46 resultados para ácido fúlvico


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A vida da sociedade atual é dependente dos recursos fósseis, tanto a nível de energia como de materiais. No entanto, tem-se verificado uma redução das reservas destes recursos, ao mesmo tempo que as necessidades da sociedade continuam a aumentar, tornando cada vez mais necessárias, a produção de biocombustíveis e produtos químicos. Atualmente o etanol é produzido industrialmente a partir da cana-de-açúcar e milho, matérias-primas usadas na alimentação humana e animal. Este fato desencadeou o aumento de preços dos alimentos em todo o mundo e, como consequência, provocou uma série de distúrbios sociais. Os subprodutos industriais, recursos independentes das cadeias alimentares, têm-se posicionado como fonte de matérias-primas potenciais para bioprocessamento. Neste sentido, surgem os subprodutos gerados em grande quantidade pela indústria papeleira. Os licores de cozimento da madeira ao sulfito ácido (SSLs) são uma matériaprima promissora, uma vez que durante este processo os polissacarídeos da madeira são hidrolisados originando açúcares fermentáveis. A composição dos SSLs varia consoante o tipo de madeira usada no processo de cozimento (de árvores resinosas, folhosas ou a mistura de ambas). O bioprocessamento do SSL proveniente de folhosas (HSSL) é uma metodologia ainda pouco explorada. O HSSL contém elevadas concentrações de açúcares (35-45 g.L-1), na sua maioria pentoses. A fermentação destes açúcares a bioetanol é ainda um desafio, uma vez que nem todos os microrganismos são capazes de fermentar as pentoses a etanol. De entre as leveduras capazes de fermentar naturalmente as pentoses, destaca-se a Scheffersomyces stipitis, que apresenta uma elevada eficiência de fermentação. No entanto, o HSSL contém também compostos conhecidos por inibirem o crescimento de microrganismos, dificultando assim o seu bioprocessamento. Neste sentido, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a produção de bioetanol pela levedura S. stipitis a partir de HSSL, resultante do cozimento ao sulfito ácido da madeira de Eucalyptus globulus. Para alcançar este objetivo, estudaram-se duas estratégias de operação diferentes. Em primeiro lugar estudou-se a bio-desintoxicação do HSSL com o fungo filamentoso Paecilomyces variotii, conhecido por crescer em resíduos industriais. Estudaram-se duas tecnologias fermentativas diferentes para a biodesintoxicação do HSSL: um reator descontínuo e um reator descontínuo sequencial (SBR). A remoção biológica de inibidores do HSSL foi mais eficaz quando se usou o SBR. P. variotii assimilou alguns inibidores microbianos como o ácido acético, o ácido gálico e o pirogalol, entre outros. Após esta desintoxicação, o HSSL foi submetido à fermentação com S. stipitis, na qual foi atingida a concentração máxima de etanol de 2.36 g.L-1 com um rendimento de 0.17 g.g-1. P. variotti, além de desintoxicar o HSSL, também é útil na produção de proteína microbiana (SCP) para a alimentação animal pois, a sua biomassa é rica em proteína. O estudo da produção de SCP por P. variotii foi efetuado num SBR com HSSL sem suplementos e suplementado com sais. A melhor produção de biomassa foi obtida no HSSL sem adição de sais, tendo-se obtido um teor de proteína elevado (82,8%), com uma baixa concentração de DNA (1,1%). A proteína continha 6 aminoácidos essenciais, mostrando potencial para o uso desta SCP na alimentação animal e, eventualmente, em nutrição humana. Assim, a indústria papeleira poderá integrar a produção de bioetanol após a produção SCP e melhorar a sustentabilidade da indústria de pastas. A segunda estratégia consistiu em adaptar a levedura S. stipitis ao HSSL de modo a que esta levedura conseguisse crescer e fermentar o HSSL sem remoção de inibidores. Operou-se um reator contínuo (CSTR) com concentrações crescentes de HSSL, entre 20 % e 60 % (v/v) durante 382 gerações em HSSL, com uma taxa de diluição de 0.20 h-1. A população adaptada, recolhida no final do CSTR (POP), apresentou uma melhoria na fermentação do HSSL (60 %), quando comparada com a estirpe original (PAR). Após esta adaptação, a concentração máxima de etanol obtida foi de 6.93 g.L-1, com um rendimento de 0.26 g.g-1. POP possuía também a capacidade de metabolizar, possivelmente por ativação de vias oxidativas, compostos derivados da lenhina e taninos dissolvidos no HSSL, conhecidos inibidores microbianos. Por fim, verificou-se também que a pré-cultura da levedura em 60 % de HSSL fez com que a estirpe PAR melhorasse o processo fermentativo em HSSL, em comparação com o ensaio sem pré-cultura em HSSL. No entanto, no caso da estirpe POP, o seu metabolismo foi redirecionado para a metabolização dos inibidores sendo que a produção de etanol decresceu.


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A fidelidade da síntese proteica é fundamental para a estabilidade do proteoma e para a homeostasia celular. Em condições fisiológicas normais as células têm uma taxa de erro basal associada e esta muitas vezes aumenta com o envelhecimento e doença. Problemas na síntese das proteínas estão associados a várias doenças humanas e aos processos de envelhecimento. De facto, a incorporação de erros nas proteínas devido a tRNAs carregados pelas aminoacil-tRNA sintetases com o amino ácido errado causa doenças neurodegenerativas em humanos e ratos. Ainda não é claro como é que estas doenças se desenvolvem e se são uma consequência directa da disrupção do proteoma ou se são o resultado da toxicidade produzida pela acúmulação de proteínas mal traduzidas ao nível do ribossoma. Para elucidar como é que as células eucarióticas lidam com proteínas aberrantes e agregados proteicos (stress proteotóxico) desenvolvemos uma estratégia para destabilizar o proteoma. Para isso estabelecemos um sistema de erros de tradução em embriões de peixe zebra que assenta em tRNAs mutantes capazes de incorporar erradamente serina nas proteínas. As proteínas produzidas neste sistema despoletam as vias de resposta ao stress, nomeadamente a via da ubiquitina-proteassoma (UPP – “ubiquitin protesome pathway”) e a via do retículo endoplasmático (UPR – “unfolded protein response”). O stress proteotóxico gerado pelos erros de tradução altera a expressão génica e perfis de expressão de miRNAs, o desenvolvimento embrionário e viabilidade, aumenta a produção de espécies reactivas de oxigénio (ROS), leva ainda à acumulação de agregados proteicos e à disfunção mitocondrial. As malformações embrionárias e fenótipos de viabilidade que observámos foram revertidos por antioxidantes, o que sugere que os ROS desempenham papéis importantes nos fenótipos degenerativos celulares induzidos pela produção de proteínas aberrantes e agregação proteica. Estabelecemos ainda uma linha de peixe zebra transgénica para o estudo do stress proteotóxico. Este trabalho mostra que a destabilização do proteoma em embriões de peixe zebra com tRNAs mutantes é uma boa metodologia para estudar a biologia do stress proteotóxico visto que permite a agregação controlada do proteoma, mimetizando os processos de agregação de proteínas que ocorrem naturalmente durante o envelhecimento e em doenças conformacionais humanas.


