Overview of the INEX 2008 Ad Hoc Track

Autoria(s): Kamps, Jaap; Geva, Shlomo; Trotman, Andrew; Woodley, Alan; Koolen, Marijn

Geva, Shlomo

Kamps, Jaap

Trotman, Andrew




This paper gives an overview of the INEX 2008 Ad Hoc Track. The main goals of the Ad Hoc Track were two-fold. The first goal was to investigate the value of the internal document structure (as provided by the XML mark-up) for retrieving relevant information. This is a continuation of INEX 2007 and, for this reason, the retrieval results are liberalized to arbitrary passages and measures were chosen to fairly compare systems retrieving elements, ranges of elements, and arbitrary passages. The second goal was to compare focused retrieval to article retrieval more directly than in earlier years. For this reason, standard document retrieval rankings have been derived from all runs, and evaluated with standard measures. In addition, a set of queries targeting Wikipedia have been derived from a proxy log, and the runs are also evaluated against the clicked Wikipedia pages. The INEX 2008 Ad Hoc Track featured three tasks: For the Focused Task a ranked-list of nonoverlapping results (elements or passages) was needed. For the Relevant in Context Task non-overlapping results (elements or passages) were returned grouped by the article from which they came. For the Best in Context Task a single starting point (element start tag or passage start) for each article was needed. We discuss the results for the three tasks, and examine the relative effectiveness of element and passage retrieval. This is examined in the context of content only (CO, or Keyword) search as well as content and structure (CAS, or structured) search. Finally, we look at the ability of focused retrieval techniques to rank articles, using standard document retrieval techniques, both against the judged topics as well as against queries and clicks from a proxy log.




Springer Berlin Heidelberg



Kamps, Jaap, Geva, Shlomo, Trotman, Andrew, Woodley, Alan, & Koolen, Marijn (2009) Overview of the INEX 2008 Ad Hoc Track. In Geva, Shlomo, Kamps, Jaap, & Trotman, Andrew (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Advances in Focused Retrieval, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Dagstuhl, Germany, pp. 1-28.


Copyright 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg


School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science; Science & Engineering Faculty

Palavras-Chave #080611 Information Systems Theory #Information Retrieval #XML #INEX

Conference Paper