73 resultados para Testes rápidos


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The genetic code is not universal. Alterations to its standard form have been discovered in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes and demolished the dogma of an immutable code. For instance, several Candida species translate the standard leucine CUG codon as serine. In the case of the human pathogen Candida albicans, a serine tRNA (tRNACAGSer) incorporates in vivo 97% of serine and 3% of leucine in proteins at CUG sites. Such ambiguity is flexible and the level of leucine incorporation increases significantly in response to environmental stress. To elucidate the function of such ambiguity and clarify whether the identity of the CUG codon could be reverted from serine back to leucine, we have developed a forced evolution strategy to increase leucine incorporation at CUGs and a fluorescent reporter system to monitor such incorporation in vivo. Leucine misincorporation increased from 3% up to nearly 100%, reverting CUG identity from serine back to leucine. Growth assays showed that increasing leucine incorporation produced impressive arrays of phenotypes of high adaptive potential. In particular, strains with high levels of leucine misincorporation exhibited novel phenotypes and high level of tolerance to antifungals. Whole genome re-sequencing revealed that increasing levels of leucine incorporation were associated with accumulation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and loss of heterozygozity (LOH) in the higher misincorporating strains. SNPs accumulated preferentially in genes involved in cell adhesion, filamentous growth and biofilm formation, indicating that C. albicans uses its natural CUG ambiguity to increase genetic diversity in pathogenesis and drug resistance related processes. The overall data provided evidence for unantecipated flexibility of the C. albicans genetic code and highlighted new roles of codon ambiguity on the evolution of genetic and phenotypic diversity.


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The performance of real-time networks is under continuous improvement as a result of several trends in the digital world. However, these tendencies not only cause improvements, but also exacerbates a series of unideal aspects of real-time networks such as communication latency, jitter of the latency and packet drop rate. This Thesis focuses on the communication errors that appear on such realtime networks, from the point-of-view of automatic control. Specifically, it investigates the effects of packet drops in automatic control over fieldbuses, as well as the architectures and optimal techniques for their compensation. Firstly, a new approach to address the problems that rise in virtue of such packet drops, is proposed. This novel approach is based on the simultaneous transmission of several values in a single message. Such messages can be from sensor to controller, in which case they are comprised of several past sensor readings, or from controller to actuator in which case they are comprised of estimates of several future control values. A series of tests reveal the advantages of this approach. The above-explained approach is then expanded as to accommodate the techniques of contemporary optimal control. However, unlike the aforementioned approach, that deliberately does not send certain messages in order to make a more efficient use of network resources; in the second case, the techniques are used to reduce the effects of packet losses. After these two approaches that are based on data aggregation, it is also studied the optimal control in packet dropping fieldbuses, using generalized actuator output functions. This study ends with the development of a new optimal controller, as well as the function, among the generalized functions that dictate the actuator’s behaviour in the absence of a new control message, that leads to the optimal performance. The Thesis also presents a different line of research, related with the output oscillations that take place as a consequence of the use of classic co-design techniques of networked control. The proposed algorithm has the goal of allowing the execution of such classical co-design algorithms without causing an output oscillation that increases the value of the cost function. Such increases may, under certain circumstances, negate the advantages of the application of the classical co-design techniques. A yet another line of research, investigated algorithms, more efficient than contemporary ones, to generate task execution sequences that guarantee that at least a given number of activated jobs will be executed out of every set composed by a predetermined number of contiguous activations. This algorithm may, in the future, be applied to the generation of message transmission patterns in the above-mentioned techniques for the efficient use of network resources. The proposed task generation algorithm is better than its predecessors in the sense that it is capable of scheduling systems that cannot be scheduled by its predecessor algorithms. The Thesis also presents a mechanism that allows to perform multi-path routing in wireless sensor networks, while ensuring that no value will be counted in duplicate. Thereby, this technique improves the performance of wireless sensor networks, rendering them more suitable for control applications. As mentioned before, this Thesis is centered around techniques for the improvement of performance of distributed control systems in which several elements are connected through a fieldbus that may be subject to packet drops. The first three approaches are directly related to this topic, with the first two approaching the problem from an architectural standpoint, whereas the third one does so from more theoretical grounds. The fourth approach ensures that the approaches to this and similar problems that can be found in the literature that try to achieve goals similar to objectives of this Thesis, can do so without causing other problems that may invalidate the solutions in question. Then, the thesis presents an approach to the problem dealt with in it, which is centered in the efficient generation of the transmission patterns that are used in the aforementioned approaches.


