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Objective: To assess reproductive function in male ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients in comparison to healthy controls. Methods: Twenty AS patients were compared to 24 healthy male subjects with regard to demographic data, urological examination, testicular ultrasound (US), semen analysis, anti-sperm antibodies, and hormone profile. Exclusion criteria were present use of sulfasalazine or methotrexate, and ever use of biological/cytotoxic agents. Disease activity of AS was evaluated by clinical and laboratory assessments. Results: Demographic data were similar in AS and controls (p = 0.175). Varicocele was found significantly more frequently in AS patients than in controls (40% vs. 8%, p = 0.027). Semen analysis revealed no significant differences in sperm quality between AS patients and controls (p > 0.05). By contrast, the median of normal sperm forms was significantly lower in AS patients with vs. those without varicocele [13.5 (range 2-27) vs. 22 (range 10-32.5)%, p = 0.049] whereas no difference in sperm morphology was observed comparing AS patients and controls without varicocele (p = 0.670). Comparison of AS patients with and without varicocele showed that anti-sperm antibodies, hormones, inflammatory markers, and disease activity scores did not contribute to the impaired sperm morphology observed in AS patients with varicocele. Conclusions: An increased frequency of varicocele was found in AS patients associated with sperm abnormalities but independent of therapy, anti-sperm antibodies, hormonal alterations, or disease parameters. Investigation for varicocele should be routine in AS patients with fertility problems.
Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of three contraceptive pills containing ethinylestradiol (EE) (20 or 30 mcg) in combination with drospirenone (DRSP) and levonorgestrel (LNG) on plasma concentration of adhesion molecules vascular cell adhesion molecule -1 (VCAM-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and E-selectin. Study Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 72 participants (18-30 years old) distributed into three groups that used oral contraceptives containing EE 20 or 30 mcg combined with DRSP 3 mg or EE 30 mcg/LNG 150 mcg for at least 6 months. The control group was comprised of nonusers of contraceptives. Soluble VCAM-1, soluble ICAM-1 and soluble E-selectin were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: Compared to the control group, a significant decrease was found in VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 concentrations with use of DRSP/20 EE and LNG/30 EE. Conclusions: DRSP/20 EE and LNG/30 EE induce favorable changes in endothelial function. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The assessment of adenoids by x-ray imaging has been the topic of heated debate, but few studies have looked into the reliability of most existing radiographic parameters. Objective: This study aims to verify the intra-examiner and inter-examiner reproducibility of the adenoid radiographic assessment methods. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional case series study. Forty children of both genders aged between 4 and 14 were enrolled. They were selected based on complaints of nasal obstruction or mouth breathing and suspicion of pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy. Cavum x-rays and orthodontic teleradiographs were assessed by two examiners in quantitative and categorical terms. Results: All quantitative parameters in both x-ray modes showed excellent intra and inter-examiner reproducibility. Relatively better performance was observed in categorical parameters used in cavum x-ray assessment by C-Kurien, C-Wang, C-Fujioka, and C-Elwany over C-Cohen and C-Ysunza. As for orthodontic teleradiograph grading systems, C-McNamara has been proven to be more reliable than C-Holmberg. Conclusion: Most instruments showed adequate reproducibility levels. However, more research is needed to properly determine the accuracy and viability of each method.
Background: Fast post-implantation stent endothelialization is desirable for theoretically reducing the possibility of stent thrombosis. Objective: To evaluate the extent of sirolimus-eluting stent strut endothelialization (delivered from the luminal and abluminal aspects or abluminal aspect only) in the iliac arteries of rabbits. Methods: The iliac arteries of 10 rabbits were implanted with four sirolimus-eluting stents in the luminal and abluminal aspects, three sirolimus-eluting stents in the abluminal aspect, six polymer-coated stents, and four uncoated stents. After four weeks, the rabbits were euthanized and scanning electron microscopy was performed to quantify the area of exposed stent strut as well as the percentage of endothelialization. Results: The area (mean +/- SD) (mm(2)) of exposed uncoated stent struts, polymer-coated stents, sirulimus-eluting stent in the abluminal and luminal aspects and sirolimus-eluting stent in the abluminal aspect was 0.12 +/- 0.08, 0.09 +/- 0.12, 0.60 +/- 0.67 and 0.05 +/- 0.04, respectively (p = 0.120). The percentage of endothelialization (mean +/- SD) (%) of uncoated stents, polymer-coated stents, sirolimus-eluting stents in the luminal and abluminal aspects and sirolimus-eluting stents in the abluminal aspect was 99 +/- 01, 99 +/- 0. 97 +/- 03 and 99 +/- 0, respectively (p = 0.133). Conclusion: After four weeks of implantation in the iliac arteries of rabbits, both the sirolimus-eluting stents in the luminal plus abluminal aspects and those in the abluminal aspect only showed stent strut endothelialization rates similar to those of the other types of non-drug eluting stents. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(6):1123-1128)
To confirm that Beagle dogs are a good experimental model for Chagas disease, we evaluated hematological alterations during the acute and chronic phases in Beagle dogs infected with the Y, Berenice-78 (Be-78) and ABC strains of Trypanosoma cruzi, correlating clinical signs with the parasitemia curve. We demonstrate that the acute phase of infection was marked by lethargy and loss of appetite. Simultaneously, we observed anemia, leukocytosis and lymphocytosis. Also,we describe hematological alterations and clinical signs that were positively correlated with the parasitemia during the experimental infection with the three strains of T cruzi, and demonstrate that experimental infection of Beagle is a trustworthy model for Chagas disease.
