobomas of less than 120°, a CTR was used, whereas in colobomas of more than 120°, a Cionni-modified single eyelet CTR was used to achieve better capsular centration. The main outcome measures were uncorrected distance visual acuity, corrected distance visual acuity, refraction, and keratometry. Results: Mean logMAR uncorrected distance visual acuity and corrected distance visual acuity improved significantly from 1.53 ± 0.35 and 1.02 ± 0.47 before surgery to 0.67 ± 0.51 and 0.52 ± 0.49 at the last visit of the follow-up (p < 0.001). Mean refractive cylinder and spherical equivalent decreased significantly from –6.73 ± 1.73 and –6.72 ± 4.07 D preoperatively to –1.40 ± 1.39 and –0.83 ± 1.31 D at the end of the follow-up (p = 0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively). Mean keratometric astigmatism at preoperative and postoperative visits were 1.58 ± 0.97 and 1.65 ± 0.94 D, respectively (p = 0.70). Conclusions: Phacoemulsification with CTR and intraocular lens implantation is an effective and safe option for providing a refractive correction and a significant visual improvement in eyes with isolated lens coloboma.
Purpose To evaluate visual, optical, and quality of life (QoL) outcomes and intercorrelations after bilateral implantation of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lenses. Methods Twenty eyes with high to moderate myopia of 10 patients that underwent PRL implantation (Phakic Refractive Lens, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG) were examined. Refraction, visual acuity, photopic and low mesopic contrast sensitivity (CS) with and without glare, ocular aberrations, as well as QoL outcomes (National Eye Institute Refractive Error Quality of Life Instrument-42, NEI RQL-42) were evaluated at 12 months postoperatively. Results Significant improvement in uncorrected (UDVA) and best-corrected distance (CDVA) visual acuities were found postoperatively (p < 0.01), with significant reduction in spherical equivalent (p < 0.01). Low mesopic CS without glare was significantly better than measurements with glare for 1.5, 3, and 6 cycles/degree (p < 0.01). No significant correlations between higher order root mean square (RMS) with CDVA (r = −0.26, p = 0.27) and CS (r ≤ 0.45, p ≥ 0.05) were found. Postoperative binocular photopic CS for 12 cycles/degree and 18 cycles/degree correlated significantly with several RQL-42 scales. Glare index correlated significantly with CS measures and scotopic pupil size (r = −0.551, p = 0.04), but not with higher order RMS (r = −0.02, p = 0.94). Postoperative higher order RMS, postoperative primary coma and postoperative spherical aberration was significant higher for 5-mm pupil diameter (p < 0.01) compared with controls. Conclusions Correction of moderate to high myopia by means of PRL implantation had a positive impact on CS and QoL. The aberrometric increase induced by the surgery does not seem to limit CS and QoL. However, perception of glare is still a relevant disturbance in some cases possibly related to the limitation of the optical zone of the PRL.
Objective: To evaluate two cases of intermittent exotropia (IX(T)) treated by vision therapy the efficacy of the treatment by complementing the clinical examination with a 3-D video-oculography to register and to evidence the potential applicability of this technology for such purpose. Methods: We report the binocular alignment changes occurring after vision therapy in a woman of 36 years with an IX(T) of 25 prism diopters (Δ) at far and 18 Δ at near and a child of 10 years with 8 Δ of IX(T) in primary position associated to 6 Δ of left eye hypotropia. Both patients presented good visual acuity with correction in both eyes. Instability of ocular deviation was evident by VOG analysis, revealing also the presence of vertical and torsional components. Binocular vision therapy was prescribed and performed including different types of vergence, accommodation, and consciousness of diplopia training. Results: After therapy, excellent ranges of fusional vergence and a “to-the-nose” near point of convergence were obtained. The 3-D VOG examination (Sensoro Motoric Instruments, Teltow, Germany) confirmed the compensation of the deviation with a high level of stability of binocular alignment. Significant improvement could be observed after therapy in the vertical and torsional components that were found to become more stable. Patients were very satisfied with the outcome obtained by vision therapy. Conclusion: 3D-VOG is a useful technique for providing an objective register of the compensation of the ocular deviation and the stability of the binocular alignment achieved after vision therapy in cases of IX(T), providing a detailed analysis of vertical and torsional improvements.