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The continuous demand for highly efficient wireless transmitter systems has triggered an increased interest in switching mode techniques to handle the required power amplification. The RF carrier amplitude-burst transmitter, i.e. a wireless transmitter chain where a phase-modulated carrier is modulated in amplitude in an on-off mode, according to some prescribed envelope-to-time conversion, such as pulse-width or sigma-delta modulation, constitutes a promising architecture capable of efficiently transmitting signals of highly demanding complex modulation schemes. However, the tested practical implementations present results that are way behind the theoretically advanced promises (perfect linearity and efficiency). My original contribution to knowledge presented in this thesis is the first thorough study and model of the power efficiency and linearity characteristics that can be actually achieved with this architecture. The analysis starts with a brief revision of the theoretical idealized behavior of these switched-mode amplifier systems, followed by the study of the many sources of impairments that appear when the real system is implemented. In particular, a special attention is paid to the dynamic load modulation caused by the often ignored interaction between the narrowband signal reconstruction filter and the usual single-ended switched-mode power amplifier, which, among many other performance impairments, forces a two transistor implementation. The performance of this architecture is clearly explained based on the presented theory, which is supported by simulations and corresponding measured results of a fully working implementation. The drawn conclusions allow the development of a set of design rules for future improvements, one of which is proposed and verified in this thesis. It suggests a significant modification to this traditional architecture, where now the phase modulated carrier is always on – and thus allowing a single transistor implementation – and the amplitude is impressed into the carrier phase according to a bi-phase code.


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Existem milhões de sobreviventes de cancro da mama no mundo, em exponencial crescimento. Esta população pode apresentar preocupações relevantes acerca do futuro, depressão, ansiedade, sintomas pós-traumáticos, e comprometimento da qualidade de vida. As intervenções de grupo breves, estruturadas, especialmente as que incluem estratégias cognitivo-comportamentais, têm sido indicadas para esta população. O presente trabalho surge neste contexto, em que os estudos são escassos, especialmente em Portugal. Um conjunto de 5 estudos foi conduzido com o intuito de avaliar a eficácia de dois programas de intervenção de grupo breves e estruturadas de inspiração cognitivo-comportamental, um de tipo psicopedagógico e outro de terapia cognitivo-comportamental, em sobreviventes de cancro da mama. Nos primeiros dois estudos procedeu-se ao estudo das caraterísticas psicométricas de dois instrumentos de avaliação, o Questionário de Formas de Lidar com o Cancro (CCQ) e o Questionário de Saúde do Paciente (PHQ-9).Os dois estudos seguintes referem-se ao desenvolvimento dos programas de intervenção de grupo, acompanhados dos resultados preliminares. No último estudo avaliou-se a eficácia dos dois programas de intervenção na promoção do ajustamento psicossocial de 62 sobreviventes de cancro da mama, num estudo quasi-experimental, com pré e pós-testes e duas avaliações de seguimento (3 e 6 meses após a intervenção). Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos de avaliação: o CCQ; o PHQ-9; a Escala de Controlo Emocional (CEC); a Escala de Ansiedade e Depressão Hospitalar (EADH); o questionário de qualidade de vida da Organização Europeia de Investigação e Tratamento de Cancro com o módulo suplementar de cancro da mama (EORTC QLQ-C30 e BR-23); o Inventário Clínico de Autoconceito (ICAC); o Teste de Orientação de Vida - Revisto (TOV-R); o Perfil dos Estados de Humor (POMS); a Subescala de Crescimento Pessoal da Escala de Bem-Estar Psicológico (EBEP); a sub-escala de espiritualidade e o Inventário de estado-traço de ansiedade (STAI). Resultados: As sobreviventes que não tiveram intervenção apresentaram deterioração de dois domínios da qualidade de vida, a função cognitiva e a dor, para além de piores resultados na subescala de vigor. A deterioração dos domínios da qualidade de