3 resultados para 2011 Voluntary Year

em Repositorio Académico de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


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Constantly making efforts to strengthen reading habits in children from their earliest years of life, a process in which the family is established as the primary basis for the child to achieve the taste and interest in books. The school as being key to education supports and strengthens the skills taught in the home, with the help of technologies such as computers, disk reading, television, among other means, by which (as) children (as) found a door of communication with the outside world and everything around them. The children's library tends to use these technological means to attract children to reading, generating and taste for the various information resources, which over time will become a habit.This research is based on the "Contribution of the Library Miriam Alvarez Brenes and family in the formation of reading habits of children of the community of Garden I and II University in Heredia, through advocacy, in 2007 "


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When you are invited to offer a conference like this, can not stop having a series of questions and considerations about the very fact of speaking to an audience informed and educated about the issues that the title might suggest exposure and how without falling into the usual cliches, without repeating the views and opinions set forth, if not obvious. I propose, then, establish, as a starting point, two things: the first is a promise: I will not talk about internet, a recurrent theme in his classes and activities. The second is a kind of contract between you and me: check out the obviousness of some views and question it, see it from behind, because that is where we might find the seams, some of the patches, if not outright nudity. I wonder if this is not precisely one of the first tasks of teaching in the University: to force what seems obvious to justify its obviousness, which is not easy.We can start messing things up a bit, looking like a very smooth and made ​​some surrealist poets to cut one by one the words of poems and writings, throw them into the air and read with amazement the order they fall to form a new verse, Perhaps more interesting and evocative than the first. Is not this somewhat random operation of new blends the fundamental operation of so many new discoveries and innovative ideas in the fields of science, culture, arts? Some of you know the thought of Pascal says: "Do not say that I am not proposing something new: the order in which the material presented is different."


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Since the child starts in the teaching - learning is made aware that there is a division of natural resources: renewable and nonrenewable. It also says that every natural resource is useless unless it explodes. But to apply such resources necessary knowledge. We realize today that the same biological systems of living things (renewable resources) are transmitters of information. He uses that information to nurture their knowledge, and this is essential for the use and conservation of resources, making valid then the principle that "there is no knowledge without information."