319 resultados para Information retrieval


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This paper gives an overview of the INEX 2008 Ad Hoc Track. The main goals of the Ad Hoc Track were two-fold. The first goal was to investigate the value of the internal document structure (as provided by the XML mark-up) for retrieving relevant information. This is a continuation of INEX 2007 and, for this reason, the retrieval results are liberalized to arbitrary passages and measures were chosen to fairly compare systems retrieving elements, ranges of elements, and arbitrary passages. The second goal was to compare focused retrieval to article retrieval more directly than in earlier years. For this reason, standard document retrieval rankings have been derived from all runs, and evaluated with standard measures. In addition, a set of queries targeting Wikipedia have been derived from a proxy log, and the runs are also evaluated against the clicked Wikipedia pages. The INEX 2008 Ad Hoc Track featured three tasks: For the Focused Task a ranked-list of nonoverlapping results (elements or passages) was needed. For the Relevant in Context Task non-overlapping results (elements or passages) were returned grouped by the article from which they came. For the Best in Context Task a single starting point (element start tag or passage start) for each article was needed. We discuss the results for the three tasks, and examine the relative effectiveness of element and passage retrieval. This is examined in the context of content only (CO, or Keyword) search as well as content and structure (CAS, or structured) search. Finally, we look at the ability of focused retrieval techniques to rank articles, using standard document retrieval techniques, both against the judged topics as well as against queries and clicks from a proxy log.


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In attempting to build intelligent litigation support tools, we have moved beyond first generation, production rule legal expert systems. Our work integrates rule based and case based reasoning with intelligent information retrieval. When using the case based reasoning methodology, or in our case the specialisation of case based retrieval, we need to be aware of how to retrieve relevant experience. Our research, in the legal domain, specifies an approach to the retrieval problem which relies heavily on an extended object oriented/rule based system architecture that is supplemented with causal background information. We use a distributed agent architecture to help support the reasoning process of lawyers. Our approach to integrating rule based reasoning, case based reasoning and case based retrieval is contrasted to the CABARET and PROLEXS architectures which rely on a centralised blackboard architecture. We discuss in detail how our various cooperating agents interact, and provide examples of the system at work. The IKBALS system uses a specialised induction algorithm to induce rules from cases. These rules are then used as indices during the case based retrieval process. Because we aim to build legal support tools which can be modified to suit various domains rather than single purpose legal expert systems, we focus on principles behind developing legal knowledge based systems. The original domain chosen was theAccident Compensation Act 1989 (Victoria, Australia), which relates to the provision of benefits for employees injured at work. For various reasons, which are indicated in the paper, we changed our domain to that ofCredit Act 1984 (Victoria, Australia). This Act regulates the provision of loans by financial institutions. The rule based part of our system which provides advice on the Credit Act has been commercially developed in conjunction with a legal firm. We indicate how this work has lead to the development of a methodology for constructing rule based legal knowledge based systems. We explain the process of integrating this existing commercial rule based system with the case base reasoning and retrieval architecture.


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Newsletter ACM SIGIR Forum: The Seventeenth Australian Document Computing Symposium was held in Dunedin, New Zealand on the 5th and 6th of December 2012. In total twenty four papers were submitted. From those eleven were accepted for full presentation and 8 for short presentation. A poster session was held jointly with the Australasian Language Technology Workshop.


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This thesis developed new search engine models that elicit the meaning behind the words found in documents and queries, rather than simply matching keywords. These new models were applied to searching medical records: an area where search is particularly challenging yet can have significant benefits to our society.


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This paper presents a novel framework to further advance the recent trend of using query decomposition and high-order term relationships in query language modeling, which takes into account terms implicitly associated with different subsets of query terms. Existing approaches, most remarkably the language model based on the Information Flow method are however unable to capture multiple levels of associations and also suffer from a high computational overhead. In this paper, we propose to compute association rules from pseudo feedback documents that are segmented into variable length chunks via multiple sliding windows of different sizes. Extensive experiments have been conducted on various TREC collections and our approach significantly outperforms a baseline Query Likelihood language model, the Relevance Model and the Information Flow model.


