17 resultados para pedagogical lexicography
em Adam Mickiewicz University Repository
One finding of user studies is that information on meaning tends to be what diction¬ary users want most from their dictionaries. This is consistent with the traditional image of the dictionary as a repository of meanings of words, and this is also borne out in definitions of the item DICTIONARY itself as given in dictionaries. While this popular view has not changed much, the growing role of electronic dictionaries can change the lexicographers' approach to meaning repre¬sentation. Traditionally, paper dictionaries have explained words with words, using either a defi¬nition or an equivalent, and occasionally a line-drawn picture. However, a prominent feature of the electronic medium is its multimodality, and this offers potential for the description of meaning. While it is much easier to include pictorial content, electronic dictionaries can also hold media objects which paper cannot carry, such as audio, animation or video. Publishers are drawn by the attraction of these new options, but are they always functionally useful for the dictionary users? In this article, the existing evidence is examined, and informed guesses are offered where evidence is not yet available.
The author carries out a pedagogical reflection on how the technology driven distance learning repeatedly neglects the scientific achievements of Second Language Acquisition and Language Pedagogy. Seeing communicative competence as a major goal of a language classroom, she presents the main challenges that the communicative approach poses to distance learning. To this end, a general distance learning theory by Moore is adapted to the needs of language education, through a distinction between three aspects of learner interaction – with the teacher, with other learners and with content. In this three-dimensional paradigm the learner is seen as the main actor of the process, the teacher as a facilitator, the text as a main source of communicative data and the learner autonomy as the fundament of the process.
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Angielskiej
Badania dotyczące pozyskiwania środków pomocowych przez polskie biblioteki naukowe przeprowadzone zostały w ramach wewnętrznych projektów badawczych Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Poznaniu. Realizacji projektu podjął się Oddział Prac Naukowych, Wydawniczych i Dydaktycznych BU. Zadanie wykonano od września 2008 do czerwca 2009 roku. Zamierzeniem autorek artykułu było uzyskanie pełnej informacji na temat środków pozabudżetowych pozyskiwanych przez polskie biblioteki naukowe oraz określenie stopnia ich wykorzystania. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem techniki ankiety. Przygotowany kwestionariusz ankiety wraz z informacją dla respondentów o celu prowadzonych badań skierowano do wszystkich bibliotek uniwersyteckich, bibliotek głównych uczelni technicznych, medycznych, ekonomicznych, bibliotek akademii wychowania fizycznego, uczelni pedagogicznych i rolniczych oraz do bibliotek publicznych posiadających status bibliotek naukowych. Łącznie wysłano 70 ankiet, odpowiedzi udzieliło 38 respondentów. Wskazany w artykule okres 2000-2008 był czasem zwiększonych możliwości uzyskiwania dodatkowych funduszy przez biblioteki. Najczęściej otrzymywane fundusze to dotacje ministerialne, dalej środki sponsorów na działalność podstawową. W poważnym stopniu wspierały biblioteki, głównie biblioteki publiczne, lokalne samorządy. Zauważalne były dotacje wspierające biblioteki przekazywane przez fundacje i środki ofiarowane przez sponsorów na działalność organizacyjną; ewenementem natomiast – subwencje unijne.
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Angielskiej
Praca dotyczy wybranych metod pozyskiwania, czyli ekscerpcji, informacji o charakterze leksykalnym z elektronicznych zbiorów tekstów.Jej celem jest, po pierwsze, sformułowanie nowych, oryginalnych metod, które mogą być użyteczne w pozyskiwaniu materiału do analiz leksykalnych, a następnie zbadanie ich na wybranym zbiorze tekstów.Planowano opracowanie metod niewymagających zaawansowanej znajomości programowania komputerowego, a jednocześnie umożliwiających uzyskanie wartościowych wyników, gdzie za wartościowość metody uznaje się daną wydajność ekscerpcyjną. Trzy sformułowane metody dopracowano i zoptymalizowano.Metoda ekscerpcji jednostek nowych dostarczyła ponad 1000 wyrazów nowych, niezarejestrowanych, metoda ekscerpcji kolokacji w oparciu o akronimy daje ponad 6000 jednostek, zaś metoda ekscerpcji kolokacji wykorzystująca końcówkę liczby mnogiej dała ponad 110 tysięcy wyodrębnionych jednostek.