vida manteve-se aos 3 meses e extendeu-se aos sintomas da mama, o que não se verificou com o vigor. O grupo com intervenção psicoeducativa apresentou melhoria do autoconceito até aos 6 meses. Neste grupo também se observou um aumento do controlo emocional até aos 3 meses. O grupo de terapia cognitivo-comportamental apresentou aumento do estado de ansiedade e diminuição do funcionamento de papel no final da intervenção, diminuição do funcionamento emocional aos 3 meses e aumento na hostilidade e na confusão aos 6 meses. Ambos os grupos com intervenção apresentaram diminuição do traço de ansiedade aos 6 meses. Foram encontradas diversas correlações significativas destes efeitos com variáveis demográficas, clínicas e psicossociais. Conclusão: As intervenções de grupo breves, de inspiração cognitivo-comportamental, mostraram contribuir para a redução do traço de ansiedade a longo prazo e para a manutenção da função cognitiva, da dor, do vigor, e dos sintomas da mama nas sobreviventes. O programa psicopedagógico parece ser mais indicado para as sobreviventes, pelos efeitos no autoconceito, com maior extensão a longo prazo. São referidas implicações para a prática clínica e para a promoção da saúde mental desta população.


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As infraestruturas de televisão interativa atualmente existentes possibilitam a integração de uma grande variedade de recursos e serviços, possibilitando aos utilizadores novas experiências de interação e participação. Para a maioria dos telespetadores, o uso de serviços interativos não acarreta grandes dificuldades; no entanto, para públicos com necessidades especiais, por exemplo para pessoas com défice visual, essa tarefa torna-se complexa, dificultando, ou mesmo impedindo, que estes utilizadores possam beneficiar deste tipo de serviços. Portugal não é uma exceção neste contexto, existindo um número significativo de utilizadores com défice visual (UDV) que não beneficiam totalmente das potencialidades do paradigma televisivo atual. Neste âmbito, o projeto de investigação que suporta esta tese explora a problemática do Design Universal aplicado à Televisão Interativa (iTV) e tem como objetivos a conceptualização, prototipagem e validação de um serviço de iTV adaptado especificamente a UDV, visando promover a sua inclusão digital. Para cumprir estes objetivos, a investigação dividiu-se em três etapas distintas. Na primeira etapa, a partir da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, foram identificadas as dificuldades e necessidades dos UDV enquanto consumidores de conteúdos televisivos e serviços de audiodescrição; foi selecionada a plataforma tecnológica mais adequada para o suporte do serviço prototipado; e foi definido um conjunto de princípios orientadores de design (POD’s) de interfaces de televisão interativa específico para este público-alvo. Inicialmente foram efetuadas duas entrevistas a 20 participantes com défice visual, para determinar as suas dificuldades e necessidades enquanto consumidores de conteúdos televisivos e serviços de audiodescrição. De seguida, foi realizada uma entrevista a um perito responsável pelo processo de transição para a TDT em Portugal (inicialmente considerou-se que a TDT seria uma plataforma promissora e poderia suportar o protótipo) e efetuada a revisão da literatura sobre POD’s para o desenvolvimento de interfaces para serviços iTV dirigidos a pessoas com défice visual. A partir dos resultados obtidos nesta etapa foi possível definir os requisitos funcionais e técnicos do sistema, bem como os seus PODs, tanto ao nível da componente gráfica, como de interação. Na segunda etapa foi concetualizado e desenvolvido o protótipo iTV adaptado a UDV ‘meo ad+’, com recurso à plataforma tecnológica IPTV da Portugal Telecom, seguindo os requisitos e os princípios de design definidos. Relativamente à terceira etapa, esta contemplou a avaliação do serviço prototipado, por parte de um grupo de participantes com défice visual. Esta fase do trabalho foi conduzida através do método de Estudo Avaliativo, possibilitando, através de testes de usabilidade e acessibilidade, complementados com entrevistas, compreender se o serviço prototipado ia efetivamente ao encontro das necessidades deste tipo de utilizadores, tendo-se observado que os participantes que estiveram envolvidos nos testes ao protótipo mostraram-se satisfeitos com as funcionalidades oferecidas pelo sistema, bem como com o design da sua interface.


