141 resultados para Financial Ratios: Perceptions of Lodging Industry General Managers and Financial Executives
Analyses of voting in European Union referendums typically distinguish between ‘second-order’ effects and the impact of substantive ‘issues’. In order to explain change in referendum outcome, two types of substantive issues are distinguished in this article. Focusing on Irish voting in the Lisbon Treaty referendums and using data from post-referendum surveys, it is found that perceptions of treaty implications outperform underlying attitudes to EU integration in predicting vote choice at both referendums, and perceptions of treaty implications are strong predictors of vote change between the referendums. The findings have broadly positive implications for normative assessments of the usefulness of direct democracy as a tool for legitimising regional integration advance.
A study was conducted to investigate the sediment health and water quality of the River Sagana, Kenya, as impacted by the local tanning industry. Chemical analysis identified the main chemical pollutants (pentachlorophenols and chromium) while a bioassay addressed pollutant bioavailability. The bioassay, exploiting the luminescence response of a lux marked bacterial biosensor, was coupled to a dehydrogenase and Dapnia magna test to determine toxicity effects on sediments. Results highlighted the toxicity of the tannery effluent to the sediments at the point of discharge (64% of control bioluminescence) with gradual improvement downstream. There was a significant increase in dehydrogenase downstream, with the enzyme activity attaining a peak at 600 m, also indicating a gradual reduction of toxicity. Biological oxygen demand (19.56 mg L(-1)) dissolved oxygen (3.97 mg L(-1)) and high lethal dose value (85%) of D. magna also confirmed an initial stress at the point of discharge and recovery downstream. Optical density of surface water demonstrated an increase in suspended particulates and colour after the discharge point, eventually decreasing beyond 400 m. In conclusion, the study highlighted the importance of understanding the biogeochemistry of river systems impacted by industries discharging effluent into them and the invaluable role of a biosensor-based ecotoxicological approach to address effluent hazards, particularly in relation to river sediments.
This report presents the results of a collaborative project between Queens University, Belfast and the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, and builds on a dialogue initiated during Session 2009-10 through which course guidance and feedback received by students was identified as an area requiring deeper understanding in order to enhance current practice
The Dementia Care Networks Study investigated 4 community-based, not-for-profit dementia care networks in Ontario, Canada. Investigators examined whether sociodemographic and health characteristics, type of support network, and amount of service use among care recipients and caregivers (n = 267 dyads) were associated with experiences with care processes. The process-of-care constructs were: family physicians' awareness of services; experiences with health care workers, and assessment and placement activities. The findings highlighted that family physicians' understanding of dementia and their ability to work with the dyad to become aware of and accept services, was an important component in the dyad's satisfaction. If caregivers received home support and the care recipients received emotional support from their social support network, they were more likely to be satisfied with their experiences with health care workers. In summary, increased awareness and provision of services were associated with more positive perceptions of network effectiveness. © 2007 Sage Publications.
The study examined the utility of the Family Perception of Care Scale (FPCS), which consists of four subscales: resident care, family support, communication, and rooming. This instrument was developed for the purposes of this study. Overall, family members were satisfied with end-of-life care. Satisfaction did not have a statistically significant relationship to family and resident characteristics. Survey questions with the highest number of low satisfaction ratings included staffing levels, updating families and involving them in care planning, and decision making. Family members considered pain control an important priority, followed by comfort care that included caring for a family member with dignity and sensitivity. Family members also valued it when staff were able to inform them that the death of their family member was near. Place of death was significantly associated with satisfaction, family members being more satisfied with end-of-life care when their family member died in the LTC facility as opposed to in hospital.
The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions of and level of satisfaction with the medication administration system in long-term care (LTC). The cross-sectional survey design included both quantitative and open-ended questions. Data were collected from licensed registered nurses (RNs) and registered practical nurses (RPNs) at 9 LTC residences in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Using independent sample f tests, the researchers found that RNs were significantly less satisfied than RPNs with their medication administration system, particularly with respect to safety issues. RNs identified a number of related barriers, including time constraints, poor packaging, insufficient drug information, prescription changes, lack of staff competency, and unwieldy medication carts. Implications for practice and policy are discussed, including recommendations for improving medication administration practices and for addressing the workload demands of LTC nurses. © McGill University School of Nursing.
Purpose: To assess the quality of referrals from community optometrists in the northeast of Scotland to the hospital glaucoma service before and after the implementation of the new General Ophthalmic Services (GOS) contract in Scotland. Methods: Retrospective study encompassing two 6-month periods, one before the implementation of the new GOS (Scotland) contract in April 2006 (from June to November 2005), and the other after (from June to November 2006). The community optometrist referral forms and hospital glaucoma service notes were reviewed. Comparisons were performed using the t-test and ?- test. Results: In all, 183 referrals were made during the first 6-month period from June to November 2005, and 120 referrals were made during the second 6-month period from June to November 2006. After the introduction of the new GOS contract, there was a statistically significant increase in true-positive referrals (from 18.0 to 31.7%; P=0.006), decrease in false-positive referrals (from 36.6 to 31.7%; P=0.006), and increase in the number of referrals with information on applanation tonometry (from 11.8 to 50.0%; P=0.000), dilated fundal examination (from 2.2 to 24.2%; P=0.000), and repeat visual fields (from 14.8 to 28.3%; P=0.004) when compared to the first 6-month period. However, only 41.7% of referrals fulfilled the new GOS contract requirements, with information on applanation tonometry the most commonly missing. Conclusions: After the implementation of the new GOS (Scotland) contract in April 2006, there has been an improvement in the quality of the glaucoma referrals from the community optometrists in the northeast of Scotland, with a corresponding reduction in false-positive referrals. Despite the relatively positive effect so far, there is still scope for further improvement. © 2009 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.
Aim: To explore how older people with lung and colorectal cancer
view registered complementary therapy (CT) services in Northern
Ireland. Background: A literature review highlighted gaps around
information, access, and communication between patients and health
professionals regarding CT services. Methods: Using structured
interviews, a survey of 68 patients in one hospital and one hospice was
conducted in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Results: All respondents felt
that CT services should be better promoted and more easily
accessible to older people with cancer. Some patients were concerned
about the lack of written information provided regarding CT services,
which they believed led to poorer uptake and uncertainty regarding
the potential benefits. Others were concerned that engaging in or
disclosing CT usage might negatively affect existing relationships with
medical professionals. Conclusion: Patients should be offered high
quality written information on CT services to enable choice, improve
knowledge, and promote wider access. Increased physician education
may facilitate provision of such information.
What influences how well-prepared student teachers feel towards working in schools upon completion of their initial teacher preparation (ITP)? In order to investigate this question, we used a path analysis using data from a longitudinal study investigating the experiences of trainee and early career phase teachers in England. The data were generated via self-complete questionnaires and follow-up telephone interviews with 1,322 trainees. Those on undergraduate or school-based programmes felt better prepared to work as teachers than one-year postgraduate trainees, perhaps because the former give higher ratings of the quality of assessment of, and feedback received on, teaching practice, and because of the clarity of theory-practice links in programmes. Across different kinds of ITP programme, good relationships with school-based mentors significantly boosted trainees' confidence that their ITP had effectively prepared them for teaching. Trainees' motives for entering the profession and their initial concerns about and expectations of ITP also affected their perceptions of its effectiveness, by shaping the way they experienced aspects of their courses. Implications of these findings for policy and practice in teacher preparation are discussed. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.