Form-focused instruction is usually based on traditional practical/pedagogical grammar descriptions of grammatical features. The comparison of such traditional accounts with cognitive grammar (CG) descriptions seems to favor CG as a basis of pedagogical rules. This is due to the insistence of CG on the meaningfulness of grammar and its detailed analyses of the meanings of particular grammatical features. The differences between traditional and CG rules/descriptions are exemplified by juxtaposing the two kinds of principles concerning the use of the present simple and present progressive to refer to situations happening or existing at speech time. The descriptions provided the bases for the instructional treatment in a quasi-experimental study exploring the effectiveness of using CG descriptions of the two tenses, and of their interplay with stative (imperfective) and dynamic (perfective) verbs, and comparing this effectiveness with the value of grammar teaching relying on traditional accounts found in standard pedagogical grammars. The study involved 50 participants divided into three groups, with one of them constituting the control group and the other two being experimental ones. One of the latter received treatment based on CG descriptions and the other on traditional accounts. CG-based instruction was found to be at least moderately effective in terms of fostering mostly explicit grammatical knowledge and its effectiveness turned out be comparable to that of teaching based on traditional descriptions.
Wydział Neofilologii: Instytut Filologii Romańskiej
Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Etnologii i Antropologii Kulturowej
Abstract. The paper presents a list of 437 verbs which have not been recorded in lexicography. As the source of reference, the author consulted a spelling dictionary of the Polish language, Wielki słownik ortograficzny PWN, 2nd edition, 2006. The concept of this paper originated from the wish to satisfy the curiosity after reading Indeks neologizmów [Index of Neologisms] prepared by Krystyna Waszakowa in her work Przejawy internacjonalizacji w słowotwórstwie współczesnej polszczyzny [Word-formative internationalisation processes in modern Polish]. The index contains a list of nouns. Given that K. Waszakowa did not take verbs into account (there are far (?) fewer neo-verbs than neo-nouns), the author decided to find out whether it is true that the number of verb neologisms is so small that their philological analysis is pointless from the point of view of research, vocabulary registration, etc. If nouns, such as podczłowiek, miniokupacja, redefinicja, are of interest, why not record the prefixal constructions of the do-, z-, od-, na-, w-, wy-, za-, od-, nad- etc. -robić type? The analysis included randomly selected texts from the „Rzeczpospolita” daily (without any thorough preparation with respect to the content; the texts available were sequentially analysed until the satisfactory result was obtained). The texts under review included an incomplete (it is virtually impossible to determine completeness in this case) electronic archive from the years 1993–2006.
The text titled Around the problems of school counseling. The perception of school supporting functions in parental narratives raised the issue of psycho-pedagogical support (which are part of variousforms of counseling) taking place in public education. Social contexts of school functioning were referred to the three-step model of school counseling, where the components are: student problem identification, psycho-pedagogical intervention and support in consolidating and strengthening the student's ongoing changes (preparing for independence). Practical dimension of this model is trying to introduce new formal regulations of the psycho-pedagogical aid at school, which define the potential aid recipients (students with special educational needs, parents, teachers), its organizational formsand general principles. In the context of these provisions the qualitative analysis of school supporting functions is shown in the point of view of parents (the research illustration with the use of narrative interview technique), which identified a series of controversies and dilemmas in realization of broader institutional psycho-pedagogical aid.
The author presents the results of pedagogical research, which lead to the conclusion that such providing of teaching process that the goal would have a central position takes place rarely. In order to avoid it, alternative thinking should be developed in students - candidates for teachers. It is also necessary to devote more effort to the issue of teachers' self-education.
In view of a constant growth of writings on didactic and educational problems it is necessary to create an efficient system of scientific educational information. This system will provide creative teachers with materials that will facilitate the selection and access to materials that will enrich the teachers' methodological base and their own intellectual potential by means of a network of school and pedagogical libraries. Such well-organized and efficiently operating system at the level of the school superintendent's office, whose links will be educational institutions as well as those that improve teaching methods of the teaching staff, may be of great information and practical importance in the present age of rapid transformations. It will become an instrument that will make contact with pedagogical writings and improvement of qualifications of the teaching staff possible.