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Desde que surgiu há mais de 50 anos, a televisão sofreu muitas transformações, tanto ao nível tecnológico (por exemplo com a passagem da emissão a preto/branco para cor, o som analógico para digital, a difusão digital) como a nível da sua influência nas sociedades. Entre outros fatores de ordem tecnológica, a consolidação da Internet com o seu elevado nível de personalização, da experiência de utilização, e a sua enorme quantidade de conteúdos disponíveis, catapultou a televisão no sentido de esta se tornar mais interativa. Assim, o telespectador passou a poder usufruir de uma experiência televisiva que pode, por um lado, ser mais participativa, sendo-lhe possível, por exemplo, alvitrar sobre a qualidade de um programa enquanto assiste à sua exibição, e, por outro, ser mais personalizada, possibilitando-lhe, por exemplo, receber conteúdos automaticamente adequados ao seu perfil e contexto. No entanto, esta experiência mais participativa e personalizável carece de uma identificação, idealmente automática e não intrusiva, de quem pode beneficiar da mesma – o telespectador. Contudo, e apesar de significativos avanços na área da televisão interativa, tanto ao nível da infraestrutura de suporte como ao nível dos serviços disponibilizados, a identificação dos utilizadores é, ainda, uma área de estudo com muitos aspetos por compreender. Os seniores, em particular, são grandes consumidores de televisão e representam uma fatia muito considerável das pessoas que podem beneficiar das potencialidades disponibilizadas pela interatividade presente em muitos serviços atuais. Um número crescente destes serviços são desenhados com o objetivo de promoverem um envelhecimento ativo e um concreto apoio à vida, pelo que os seniores podem beneficiar, em vários aspetos do seu quotidiano, se os utilizarem. Nesta faixa etária, a identificação de utilizadores tem, como elemento potenciador da experiência de utilização, um papel especialmente importante ao nível de um aproveitamento personalizado e dirigido destes serviços. No entanto, atendendo às diferentes combinações de características físicas, sensoriais, cognitivas e, mesmo, de literacia digital que tipificam os seniores, perspetivou-se existir uma dependência do perfil do utilizador na seleção do método de identificação mais adequado, os quais podem ser baseados, por exemplo, num leitor de impressões digitais, instalado no telecomando; na leitura de uma wearable tag ou de um cartão RFiD; no reconhecimento da face e, eventualmente, na voz do utilizador. Assim, a inerente investigação desenrolou-se em várias fases, no sentido de permitir alicerçar a construção de uma matriz de decisão tecnológica que, em função do perfil de utilizador, selecione o sistema de identificação mais adequado. O procedimento metodológico inerente à construção desta matriz de decisão, passou por um longo processo envolvendo utilizadores reais, que se iniciou com a realização de entrevistas exploratórias com o objetivo de permitir conhecer melhor os seniores e a forma como estes encaram a tecnologia e, mais concretamente, a televisão interativa. Foi depois implementado um protótipo de alta-fidelidade, completamente funcional, para a realização de testes com o objetivo de perceber qual a preferência relativamente a um subconjunto de tecnologias de identificação. Estes testes, uma vez que não permitiram testar todas as tecnologias em estudo, revelaram-se inconclusivos, porém permitiram reforçar a necessidade de identificar e caracterizar os referidos aspetos do perfil do utilizador que podem interferir na sua preferência relativamente ao sistema de identificação. As características identificadas constituíram-se como os parâmetros de entrada da matriz, sendo que para preencher as respetivas células realizaramse testes de aceitação, com um conjunto de seniores, tendo por base um protótipo, wizard of oz, especificamente implementado para permitir experienciar todas as tecnologias em estudo. Estes testes foram precedidos pela avaliação das capacidades funcionais dos participantes, nos diversos parâmetros definidos. Este texto relata, assim, todo o processo de investigação que foi conduzido, terminando com uma descrição de exemplos de utilização da matriz de decisão implementada e com a identificação de potenciais caminhos de desenvolvimento deste trabalho.


