em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
Este estudo documental buscou investigar a constituição em 1875 do primeiro dicionário de língua de sinais do Brasil, a "Iconografia dos Signaes dos Surdos-Mudos", cujo autor, Flausino José da Costa Gama, fora aluno do Imperial Instituto dos Surdos-Mudos no Rio de Janeiro. Essa publicação foi analisada à luz da obra de Pierre Pélissier, surdo francês, que produziu uma obra anterior, a qual Flausino reproduziu na íntegra. A compreensão de como se constituiu a publicação deste dicionário exigiu a contextualização histórica da educação do surdo, e a pesquisa sobre a expansão dos processos de produção litográfica na segunda metade do século XIX. As duas obras foram analisadas quanto a aspectos gerais, forma de indexação lexical, verificação dos sinais que perduraram (38 entre 382), erros de tradução do francês para o português e o que estes verbetes nos dizem sobre os preceitos morais e religiosos subjacentes à educação do surdo à época. A conclusão destaca a importância da iniciativa de propagar da língua brasileira de sinais, com a primeira tentativa de registro há cento e trinta e sete anos atrás.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência de dois tipos de estímulos visuais na produção escrita de surdos sinalizadores com queixas de alterações na escrita. MÉTODOS: Participaram 13 estudantes surdos sinalizadores com queixas de alterações na escrita, sendo sete do gênero masculino e seis do feminino. A média de idade foi de 13 anos, e os sujeitos apresentavam perda auditiva neurossensorial de grau severo ou profundo (pior que 71 dBNA na média das frequências de 500 Hz, 1 e 2 kHz). A escolaridade dos participantes variou de 3ª à 8ª séries do Ensino Fundamental de escolas pública e particular. Os surdos foram avaliados quanto ao desempenho em LIBRAS e realizaram produções escritas com base em estímulos visuais de uma figura de ação e de figuras em sequência, as quais foram analisadas segundo critérios adaptados de acordo com a Teoria das Competências Comunicativas (Genérica, Enciclopédica e Línguística). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: Em relação à Competência Genérica, a tipologia do discurso predominante foi a Narração. Quanto às competências Enciclopédica e Linguística, ambas se mostraram prejudicadas independente dos estímulos apresentados. CONCLUSÃO: Os dois tipos de estímulos visuais estudados não propiciaram produções escritas diferenciadas nos surdos sinalizadores com queixas de alterações na escrita.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a influência do tipo de estímulo visual sobre a produção escrita de surdos sinalizadores sem queixas de alterações na escrita. MÉTODOS: Participaram 14 surdos, de ambos os gêneros, com idades entre 8 e 13 anos, usuários da Língua Brasileira de Sinais, alunos da terceira e quarta séries do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola especial para surdos. Foram avaliados por meio de produções escritas baseadas em dois tipos de estímulos: uma sequência de quatro figuras e uma figura de ação. Cada produção foi pontuada de acordo com critérios adaptados da teoria das Competências Comunicativas (Genérica, Enciclopédica, e Linguística). RESULTADOS: Na análise da Competência Genérica não houve diferença entre as produções a partir da sequencia ou da figura de ação. Entretanto, notou-se que a figura de ação propiciou mais produções de gênero narrativo, enquanto as figuras em sequência eliciaram mais descrições. Quanto às Competências Enciclopédica e Linguística, ambos os estímulos visuais proporcionaram resultados semelhantes nas produções escritas. Tanto na Competência Enciclopédica quanto na Linguística, o desempenho dos surdos foi aquém do esperado para a faixa de escolaridade, demonstrando conhecimento parcial sobre a língua portuguesa escrita. No entanto, observou-se que as figuras sequenciadas propiciaram organização de ideias e coesão global um pouco mais elaboradas. CONCLUSÃO: Nenhum dos tipos de estímulo visual, seja figura de ação ou sequência de figuras, propicia melhores desempenhos de produção escrita de surdos sinalizadores sem queixas de alterações na escrita para a maior parte dos aspectos analisados.
PURPOSE: To verify the interference of visual stimuli in written production of deaf signers with no complaints regarding reading and writing. METHODS: The research group consisted of 12 students with education between the 4th and 5th grade of elementary school, with severe or profound sensorineural hearing loss, users of LIBRAS and with alphabetical writing level. The evaluation was performed with pictures in a logical sequence and an action picture. The analysis used the communicative competence criteria. RESULTS: There were no differences in the writing production of the subjects for both stimuli. In all texts there was no title and punctuation, verbs were in the infinitive mode, there was lack of cohesive links and inclusion of created words. CONCLUSION: The different visual stimuli did not affect the production of texts.