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With the growing size and variety of social media files on the web, it’s becoming critical to efficiently organize them into clusters for further processing. This paper presents a novel scalable constrained document clustering method that harnesses the power of search engines capable of dealing with large text data. Instead of calculating distance between the documents and all of the clusters’ centroids, a neighborhood of best cluster candidates is chosen using a document ranking scheme. To make the method faster and less memory dependable, the in-memory and in-database processing are combined in a semi-incremental manner. This method has been extensively tested in the social event detection application. Empirical analysis shows that the proposed method is efficient both in computation and memory usage while producing notable accuracy.


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Novelty-biased cumulative gain (α-NDCG) has become the de facto measure within the information retrieval (IR) community for evaluating retrieval systems in the context of sub-topic retrieval. Setting the incorrect value of parameter α in α-NDCG prevents the measure from behaving as desired in particular circumstances. In fact, when α is set according to common practice (i.e. α = 0.5), the measure favours systems that promote redundant relevant sub-topics rather than provide novel relevant ones. Recognising this characteristic of the measure is important because it affects the comparison and the ranking of retrieval systems. We propose an approach to overcome this problem by defining a safe threshold for the value of α on a query basis. Moreover, we study its impact on system rankings through a comprehensive simulation.


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Semantic space models of word meaning derived from co-occurrence statistics within a corpus of documents, such as the Hyperspace Analogous to Language (HAL) model, have been proposed in the past. While word similarity can be computed using these models, it is not clear how semantic spaces derived from different sets of documents can be compared. In this paper, we focus on this problem, and we revisit the proposal of using semantic subspace distance measurements [1]. In particular, we outline the research questions that still need to be addressed to investigate and validate these distance measures. Then, we describe our plans for future research.


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Semantic Space models, which provide a numerical representation of words’ meaning extracted from corpus of documents, have been formalized in terms of Hermitian operators over real valued Hilbert spaces by Bruza et al. [1]. The collapse of a word into a particular meaning has been investigated applying the notion of quantum collapse of superpositional states [2]. While the semantic association between words in a Semantic Space can be computed by means of the Minkowski distance [3] or the cosine of the angle between the vector representation of each pair of words, a new procedure is needed in order to establish relations between two or more Semantic Spaces. We address the question: how can the distance between different Semantic Spaces be computed? By representing each Semantic Space as a subspace of a more general Hilbert space, the relationship between Semantic Spaces can be computed by means of the subspace distance. Such distance needs to take into account the difference in the dimensions between subspaces. The availability of a distance for comparing different Semantic Subspaces would enable to achieve a deeper understanding about the geometry of Semantic Spaces which would possibly translate into better effectiveness in Information Retrieval tasks.


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INEX investigates focused retrieval from structured documents by providing large test collections of structured documents, uniform evaluation measures, and a forum for organizations to compare their results. This paper reports on the INEX 2008 evaluation campaign, which consisted of a wide range of tracks: Ad hoc, Book, Efficiency, Entity Ranking, Interactive, QA, Link the Wiki, and XML Mining.


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This study investigates if and why assessing relevance of clinical records for a clinical retrieval task is cognitively demanding. Previous research has highlighted the challenges and issues information retrieval systems are faced with when determining the relevance of documents in this domain, e.g., the vocabulary mismatch problem. Determining if this assessment imposes cognitive load on human assessors, and why this is the case, may shed lights on what are the (cognitive) processes that assessors use for determining document relevance (in this domain). High cognitive load may impair the ability of the user to make accurate relevance judgements and hence the design of IR mechanisms may need to take this into account in order to reduce the load.