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Nos últimos anos temos vindo a assistir a uma mudança na forma como a informação é disponibilizada online. O surgimento da web para todos possibilitou a fácil edição, disponibilização e partilha da informação gerando um considerável aumento da mesma. Rapidamente surgiram sistemas que permitem a coleção e partilha dessa informação, que para além de possibilitarem a coleção dos recursos também permitem que os utilizadores a descrevam utilizando tags ou comentários. A organização automática dessa informação é um dos maiores desafios no contexto da web atual. Apesar de existirem vários algoritmos de clustering, o compromisso entre a eficácia (formação de grupos que fazem sentido) e a eficiência (execução em tempo aceitável) é difícil de encontrar. Neste sentido, esta investigação tem por problemática aferir se um sistema de agrupamento automático de documentos, melhora a sua eficácia quando se integra um sistema de classificação social. Analisámos e discutimos dois métodos baseados no algoritmo k-means para o clustering de documentos e que possibilitam a integração do tagging social nesse processo. O primeiro permite a integração das tags diretamente no Vector Space Model e o segundo propõe a integração das tags para a seleção das sementes iniciais. O primeiro método permite que as tags sejam pesadas em função da sua ocorrência no documento através do parâmetro Social Slider. Este método foi criado tendo por base um modelo de predição que sugere que, quando se utiliza a similaridade dos cossenos, documentos que partilham tags ficam mais próximos enquanto que, no caso de não partilharem, ficam mais distantes. O segundo método deu origem a um algoritmo que denominamos k-C. Este para além de permitir a seleção inicial das sementes através de uma rede de tags também altera a forma como os novos centróides em cada iteração são calculados. A alteração ao cálculo dos centróides teve em consideração uma reflexão sobre a utilização da distância euclidiana e similaridade dos cossenos no algoritmo de clustering k-means. No contexto da avaliação dos algoritmos foram propostos dois algoritmos, o algoritmo da “Ground truth automática” e o algoritmo MCI. O primeiro permite a deteção da estrutura dos dados, caso seja desconhecida, e o segundo é uma medida de avaliação interna baseada na similaridade dos cossenos entre o documento mais próximo de cada documento. A análise de resultados preliminares sugere que a utilização do primeiro método de integração das tags no VSM tem mais impacto no algoritmo k-means do que no algoritmo k-C. Além disso, os resultados obtidos evidenciam que não existe correlação entre a escolha do parâmetro SS e a qualidade dos clusters. Neste sentido, os restantes testes foram conduzidos utilizando apenas o algoritmo k-C (sem integração de tags no VSM), sendo que os resultados obtidos indicam que a utilização deste algoritmo tende a gerar clusters mais eficazes.


