786 resultados para IT curriculum


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A whole tradition is said to be based on the hierarchical distinction between the perceptual and conceptual. In art, Niklas Luhmann argues, this schism is played out and repeated in conceptual art. This paper complicates this depiction by examining Ian Burn's last writings in which I argue the artist-writer reviews the challenge of minimal-conceptual art in terms of its perceptual pre-occupations. Burn revisits his own work and the legacy of minimal-conceptual by moving away from the kind of ideology critique he is best known for internationally in order to reassert the long overlooked visual-perceptual preoccupations of the conceptual in art.


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Australian law teachers are increasingly recognising that psychological distress is an issue for our students. This article describes how the Queensland University of Technology Law School is reforming its curriculum to promote student psychological well-being. Part I of the article examines the literature on law student psychological distress in Australia. It is suggested that cross-sectional and longitudinal studies undertaken in Australia provide us with different, but equally important, information with respect to law student psychological well-being. Part II describes a subject in the QUT Law School - Lawyering and Dispute Resolution – which has been specifically designed as one response to declines in law student psychological well-being. Part III then considers two key elements of the design of the subject: introducing students to the idea of a positive professional identity, and introducing students to non-adversarial lawyering and the positive role of lawyers in society as dispute resolvers. These two areas of focus specifically promote law student psychological well-being by encouraging students to engage with elements of positive psychology – in particular, hope and optimism.


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This good practice report, commissioned by the ALTC, provides a summative evaluation of useful outcomes and good practices from ALTC projects and fellowships on curriculum renewal. The report contains: -a summative evaluation of the good practices and key outcomes for teaching and learning from completed ALTC projects and fellowships -a literature review of the good practices and key outcomes for teaching and learning from national and international research -the proposed outcomes and resources for teaching and learning which will be produced by current incomplete ALTC projects and fellowships -identifies areas in which further work or development are appropriate.


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It is difficult to get school and university students interested in physics. Many students place physics in the ‘too hard basket’. In many cases this is because physics is perceived to contain a lot of mathematics, which many students also find hard. Another barrier to the study of physics is that there is no easily identifiable career as a physicist, as for example there is for a chemist, engineer, nurse, lawyer, doctor, dentist etc. Physics touches many aspects of life. All electronic equipment, phones, computers etc contain semiconductor chips that were developed by physicists. A result of this very diverse application of physics is that physicist end up working all over the place. For example, physicists end up in private and government research laboratories, as teachers in schools and as medical physicists in hospitals.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine post-graduate health promotion students’ self-perceptions of information literacy skills prior to, and after completing PILOT, an online information literacy tutorial. Design/methodology/approach – Post graduate students at Queensland University of Technology enrolled in PUP038 New Developments in Health Promotion completed a pre- and post- self-assessment questionnaire. From 2008-2011 students were required to rate their academic writing and research skills before and after completing the PILOT online information literacy tutorial. Quantitative trends and qualitative themes were analysed to establish students’ self-assessment and the effectiveness of the PILOT tutorial. Findings – The results from four years of post-graduate students’ self-assessment questionnaires provide evidence of perceived improvements in information literacy skills after completing PILOT. Some students continued to have trouble with locating quality information and analysis as well as issues surrounding referencing and plagiarism. Feedback was generally positive and students’ responses indicated they found the tutorial highly beneficial in improving their research skills. Originality/value - This paper is original because it describes post-graduate health promotion students’ self-assessment of information literacy skills over a period of four years. The literature is limited in the health promotion domain and self-assessment of post-graduate students’ information literacy skills. Keywords – Self-assessment, Post-graduate, Information literacy, Library instruction, Higher education, Health promotion, Evidence-based practice Paper Type - Research paper