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In this paper we propose a method that integrates the no- tion of understandability, as a factor of document relevance, into the evaluation of information retrieval systems for con- sumer health search. We consider the gain-discount evaluation framework (RBP, nDCG, ERR) and propose two understandability-based variants (uRBP) of rank biased precision, characterised by an estimation of understandability based on document readability and by different models of how readability influences user understanding of document content. The proposed uRBP measures are empirically contrasted to RBP by comparing system rankings obtained with each measure. The findings suggest that considering understandability along with topicality in the evaluation of in- formation retrieval systems lead to different claims about systems effectiveness than considering topicality alone.


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This article presents a study of how humans perceive and judge the relevance of documents. Humans are adept at making reasonably robust and quick decisions about what information is relevant to them, despite the ever increasing complexity and volume of their surrounding information environment. The literature on document relevance has identified various dimensions of relevance (e.g., topicality, novelty, etc.), however little is understood about how these dimensions may interact. We performed a crowdsourced study of how human subjects judge two relevance dimensions in relation to document snippets retrieved from an internet search engine. The order of the judgment was controlled. For those judgments exhibiting an order effect, a q–test was performed to determine whether the order effects can be explained by a quantum decision model based on incompatible decision perspectives. Some evidence of incompatibility was found which suggests incompatible decision perspectives is appropriate for explaining interacting dimensions of relevance in such instances.


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The capability of storing multi-bit information is one of the most important challenges in memory technologies. An ambipolar polymer which intrinsically has the ability to transport electrons and holes as a semiconducting layer provides an opportunity for the charge trapping layer to trap both electrons and holes efficiently. Here, we achieved large memory window and distinct multilevel data storage by utilizing the phenomena of ambipolar charge trapping mechanism. As fabricated flexible memory devices display five well-defined data levels with good endurance and retention properties showing potential application in printed electronics.


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This paper reports on the 2nd ShARe/CLEFeHealth evaluation lab which continues our evaluation resource building activities for the medical domain. In this lab we focus on patients' information needs as opposed to the more common campaign focus of the specialised information needs of physicians and other healthcare workers. The usage scenario of the lab is to ease patients and next-of-kins' ease in understanding eHealth information, in particular clinical reports. The 1st ShARe/CLEFeHealth evaluation lab was held in 2013. This lab consisted of three tasks. Task 1 focused on named entity recognition and normalization of disorders; Task 2 on normalization of acronyms/abbreviations; and Task 3 on information retrieval to address questions patients may have when reading clinical reports. This year's lab introduces a new challenge in Task 1 on visual-interactive search and exploration of eHealth data. Its aim is to help patients (or their next-of-kin) in readability issues related to their hospital discharge documents and related information search on the Internet. Task 2 then continues the information extraction work of the 2013 lab, specifically focusing on disorder attribute identification and normalization from clinical text. Finally, this year's Task 3 further extends the 2013 information retrieval task, by cleaning the 2013 document collection and introducing a new query generation method and multilingual queries. De-identified clinical reports used by the three tasks were from US intensive care and originated from the MIMIC II database. Other text documents for Tasks 1 and 3 were from the Internet and originated from the Khresmoi project. Task 2 annotations originated from the ShARe annotations. For Tasks 1 and 3, new annotations, queries, and relevance assessments were created. 50, 79, and 91 people registered their interest in Tasks 1, 2, and 3, respectively. 24 unique teams participated with 1, 10, and 14 teams in Tasks 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The teams were from Africa, Asia, Canada, Europe, and North America. The Task 1 submission, reviewed by 5 expert peers, related to the task evaluation category of Effective use of interaction and targeted the needs of both expert and novice users. The best system had an Accuracy of 0.868 in Task 2a, an F1-score of 0.576 in Task 2b, and Precision at 10 (P@10) of 0.756 in Task 3. The results demonstrate the substantial community interest and capabilities of these systems in making clinical reports easier to understand for patients. The organisers have made data and tools available for future research and development.