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The case study looked at psychological and physiological responses to stress in musicians, comparing a newly formed and a consolidated violin-piano duo. The common element between these duos was the pianist. Using the psychological tests (STAI Y1 and Y2, K-MPAI, MMPI-2, ICAC), the immunoassay saliva test to measure cortisol (stress hormone) and non- invasive device VitalJacket® developed at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, participants were monitored under various performance conditions. Others quantitative and qualitative dataset were collected including a pianist’s personal diary (analyzed by psychiatrist), semi-structured interviews with members of long-terms chamber music duo and perceptual evaluations (listening test) of the performances by expert listeners. The variables included two performance venues (European university and secondary school), as well as well-known repertoire, recently known repertoire and newly known repertoire. The latter was given approximately one week before each recital. The psychological and physiological dataset were collected for a total of eight recitals – two series of four recitals each. The unexpected results show that state anxiety levels and stress of the pianist, who does not present an anxious profile, either in social or in musical terms, are always higher when playing with a well-known partner. Possible explanations may be due to the highest expectations for quality of performance and implications of mirror neurons (since the reactions are very different according to the partner). In other words, the “known” (i.e., the consolidated duo) can become “trapped” within a predetermined space, especially at the psychological level, while the “unknown” (the occasional duo) seems to be less involved and therefore more reassuring and exciting in positive terms. In addition, the preference of the expert audience is for the consolidated duo.


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The fast increase in the energy’s price has brought a growing concern about the highly expensive task of transporting water. By creating an hydraulic model of the Water Supply System’s (WSS) network and predicting its behaviour, it is possible to take advantage of the energy’s tariffs, reducing the total cost on pumping activities. This thesis was developed, in association with a technology transfer project called the E-Pumping. It focuses on finding a flexible supervision and control strategy, adaptable to any existent Water Supply System (WSS), as well as forecasting the water demand on a time period chosen by the end user, so that the pumping actions could be planned to an optimum schedule, that minimizes the total operational cost. The OPC protocol, associated to a MySQL database were used to develop a flexible tool of supervision and control, due to their adaptability to function with equipments from various manufacturers, being another integrated modular part of the E-Pumping project. Furthermore, in this thesis, through the study and performance tests of several statistical models based on time series, specifically applied to this problem, a forecasting tool adaptable to any station, and whose model parameters are automatically refreshed at runtime, was developed and added to the project as another module. Both the aforementioned modules were later integrated with an Graphical User Interface (GUI) and installed in a pilot application at the ADDP’s network. The implementation of this software on WSSs across the country will reduce the water supply companies’ running costs, improving their market competition and, ultimately, lowering the water price to the end costumer.


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Portugal has strong musical traditions, which have been perpetrated by decades through folkloristic activities. In folk groups from Alto Minho (north of Portugal), folk singing is mostly performed by cantadeiras, amateur female solo singers who learn this style orally. Their vocal characteristics are distinctive when compared with other regions of the country; however, deep understanding of these vocal practices is still missing. The present work aims at studying Alto Minho cantadeira’s vocal performance in a multidimensional perspective, envisioning social, cultural and physiological understanding of this musical style. Thus, qualitative and quantitative data analyses were carried out, to: (i) describe current performance practices, (ii) explore existent perceptions about most relevant voice features in this region, (iii) investigate physiological and acoustic properties of this style, and (iv) compare this style of singing with other non-classical singing styles of other countries. Dataset gathered involved: 78 groups whose members were telephone interviewed, 13 directors who were asked to fill in a questionnaire on performance practices, 1 cantadeira in a pilot study, 16 cantadeiras in preliminary voice recordings, 77 folk group members in listening tests, and 10 cantadeiras in multichannel recordings, including audio, ELG, air flow and intra-oral pressure signals. Data were analysed through thematic content analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics, hierarchical principal components, and multivariate linear regression models. Most representative voices have a high pitched and loud voice, with a bright timbre, predominance of chest register without excessive effort, and good text intelligibility with regional accent. High representativeness levels were obtained by few cantadeiras; these sing with high levels of subglottal pressure and vocal fold contact quotient, predominance of high spectrum energy and vocal loudness, corroborating indications of prevalence of pressed phonation. These vocal characteristics resemble belting in musical theatre and share similarities with country (USA) and ojikanje (Croatia) singing. Strategies that may contribute to the preservation of this type of singing and the vocal health of current cantadeiras are discussed, pointing at the direction of continuous education among folk groups, following practices that are already adopted elsewhere in Europe.