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In this thesis, 2,2’-bipyridine (bipy), di-tert-butyl-2,2’-bipyridine (di-t-Bubipy), 2,2’-bipyridine-5,5’-dicarboxylic acid (H2bpdc), 2-[3(5)-pyrazolyl]pyridine (pzpy) and 2-(1-pentyl-3-pyrazolyl)pyridine (pent-pp) ligands were used as the N,N-chelate ligands in the formation of discrete [MoO2Cl2L]-type complexes. These complexes were employed as precursors for the preparation in aqueous media of oxomolybdenum(VI) products with a wide range of structural diversity. Three distinct heating methods were studied: hydrothermal, reflux or microwave-assisted synthesis. An alternative reaction with the inorganic molybdenum(VI) trioxide (MoO3) and the ligands di-t-Bu-bipy, H2bpdc and pzpy was also investigated under hydrothermal conditions. The distinct nature of the N,N-chelate ligands and/or the heating method employed promoted the isolation of a series of new oxomolybdenum(VI) hybrid materials that clearly reflected the strong structure-directing influence of these ligands. Thus, this thesis describes the synthesis and characterization of the discrete mononuclear [MoO2Cl2(pent-pp)], the dinuclear [Mo2O6(di-t-Bu-bipy)2] and the octanuclear [Mo8O22(OH)4(di-t-Bu-bipy)4] complexes as well as the highly unique polymeric materials {[MoO3(bipy)][MoO3(H2O)]}n, (DMA)[MoO3(Hbpdc)]·nH2O, [Mo3O9(pzpy)]n and [Mo2O6(pent-pp)]n (fine structural details of compound [Mo2O6(pent-pp)]n are presently unknown; however, characterization data strongly pointed toward a polymeric oxide hybrid compound). The catalytic behaviour of the discrete complexes and the polymeric compounds was tested in olefin epoxidation reactions. Compounds [Mo3O9(pzpy)]n and [Mo2O6(pent-pp)]n acted as sources of soluble active species that where identified as the oxodiperoxido complexes [MoO(O2)2(pzpy)] and [MoO(O2)2(pent-pp)], respectively. The majority of the compounds here presented were fully characterized by using solid-state techniques, namely elemental analyses, thermogravimetry, FT-IR, solid-state NMR, electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction (both from laboratory and/or synchrotron sources).


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The development of mining activities over thousands of years in the region of Aljustrel is nowadays visible as a vast area of ore tailings, slag and host rocks of sulphides mineralization. The generation of acidic waters by the alteration of pyritic minerals - Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) - causes a significant impact on the river system both in the south of the village (Rib ª. Água Forte) and in the north of it (Rib ª. Água Azeda and Barranco do Farrobo), which is reflected in extremely low pH values (< 3) and high concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn and sulphates. This study aimed to assess the environmental impacts extent, integrating geochemical (surface waters and stream sediments) and biological (diatoms) parameters. Three groups of sites were defined, based on sediments and water analysis, which integration with diatom data showed the same association of groups: Group 1- impacted, with acidic pH (1.9-5.1), high metal contents (0.4-1975 mg L-1) and Fe-Mg-sulphate waters, being metals more bioavailable in waters in cationic form (Me2+); mineralogically the sediments were characterized by phyllosilicates and sulphates/oxy-hydroxysulphate phases, easily solubilized, retaining a high amount of metals when precipitated; dominant taxon was Pinnularia aljustrelica (a new species); Group 2- slightly impacted, weak acid to neutral pH (5.0-6.8), metal contents not so high (0.2-25 mg L-1) and Fe-Mg-sulphate to Mg-chloride waters; dominant taxa were Brachysira neglectissima and Achnanthidium minutissimum; Group 3- unimpacted, alkaline pH (7.0-8.4), low metal contents (0-7 mg L-1) with Mg-chloride waters. In this group, metals were associated to the primary phases (e.g. sulphides), not so easily available; the existence of high chloride contents explained the presence of typical taxa of brackish/marine (e.g. Entomoneis paludosa) waters. Taxonomical aspects of the diatoms were studied (discovery of a new species: Pinnularia aljustrelica Luis, Almeida et Ector sp. nov.), as well as morphometric (size decrease of diatoms valves, as well as the appearance of deformed valves of Eunotia exigua in Group 1 and A. minutissimum in Group 2) and physiological (effective to assess the effects of metals/acidity in the photosynthetic efficiency through PAM Fluorometry) aspects. A study was carried out in an artificial river system (microcosm) that aimed to mimic Aljustrel’s extreme conditions in controlled laboratory conditions. The chronic effects of Fe, SO42- and acidity in field biofilms, inoculated in the artificial rivers, were evaluated as well as their contribution to the communities’ tolerance to metal toxicity, through acute tests with two metals (Cu and Zn). In general, the effects caused by low pH values and high concentrations of Fe and SO42- were reflected at the community level by the decrease in diversity, the predominance of acidophilic species, the decrease in photosynthetic efficiency and the increase of enzymatic (e.g. catalase, superoxide dismutase) and non-enzymatic activities (e.g. total glutathione and total phytochelatins). However, it was possible to verify that acidity performed a protective effect in the communities, upon Cu and Zn addition. A comparative study between Aljustrel mining area and New Brunswick mining area was carried out, both with similar mining and geological conditions, reflected in similar diatom communities in both mines, but in very different geographic and climatic areas.


