em Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual da Universidade de São Paulo
The transport properties of the two-dimensional system in HgTe-based quantum wells containing simultaneously electrons and holes of low densities are examined. The Hall resistance, as a function of perpendicular magnetic field, reveals an unconventional behavior, different from the classical N-shaped dependence typical for bipolar systems with electron-hole asymmetry. The quantum features of magnetotransport are explained by means of numerical calculation of the Landau level spectrum based on the Kane Hamiltonian. The origin of the quantum Hall plateau sigma(xy) = 0 near the charge neutrality point is attributed to special features of Landau quantization in our system.
Nonlocal resistance is studied in a two-dimensional system with a simultaneous presence of electrons and holes in a 20 nm HgTe quantum well. A large nonlocal electric response is found near the charge neutrality point in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. We attribute the observed nonlocality to the edge state transport via counterpropagating chiral modes similar to the quantum spin Hall effect at a zero magnetic field and graphene near a Landau filling factor nu = 0.
5 We employ the circular-polarization-resolved magnetophotoluminescence technique to probe the spin character of electron and hole states in a GaAs/AlGaAs strongly coupled double-quantum-well system. The photoluminescence (PL) intensities of the lines associated with symmetric and antisymmetric electron states present clear out-of-phase oscillations between integer values of the filling factor. and are caused by magnetic-field-induced changes in the population of occupied Landau levels near to the Fermi level of the system. Moreover, the degree of circular polarization of these emissions also exhibits the oscillatory behavior with increasing magnetic field. Both quantum oscillations observed in the PL intensities and in the degree of polarizations may be understood in terms of a simple single-particle approach model. The k . p method was used to calculate the photoluminescence peak energies and the degree of circular polarizations in the double-quantum-well structure as a function of the magnetic field. These calculations prove that the character of valence band states plays an important role in the determination of the degree of circular polarization and, thus, resulting in a magnetic-field-induced change of the polarization sign.
Polarized photoluminescence from weakly coupled random multiple well quasi-three-dimensional electron system is studied in the regime of the integer quantum Hall effect. Two quantum Hall ferromagnetic ground states assigned to the uncorrelated miniband quantum Hall state and to the spontaneous interwell phase coherent dimer quantum Hall state are observed. Photoluminescence associated with these states exhibits features caused by finite-size skyrmions: dramatic reduction of the electron spin polarization when the magnetic field is increased past the filling factor nu = 1. The effective skyrmion size is larger than in two-dimensional electron systems.
The classical magnetoresistance of a two-dimensional electron gas constrained to non-planar topographies, in antidot lattices, and under the influence of tilted magnetic field in arbitrary direction is numerically studied. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional semimetal based on HgTe quantum wells is discovered. The transition is induced by a magnetic field applied parallel to the plane of the quantum well. The threshold behavior of the activation energy as a function of the magnetic-field strength and an abrupt reduction of the Hall resistance at the onset of the transition suggest that the observed effect originates from the formation of an excitonic insulator.