PURPOSE: To evaluate and compare the visual, refractive, contrast sensitivity, and aberrometric outcomes with a diffractive bifocal and trifocal intraocular lens (IOL) of the same material and haptic design. METHODS: Sixty eyes of 30 patients undergoing bilateral cataract surgery were enrolled and randomly assigned to one of two groups: the bifocal group, including 30 eyes implanted with the bifocal diffractive IOL AT LISA 801 (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany), and the trifocal group, including eyes implanted with the trifocal diffractive IOL AT LISA tri 839 MP (Carl Zeiss Meditec). Analysis of visual and refractive outcomes, contrast sensitivity, ocular aberrations (OPD-Scan III; Nidek, Inc., Gagamori, Japan), and defocus curve were performed during a 3-month follow-up period. RESULTS: No statistically significant differences between groups were found in 3-month postoperative uncorrected and corrected distance visual acuity (P > .21). However, uncorrected, corrected, and distance-corrected near and intermediate visual acuities were significantly better in the trifocal group (P < .01). No significant differences between groups were found in postoperative spherical equivalent (P = .22). In the binocular defocus curve, the visual acuity was significantly better for defocus of -0.50 to -1.50 diopters in the trifocal group (P < .04) and -3.50 to -4.00 diopters in the bifocal group (P < .03). No statistically significant differences were found between groups in most of the postoperative corneal, internal, and ocular aberrations (P > .31), and in contrast sensitivity for most frequencies analyzed (P > .15). CONCLUSIONS: Trifocal diffractive IOLs provide significantly better intermediate vision over bifocal IOLs, with equivalent postoperative levels of visual and ocular optical quality.
Our purpose is to report alterations in contrast sensitivity function (CSF) and in the magno, parvo and koniocellular visual pathways by means of a multichannel perimeter in case of an essential tremor (ET). A complete evaluation of the visual function was performed in a 69-year old patient, including the analysis of the chromatic discrimination by the Fansworth–Munsell 100 hue test, the measurement of the CSF by the CSV-1000E test, and the detection of potential alteration patterns in the magno, parvo and koniocellular visual pathways by means of a multichannel perimeter. Visual acuity and intraocular pressure (IOP) were within the ranges of normality in both eyes. No abnormalities were detected in the fundoscopic examination and in the optical coherence tomography (OCT) exam. The results of the color vision examination were also within the ranges of normality. A significant decrease in the achromatic CSFs for right eye (RE) and left eye (LE) was detected for all spatial frequencies. The statistical global values provided by the multichannel perimeter confirms that there were significant absolute sensitivity losses compared to the normal pattern in RE. In the LE, only a statistically significant decrease in sensitivity was detected for the blue-yellow (BY) channel. The pattern standard deviation (PSD) values obtained in our patient indicated that there were significant localized losses compared to the normality pattern in the achromatic channel of the RE and in the red-green (RG) channel of the LE. Some color vision alterations may be present in ET that cannot be detected with conventional color vision tests, such as the FM 100 Hue.
Background: The aim was to evaluate the visual performance achieved with a new multifocal hybrid contact lens and to compare it with that obtained with two other currently available multifocal soft contact lenses. Methods: This pilot prospective comparative study comprised a total of 16 presbyopic eyes of eight patients ranging in age from 43 to 58 years. All patients were fitted with three different models of multifocal contact lens: Duette multifocal (SynergEyes), Air Optix AQUA multifocal (Alcon) and Biofinity multifocal (CooperVision). Fittings were performed randomly in each patient according to a random number sequence, with a wash-out period between fittings of seven days. At two weeks post-fitting, visual, photopic contrast sensitivity and ocular aberrometry were evaluated. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in distance and near visual acuity achieved with the three different types of multifocal contact lens (p ≥ 0.05). Likewise, no significant differences between lenses were found in the monocular and binocular defocus curve (p ≥ 0.10). Concerning contrast sensitivity, better monocular contrast sensitivities for 6, 12 and 18 cycles per degree were found with the Duette and Air Optix multifocal compared to Biofinity (p = 0.02). Binocularly, differences between lenses were not significant (p ≥ 0.27). Furthermore, trefoil aberration was significantly higher with Biofinity multifocal (p < 0.01) and Air Optix (p = 0.01) multifocal compared to Duette. Conclusions: The Duette multifocal hybrid contact lens seems to provide similar visual quality outcomes in presbyopic patients with low corneal astigmatism, when compared with other soft multifocal contact lenses. This preliminary result should be confirmed in studies with larger samples.
Objective: To assess the usefulness of microperimetry (MP) as an additional objective method for characterizing the fixation pattern in nystagmus. Design: Prospective study. Participants: Fifteen eyes of 8 subjects (age, 12–80 years) with nystagmus from the Lluís Alcanyís Foundation (University of Valencia, Spain) were included. Methods: All patients had a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination including a microperimetric examination (MAIA, CenterVue, Padova, Italy). The following microperimetric parameters were evaluated: average threshold (AT), macular integrity index (MI), fixating points within a circle of 1° (P1) and 2° of radius (P2), bivariate contour ellipse area (BCEA) considering 63% and 95% of fixating points, and horizontal and vertical axes of that ellipse. Results: In monocular conditions, 6 eyes showed a fixation classified as stable, 6 eyes showed a relatively unstable fixation, and 3 eyes showed an unstable fixation. Statistically significant differences were found between the horizontal and vertical components of movement (p = 0.001), as well as in their ranges (p < 0.001). Intereye comparison showed differences between eyes in some subjects, but only statistically significant differences were found in the fixation coordinates X and Y (p < 0.001). No significant intereye differences were found between microperimetric parameters. Between monocular and binocular conditions, statistically significant differences in the X and Y coordinates were found in all eyes (p < 0.02) except one. No significant differences were found between MP parameters for monocular or binocular conditions. Strong correlations of corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) with AT (r = 0.812, p = 0.014), MI (r = –0.812, p = 0.014), P1 (r = 0.729, p = 0.002), horizontal diameter of BCEA (r = –0.700, p = 0.004), and X range (r = –0.722, p = 0.005) were found. Conclusions: MP seems to be a useful technology for the characterization of the fixation pattern in nystagmus, which seems to be related to the level of visual acuity achieved by the patient.