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Nesta tese, desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa Doutoral em Química da Universidade de Aveiro, foram desenvolvidos novos receptores sintéticos construídos a partir da plataforma macrocíclica tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina ou do fragmento de isoftalamida. Ambas as unidades estruturais foram decora-das com grupos de reconhecimento molecular baseados em grupos amida e/ou ureia com o objectivo de actuarem como receptores selectivos de aniões com importância biológica ou farmacológica, incluindo acetato, oxalato, malo-nato, succinato, glutarato, diglicolato, L- e D-NHBoc-alanina, (S)- e (R)-fenilpro-panoato, (S,S)- e (R,R)-tartarato, fumarato, maleato, Cl-, HCO3-, H2PO4-, HSO4- e SO42-. No Capítulo 1 é efectuada uma revisão bibliográfica dos desenvolvimentos recentes na síntese, caracterização estrutural e aplicações de receptores fun-cionais relacionados com os desenvolvidos no âmbito desta tese, com especial incidência para aqueles que foram estudados como receptores de aniões. Neste domínio, enquanto que receptores derivados da isoftalamida têm sido bastante estudados ao longo das últimas décadas, o desenvolvimento de receptores de aniões inspirados em heteracalix[2]areno[2]triazinas ainda se encontra a dar os primeiros passos. No Capítulo 2 é apresentada a síntese de quatro novos macrociclos derivados de tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina incorporando um ou dois braços de L-alanina (A1, A2) ou de L-leucina (L1, L2) nos anéis benzénicos, e derivados com grupos amida como unidades de reconhecimento. Adicionalmente, são também apresentados dois novos azacalix[2]areno[2]triazinas contendo um (U1) ou dois (U2) braços com grupos ureia substituídos com um grupo (S)-metilbenzílico. Foram ainda preparados os macrociclos A2Me4 e U2Me4 por metilação dos átomos de azoto em ponte de A2 e U2, os quais foram posterior-mente utilizados em estudos de associação. Os compostos sintetizados foram caracterizados através de técnicas espectroscópicas, complementadas por difracção de raios X de cristal único no caso de U2Me4. O Capítulo 3 contempla os estudos de reconhecimento molecular entre os macrociclos A2Me4 e U2Me4 e os aniões derivados de ácidos mono- e dicarbo-xílicos alifáticos, ácidos carboxílicos isoméricos (enantiómeros e isómeros geométricos), aminoácidos e polioxaniões acima referidos, excepto HCO3-. Os estudos de associação foram realizados através de técnicas de titulação por RMN 1H com determinação das respectivas constantes de afinidade. Todas as associações estudadas apresentaram uma estequiometria receptor-substrato 1:1 com excepção das associações formadas entre A2Me4 e U2Me4 com H2PO4- (1:2). Os complexos A2Me4∙SO42- e U2Me4∙(H2PO4-)2 são os mais estáveis com constantes de associação de 7,4 × 104 M-1 e superior a 105 M-2, respectivamente. O reconhecimento dos dicarboxilatos ocorreu através dos dois braços do macrociclo, com os aniões com grupos carboxilato separados por cadeias alifáticas mais compridas (glutarato e diglicolato) apresentando um melhor ajuste aos braços de A2Me4 e U2Me4. Não foi observado reconheci-mento enantiosselectivo de aniões. Em contraste, as constantes de afinidade para as associações com os aniões dos isómeros cis (maleato) e trans (fumarato) do ácido but-2-enodióico, de 89 e 4920 M-1 para A2Me4 e 481 e 4007 M-1 para U2Me4, respectivamente, sugerem selectividade de ambos os receptores para o fumarato. No Capítulo 4 é descrita a síntese de nove receptores acíclicos incorporando a unidade de isoftalamida (Iso-1 a Iso-9) e braços laterais com grupos de reconhecimento de aniões. Enquanto que o receptor Iso-1 possui como unida-des de reconhecimento apenas grupos amida, os receptores Iso-2, Iso-3, Iso-5, Iso-6, Iso-7 e Iso-9 possuem grupos amida e ureia, e os derivados Iso-4 e Iso-8 grupos amida e sulfonilureia. Em cada um destes compostos, os grupos de reconhecimento estão separados por uma cadeia etilénica cuja flexibilidade confere um melhor ajuste com os aniões. Os derivados de isoftalamida preparados foram caracterizados através de técnicas espectroscópicas. No Capítulo 5 são apresentados os estudos de associação realizados por técnicas de titulação por RMN 1H entre Iso-1, Iso-2, Iso-4, Iso-6 e Iso-8 com os aniões H2PO4-, HCO3-, Cl- e oxalato. Os receptores Iso-1, Iso-2 e Iso-6 apresentaram maior afinidade para o dianião, com valores de Kass de 6100, 7800 e 9800 M-1 respectivamente, e menor para Cl- (17 < Kass < 19 M-1). Foram sempre formadas associações mais estáveis com H2PO4- (294 < Kass < 427 M-1) comparativamente a HCO3-, sendo que a associação mais forte com este últi-mo foi determinada com Iso-2 (Kass = 95 M-1). As moléculas de Iso-4 e Iso-8 sofreram desprotonação dos grupos sulfonilureia na presença de todos os aniões excepto de Cl-. No Capítulo 6 apresentam-se as conclusões gerais e no Capítulo 7 descrevem-se os procedimentos experimentais e também os dados espectroscópicos dos produtos obtidos.