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The massive adoption of sophisticated mobile devices and applications led to the increase of mobile data in the last decade, which it is expected to continue. This increase of mobile data negatively impacts the network planning and dimension, since core networks are heavy centralized. Mobile operators are investigating atten network architectures that distribute the responsibility of providing connectivity and mobility, in order to improve the network scalability and performance. Moreover, service providers are moving the content servers closer to the user, in order to ensure high availability and performance of content delivery. Besides the e orts to overcome the explosion of mobile data, current mobility management models are heavy centralized to ensure reachability and session continuity to the users connected to the network. Nowadays, deployed architectures have a small number of centralized mobility anchors managing the mobile data and the mobility context of millions of users, which introduces issues related to performance and scalability that require costly network mechanisms. The mobility management needs to be rethought out-of-the box to cope with atten network architectures and distributed content servers closer to the user, which is the purpose of the work developed in this Thesis. The Thesis starts with a characterization of mobility management into well-de ned functional blocks, their interaction and potential grouping. The decentralized mobility management is studied through analytical models and simulations, in which di erent mobility approaches distinctly distribute the mobility management functionalities through the network. The outcome of this study showed that decentralized mobility management brings advantages. Hence, it was proposed a novel distributed and dynamic mobility management approach, which is exhaustively evaluated through analytical models, simulations and testbed experiments. The proposed approach is also integrated with seamless horizontal handover mechanisms, as well as evaluated in vehicular environments. The mobility mechanisms are also speci ed for multihomed scenarios, in order to provide data o oading with IP mobility from cellular to other access networks. In the pursuing of the optimized mobile routing path, a novel network-based strategy for localized mobility is addressed, in which a replication binding system is deployed in the mobility anchors distributed through the access routers and gateways. Finally, we go further in the mobility anchoring subject, presenting a context-aware adaptive IP mobility anchoring model that dynamically assigns the mobility anchors that provide the optimized routing path to a session, based on the user and network context. The integration of dynamic and distributed concepts in the mobility management, such as context-aware adaptive mobility anchoring and dynamic mobility support, allow the optimization of network resources and the improvement of user experience. The overall outcome demonstrates that decentralized mobility management is a promising direction, hence, its ideas should be taken into account by mobile operators in the deployment of future networks.


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Rapid and specific detection of foodborne bacteria that can cause food spoilage or illness associated to its consumption is an increasingly important task in food industry. Bacterial detection, identification, and classification are generally performed using traditional methods based on biochemical or serological tests and the molecular methods based on DNA or RNA fingerprints. However, these methodologies are expensive, time consuming and laborious. Infrared spectroscopy is a reliable, rapid, and economic technique which could be explored as a tool for bacterial analysis in the food industry. In this thesis it was evaluated the potential of IR spectroscopy to study the bacterial quality of foods. In Chapter 2, it was developed a calibration model that successfully allowed to predict the bacterial concentration of naturally contaminated cooked ham samples kept at refrigeration temperature during 8 days. In this part, it was developed the methodology that allowed the best reproducibility of spectra from bacteria colonies with minimal sample preparation, which was used in the subsequent work. Several attempts trying different resolutions and number of scans in the IR were made. A spectral resolution of 4 cm-1, with 32 scans were the settings that allowed the best results. Subsequently, in Chapter 3, it was made an attempt to identify 22 different foodborne bacterial genera/species using IR spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis. The principal component analysis, used as an exploratory technique, allowed to form distinct groups, each one corresponding to a different genus, in most of the cases. Then, a hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to further analyse the group formation and the possibility of distinction between species of the same bacterial genus. It was observed that IR spectroscopy not only is suitable to the distinction of the different genera, but also to differentiate species of the same genus, with the simultaneous use of principal component analysis and