Tema 2. Actividad voluntaria nº 2.
Purpose: To examine a single-optic accommodating intraocular lens (IOL) visual performance by correlating IOL implanted eyes’ defocus curve with the intraocular aberrometric profile and the impact on the quality of life (QOL). Methods: Prospective consecutive case series study including a total of 25 eyes of 14 patients with ages ranging between 52 and 79 years old. All cases underwent cataract surgery with implantation of the single-optic accommodating IOL Crystalens HD (Bausch & Lomb). Distance and near visual acuity outcomes, intraocular aberrations, the defocus curve and QOL (NEI VFQ-25) were evaluated 3 months after surgery. Results: A significant improvement in distance visual acuity was found postoperatively (p = 0.02). Mean postoperative LogMAR uncorrected near visual acuity was 0.44 ± 0.23 (20/30). 60% of eyes had a postoperative addition between 0 and 1.5 diopters (D). The defocus curve showed an area of maximum visual acuity for the levels of defocus corresponding to distance and intermediate vision (−1 to +0.5 D). Postoperative intermediate visual acuity correlated significantly some QOL indices (r ≥ 0.51, p ≤ 0.03; difficulty in going down steps or seeing how people react to things that patient says) as well as with J0 component of manifest cylinder. Postoperative distance-corrected near visual acuity correlated significantly with age (r = 0.65, p < 0.01). Conclusions: This accommodating IOL seems to be able to restore the distance visual function as well as to provide an improvement in intermediate and near vision with a significant impact on patient's QOL, although limited by age and astigmatism. Future studies with larger sample sizes should confirm all these trends.
Background To evaluate and report the visual, refractive, and aberrometric outcomes of LASIK for the correction of low to moderate hyperopia in a pilot group using a commercially available solid-state laser. Methods Prospective pilot study including 11 consecutive eyes with low to moderate hyperopia of six patients undergoing LASIK surgery using the Pulzar Z1 solid-state laser (CustomVis Laser Pty Ltd., currently CV Laser). Visual, refractive, and aberrometric changes were evaluated. Potential complications were evaluated as well. Mean follow-up time was 6.6 months (range, 3 to 11 months). Results A significant improvement in LogMAR uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) was observed postoperatively (p = 0.01). No significant change was detected in LogMAR corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) (p = 0.21). Postoperative LogMAR UDVA was 0.1 (about 20/25) or better in ten eyes (90.9 %). Mean overall efficacy and safety indices were 1.03 and 1.12. Postoperatively, no losses of lines of CDVA were observed. Postoperative spherical equivalent was within ±1.00 D in ten eyes (90.9 %). With regard to aberrations, no statistically significant changes were found in higher order and primary coma RMS postoperatively (p ≥ 0.21), and only minimal but statistically significant negativization of primary spherical aberration (p = 0.02) was observed. No severe complications were observed. Conclusion LASIK surgery using the solid-state laser technology seems to be a useful procedure for the correction of low to moderate hyperopia, with minimal induction of higher order aberrations.
Purpose: To compare outcomes of big-bubble deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) and penetrating keratoplasty (PK) for macular corneal dystrophy. Design: Prospective, randomized, interventional case series. Methods: Setting: Single hospital. Patients: Eighty-two eyes of 54 patients requiring keratoplasty for the treatment of macular corneal dystrophy without endothelial involvement were included. Main outcome measures: Operative complications, uncorrected visual acuity, best-corrected visual acuity, contrast sensitivity function, higher-order aberrations, and endothelial cell density were evaluated. Results: The DALK and PK group consisted of 35 and 41 eyes, respectively. Best-corrected visual acuity after surgery was 20/40 or better 68.5% and 70.7% of the eyes in the DALK and PK groups, respectively (P > .05). No statistically significant differences between groups were found in contrast sensitivity function with and without glare for any spatial frequency (P > .05). Significantly higher levels of higher-order aberrations were found in the DALK group (P < .01). In both groups, a progressive and statistically significant reduction in endothelial cell density was found (P < .01). At the last follow-up, the mean endothelial cell loss was 18.1% and 26.9% in DALK and PK groups, respectively (P = .03). Graft rejection episodes were seen in 5 eyes (12.1%) in the PK group, and regrafting was necessary in 3 eyes (7.3%). Recurrence of the disease was documented in 5.7% and 4.8% of the eyes in the DALK and PK groups, respectively. Conclusions: Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty with the big-bubble technique provided comparable visual and optical results as PK and resulted in less endothelial damage, as well as eliminating endothelial rejection in macular corneal dystrophy. Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty surgery is a viable option for macular corneal dystrophy without endothelial involvement.