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Sea salt is a natural product obtained from the evaporation of seawater in saltpans due to the combined effect of wind and sunlight. Nowadays, there is a growing interest for protection and re-valorisation of saltpans intrinsically associated to the quality of sea salt that can be evaluated by its physico-chemical properties. These man-made systems can be located in different geographical areas presenting different environmental surroundings. During the crystallization process, organic compounds coming from these surroundings can be incorporated into sea salt crystals, influencing their final composition. The organic matter associated to sea salt arises from three main sources: algae, surrounding bacterial community, and anthropogenic activity. Based on the hypothesis that sea salt contains associated organic compounds that can be used as markers of the product, including saltpans surrounding environment, the aim of this PhD thesis was to identify these compounds. With this purpose, this work comprised: 1) a deep characterisation of the volatile composition of sea salt by headspace solid phase microextraction combined with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GCGC–ToFMS) methodology, in search of potential sea salt volatile markers; 2) the development of a methodology to isolate the polymeric material potentially present in sea salt, in amounts that allow its characterisation in terms of polysaccharides and protein; and 3) to explore the possible presence of triacylglycerides. The high chromatographic resolution and sensitivity of GC×GC–ToFMS enabled the separation and identification of a higher number of volatile compounds from sea salt, about three folds, compared to unidimentional chromatography (GC–qMS). The chromatographic contour plots obtained revealed the complexity of marine salt volatile composition and confirmed the relevance of GC×GC–ToFMS for this type of analysis. The structured bidimentional chromatographic profile arising from 1D volatility and 2D polarity was demonstrated, allowing more reliable identifications. Results obtained for analysis of salt from two locations in Aveiro and harvested over three years suggest the loss of volatile compounds along the time of storage of the salt. From Atlantic Ocean salts of seven different geographical origins, all produced in 2007, it was possible to identify a sub-set of ten compounds present in all salts, namely 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, 2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone, isophorone, ketoisophorone, β-ionone-5,6-epoxide, dihydroactinidiolide, 6,10,14-trimethyl-2-pentadecanone, 3-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethylpentyl 2-methylpropanoate, 2,4,4-trimethylpentane-1,3-diyl bis(2-methylpropanoate), and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol. These ten compounds were considered potential volatile markers of sea salt. Seven of these compounds are carotenoid-derived compounds, and the other three may result from the integration of compounds from anthropogenic activity as metabolites of marine organisms. The present PhD work also allowed the isolation and characterisation, for the first time, of polymeric material from sea salt, using 16 Atlantic Ocean salts. A dialysis-based methodology was developed to isolate the polymeric material from sea salt in amounts that allowed its characterisation. The median content of polymeric material isolated from the 16 salts was 144 mg per kg of salt, e.g. 0.014% (w/w). Mid-infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetry revealed the main occurrence of sulfated polysaccharides, as well as the presence of protein in the polymeric material from sea salt. Sea salt polysaccharides were found to be rich in uronic acid residues (21 mol%), glucose (18), galactose (16), and fucose (13). Sulfate content represented a median of 45 mol%, being the median content of sulfated polysaccharides 461 mg/g of polymeric material, which accounted for 66 mg/kg of dry salt. Glycosidic linkage composition indicates that the main sugar residues that could carry one or more sulfate groups were identified as fucose and galactose. This fact allowed to infer that the polysaccharides from sea salt arise mainly from algae, due to their abundance and composition. The amino acid profile of the polymeric material from the 16 Atlantic Ocean salts showed as main residues, as medians, alanine (25 mol%), leucine (14), and valine (14), which are hydrophobic, being the median protein content 35 mg/g, i.e. 4,9 mg per kg of dry salt. Beside the occurrence of hydrophobic volatile compounds in sea salt, hydrophobic non-volatile compounds were also detected. Triacylglycerides were obtained from sea salt by soxhlet extraction with n-hexane. Fatty acid composition revealed palmitic acid as the major residue (43 mol%), followed by stearic (13), linolenic (13), oleic (12), and linoleic (9). Sea salt triacylglycerides median content was 1.5 mg per kg of dry salt. Both protein and triacylglycerides seem to arise from macro and microalgae, phytoplankton and cyanobacteria, due to their abundance and composition. Despite the variability resulting from saltpans surrounding environment, this PhD thesis allowed the identification of a sea salt characteristic organic compounds profile based on volatile compounds, polysaccharides, protein, and triacylglycerides.


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The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the potential of ionic liquids (ILs) as a new class of extractive solvents for added-value products from biomass. These include phenolic compounds (vanillin, gallic, syringic and vanillic acids), alkaloids (caffeine) and aminoacids (L-tryptophan). The interest on these natural compounds relies on the wide variety of relevant properties shown by those families and further application in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Aiming at developping more benign and effective extraction/purification techniques than those used, a comprehensive study was conducted using aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ILs and inorganic/organic salts. In addition, ILs were characterized by a polarity scale, using solvatochromic probes, aiming at providing prior indications on the ILs affinity for particular added-value products. Solid-liquid (S-L) extractions from biomass and using aqueous solution of ILs were also investigated. In particular, and applying and experimental factorial design to optimize the operational conditions, caffeine was extracted from guaraná seeds and spent coffee. With both types of extractions it was found that it is possible to recover the high-value compounds and to recycle the IL and salt solutions. Finally, aiming at exploring the recovery of added-value compounds from biomass using a simpler and more suistainable technique, the solubility of gallic acid, vanillin and caffeine was studied in aqueous solutions of several ILs and common salts. With the gathered results it was possible to demonstrate that ILs act as hydrotropes and that water can be used as an adequate antisolvent. This thesis describes the use of ILs towards the development of more effective and sustainable processes.