cluster analysis techniques. The utilization of IR spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analysis were also investigated in Chapter 4, in order to confirm the presence of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. isolated from contaminated foods, after growth in selective medium. This would allow to substitute the traditional biochemical and serological methods that are used to confirm these pathogens and that delay the obtainment of the results up to 2 days. The obtained results allowed the distinction of 3 different Listeria species and the distinction of Salmonella spp. from other bacteria that can be mistaken with them. Finally, in chapter 5, high pressure processing, an emerging methodology that permits to produce microbiologically safe foods and extend their shelf-life, was applied to 12 foodborne bacteria to determine their resistance and the effects of pressure in cells. A treatment of 300 MPa, during 15 minutes at room temperature was applied. Gram-negative bacteria were inactivated to undetectable levels and Gram-positive showed different resistances. Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus decreased only 2 logs and Listeria innocua decreased about 5 logs. IR spectroscopy was performed in bacterial colonies before and after HPP in order to investigate the alterations of the cellular compounds. It was found that high pressure alters bands assigned to some cellular components as proteins, lipids, oligopolysaccharides, phosphate groups from the cell wall and nucleic acids, suggesting disruption of the cell envelopes. In this work, bacterial quantification and classification, as well as assessment of cellular compounds modification with high pressure processing were successfully performed. Taking this into account, it was showed that IR spectroscopy is a very promising technique to analyse bacteria in a simple and inexpensive manner.


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Diplodia corticola is regarded as the most virulent fungus involved in cork oak decline, being able to infect not only Quercus species (mainly Q. suber and Q. ilex), but also grapevines (Vitis vinifera) and eucalypts (Eucalyptus sp.). This endophytic fungus is also a pathogen whose virulence usually manifests with the onset of plant stress. Considering that the infection normally culminates in host death, there is a growing ecologic and socio-economic concern about D. corticola propagation. The molecular mechanisms of infection are hitherto largely unknown. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to unveil potential virulence effectors implicated in D. corticola infection. This knowledge is fundamental to outline the molecular framework that permits the fungal invasion and proliferation in plant hosts, causing disease. Since the effectors deployed are mostly proteins, we adopted a proteomic approach. We performed in planta pathogenicity tests to select two D. corticola strains with distinct virulence degrees for our studies. Like other filamentous fungi D. corticola secretes protein at low concentrations in vitro in the presence of high levels of polysaccharides, two characteristics that hamper the fungal secretome analysis. Therefore, we first compared several methods of extracellular protein extraction to assess their performance and compatibility with 1D and 2D electrophoretic separation. TCA-Acetone and TCA-phenol protein precipitation were the most efficient methods and the former was adopted for further studies. The proteins were extracted and separated by 2D-PAGE, proteins were digested with trypsin and the resulting peptides were further analysed by MS/MS. Their identification was performed by de novo sequencing and/or MASCOT search. We were able to identify 80 extracellular and 162 intracellular proteins, a milestone for the Botryosphaeriaceae family that contains only one member with the proteome characterized. We also performed an extensive comparative 2D gel analysis to highlight the differentially expressed proteins during the host mimicry. Moreover, we compared the protein profiles of the two strains with different degrees of virulence. In short, we characterized for the first time the secretome and proteome of D. corticola. The obtained results contribute to the elucidation of some aspects of the biology of the fungus. The avirulent strain contains an assortment of proteins that facilitate the adaptation to diverse substrates and the identified proteins suggest that the fungus degrades the host tissues through Fenton reactions. On the other hand, the virulent strain seems to have adapted its secretome to the host characteristics. Furthermore, the results indicate that this strain metabolizes aminobutyric acid, a molecule that might be the triggering factor of the transition from a latent to a pathogenic state. Lastly, the secretome includes potential pathogenicity effectors, such as deuterolysin (peptidase M35) and cerato-platanin, proteins that might play an active role in the phytopathogenic lifestyle of the fungus. Overall, our results suggest that D. corticola has a hemibiotrophic lifestyle, switching from a biotrophic to a necrotrophic interaction after plant physiologic disturbances.This understanding is essential for further development of effective plant protection measures.