949 resultados para 1702 Cognitive Sciences
Because faces and bodies share some abstract perceptual features, we hypothesised that similar recognition processes might be used for both. We investigated whether similar caricature effects to those found in facial identity and expression recognition could be found in the recognition of individual bodies and socially meaningful body positions. Participants were trained to name four body positions (anger, fear, disgust, sadness) and four individuals (in a neutral position). We then tested their recognition of extremely caricatured, moderately caricatured, anticaricatured, and undistorted images of each stimulus. Consistent with caricature effects found in face recognition, moderately caricatured representations of individuals' bodies were recognised more accurately than undistorted and extremely caricatured representations. No significant difference was found between participants' recognition of extremely caricatured, moderately caricatured, or undistorted body position line-drawings. AU anti-caricatured representations were named significandy less accurately than the veridical stimuli. Similar mental representations may be used for both bodies and faces.
The purposes of this research are: (1) to compare the similarides and differences in intra-group and inter-group social rules of hospital doctors and nurses; (2) to compare rule following, rule breaking & tolerance of rule breaking of doctors and nurses with respect to different work reladonships. Professional discipline and idendficadon, ingroup-outgroup membership and reladve status were used as predictors. In-depth interview of 20 doctors and 20 nurses were conducted to elicit social rules and goals. In the second study, 30 rules and 10 goals with high consensus were selected from study one and developed into a quesdonnaire which measured their applicadon to four different work reladonships, namely, padents, peers, seniors and doctors/nurses. Forty-three doctors and one hundred and seven nurses completed this questionnaire. In the third study, the frequency and goals of violation and tolerance of violation of five different social rules were measured. One hundred and thirty-six doctors and one hundred and sixty-six nurses completed the questionnaire.
Recent world events aside, downward trends in donating behaviour in Australia have increased the need for research into the factors that inhibit and encourage charitable giving. A revised Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) model was used to determine the influence of attitudes, norms (injunctive, descriptive, and moral norms), perceived behavioural control (PBC), and past behaviour (PB) on intentions to donate money to charities and community service organisations. Respondents (N=186) completed a questionnaire assessing the constructs of the revised TPB model. Four weeks later, self-reported donating behaviour was assessed (n=65). Results showed support for the revised TPB model. Attitudes, PBC, injunctive norms, moral norms, and PB all predicted donating intentions. Descriptive norms did not predict intentions. Intention was the only significant predictor of selfreported behaviour four weeks later, with neither PBC nor PB having a direct effect on behaviour. Theoretical and applied implications of the results are discussed.
The current study aimed to investigate and provide furthering evidence of individual differences as determinants of task performance. This research focused on the effects of the personality traits Openness to Experience and Neuroticism, and two goal orientation traits. Learning Orientation and Avoid Orientation, on task performance. The hypotheses addressed the predictability of the traits, the differential effects of personality and goal orientation traits, and the mediating effects of goal orientation on the relationship between personality and performance. The results were based on questionnaire responses completed by a sample of 103 students. Scores on a computerised Air Traffic Control (ATC) decision-making task were used as a measure of task performance. Learning Orientation was found to be a significant predictor of performance, whilst the effect of Neuroticism was 'approaching' significance. Results indicated strong support for the differential relationship between personality traits and corresponding goal orientation traits. The mediating relationship between Openness to Experience, Learning Orientation and performance was also found to be 'approaching' significance. Results were indicative of the influences of personality and goal orientation on consequent performance outcomes. Implications were discussed, as well as suggestions for possible future directions in research assessing the predictabilit)' of individual differences in learning contexts.
The aim of this study was to examine the way Australian air traffic controllers manage their airspace. Fourteen controllers ranging from 7 to 30 years experience were sampled from the Brisbane air traffic control centre. All had previously been endorsed for en route radar sectors. Five static pictures varying in workload level (low, medium and high) were presented to participants. Controllers were asked to work through the scenarios and describe aloud how they would resolve any potential conflicts between the aircraft. Following this controllers were asked a set of probe questions based on the critical decision method, to extract further information about the way they manage their airspace. A content analysis was used to assess patterns in the way controllers scan, strategies used in conflict detection and conflict resolution and the effect of workload on strategy choice. Findings revealed that controllers use specific strategies (such as working in a left to right scan or prioritising levels) when managing their airspace. Further analyses are still planned however a model based on the processes controllers used to resolve conflicts has been developed and will be presented as a summary of the results.
The present research examines employee identification and communication in organisations. In Study 1, 2229 soldiers from a military organisation completed measures of perceived status and strength of identification with their unit, employment category and their brigade. As predicted, the status of a key organisational group influenced reactions to different organisational groups: full-time soldiers evaluated their work unit and the organisation as being lower in status and identified less strongly with both of these groups than part-time soldiers. The second study extended these findings to a different research context: a large psychiatric hospital undergoing downsizing and restructuring. Surprisingly, there were no differences in survivors' and victims' levels of identification with organisational groups. Instead, and consistent with Study 1, there was evidence to suggest that employees adjusted their patterns of identification and perceptions of group status through a compensatory mechanism that maximised opportunities for selfenhancement and positive distinctiveness. In the third study, employees from a public hospital (N = 142) rated communication from double ingroup members (same work unit/same occupational group) more favourably than communication from partial group members (same work unit/different occupational group). These results are considered in terms of their practical implications for identity management in organisations.
This Study invesdgated the impact of teacher behaviours on student quaUt}' of school Ufe (SQSL). A measure of teacher organisadonal cidzenship behaviour (OCB) was developed, tapping two dimensions of organisadon-focused OCB (OCBO) and one dimension of individual-focused OCB (OCBI). In Une with previous research suggesdng that OCBOs may consdtute efficacyenhancing experiences, as weU as studies demonstradng the posidve consequences of teacher efficacy for students, we expected teacher efficacy to mediate the reladonship between OCBO and SQSL. Hypotheses were tested in a muldlevel design in which 171 teachers and their students (N=3018) completed quesdonnaires. A significant propordon of variance in SQSL was attributable to classroom factors. Support was found for the main effects of OCBO, as well as the main and mediadng effects of teacher efficacy.
Most modern models of personality are hierarchical, perhaps as a result of their development by means of exploratory factor analysis. Based on new ideas about the structure of personality and how it divides into biologically based and sociocognitively based components (as proposed by Carver, Cloninger, EUiot and Thrash, and ReveUe), I develop a series of rules that show how scales of personality may be linked from those that are most distal to those which are most proximal. I use SEM to confirm the proposed structure in scales of the Temperament Character Inventory (TCI) and the Eysenck Personality Profiler. Good fit is achieved and all proposed paths are significant. The model is then used to predict work performance, deviance and job satisfacdon.