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The use of plants with medicinal purposes is an ancient practice still very common in developing regions, and is rapidly spreading in industrialized countries. This fact is evidenced by the large number of ethnobotanical studies found in the literature referring that these plants are often used as decoctions and infusions. In most studies the reported biological activities are attributed to the presence of phenolic compounds, due to their antioxidant properties, and to polysaccharides, with its anti-tumoral properties. In “Trás-os-Montes” region, some of the most popular infusions used by the popular medicine are prepared with the dried leaves of Fraxinus angustifolia, the dried shoots of Mentha suaveolens, and the dried inflorescences of Pterospartum tridentatum. However, there are no studies about the polysaccharides present in these infusions. Thus, through the structural characterization of the polysaccharides present in the infusions of F. angustifolia, M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum, the present PhD thesis intends to evaluate the possible relation between polysaccharides and the immunostimulatory activity that these infusions might present. In a preliminary phase, infusions of F. angustifolia were prepared according to the popular tradition, and it was observed that the obtained water soluble material contained approximately 85% of material non-retained in C18 cartridges, with hydrophilic characteristics, with the remaining 15% comprising retained-material with hydrophobic characteristics. It was also shown that the infusions only contained between 2 and 4% of high molecular weight material (HMWM), which comprised approximately 30% of carbohydrate material. Sugar and methylation analysis of the HMWM suggested the presence of pectic polysaccharides, together with type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. However, the amount of material obtained is to low for the fractionation, and structural analysis of the polysaccharides present. The 4 h decoction, divided in two periods of 2 h, with water renewal, allowed to increase the HMWM yield, relatively to the infusions traditional infusions. It was also observed that the decoction also allowed to increase the HMWM proportion of carbohydrate material, due to an increase in the proportion of uronic acid present, although the neutral sugar residues seemed to be detected in similar proportions. Therefore, in all the experiments subsequently performed, the HMWM used was obtained through the decoction of F. angustifolia dried leaves, M. suaveolens dried shoots, and P. tridentatum dried inflorescences. x After the fractionation, through ethanol precipitation, and anion exchange chromatography, of the polysaccharides from the HMWM obtained by the decoction of the vegetable material of the distinct studied plants, it was observed the presence of high proportions of pectic polysaccharides, containing type I arabinogalactans, together with minor proportions of type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. The presence of pectic polysaccharides in the extracts from F. angustifolia was also evidenced through endo-polygalacturonase treatment, and ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS experiments. The detection of linked pentose and uronic acid residues, also seemed to suggest the presence of xylogalacturonan domains in the pectic polysaccharides from F. angustifolia. The extracts from F. angustifolia dried leaves also contained type II arabinogalactans that exhibited a higher structural diversity than those detected in the M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum extracts, particularly in the substitution degree of the galactan backbone, and in the extension of the (1→5)-Araf side chains. Moreover, for all the plants studied, it was also observed that the type II arabinogalactans, extracted during the 2nd 2h of the extraction process, exhibited a substitution degree of the galactan backbone higher than those extracted during the 1st 2h. The extracts from P. tridentatum dried inflorescences contained higher proportions of mannans, and also of xyloglucans, both presenting a substitution degree higher than those, which were detected in lower proportion in the extracts of F. angustifolia and M. suaveolens. Through ESI-MS and ESI-MS/MS it was possible to evidence that the mannans present in the extracts of P. tridentatum presented acetyl groups on the O-2 of the mannosyl residues. It was also evidenced that the P. tridentatum mannans were more extensively acetylated than the mannans detected in the coffee infusion, LBG, and other non-conventional mannan sources. Moreover, it was detected the presence of oligosaccharides comprising hexose residues linked to non acetylated pentose residues, suggesting the possible presence of arabinose residues in the mannans from P. tridentatum extracts. The immunostimulatory activity of three fractions isolated from the extracts of F. angustifolia, M. suaveolens, and P. tridentatum, was tested and an increase in the NO production by macrophages, without compromising their cellular viability, was observed. The type I, and type II arabinogalactans detected in the extracts from F. angustifolia, and M. suaveolens seem to have contributed for the observed immunostimulatory activity. For the fraction from P. tridentatum, the mannans acetylation, and the presence of type I, and type II arabinogalactans seemed to contribute for the macrophage immunostimulatory activity observed. The possible presence of storage xyloglucans from the inflorescences seeds, also seems to have contributed for the immunostimulatory activity registered when the macrophages were stimulated with higher extract concentrations. The results obtained allow to conclude that the extracts of F. angustifolia dried leaves, M. suaveolens dried shoots, and P. tridentatum dried inflorescences contained high proportions of pectic polysaccharides, exhibiting type I arabinogalactans, together with other polysaccharides, such as type II arabinogalactans, mannans, and xyloglucans. This polysaccharide mixture seems to have contributed to the immunostimulatory activity of fractions isolated from the extracts of the studied plants. Therefore, as the same type of polysaccharides seem to be present in the decoctions and in the infusions, it seems possible that the polysaccharides might contribute for the therapeutic properties frequently associated by the popular tradition to the infusions of these plants.


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In recent years, the search for a environmentally friendly products has increased. One of the major challenges has been the demand for biodegradable materials that can replace plastic. If a few decades ago, plastic replaced, for example, the ivory in billiard balls, and in other products, saving the lives of thousands elephants, nowadays a replacement for that plastic is being searched, to prevent the change of the environmental conditions, essential to life in harmonly with the fauna and flora that the human specie has, in recent years, destroyed. Plastic is a petroleum derivate, whose price has been growing exponentially, mainly due to the fact of beind a cheap material and also to enable the production of products that are essential to modern life. Therefore, the petrochemical era is going to come to an end and a new environmentally sustainable era, based on biodegradable materials from renewable sources, will follow. The change to green routes only will be possible with the support of the major companies, and the implementation of drastic governmental law. Poly(lactic acid), PLA, is produced from the lactose present in the corn or sugarcane and has been intensively studied in recent years because if some limitants properties required its extrusion are overcome, it has the potential to replace the traditional polymers. PLA have high brittleness, low toughness and low tensile elongation. In this work, natural antioxidant (alpha-tocopherol) and synthetics antioxidants (BHT ant TBHQ) were added to the PLA with the aim not only to improve their flexibility, but also to create an active packaging to extend the shelf life of the foods and improve the organoleptic properties by preventing food losses. The impact of the addition of antioxidants into the PLA films, in its mechanical, thermal and barrier properties were studied by FTIR, DSC, SEM, AFM, DMA, TGA, QCM and time-lag techniques.