Chaves E.P., Oliveira S.C.R., Araujo L.P.F., Oliveira A.S., Miglino M.A., Abreu-Silva A.L., Melo F.A. & Sousa A.L. 2012. Morphological aspects of the ovaries of turtle Kinosternon scorpioides raised in captivity. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(7):667-671. Departamento das Clinicas, Curso de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Estadual do Maranhao, Cidade Universitaria Paulo VI, Tirirical, Sao Luis, MA 65050-150, Brazil. E-mail: alana@elo.com.br The swear turtle "jurara" (Kinosternon scorpioides) is a mud turtle of the Amazon region exposed to disordering capture in the rural areas of Maranhao, Brazil. Despite its popularity in these areas, little meaningful information regarding the reproductive morphology is currently available, fact that impedes the adoption of policies for preservation of the species. To obtain more information, we studied the ovarian morphology adult jurara females kept in captivity by morphological and morphometric analysis in the dry and rainy season. The results revealed that all females were sexually mature and were in a vitellogenic period. The ovaries are two irregular structures composed by follicles in different stages of development (primary, secondary and tertiary) scattered in a stroma of loose connective highly vascularized tissue. The ovary weight was 6.25+/-4.23g and 2.27+/-1.42g, for the right and left one respectively. The gonadosomatic indexes were 2.06% for the dry season and 1.79% for the rainy season. The average of the follicles was 29.83 units per ovary. Microscopically, the mature ovaries revealed a basal layer composed by four cellular layers: the inner and outer theca, stratum granulosum with perivitelline membrane and zona radiata with vitelline membrane. No significant differences were observed in the ovaries either in the dry or wet period.
The objective of this study was to develop equations to predict retail product and fat trim (weights and percentages) for Nellore (Bos indicus) cattle. Live ultrasound measurements of the longissimus muscle area, backfat thickness at the 12th rib and rump fat depth and shrunk body weight were obtained from 218 Nellore steers to predict weights and percentages of carcass retail product, pistola retail product and fat trimmings. After slaughter, carcasses were deboned and weighed and percentages of retail cuts were obtained directly. Measurements taken directly in the carcasses explained 97% and 36% of variation in carcass retail product weight and percentage, and 94% and 36% of variation in pistola retail weight and percentage, respectively. Live measurements explained 93% of carcass retail product weight and 39% of carcass retail product percentage. Lower accuracies were observed for pistola retail product weight (R-2=0.87) and percentage (R-2=0.33). Accuracies for fat trimmings weight and percentage were 79% and 55%, respectively. Ultrasound rump fat thickness showed greater correlations with retail product and fat trimmings (weights and percentages) when compared with ultrasound backfat thickness. The weight and percentage of retail products and of trimmable fat can be estimated in Nellore steers from live animal measurements, with similar accuracy to equations developed based on carcass measurements obtained at slaughter.
OBJECTIVE: Experimental studies on lung preservation have always been performed using animal models. We present ex vivo lung perfusion as a new model for the study of lung preservation. Using human lungs instead of animal models may bring the results of experimental studies closer to what could be expected in clinical practice. METHOD: Brain-dead donors whose lungs had been declined by transplantation teams were used. The cases were randomized into two groups. In Group 1, Perfadex (R) was used for pulmonary preservation, and in Group 2, LPDnac, a solution manufactured in Brazil, was used. An ex vivo lung perfusion system was used, and the lungs were ventilated and perfused after 10 hours of cold ischemia. The extent of ischemic-reperfusion injury was measured using functional and histological parameters. RESULTS: After reperfusion, the mean oxygenation capacity was 405.3 mmHg in Group 1 and 406.0 mmHg in Group 2 (p=0.98). The mean pulmonary vascular resistance values were 697.6 and 378.3 dyn.s.cm(-5), respectively (p=0.035). The mean pulmonary compliance was 46.8 cm H2O in Group 1 and 49.3 ml/cm H2O in Group 2 (p=0.816). The mean wet/dry weight ratios were 2.06 and 2.02, respectively (p=0.87). The mean Lung Injury Scores for the biopsy performed after reperfusion were 4.37 and 4.37 in Groups 1 and 2, respectively (p=1.0), and the apoptotic cell counts were 118.75/mm(2) and 137.50/mm(2), respectively (p=0.71). CONCLUSION: The locally produced preservation solution proved to be as good as Perfadex (R). The clinical use of LPDnac may reduce costs in our centers. Therefore, it is important to develop new models to study lung preservation.
Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the individual and family determinants of being overweight among children younger than 10 years of age. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Direct data on children's age, food intake, physical activity, type of transportation used and anthropometric measurements, as well as the education level of the mothers, were collected by trained interviewers. Setting: Population-based study in the city of Santos, Brazil. Subjects: A total of 531 children under 10 years of age (302 aged <6 years, >= 6 aged years), living in the city of Santos. Results: The overall prevalence of overweight and obesity (BMI-for-age Z-score >1) was 35.4% for children under 6 years and 38.9% for children aged 6-10 years. The socio-economic status of the family was associated with being overweight for both age groups. Logistic regression analysis showed that the lower the socio-economic status, the higher the likelihood of being overweight, among both younger children (OR = 7.73; P = 0.02) and older children (OR = 1.98; P = 0.04). The use of active transportation was associated with a lower likelihood of being overweight, but only among younger children (OR = 1.70; P = 0.05). Conclusions: Socio-economic status seems to be an important individual-level determinant of overweight in children. Public policies should consider promoting the use of active transportation, as the results showed it to have a positive effect on reducing overweight issues. The high prevalence of overweight in younger children suggests that this age group should be a priority in health-promoting interventions.
A central goal in unsaturated soil mechanics research is to create a smooth transition between traditional soil mechanics approaches and an approach that is applicable to unsaturated soils. Undrained shear strength and the liquidity index of reconstituted or remoulded saturated soils are consistently correlated, which has been demonstrated by many studies. In the liquidity index range from 1 (at w(l)) to 0 (at w(p)), the shear strength ranges from approximately 2 kPa to 200 kPa. Similarly, for compacted soil, the shear strength at the plastic limit ranges from 150 kPa to 250 kPa. When compacted at their optimum water content, most soils have a suction that ranges from 20 kPa to 500 kPa; however, in the field, compacted materials are subjected to drying and wetting, which affect their initial suction and as a consequence their shear strength. Unconfined shear tests were performed on five compacted tropical soils and kaolin. Specimens were tested in the as-compacted condition, and also after undergoing drying or wetting. The test results and data from prior literature were examined, taking into account the roles of void ratio, suction, and relative water content. An interpretation of the phenomena that are involved in the development of the undrained shear strength of unsaturated soils in the contexts of soil water retention and Atterberg limits is presented, providing a practical view of the behaviour of compacted soil based on the concept of unsaturated soil. Finally, an empirical correlation is presented that relates the unsaturated state of compacted soils to the unconfined shear strength.
Background and Objective The use of metformin throughout gestation by women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) significantly reduces the number of first-trimester spontaneous abortions and the rate of occurrence of gestational diabetes and hypertensive syndromes. Metformin is taken up into renal tubular cells by organic cation transport 2 (OCT2) and eliminated unchanged into the urine. The objective of this study was to analyse the influence of T2DM on the pharmacokinetics of metformin in obese pregnant women and in a control group of non-diabetic obese pregnant women with PCOS. Methods Eight non-diabetic obese pregnant women with PCOS and nine obese pregnant women with T2DM taking oral metformin 850 mg every 12 h were evaluated throughout gestation. Serial blood samples were collected over a 12-h period during the third trimester of pregnancy. Steady-state plasma concentrations of metformin were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with a UV detector. The pharmacokinetic results of the two groups, reported as median and 25th and 75th percentile, were compared statistically using the Mann Whitney test, with the level of significance set at p < 0.05. Results The pharmacokinetic parameters detected for PCOS versus T2DM patients, reported as median, were, respectively: elimination half-life 3.75 versus 4.00 h; time to maximum concentration 2.00 versus 3.00 h; maximum concentration 1.42 versus 1.21 mu g/mL; mean concentration 0.53 versus 0.56 mu g/mL; area under the plasma concentration time curve from time zero to 12 h 6.42 versus 6.73 mu g.h/mL; apparent total oral clearance 105.39 versus 98.38 L/h; apparent volume of distribution after oral administration 550.51 versus 490.98 L; and fluctuation (maximum minimum concentration variation) of 179.56 versus 181.73%. No significant differences in pharmacokinetic parameters were observed between the groups. Conclusion T2DM in the presence of insulin use does not influence the pharmacokinetics of metformin in pregnant patients, demonstrating the absence of a need to increase the dose, and consequently does not influence the OCT2-mediated transport in pregnant women with PCOS.