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Developing awareness of and maintaining interest in Korea and Korean culture for non-language secondary and tertiary students continues to challenge educators in Australia. A lack of appropriate and accessible creative and cultural materials is a key factor contributing to this challenge. In light of changes made to 'fair use' guidelines for the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the United States in July 2010, and in order to prepare for a time in the near future when Australian copyright regulations might follow suit, this article offers a framework for utilizing film and digital media contents in the classroom. Case studies of the short digital animation film 'Birthday Boy' (2004) and the feature film The Divine Weapon (2008) are presented in order to illustrate new educational approaches to popular Korean films---the cinematic component of the 'Korean Wave' ('Hanryu' or 'Hallyu' in Korean). It is hoped that this work-in-progress will enable teachers to inspire students with limited language skills to learn more about Korean popular culture, history, and tradition as well as media, politics, and genre studies in dynamic ways through the use of films as cultural texts in the classroom.


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Most existing requirements engineering approaches focus on the modelling and specification of the IT artefacts ignoring the environment where the application is deployed. Although some requirements engineering approaches consider the stakeholder’s goals, they still focus on the IT artefacts’ specification. However, IT artefacts are embedded in a dynamic organisational environment and their design and specification cannot be separated from the environment’s constant evolution. Therefore, during the initial stages of a requirements engineering process it is advantageous to consider the integration of IT design with organisational design. We proposed the ADMITO (Analysis, Design and Management of IT and Organisations) approach to represent the dynamic relations between social and material entities, where the latter are divided into technological and organisational entities. In this paper we show how by using ADMITO in a concrete case, the Queensland Health Payroll (QHP) case, it is possible to have an integrated representation of IT and organisational design supporting organisational change and IT requirements specification.


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Organizations today make radical use of the IT resources to sustain or better their existing competitive position. One such initiative is forming alliances on a shared IT backbone with partners of their value chain. We term these alliances the collaborative organizational structures (COS). Regardless of the nature of engagement with IT resources, organizations will require unique competencies to obtain performance-differentiating value from these IT resources. In a collaborative environment, these competencies would be a result of the synergy between the alliances’ unique competences. We call these the inter-firm IT-related capabilities. The resource centric theoretical frameworks suggest a trajectory of competence development and the structure of inter-firm competencies, but does not inform on the nature of these competencies. We employ an interpretive design to suggest three inter-firm IT-related capabilities for IT-backed collaborative alliances. We discuss these capabilities in this research and suggest that their effectiveness be measured directly against the collaborative rent, and indirectly against the firm-level performance of the alliance partners. This forms a model of leveraging and evaluating value within IT-backed collaborative alliances.


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The pervasive use of IT is prominent amongst organizations in developing economies. However, there is growing evidence that these economies fail to capitalize on their IT investment to transform their organizations to be competitive both locally and globally. IT-related benefits are possible with appropriate governance of the IT-related resources, and we need to broaden our understanding on the IT governance mechanics suitable for organizations in the developing economies. In this study, we adopted an initial interpretive design to obtain a deeper understanding of the IT governance (ITG) environment and conceptions of the stakeholders on effective IT governance structures for the developing economies. We found that the presence of an IT Strategic Planning Committee, Multiple level of authority, and a Forum for informal discussions as the crucial components of an ITG structure in developing economies.


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These are changing times in Australia for teachers and their students, with the introduction of a national curriculum and standards driven reform. While countries in Europe such as England, and in Asia such as Singapore, are changing policy to use assessment in the support of and improvement of learning it appears that we in Australia are moving towards creating policy that will raise the assessment stakes for the putative purposes of transparency, accountability and fairness. What can be learnt from countries that have had years of high stakes testing? How can Australia avoid the mistakes of past curriculum and assessment reform efforts? And how can Australian teachers build their capacity to maximise their use of the learning power of assessment? These are the questions that are addressed in this article, with reference to innovative research from global networks that have maintained the assessment focus on learning rather than accountability practices.