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Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a member of the class of phospholipids, and is distributed among all cells of mammalians, playing important roles in diverse biological processes, including blood clotting and apoptosis. When externalized, PS is a ligand that is recognized on apoptotic cells. It has been considered that before externalization PS is oxidized and oxPS enhance the recognition by macrophages receptors, however the knowledge about oxidation of PS is still limited. PS, like others phospholipids, has two fatty acyl chains and one polar head group, in this case is the amino acid serine. The modifications in PS structure can occur by oxidation of the unsaturated fatty acyl chains and by glycation of the polar head group, due to free amine group, thus increasing the susceptibility to oxidative events. The main goal of this work was to characterize and identify oxidized and glycoxidized PS, contributing to the knowledge of the biological role of oxidation products of PS, as well as of glycated PS, in immune and inflammatory processes. To achieve this goal, PS standards (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho- L-serine (POPS), 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (DPPS), 1- palmitoyl-2-linoleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (PLPS) and 1-palmitoyl-2- arachidonoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (PAPS)) and glycated PS (PAPS and POPS) were induced to oxidize in model systems, using different oxidant reagents: HO• and 2,2'-azobis-2-methyl-propanimidamide dihydrochloride (AAPH) . The detailed structural characterization of the oxidative products was performed by ESI-MS and MS/MS coupled to separation techniques such as off line TLC-MS and on line LC-MS, in order to obtained better characterization of the larger number of PS and glycated PS oxidation products. The results obtained in this work allowed to identify several oxidation products of PS and glycated PS with modifications in unsaturated fatty acyl chain. Also, oxidation products formed due to structural changes in the serine polar head with formation of terminal acetamide, terminal hydroperoxyacetaldehyde.and terminal acetic acid (glycerophosphacetic acid, GPAA) were identified. The mass spectrometric specific fragmentation pathway of each type of oxidation product was determined using different mass spectrometry approaches. Based on the identified fragmentation pathways, targeted lipidomic analysis was performed to detect oxidation products modified in serine polar head in HaCaT cell line treated with AAPH. The GPAA was detected in HaCaT cells treated with AAPH to induce oxidative stress, thus confirming that modifications in PS polar head is possible to occur in biological systems. Furthermore, it was found that glycated PS species are more prone to oxidative modifications when compared with non glycated PS. During oxidation of glycated PS, besides the oxidation in acyl chains, new oxidation products due to oxidation of the glucose moiety were identified, including PS advanced glycation end products (PSAGES). To investigate if UVA oxidative stress exerted changes in the lipidome of melanoma cell lines, particularly in PS profile, a lipidomic analysis was performed. The lipid profile was obtained using HILIC-LC-MS and GC-MS analysis of the total lipid extracts obtained from human melanoma cell line (SKMEL- 28) after UVA irradiation at 0, 2 and 24 hours. The results did not showed significant differences in PS content. At molecular level, only PS (18:0:18:1) decreased at the moment of irradiation. The most significant changes in phospholipids content occurred in phosphatidylcholines (PC) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) classes, with an increase of mono-unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), similarly as observed for the fatty acid analysis. Overall, these data indicate that the observed membrane lipid changes associated with lipogenesis after UVA exposure may be correlated with malignant transformations associated with cancer development and progression. Despite of UVA radiation is associated with oxidative damage, in this work was not possible observe oxidation phospholipids. The anti/pro-inflammatory properties of the oxidized PLPS (oxPLPS) versus non-oxidized PLPS were tested on LPS stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages. The modulation of intracellular signaling pathways such as NF-kB and MAPK cascades by oxPLPS and PS was also examined in this study. The results obtained from evaluation of anti/pro-inflammatory properties showed that neither PLPS or oxPLPS species activated the macrophages. Moreover only oxidized PLS were found to significantly inhibit NO production and iNOS and il1β gene transcription induced by LPS. The analysis at molecular level showed that this was the result of the attenuation of LPS-induced c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p65 NF-kB nuclear translocation. Overall these data suggest that oxPLPS, but not native PLPS, mitigates pro-inflammatory signaling in macrophages, contributing to containment of inflammation during apoptotic cell engulfment. The results obtained in this work provides new information on the modifications of PS, facilitating the identification of oxidized species in complex samples, namely under physiopathologic conditions and also contributes to a better understanding of the role of oxPS and PS in the inflammatory response, in the apoptotic process and other biological functions.


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Bacterial infections are an increasing problem for human health. In fact, an increasing number of infections are caused by bacteria that are resistant to most antibiotics and their combinations. Therefore, the scientific community is currently searching for new solutions to fight bacteria and infectious diseases, without promoting antimicrobial resistance. One of the most promising strategies is the disruption or attenuation of bacterial Quorum Sensing (QS), a refined system that bacteria use to communicate. In a QS event, bacteria produce and release specific small chemicals, signal molecules - autoinducers (AIs) - into the environment. At the same time that bacterial population grows, the concentration of AIs in the bacterial environment increases. When a threshold concentration of AIs is reached, bacterial cells respond to it by altering their gene expression profile. AIs regulate gene expression as a function of cell population density. Phenotypes mediated by QS (QSphenotypes) include virulence factors, toxin production, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation. In this work, two polymeric materials (linear polymers and molecularly imprinted nanoparticles) were developed and their ability to attenuate QS was evaluated. Both types of polymers should to be able to adsorb bacterial signal molecules, limiting their availability in the extracellular environment, with expected disruption of QS. Linear polymers were composed by one of two monomers (itaconic acid and methacrylic acid), which are known to possess strong interactions with the bacterial signal molecules. Molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles (MIP NPs) are particles with recognition capabilities for the analyte of interest. This ability is attained by including the target analyte at the synthesis stage. Vibrio fischeri and Aeromonas hydrophila were used as model species for the study. Both the linear polymers and MIP NPs, tested free in solutions and coated to surfaces, showed ability to disrupt QS by decreasing bioluminescence of V. fischeri and biofilm formation of A. hydrophila. No significant effect on bacterial growth was detected. The cytotoxicity of the two types of polymers to a fibroblast-like cell line (Vero cells) was also tested in order to evaluate their safety. The results showed that both the linear polymers and MIP NPs were not cytotoxic in the testing conditions. In conclusion, the results reported in this thesis, show that the polymers developed are a promising strategy to disrupt QS and reduce bacterial infection and resistance. In addition, due to their low toxicity, solubility and easy integration by surface coating, the polymers have potential for applications in scenarios where bacterial infection is a problem: medicine, pharmaceutical, food industry and in agriculture or aquaculture.