The photoluminescence from individual quantum wells of artificially disordered weakly coupled multi-layers embedded in wide AlGaAs parabolic wells was investigated in a strong magnetic field. We show that the response of the individual wells is very different from the average response of the multi-layers studied by transport measurements and that photoluminescence represents a local probe of the quantum Hall state formed in three-dimensional electron system. The observed magnetic field induced variations of the in-layer electron density demonstrate the formation of a new phase in the quasi-three-dimensional electron system. The sudden change in the local electron density found at the Landau filling factor nu = 1 by both the magneto-transport and the magneto-photoluminescence measurements was assigned to the quantum phase transition. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012
Background: The high and increasing prevalence of Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) represents a serious public health issue. Novel technologies have been used aiming to improve diagnosis and the therapeutic approach. In this context, speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) uses natural myocardial markers to analyze the systolic deformation of the left ventricle (LV). Objective: Measure the longitudinal transmural global strain (GS) of the LV through STE in patients with severe DCM, comparing the results with normal individuals and with echocardiographic parameters established for the analysis of LV systolic function, in order to validate the method in this population. Methods: Seventy-one patients with severe DCM (53 +/- 12 years, 72% men) and 20 controls (30 +/- 8 years, 45% men) were studied. The following variables were studied: LV volumes and ejection fraction calculated by two and three-dimensional echocardiography, Doppler parameters, Tissue Doppler Imaging systolic and diastolic LV velocities and GS obtained by STE. Results: Compared with controls, LV volumes were higher in the DCM group; however, LVEF and peak E-wave velocity were lower in the latter. The myocardial performance index was higher in the patient group. Tissue Doppler myocardial velocities (S', e', a') were significantly lower and E/e' ratio was higher in the DCM group. GS was decreased in the DCM group (-5.5% +/- 2.3%) when compared with controls (-14.0% +/- 1.8%). Conclusion: In this study, GS was significantly lower in patients with severe DCM, bringing new perspectives for therapeutic approaches in this specific population. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(3):834-842)
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a disease of the pulmonary vasculature characterized by vasoconstriction and vascular remodeling leading to a progressive increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). It is becoming increasingly recognized that it is the response of the right ventricle (RV) to the increased afterload resulting from this increase in PVR that is the most important determinant of patient outcome. A range of hemodynamic, structural, and functional measures associated with the RV have been found to have prognostic importance in PAH and, therefore, have potential value as parameters for the evaluation and follow-up of patients. If such measures are to be used clinically, there is a need for simple, reproducible, accurate, easy-to-use, and noninvasive methods to assess them. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) is regarded as the "gold standard" method for assessment of the RV, the complex structure of which makes accurate assessment by 2-dimensional methods, such as echocardiography, challenging. However, the majority of data concerning the use of CMRI in PAH have come from studies evaluating a variety of different measures and using different techniques and protocols, and there is a clear need for the development of standardized methodology if CMRI is to be established in the routine assessment of patients with PAH. Should such standards be developed, it seems likely that CMRI will become an important method for the noninvasive assessment and monitoring of patients with PAH. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2012;110[suppl]:25S-31S)
The Chafee-Infante equation is one of the canonical infinite-dimensional dynamical systems for which a complete description of the global attractor is available. In this paper we study the structure of the pullback attractor for a non-autonomous version of this equation, u(t) = u(xx) + lambda(xx) - lambda u beta(t)u(3), and investigate the bifurcations that this attractor undergoes as A is varied. We are able to describe these in some detail, despite the fact that our model is truly non-autonomous; i.e., we do not restrict to 'small perturbations' of the autonomous case.
Introduction: This study aimed to describe the anatomy of mandibular premolars with type IX canal configuration by using micro–computed tomography. Methods: Mandibular premolars with radicular grooves (n = 105) were scanned, and 16 teeth with type IX configuration were selected. Number and location of canals, distances between anatomic landmarks, occurrence of apical delta, root canal fusion, and furcation canals, as well as 2-dimensional (area, perimeter, roundness, major and minor diameters) and 3-dimensional (volume, surface area, and structuremodel index) analysis were performed. Data were statistically compared by using analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis tests (a = 0.05). Results: Overall, specimens had 1 root with a main canal that divided into mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and lingual canals at the furcation level. Mean length of the teeth was 22.9 2.06 mm, and the configuration of the pulp chamber was mostly triangle-shaped. Mean distances from the furcation to the apex and cementoenamel junction were 9.14 2.07 and 5.59 2.19 mm, respectively. Apical delta, root canal fusion, and furcation canals were present in 4, 5, and 10 specimens, respectively. No statistical differences were found in the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional analyses between root canals (P > .05). Conclusions: Type IX configuration of the root canal system was found in 16 of 105 mandibular premolars with radicular grooves. Most of the specimens had a triangle-shaped pulp chamber. Within this anatomic configuration, complexities of the root canal systems such as the presence of furcation canals, fusion of canals, oval-shaped canals in the apical third, small orifices at the pulp chamber level, and apical delta were also observed
In this paper we study the continuity of invariant sets for nonautonomous infinite-dimensional dynamical systems under singular perturbations. We extend the existing results on lower-semicontinuity of attractors of autonomous and nonautonomous dynamical systems. This is accomplished through a detailed analysis of the structure of the invariant sets and its behavior under perturbation. We prove that a bounded hyperbolic global solutions persists under singular perturbations and that their nonlinear unstable manifold behave continuously. To accomplish this, we need to establish results on roughness of exponential dichotomies under these singular perturbations. Our results imply that, if the limiting pullback attractor of a nonautonomous dynamical system is the closure of a countable union of unstable manifolds of global bounded hyperbolic solutions, then it behaves continuously (upper and lower) under singular perturbations.
