718 resultados para Supervised learning


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The topic of fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) is studied from the perspective of proactive testing. Unlike most research focus in the diagnosis area in which system outputs are analyzed for diagnosis purposes, in this paper the focus is on the other side of the problem: manipulating system inputs for better diagnosis reasoning. In other words, the question of how diagnostic mechanisms can direct system inputs for better diagnosis analysis is addressed here. It is shown how the problem can be formulated as decision making problem coupled with a Bayesian Network based diagnostic mechanism. The developed mechanism is applied to the problem of supervised testing in HVAC systems.


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Active learning approaches reduce the annotation cost required by traditional supervised approaches to reach the same effectiveness by actively selecting informative instances during the learning phase. However, effectiveness and robustness of the learnt models are influenced by a number of factors. In this paper we investigate the factors that affect the effectiveness, more specifically in terms of stability and robustness, of active learning models built using conditional random fields (CRFs) for information extraction applications. Stability, defined as a small variation of performance when small variation of the training data or a small variation of the parameters occur, is a major issue for machine learning models, but even more so in the active learning framework which aims to minimise the amount of training data required. The factors we investigate are a) the choice of incremental vs. standard active learning, b) the feature set used as a representation of the text (i.e., morphological features, syntactic features, or semantic features) and c) Gaussian prior variance as one of the important CRFs parameters. Our empirical findings show that incremental learning and the Gaussian prior variance lead to more stable and robust models across iterations. Our study also demonstrates that orthographical, morphological and contextual features as a group of basic features play an important role in learning effective models across all iterations.


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Reflective writing is an important learning task to help foster reflective practice, but even when assessed it is rarely analysed or critically reviewed due to its subjective and affective nature. We propose a process for capturing subjective and affective analytics based on the identification and recontextualisation of anomalous features within reflective text. We evaluate 2 human supervised trials of the process, and so demonstrate the potential for an automated Anomaly Recontextualisation process for Learning Analytics.


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Local spatio-temporal features with a Bag-of-visual words model is a popular approach used in human action recognition. Bag-of-features methods suffer from several challenges such as extracting appropriate appearance and motion features from videos, converting extracted features appropriate for classification and designing a suitable classification framework. In this paper we address the problem of efficiently representing the extracted features for classification to improve the overall performance. We introduce two generative supervised topic models, maximum entropy discrimination LDA (MedLDA) and class- specific simplex LDA (css-LDA), to encode the raw features suitable for discriminative SVM based classification. Unsupervised LDA models disconnect topic discovery from the classification task, hence yield poor results compared to the baseline Bag-of-words framework. On the other hand supervised LDA techniques learn the topic structure by considering the class labels and improve the recognition accuracy significantly. MedLDA maximizes likelihood and within class margins using max-margin techniques and yields a sparse highly discriminative topic structure; while in css-LDA separate class specific topics are learned instead of common set of topics across the entire dataset. In our representation first topics are learned and then each video is represented as a topic proportion vector, i.e. it can be comparable to a histogram of topics. Finally SVM classification is done on the learned topic proportion vector. We demonstrate the efficiency of the above two representation techniques through the experiments carried out in two popular datasets. Experimental results demonstrate significantly improved performance compared to the baseline Bag-of-features framework which uses kmeans to construct histogram of words from the feature vectors.


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The latest generation of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) have dramatically advanced challenging computer vision tasks, especially in object detection and object classification, achieving state-of-the-art performance in several computer vision tasks including text recognition, sign recognition, face recognition and scene understanding. The depth of these supervised networks has enabled learning deeper and hierarchical representation of features. In parallel, unsupervised deep learning such as Convolutional Deep Belief Network (CDBN) has also achieved state-of-the-art in many computer vision tasks. However, there is very limited research on jointly exploiting the strength of these two approaches. In this paper, we investigate the learning capability of both methods. We compare the output of individual layers and show that many learnt filters and outputs of the corresponding level layer are almost similar for both approaches. Stacking the DCNN on top of unsupervised layers or replacing layers in the DCNN with the corresponding learnt layers in the CDBN can improve the recognition/classification accuracy and training computational expense. We demonstrate the validity of the proposal on ImageNet dataset.


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This paper seeks to re-conceptualize the research supervision relationship. The literature has tended to view doctoral study in four ways: (i) as an exercise in self-management; (ii) as a research experience; (iii) as training for research, or; (iv) as an instance of student-centred learning. Although each of these approaches has their merits, they also suffer from conceptual weaknesses. This paper seeks to harness the merits — and minimize the disadvantages — by re-conceptualizing doctoral research as a ‘writing journey’. The paper utilizes the insights of new rhetoric in linguistic theory to defend a writing-centered conception of supervised research and offers some practical strategies on how it might be put into effect.


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Background: Optometry students are taught the process of subjective refraction through lectures and laboratory based practicals before progressing to supervised clinical practice. Simulated learning environments (SLEs) are an emerging technology that are used in a range of health disciplines, however, there is limited evidence regarding the effectiveness of clinical simulators as an educational tool. Methods: Forty optometry students (20 fourth year and 20 fifth year) were assessed twice by a qualified optometrist (two examinations separated by 4-8 weeks) while completing a monocular non-cycloplegic subjective refraction on the same patient with an unknown refractive error simulated using contact lenses. Half of the students were granted access to an online SLE, The Brien Holden Vision Institute (BHVI®) Virtual Refractor, and the remaining students formed a control group. The primary outcome measures at each visit were; accuracy of the clinical refraction compared to a qualified optometrist and relative to the Optometry Council of Australia and New Zealand (OCANZ) subjective refraction examination criteria. Secondary measures of interest included descriptors of student SLE engagement, student self-reported confidence levels and correlations between performance in the simulated and real world clinical environment. Results: Eighty percent of students in the intervention group interacted with the SLE (for an average of 100 minutes); however, there was no correlation between measures of student engagement with the BHVI® Virtual Refractor and speed or accuracy of clinical subjective refractions. Fifth year students were typically more confident and refracted more accurately and quickly than fourth year students. A year group by experimental group interaction (p = 0.03) was observed for accuracy of the spherical component of refraction, and post hoc analysis revealed that less experienced students exhibited greater gains in clinical accuracy following exposure to the SLE intervention. Conclusions: Short-term exposure to a SLE can positively influence clinical subjective refraction outcomes for less experienced optometry students and may be of benefit in increasing the skills of novice refractionists to levels appropriate for commencing supervised clinical interactions.


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This paper investigates how students’ learning experience can be enhanced by participating in the Industry-Based Learning (IBL) program. In this program, the university students coming into the industry to experience how the business is run. The students’ learning media is now not coming from the textbooks or the lecturers but from learning by doing. This new learning experience could be very interesting for students but at the same time could also be challenging. The research involves interviewing a number of students from the IBL programs, the academic staff from the participated university who has experience in supervising students and the employees of the industry who supported and supervised the students in their work placements. The research findings offer useful insights and create new knowledge in the field of education and learning. The research contributes to the existing knowledge by providing a new understanding of the topic as it applied to the Indonesian context.