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Nas últimas décadas a quiralidade tornou-se essencial na conceção, descoberta, desenvolvimento e comercialização de novos medicamentos. A importância da quiralidade na eficácia e segurança dos fármacos tem sido globalmente reconhecida tanto pelas indústrias farmacêuticas como pelas agências reguladoras de todo o mundo. De forma a produzir eficazmente medicamentos seguros e dar resposta à demanda da indústria de compostos enantiomericamente puros, a pesquisa de novos métodos de síntese assimétrica, assim como o desenvolvimento estratégico dos métodos já disponíveis tem sido um dos principais objetos de estudo de diversos grupos de investigação tanto na academia como na indústria farmacêutica No primeiro capítulo desta dissertação são introduzidos alguns dos conceitos fundamentais associados à síntese de moléculas quirais e descritas algumas das estratégias que podem ser utilizadas na sua síntese. Apresenta-se ainda uma breve revisão bibliográfica acerca dos antecedentes do grupo de investigação e sobre a ocorrência natural, atividade biológica e métodos de síntese e transformações de compostos do tipo (E,E)-cinamilidenoacetofenona. O segundo capítulo centra-se na adição de Michael enantiosseletiva de diversos nucleófilos a derivados de (E,E)-cinamilidenoacetofenona. Inicialmente descreve-se a síntese de derivados de (E,E)-cinamilidenoacetofenona através de uma condensação aldólica de acetofenonas e cinamaldeídos apropriadamente substituídos. Estes derivados são posteriormente utilizados como substratos na adição de Michael enantiosseletiva de três diferentes nucleófilos: nitrometano, malononitrilo e 2-[(difenilmetileno)amino]acetato de metilo. Nestas reações são utilizados diferentes organocatalisadores de forma a induzir enantiosseletividade nos aductos de Michael para serem utilizados na síntese de compostos com potencial interesse terapêutico. É descrita ainda uma nova metodologia de síntese de Δ1-pirrolinas através de um procedimento one-pot de redução/ciclização/desidratação mediada por ferro na presença de ácido acético de (R,E)-1,5-diaril-3-(nitrometil)pent-4-en-1-onas com bons rendimentos e excelentes excessos enantioméricos. O terceiro capítulo centra-se no estabelecimento de novas rotas de síntese e transformação de derivados do ciclo-hexano. Após uma breve revisão bibliográfica, são descritas três metodologias enantiosseletivas distintas, sendo que a primeira envolve a utilização de organocatalisadores e catalisadores de transferência de fase derivados de alcaloides cinchona. Os derivados do ciclo-hexano foram obtidos a partir da reação entre as (E,E)-cinamilidenoacetofenonas e o malononitrilo com bons rendimentos, mas baixas enantiosseletividades independentemente do catalisador utilizado. De forma a contornar este problema e uma vez que a formação do derivado do ciclo-hexano envolve inicialmente a formação in-situ do aducto de Michael, a segunda e terceira metodologias de síntese envolvem a utilização dos aductos de Michael enantiomericamente puros preparados no segundo capítulo. Assim, a reação do (S,E)-2-(1,5-diaril-1-oxopent-4-en-3-il)malononitrilo com os derivados de (E,E)-cinamilidenoacetofenona organocatalisada pela hidroquinina permitiu obter os compostos pretendidos com excelentes excessos enantioméricos. A utilização de um catalisador de transferência de fase não foi tão eficiente em termos de enantiosseletividades obtidas na reação entre as (R,E)-1,5-diaril-3-(nitrometil)pent-4-en-1-onas e os derivados de (E,E)-cinamilidenoacetofenona, apesar de estes terem sido obtidos em bons rendimentos. A preparação destes derivados levou ainda à idealização de uma nova metodologia de síntese de análogos do ácido γ-aminobutírico (GABA) devido à presença de um grupo nitro em posição gama relativamente a um grupo carboxílico. No entanto, apesar de terem sido testadas várias metodologias, não foi possível obter os compostos pretendidos. No quarto capítulo apresenta-se uma breve revisão bibliográfica acerca da ocorrência natural, atividade biológica e métodos de síntese de derivados de di-hidro- e tetra-hidropiridinas, assim como um enquadramento teórico acerca das reações pericíclicas utilizadas na síntese dos compostos pretendidos. Inicialmente é descrita a preparação de N-sulfonilazatrienos substituídos através da condensação direta de derivados de (E,E)-cinamilidenoacetofenona e sulfonamidas. Estes compostos são posteriormente utilizados na síntese de derivados de 1,2-di-hidropiridinas através de uma aza-eletrociclização-6π por duas metodologias distintas: utilização de organocatalisadores quirais e utilização de complexos metálicos de bisoxazolinas. Na síntese das tetra-hidropiridinas os N-sulfonilazatrienos são utilizados como dienos e o étoxi-eteno como dienófilo numa reação hetero-Diels-Alder inversa utilizando também os complexos metálicos de bisoxazolinas como catalisadores. Todos os novos compostos sintetizados foram caracterizados estruturalmente recorrendo a estudos de espetroscopia de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN), incluindo espetros de 1H e 13C e estudos bidimensionais de correlação espetroscópica homonuclear e heteronuclear e de efeito nuclear de Overhauser (NOESY). Foram também efetuados, sempre que possível, espetros de massa (EM) e análises elementares ou espetros de massa de alta resolução (EMAR) para todos os novos compostos sintetizados.