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It would be a rare thing to visit an early years setting or classroom in Australia that does not display examples of young children’s artworks. This practice serves to give schools a particular ‘look’, but is no guarantee of quality art education. The Australian National Review of Visual Arts Education (NRVE) (2009) has called for changes to visual art education in schools. The planned new National Curriculum includes the arts (music, dance, drama, media and visual arts) as one of the five learning areas. Research shows that it is the classroom teacher that makes the difference, and teacher education has a large part to play in reforms to art education. This paper provides an account of one foundation unit of study (Unit 1) for first year university students enrolled in a 4-year Bachelor degree program who are preparing to teach in the early years (0–8 years). To prepare pre-service teachers to meet the needs of children in the 21st century, Unit 1 blends old and new ways of seeing art, child and pedagogy. Claims for the effectiveness of this model are supported with evidence-based research, conducted over the six years of iterations and ongoing development of Unit 1.


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Ubiquitylation is a necessary step in the endocytosis and lysosomal trafficking of many plasma membrane proteins and can also influence protein trafficking in the biosynthetic pathway. Although a molecular understanding of ubiquitylation in these processes is beginning to emerge, very little is known about the role deubiquitylation may play. Fat Facets in mouse (FAM) is substrate-specific deubiquitylating enzyme highly expressed in epithelia where it interacts with its substrate, β-catenin. Here we show, in the polarized intestinal epithelial cell line T84, FAM localized to multiple points of protein trafficking. FAM interacted with β-catenin and E-cadherin in T84 cells but only in subconfluent cultures. FAM extensively colocalized with β-catenin in cytoplasmic puncta but not at sites of cell-cell contact as well as immunoprecipitating with β-catenin and E-cadherin from a higher molecular weight complex (~500 kDa). At confluence FAM neither colocalized with, nor immunoprecipitated, β-catenin or E-cadherin, which were predominantly in a larger molecular weight complex (~2 MDa) at the cell surface. Overexpression of FAM in MCF-7 epithelial cells resulted in increased β-catenin levels, which localized to the plasma membrane. Expression of E-cadherin in L-cell fibroblasts resulted in the relocalization of FAM from the Golgi to cytoplasmic puncta. These data strongly suggest that FAM associates with E-cadherin and β-catenin during trafficking to the plasma membrane.


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The purpose of this article is to describe a project with one Torres Strait Islander Community. It provides some insights into parents’ funds of knowledge that are mathematical in nature, such as sorting shells and giving fish. The idea of funds of knowledge is based on the premise that people are competent and have knowledge that has been historically and culturally accumulated into a body of knowledge and skills essential for their functioning and well-being. This knowledge is then practised throughout their lives and passed onto the next generation of children. Through adopting a community research approach, funds of knowledge that can be used to validate the community’s identities as knowledgeable people, can also be used as foundations for future learnings for teachers, parents and children in the early years of school. They can be the bridge that joins a community’s funds of knowledge with schools validating that knowledge.


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This document is an adaptation of a report submitted to the ALTC in 2009, with additional data collected through subsequent interviews. The organisation of the contents also reflects a development of thought since the original project. The framework presented in this document is intended to provide supervisors with a range of options with respect to supervisory pedagogy. It has been developed to highlight different aspects of thinking about supervision as a teaching and learning practice; as well as approaches, strategies and roles associated with supervision. It will enable supervisors to become aware of the diverse options available to them and provide systematic ways of thinking about supervisory practices. Use of this framework will encourage supervisors to make choices based on broader, rather than more limited, repertoires. It will also encourage thinking about supervision as a teaching and learning practice.


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This paper focuses on the turning point experiences that worked to transform the researcher during a preliminary consultation process to seek permission to conduct of a small pilot project on one Torres Strait Island. The project aimed to learn from parents how they support their children in their mathematics learning. Drawing on a community research design, a consultative meeting was held with one Torres Strait Islander community to discuss the possibility of piloting a small project that focused on working with parents and children to learn about early mathematics processes. Preliminary data indicated that parents use networks in their community. It highlighted the funds of knowledge of mathematics that exist in the community and which are used to teach their children. Such knowledges are situated within a community’s unique histories, culture and the voices of the people. “Omei” tree means the Tree of Wisdom in the Island community.