The use of patient-orientated questionnaires is of utmost importance in assessing the outcome of spine surgery. Standardisation, using a common set of outcome measures, is essential to aid comparisons across studies/in registries. The Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI) is a short, multidimensional outcome instrument validated for patients with spinal disorders. This study aimed to produce a Brazilian-Portuguese version of the COMI. A cross-cultural adaptation of the COMI into Brazilian-Portuguese was carried out using established guidelines. 104 outpatients with chronic LBP (> 3 months) were recruited from a Public Health Spine Medical Care Centre. They completed a questionnaire booklet containing the newly translated COMI, and other validated symptom-specific questionnaires: Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Roland Morris disability scale (RM), and a pain visual analogue scale. All patients completed a second questionnaire within 7-10 days to assess reproducibility. The COMI summary score displayed minimal floor and ceiling effects. On re-test, the responses for each individual domain of the COMI were within 1 category in 98% patients for the domain 'function', 96% for 'symptom-specific well-being', 97% for 'general quality of life', 99% for 'social disability' and 100% for 'work disability'. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC2,1) for COMI pain and COMI summary scores were 0.91-0.96, which compared favourably with the corresponding values for the RM (ICC, 0.99) and ODI (ICC, 0.98). The standard error of measurement for the COMI was 0.6, giving a "minimum detectable change" (MDC95%) of approximately 1.7 points i.e., the minimum change to be considered "real change" beyond measurement error. The COMI scores correlated as hypothesised (Rho, 0.4-0.8) with the other symptom-specific questionnaires. The reproducibility of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the COMI was comparable to that of other language versions. The COMI scores correlated in the expected manner with existing but longer symptom-specific questionnaires suggesting good convergent validity for the COMI. The Brazilian-Portuguese COMI represents a valuable tool for Brazilian study-centres in future multicentre clinical studies and surgical registries.
PURPOSE: To indicate orthographic changes to be used as a basic reference for professionals, researchers, doctors, teachers, students and users, which are directly linked and performing activities in health services in general, aimed at implementing the correct orthography in recovery and production of their scientific studies. METHODS: For data collection, were shown some examples of terminology DeCS (Descriptors in Health Science) analyzed according to the current spelling and compared with the Orthographic Vocabulary of Portuguese Language (VOLP). RESULTS: It was select and listed examples of key words and/or terms related to Health Sciences, which was compared to the respective rules of the Orthographic Agreement of Portuguese Language, and divided into three items: graphical accentuation, the non use of dieresis and exceptions and, the use of hyphen. CONCLUSION: This study show some guidelines for the orthographic alterations of the terms used by scientific community, according the new orthographic rules, contributing for the efficiency in the description of the documents and consequently in their recovery.
Este artigo propõe que a semiótica peirceana pode oferecer bases tanto lógicas quanto epistemológicas para a busca de uma teoria geral da comunicação. No entanto, o desenvolvimento de uma teoria semiótica da comunicação depende, em primeiro lugar, de uma melhor compreensão dos aspectos formais do signo, tarefa atribuída por Peirce à gramática, o primeiro ramo de sua semiótica. Nós apresentamos uma análise das relações do signo, revelando um aspecto não trabalhado por Peirce, ampliando seu número para onze. Este novo aspecto é a relação triádica entre signo, objeto dinâmico e interpretante dinâmico (S-OD-ID). Nós defendemos que esta relação é essencial para a compreensão da comunicação como semiose, por dar conta da repetição ou redundância do signo comunicativo, quando se cria ou transmite informação. O artigo pretende dar um passo a mais na direção de uma teoria da comunicação verdadeiramente universal, através do vínculo entre a semiótica peirceana e a moderna filosofia da linguagem.
Metalinguistic skill is the ability to reflect upon language as an object of thought. Amongst metalinguistic skills, two seem to be associated with reading and spelling: morphological awareness and phonological awareness. Phonological awareness is the ability of reflecting upon the phonemes that compose words, and morphological awareness is the ability of reflecting upon the morphemes that compose the words. The latter seems to be particularly important for reading comprehension and contextual reading, as beyond phonological information, syntactic and semantic information are required. This study is set to investigate - with a longitudinal design - the relation between those abilities and contextual reading measured by the Cloze test. The first part of the study explores the relationship between morphological awareness tasks and Cloze scores through simple correlations and, in the second part, the specificity of such relationship was inquired using multiple regressions. The results give some support to the hypothesis that morphological awareness offers an independent contribution regarding phonological awareness to contextual reading in Brazilian Portuguese.
