12 resultados para Middle East

em Portal de Revistas Científicas Complutenses - Espanha


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The new class, the Tamaricetea arceuthoidis, is described covering riparian and intermittent shrubby vegetation of the Irano-Turanian Region in the southwestern and Central Asia and the Lower Volga valley. The dominating species are species of the genus Tamarix that refer high water table in arid and semi-arid habitats with high to moderate salinity. This new class is an ecological analogon of the Nerio-Tamaricetea occurring in the Mediterranean Basin.


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El Ebro (1917-1936) was a magazine published in Barcelona by Aragonese emigrants at the beginning of the 20th century. It was the first experience of coexistence of different dialectal varieties of the Aragonese language in the same media. El Ebro was an experience that has gone virtually unnoticed in the recent history of one of the most minority languages, and with minor media presence, of Western Europe. In its pages El Ebro mixed dialects spoken in different regions of linguistic Aragonese area together with transcripts of medieval documents. At the same time, this newspaper raised debates about the language issue that they were truncated due to disappearance of the publication and the lack of theoretical realization


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This article aims to propose a chronological subdivision in the history of African communication. African communication today is one of the most important axes for implementing development strategies, sustaining education, health, and schooling programmes, and so on. However, many of these programmes fail due to a lack of or ineffective communication between international organisations, local elite and lay people. The reasons for this situation must be found in Africas history of communication, which has undergone radical transformations in its different phases. Using the functionalist analysis drawn up by Jakobson, this article proposes a new chronological subdivision of Africas history of communication, reflecting on the current contradictions in contemporary communication in Africa.


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There is a significant lack of sociological research in Spain about anti-Semitism. At the same time there are alarming anti-Semitic tendencies and anti-Jewish stereotypes which are above the European average. This article aims to explain this lack of sociological research about anti-Semitism in Spain. Therefore two types of explications are offered: on the one hand side some structural problems will be shown which sociology in general had since its beginnings and which complicate the understanding of anti-Semitism. Furthermore explications regarding the specific social and historic situation in Spain and of Spanish sociology in particular will be exposed. It will be shown that for its rationalistic character and with the exception of very few authors who are considered marginalized for practical research sociology in general has had enormous problems in understanding anti-Semitism. The specific historic situation, Francoism, the dispute about the historic memory and the delayed institutionalisation of sociology could also explain the lack of sociological interest in the topic especially in Spain. The article shows that the study of anti-Semitism is not only relevant for struggling against this burden of society in many of its variants. Furthermore, thinking about anti-Semitism can help sociology to recognise its own epistemological problems. It can serve to criticise and improve instruments of sociological research by showing the limitations of the sociological approach and to uncover the importance of interdisciplinary research for understanding specific social phenomena. In that sense, anti-Semitism, far from being a marginal subject, can be considered a key topic in the process of civilisation and it can help us to decipher the contemporary Spanish society.


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El objetivo del presente texto es la indagacin del razonamiento moral en los profesores de secundaria como un elemento de la competencia tica. Se realiz con dilemas morales hipotticos (analizados y probados previamente para su validacin y cuya fiabilidad se obtuvo a travs del alfa de Cronbach) y con dilemas reales. Se aplic a 264 profesores, miembros de la comunidad acadmica de la Escuela Normal Superior de Michoacn, Mxico. Se analiz a travs del programa estadstico Aquad 6. Entre los descubrimientos se encuentra una presencia mayoritaria de conflictos entre las normas ticas interpersonales con las normas de conformidad social y con las normas institucionales particulares. Tambin que la justicia y la proteccin contra daos a los alumnos son valores presentes en los dilemas reales y una prevalencia en el razonamiento convencional de los profesores


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Several vertebrae of a sauropterygian specimen have been recovered in Fuencaliente de Medinaceli (Soria Province, Castilla y Len, Spain). The remains come from MiddleUpper Triassic Muschelkalk Facies. This finding represents the first documented evidence of a Triassic tetrapod in Castilla y Len. The vertebrae belong to Nothosaurus, a sauropterygian genus found in Europe, Middle East, North of Africa and China. This genus is poorly-known in the Iberian record. The new remains constitute the first evidence of the species Nothosaurus giganteus, or a related taxon, in the Iberian Peninsula. This study reveals the occurrence of at least two species of the sauropterygian Nothosaurus in the Spanish record.