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During the last century mean global temperatures have been increasing. According to the predictions, the temperature change is expected to exceed 1.5ºC in this century and the warming is likely to continue. Freshwater ecosystems are among the most sensitive mainly due to changes in the hydrologic cycle and consequently changes in several physico-chemical parameters (e.g. pH, dissolved oxygen). Alterations in environmental parameters of freshwater systems are likely to affect distribution, morphology, physiology and richness of a wide range of species leading to important changes in ecosystem biodiversity and function. Moreover, they can also work as co-stressors in environments where organisms have already to cope with chemical contamination (such as pesticides), increasing the environmental risk due to potential interactions. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of climate change related environmental parameters on the toxicity of pesticides to zebrafish embryos. The following environmental factors were studied: pH (3.0-12.0), dissolved oxygen level (0-8 mg/L) and UV radiation (0-500 mW/m2). The pesticides studied were the carbamate insecticide carbaryl and the benzimidazole fungicide carbendazim. Stressors were firstly tested separately in order to derive concentration- or intensity-response curves to further study the effects of binary combinations (environmental factors x pesticides) by applying mixture models. Characterization of zebrafish embryos response to environmental stress revealed that pH effects were fully established after 24 h of exposure and survival was only affected at pH values below 5 and above 10. Low oxygen levels also affected embryos development at concentrations below 4 mg/L (delay, heart rate decrease and edema), and at concentrations below 0.5 mg/L the survival was drastically reduced. Continuous exposure to UV radiation showed a strong time-dependent impact on embryos survival leading to 100% of mortality after 72 hours of exposure. The toxicity of pesticides carbaryl and carbendazim was characterized at several levels of biological organization including developmental, biochemical and behavioural allowing a mechanistic understanding of the effects and highlighting the usefulness of behavioural responses (locomotion) as a sensitive endpoint in ecotoxicology. Once the individual concentration response relationship of each stressor was established, a combined toxicity study was conducted to evaluate the effects of pH on the toxicity of carbaryl. We have shown that pH can modify the toxicity of the pesticide carbaryl. The conceptual model concentration addition allowed a precise prediction of the toxicity of the jointeffects of acid pH and carbaryl. Nevertheless, for alkaline condition both concepts failed in predicting the effects. Deviations to the model were however easy to explain as high pH values favour the hydrolysis of carbaryl with the consequent formation of the more toxic degradation product 1- naphtol. Although in the present study such explanatory process was easy to establish, for many other combinations the “interactive” nature is not so evident. In the context of the climate change few scenarios predict such increase in the pH of aquatic systems, however this was a first approach focused in the lethal effects only. In a second tier assessment effects at sublethal level would be sought and it is expectable that more subtle pH changes (more realistic in terms of climate changes scenarios) may have an effect at physiological and biochemical levels with possible long term consequences for the population fitness.


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Although the genetic code is generally viewed as immutable, alterations to its standard form occur in the three domains of life. A remarkable alteration to the standard genetic code occurs in many fungi of the Saccharomycotina CTG clade where the Leucine CUG codon has been reassigned to Serine by a novel transfer RNA (Ser-tRNACAG). The host laboratory made a major breakthrough by reversing this atypical genetic code alteration in the human pathogen Candida albicans using a combination of tRNA engineering, gene recombination and forced evolution. These results raised the hypothesis that synthetic codon ambiguities combined with experimental evolution may release codons from their frozen state. In this thesis we tested this hypothesis using S. cerevisiae as a model system. We generated ambiguity at specific codons in a two-step approach, involving deletion of tRNA genes followed by expression of non-cognate tRNAs that are able to compensate the deleted tRNA. Driven by the notion that rare codons are more susceptible to reassignment than those that are frequently used, we used two deletion strains where there is no cognate tRNA to decode the rare CUC-Leu codon and AGG-Arg codon. We exploited the vulnerability of the latter by engineering mutant tRNAs that misincorporate Ser at these sites. These recombinant strains were evolved over time using experimental evolution. Although there was a strong negative impact on the growth rate of strains expressing mutant tRNAs at high level, such expression at low level had little effect on cell fitness. We found that not only codon ambiguity, but also destabilization of the endogenous tRNA pool has a strong negative impact in growth rate. After evolution, strains expressing the mutant tRNA at high level recovered significantly in several growth parameters, showing that these strains adapt and exhibit higher tolerance to codon ambiguity. A fluorescent reporter system allowing the monitoring of Ser misincorporation showed that serine was indeed incorporated and possibly codon reassignment was achieved. Beside the overall negative consequences of codon ambiguity, we demonstrated that codons that tolerate the loss of their cognate tRNA can also tolerate high Ser misincorporation. This raises the hypothesis that these codons can be reassigned to standard and eventually to new amino acids for the production of proteins with novel properties, contributing to the field of synthetic biology and biotechnology.


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Diplodia corticola is regarded as the most virulent fungus involved in cork oak decline, being able to infect not only Quercus species (mainly Q. suber and Q. ilex), but also grapevines (Vitis vinifera) and eucalypts (Eucalyptus sp.). This endophytic fungus is also a pathogen whose virulence usually manifests with the onset of plant stress. Considering that the infection normally culminates in host death, there is a growing ecologic and socio-economic concern about D. corticola propagation. The molecular mechanisms of infection are hitherto largely unknown. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to unveil potential virulence effectors implicated in D. corticola infection. This knowledge is fundamental to outline the molecular framework that permits the fungal invasion and proliferation in plant hosts, causing disease. Since the effectors deployed are mostly proteins, we adopted a proteomic approach. We performed in planta pathogenicity tests to select two D. corticola strains with distinct virulence degrees for our studies. Like other filamentous fungi D. corticola secretes protein at low concentrations in vitro in the presence of high levels of polysaccharides, two characteristics that hamper the fungal secretome analysis. Therefore, we first compared several methods of extracellular protein extraction to assess their performance and compatibility with 1D and 2D electrophoretic separation. TCA-Acetone and TCA-phenol protein precipitation were the most efficient methods and the former was adopted for further studies. The proteins were extracted and separated by 2D-PAGE, proteins were digested with trypsin and the resulting peptides were further analysed by MS/MS. Their identification was performed by de novo sequencing and/or MASCOT search. We were able to identify 80 extracellular and 162 intracellular proteins, a milestone for the Botryosphaeriaceae family that contains only one member with the proteome characterized. We also performed an extensive comparative 2D gel analysis to highlight the differentially expressed proteins during the host mimicry. Moreover, we compared the protein profiles of the two strains with different degrees of virulence. In short, we characterized for the first time the secretome and proteome of D. corticola. The obtained results contribute to the elucidation of some aspects of the biology of the fungus. The avirulent strain contains an assortment of proteins that facilitate the adaptation to diverse substrates and the identified proteins suggest that the fungus degrades the host tissues through Fenton reactions. On the other hand, the virulent strain seems to have adapted its secretome to the host characteristics. Furthermore, the results indicate that this strain metabolizes aminobutyric acid, a molecule that might be the triggering factor of the transition from a latent to a pathogenic state. Lastly, the secretome includes potential pathogenicity effectors, such as deuterolysin (peptidase M35) and cerato-platanin, proteins that might play an active role in the phytopathogenic lifestyle of the fungus. Overall, our results suggest that D. corticola has a hemibiotrophic lifestyle, switching from a biotrophic to a necrotrophic interaction after plant physiologic disturbances.This understanding is essential for further development of effective plant protection measures.