The purpose of the current study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Duke Religion Index (PDUREL) in a community setting. PDUREL was translated and adapted for administration to 383 individuals from a population-based study of low-income community-dwelling adults. The PDUREL intrinsic subscale and total scores demonstrated high internal consistency (alphas ranging from 0.733 for the total scale score to 0.758 for the intrinsic subscale). Correlations among the DUREL subscales were also examined for evidence of discriminant validity. Correlations were ranging from 0.36 to 0.46, indicating significant overlap between the scales without marked redundancy. PDUREL is a reliable and valid scale. The availability of a comprehensive, but brief measure of religiousness can help to study the role of religiousness in health by researchers from countries that speak the Portuguese language.
Objective: To translate, culturally adapt and validate the "Knee Society Score"(KSS) for the Portuguese language and determine its measurement properties, reproducibility and validity. Method: We analyzed 70 patients of both sexes, aged between 55 and 85 years, in a cross-sectional clinical trial, with diagnosis of primary osteoarthritis,undergoing total knee arthroplasty surgery. We assessed the patients with the English version of the KSS questionnaire and after 30 minutes with the Portuguese version of the KSS questionnaire, done by a different evaluator. All the patients were assessed preoperatively, and again at three, and six months postoperatively. Results: There was no statistical difference, using Cronbach's alpha index and the Bland-Altman graphical analysis, for the knees core during the preoperative period (p=1), and at three months (p=0.991) and six months postoperatively (p=0.985). There was no statistical difference for knee function score for all three periods (p=1.0). Conclusion: The Brazilian version of the Knee Society Score is easy to apply, as well providing as a valid and reliable instrument for measuring the knee score and function of Brazilian patients undergoing TKA. Level of Evidence: Level I - Diagnostic Studies Investigating a Diagnostic Test- Testing of previously developed diagnostic criteria on consecutive patients (with universally applied 'gold' reference standard).
With the increase in research on the components of Body Image, validated instruments are needed to evaluate its dimensions. The Body Change Inventory (BCI) assesses strategies used to alter body size among adolescents. The scope of this study was to describe the translation and evaluation for semantic equivalence of the BCI in the Portuguese language. The process involved the steps of (1) translation of the questionnaire to the Portuguese language; (2) back-translation to English; (3) evaluation of semantic equivalence; and (4) assessment of comprehension by professional experts and the target population. The six subscales of the instrument were translated into the Portuguese language. Language adaptations were made to render the instrument suitable for the Brazilian reality. The questions were interpreted as easily understandable by both experts and young people. The Body Change Inventory has been translated and adapted into Portuguese. Evaluation of the operational, measurement and functional equivalence are still needed.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the exchange of disfluencies from function words to content words with age in Brazilian Portuguese speakers who do and do not stutter. Ninety stuttering individuals and 90 controls, native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese, were divided into three age groups (children, adolescents and adults). The study method involved analyzing the occurrence of stuttering on content and function words based on spontaneous speech samples. Results indicated that children tend to be more disfluent on function words. With the increase in age, teenagers and adults who stutter presented a higher number of disfluencies on content words. These findings support the current literature, indicating that with the aging process, there is an exchange of disfluencies from function to content words. This shift in the disfluency pattern may account for a more advanced type of stuttering. The study also demonstrated that disfluencies in Portuguese speakers follow the same pattern of shifting from function to content words with age as for English speakers.
Backgroud: It has been shown that different symptoms or symptom combinations of neuropathic pain (NeP) may correspond to different mechanistic backgrounds and respond differently to treatment. The Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (NPSI) is able to detect distinct clusters of symptoms (i.e. dimensions) with a putative common mechanistic background. The present study described the psychometric validation of the Portuguese version (PV) of the NPSI. Methods: Patients were seen in two consecutive visits, three to four weeks apart. They were asked to: (i) rate their mean pain intensity in the last 24 hours on an 11-point (0-10) numerical scale; (ii) complete the PV-NPSI; (iii) provide the list of pain medications and doses currently in use. VAS and Global Impression of Change (GIC) were filled out in the second visit. Results: PV-NPSI underwent test-retest reliability, factor analysis, analysis of sensitivity to changes between both visits. The PV-NPSI was reliable in this setting, with a good intra-class correlation for all items. The factorial analysis showed that the PV-NPSI inventory assessed different components of neuropathic pain. Five different factors were found. The PV-NPSI was adequate to evaluate patients with neuropathic pain and to detect clusters of NeP symptoms. Conclusions: The psychometric properties of the PV-NPSI rendered it adequate to evaluate patients with both central and peripheral neuropathic pain syndromes and to detect clusters of NeP symptoms.