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This paper deals with the relationship between different sets of archaeological legislation, material culture and communities. First it presents a historical sketch of the heritage legislation in the West and its contemporary uses. Secondly, it shows how alternative archaeological agencies, such as community archaeology, deal with these problems. The discussion is especially relevant in Brazil, where contract archaeology is presently overwhelming, and the issue is raised in the last part of the paper.


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Nowadays, archaeology is trying to redefine its relation with objects. This change is taking place at the same time as the West is breaking once and for all with the generation who did the rural exodus in the mid of the twentieth century. The present paper proposes a revision of the conditions that allow us to both define this rupture and at the same time determine our affinity with materiality. This is done through a reconsideration of the relation between the past and the present and the dynamics marking this difference. We are situated in a moment when the experience of time is shifting and thus so is the integrity of archaeological objects. Under the name of Negative Archaeology, the border between past and present is explored. This border determines the creation of the past in a present which intends to homogenise changes. Archaeology is a unique discipline which could prevent this process, or at least bear witness to the dynamics to which objects seem to be subjected. Obscolescence is introduced as a concept in an attempt to name the aforementioned problem.


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El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la forma en la que la prensa italiana de izquierdas construy la imagen de palestinos e israeles entre 1947 y 1957. La investigacin se ha centrado en el estudio de los artculos publicados por algunos destacados peridicos de la poca, con la finalidad de comprender cmo ha ido cambiando el lenguaje empleado por dichos rganos de prensa a la hora de referirse a los moradores de la tierra de Palestina. La tesis de este artculo es que dichos peridicos construyeron mltiples y contradictorias representaciones de judos y palestinos, representaciones que no tenan nada que ver con la realidad de Oriente Medio, sino que obedecan a cuestiones ideolgicas de carcter nacional e internacional (relaciones entre los partidos italianos y evolucin de las dinmicas de la guerra fra).


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El recorrido histrico por la poltica exterior de la URSS/Rusia hacia Oriente Medio en el ltimo siglo presenta una lnea de continuidad, apenas alterada por las dinmicas espaciotemporales vividas por el pas. Rusia ha ejecutado una poltica exterior ms orientada a responder a los movimientos norteamericanos en la regin que a consolidar una presencia activa, de iniciativas propias. Sin embargo, la situacin creada tras los levantamientos de 2011 y el conflicto sirio le han permitido a Mosc recuperar una activa presencia regional en temas poltico-militares y obtener ventajas econmicas y comerciales. Con una limitada intervencin militar en Siria, Rusia ha consolidado su posicin mundial de gran jugador estratgico, y ha obtenido unas ventajas poltico-diplomticas que le permiten ejecutar una poltica exterior dictada por el carcter instrumental de sus propios intereses.


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El terrorismo es considerado en la Estrategia Global para la Poltica Exterior y de Seguridad de la UE como una de las principales amenazas a la seguridad de la Unin Europea. La lucha contra el terrorismo ha dado sus frutos en los ltimos quince aos, pero este artculo analiza la nueva Estrategia y se pregunta si ser suficiente para responder con eficacia a esta amenaza y si se estn empleando todos los medios necesarios para atajarla.


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El objetivo del artculo es exponer una adecuada y necesaria redefinicin de la poltica de la UE hacia el Norte de frica y el Sahel, tanto en trminos geogrficos como en trminos estratgicos de acuerdo con lo expuesto en la nueva Estrategia Global Europea. En este sentido, se revisarn los postulados y la evolucin de la antigua Estrategia Europea de Seguridad (EES) y su consiguiente Poltica de Vecindad (ENP), en comparacin con la recin lanzada Estrategia. La nueva Estrategia es concebida como una gua para el desarrollo de la poltica exterior y de seguridad que la UE ha de llevar a cabo, inter alia, en su periferia. Lamentablemente su concepcin de esta zona regional resulta anclada en el pasado.