This study aimed to verify the influence of the transport in open or closed compartments (0 h), followed by two resting periods (1 and 3 h) for the slaughter process on the levels of cortisol as a indicative of stress level. At the slaughterhouse, blood samples were taken from 86 lambs after the transport and before slaughter for plasma cortisol analysis. The method of transport influenced in the cortisol concentration (0 h; P < 0.01). The animals transported in the closed compartment had a lower level (28.97 ng ml(-1)) than the animals transported in the open compartment (35.49 ng ml(-1)). After the resting period in the slaughterhouse. there was a decline in the plasmatic cortisol concentration, with the animals subjected to 3 h of rest presenting the lower average cortisol value (24.14 ng ml(-1); P < 0.05) than animals subjected to 1 h of rest (29.95 ng ml(-1)). It can be inferred that the lambs that remained 3 h in standby before slaughter had more time to recover from the stress of the transportation than those that waited just 1 h. Visual access to the external environment during the transport of the lambs is a stressful factor changing the level of plasmatic cortisol, and the resting period before slaughter was effective in lowering stress, reducing the plasmatic cortisol in the lambs. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We hypothesized that bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell (BMDMC) therapy protects the lung and consequently the heart in experimental elastase-induced emphysema. Twenty-four female C57BL/6 mice were intratracheally instilled with saline (C group) or porcine pancreatic elastase (E group) once a week during 4 weeks. C and E groups were randomized into subgroups receiving saline (SAL) or male BMDMCs (2 x 10(6), CELL) intravenously 3 h after the first saline or elastase instillation. Compared to E-SAL group, E-CELL mice showed, at 5 weeks: lower mean linear intercept, neutrophil infiltration, elastolysis, collagen fiber deposition in alveolar septa and pulmonary vessel wall, lung cell apoptosis, right ventricle wall thickness and area, higher endothelial growth factor and insulin-like growth factor mRNA expressions in lung tissue, and reduced platelet-derived growth factor, transforming growth factor-beta, and caspase-3 expressions. In conclusion, BMDMC therapy was effective at modulating the inflammatory and remodeling processes in the present model of elastase-induced emphysema. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the unaffected hemisphere can enhance function of the paretic hand in patients with mild motor impairment. Effects of low-frequency rTMS to the contralesional motor cortex at an early stage of mild to severe hemiparesis after stroke are unknown. In this pilot, randomized, double-blind clinical trial we compared the effects of low-frequency rTMS or sham rTMS as add-on therapies to outpatient customary rehabilitation, in 30 patients within 5-45 days after ischemic stroke, and mild to severe hand paresis. The primary feasibility outcome was compliance with the interventions. The primary safety outcome was the proportion of intervention-related adverse events. Performance of the paretic hand in the Jebsen-Taylor test and pinch strength were secondary outcomes. Outcomes were assessed at baseline, after ten sessions of treatment administered over 2 weeks and at 1 month after end of treatment. Baseline clinical features were comparable across groups. For the primary feasibility outcome, compliance with treatment was 100% in the active group and 94% in the sham group. There were no serious intervention-related adverse events. There were significant improvements in performance in the Jebsen-Taylor test (mean, 12.3% 1 month after treatment) and pinch force (mean, 0.5 Newtons) in the active group, but not in the sham group. Low-frequency rTMS to the contralesional motor cortex early after stroke is feasible, safe and potentially effective to improve function of the paretic hand, in patients with mild to severe hemiparesis. These promising results will be valuable to design larger randomized clinical trials.
Transplantation brings hope for many patients. A multidisciplinary approach on this field aims at creating biologically functional tissues to be used as implants and prostheses. The freeze-drying process allows the fundamental properties of these materials to be preserved, making future manipulation and storage easier. Optimizing a freeze-drying cycle is of great importance since it aims at reducing process costs while increasing product quality of this time-and-energy-consuming process. Mathematical modeling comes as a tool to help a better understanding of the process variables behavior and consequently it helps optimization studies. Freeze-drying microscopy is a technique usually applied to determine critical temperatures of liquid formulations. It has been used in this work to determine the sublimation rates of a biological tissue freeze-drying. The sublimation rates were measured from the speed of the moving interface between the dried and the frozen layer under 21.33, 42.66 and 63.99 Pa. The studied variables were used in a theoretical model to simulate various temperature profiles of the freeze-drying process. Good agreement between the experimental and the simulated results was found.