Forward modeling is commonly applied to gravity field data of impact structures to determine the main gravity anomaly sources. In this context, we have developed 2.5-D gravity models of the Serra da Cangalha impact structure for the purpose of investigating geological bodies/structures underneath the crater. Interpretation of the models was supported by ground magnetic data acquired along profiles, as well as by high resolution aeromagnetic data. Ground magnetic data reveal the presence of short-wavelength anomalies probably related to shallow magnetic sources that could have been emplaced during the cratering process. Aeromagnetic data show that the basement underneath the crater occurs at an average depth of about 1.9 km, whereas in the region beneath the central uplift it is raised to 0.51 km below the current surface. These depths are also supported by 2.5-D gravity models showing a gentle relief for the basement beneath the central uplift area. Geophysical data were used to provide further constraints for numeral modeling of crater formation that provided important information on the structural modification that affected the rocks underneath the crater, as well as on shock-induced modifications of target rocks. The results showed that the morphology is consistent with the current observations of the crater and that Serra da Cangalha was formed by a meteorite of approximately 1.4 km diameter striking at 12 km s-1.
Gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. The identification of new cancer biomarkers is necessary to reduce the mortality rates through the development of new screening assays and early diagnosis, as well as new target therapies. In this study, we performed a proteomic analysis of noncardia gastric neoplasias of individuals from Northern Brazil. The proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. For the identification of differentially expressed proteins, we used statistical tests with bootstrapping resampling to control the type I error in the multiple comparison analyses. We identified 111 proteins involved in gastric carcinogenesis. The computational analysis revealed several proteins involved in the energy production processes and reinforced the Warburg effect in gastric cancer. ENO1 and HSPB1 expression were further evaluated. ENO1 was selected due to its role in aerobic glycolysis that may contribute to the Warburg effect. Although we observed two up-regulated spots of ENO1 in the proteomic analysis, the mean expression of ENO1 was reduced in gastric tumors by western blot. However, mean ENO1 expression seems to increase in more invasive tumors. This lack of correlation between proteomic and western blot analyses may be due to the presence of other ENO1 spots that present a slightly reduced expression, but with a high impact in the mean protein expression. In neoplasias, HSPB1 is induced by cellular stress to protect cells against apoptosis. In the present study, HSPB1 presented an elevated protein and mRNA expression in a subset of gastric cancer samples. However, no association was observed between HSPB1 expression and clinicopathological characteristics. Here, we identified several possible biomarkers of gastric cancer in individuals from Northern Brazil. These biomarkers may be useful for the assessment of prognosis and stratification for therapy if validated in larger clinical study sets.
In this work, we study the effects of a longitudinal periodic potential on a parabolic quantum wire defined in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction. For an infinite wire superlattice we find, by direct diagonalization, that the energy gaps are shifted away from the usual Bragg planes due to the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Interestingly, our results show that the location of the band gaps in energy can be controlled via the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. We have also calculated the charge conductance through a periodic potential of a finite length via the nonequilibrium Green's function method combined with the Landauer formalism. We find dips in the conductance that correspond well to the energy gaps of the infinite wire superlattice. From the infinite wire energy dispersion, we derive an equation relating the location of the conductance dips as a function of the (gate controllable) Fermi energy to the Rashba spin-orbit coupling strength. We propose that the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction can be extracted via a charge conductance measurement.