22 resultados para university teachers
em Universidade do Minho
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especilização em Desenvolvimento Curricular).
In this paper we propose to characterize the inclusive philosophy in Thailand as well as to present and discuss results from a quantitative research carried out within the teacher pre-service context, viewed as one of the components that should be addressed by school systems that seek to be inclusive.
Publicado em "Anais eletrônicos. ISSN 1984-1175"
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar
Higher education in Portugal, in the last forty years, has undergone profound changes with the enlargement of public higher education network, the appearance of new institutions, the quantity and the heterogeneity of students. The implementation of the Bologna Process in European community countries led to the redesign of higher education Portuguese courses as well as their corresponding curricula. In recent years, the use of Project-led education was one of the most significant changes in teaching and learning, particularly in engineering in higher education in Portugal. This teaching methodology encourages students and teachers to undertake new roles, new responsibilities and a new learning perspective. This study aims at understanding whether the role of the tutor is to be suitable to the needs and expectations of Project-led education students. These changes however are not only structural. At the University of Minho, new teaching and learning methodologies were adopted, which could guide the training of professionals on to the twenty-first century. The opportunity arising from the implementation of Project-led education in Engineering methodology was used in the University of Minho’s courses. This teaching method is intended to provide students with educational support programs that benefit the academic performance, allowing the opportunity to upgrade, train and develop the ability to study and learn more effectively. Through the Project-led education it is possible to provide students with techniques and procedures and develop the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students and teachers have assumed new roles in the teaching-learning process allowing in one hand the students to explore, discover and question themselves about some knowledge and on the other hand the teachers to change to a tutor, a companion and to a student project guide. Therefore, surveys were analyzed, comprising questions about the most significant contribution of the tutor as well as if there are some initial expectations that have not been foreseen by the tutor.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática
O presente artigo traz uma avaliação sobre um processo de implementação do PBL que ocorreu no curso de Engenharia Informática na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane em Moçambique. Por este processo ser novo no contexto de ensino de Engenharia em Moçambique foram os desafios encontrados por parte dos docentes e estudantes relativos a implementação, coordenação e adequação do currículo a metodologia do PBL, fazendo com que o processo de implementação fosse gradual. Assim no primeiro semestre de 2014 foi implementado um processo PBL piloto envolvendo as disciplinas de Programação Orientada à Objetos 1 e Base de Dados 1, que foram disciplinas escolhidas pelo facto de seus currículos terem matérias comuns, todos desafios e comentários dados pelos estudantes foram levados em conta no desenho do segundo processo PBL para o segundo semestre de 2014 que envolveu as disciplinas de Programação Orientada à Objetos 2, Base de Dados 2 e Sistemas de Multimídia fazendo com que houvesse mais informação para o terceiro processo envolvendo as disciplinas de Engenharia de Software 1 e Programação em Web. A avaliação do processo por parte dos estudantes, veio através de inquiridos onde os estudantes fizeram chegar as suas preocupações e ideias a respeito do PBL e dos moldes em que este estava a ser implementado no currículo. O processo de implementação do PBL pode ser considerado uma experiência bem sucedida e com futuro promissor e que de certeza vai ajudar a inovar os processos de ensino de engenharia em Moçambique.
Estudo de caso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação em atividades de enriquecimento curricular
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática
PhD thesis in Educational Sciences (specialization in Politics of Education).
Getting the attention of students has always been a hard task for most teachers. In this context the use of new technologies can be taken into consideration for giving the teacher new means to incentive his students. The tool described in this article gives importance to the opinion of the students for their own evaluation. Thanks to it a group of students from the University of Minho was able to post questions to their colleagues and to evaluate their peer’s works on the discipline of Power Electronics Complement.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Tecnologia Educativa).
Tese de doutoramento em Estudos da Criança (área de especialização em Formação de Professores).
Bajo los auspicios reformadores del Marqués de Pombal, los nuevos estatutos de la Universidad de Coimbra, ratificados por el rey José I en junio de 1772, representaron una importante revisión de los principales estudios en Portugal. Hacia un largo tiempo que los Estatutos de la Universidad de Coimbra no fueron revisados, y la revisión de los Estatutos de 1559 (rey Sebastián), 1591 (el rey Felipe I de Portugal, II de Castilla) y 1653 (rey João IV), se observa que, en comparación con más de dos siglos de vigencia del mismo modelo con modificaciones más o menos limitados, los Estatutos de 1772 traen un nuevo pensamiento y un nuevo impulso mediante la promoción, en particular, de la educación y el desarrollo de las Ciencias exactas y naturales y la valoración del método experimental. Al mismo tiempo, en España, el rey Carlos III, renuncia a imponer un único modelo de estudios de todas las universidades. En ambos casos, el portugués y el español, la urgencia de las reformas es mas aguda pues que los jesuitas fueron expulsados de los territorios en 1759 y 1767, respectivamente; y tanto precursores como mentores quieren estas reformas para abrir las universidades a la ciencia moderna y el humanismo de la Ilustración. La renovación de los contenidos y métodos de enseñanza en Coimbra fue notoria, con la preocupación notable con la investigación, lo que no era muy común en la época. Había también una preocupación con las necesidades de la sociedad en una forma muy práctica (habiendo sido en la época construido el Observatorio Astronómico, el Laboratorio de Física, etc.). Al mismo tempo, la universidad de Coimbra tuvo como profesores dos matemáticos notables, José Anastácio da Cunha y José Monteiro da Rocha. En España también fueron importantes los ensayos de renovación de los métodos, de apertura a la ciencia de la época, de conexión con las realidades de la sociedad española, de coordinación de esfuerzos para conformar una «comunidad universitaria española». En esta comunicación se hace una discusión de comparación entre las dos reformas ibéricas.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a subjective multidimensional measure of early career success during university-to-work transition. Design/methodology/approach – The construct of university-to-work success (UWS) was defined in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic career outcomes, and a three-stage study was conducted to create a new scale. Findings – A preliminary set of items was developed and tested by judges. Results showed the items had good content validity. Factor analyses indicated a four-factor structure and a second-order model with subscales to assess: career insertion and satisfaction, confidence in career future, income and financial independence, and adaptation to work. Third, the authors sought to confirm the hypothesized model examining the comparative fit of the scale and two alternative models. Results showed that fits for both the first- and second-order models were acceptable. Research limitations/implications – The proposed model has sound psychometric qualities, although the validated version of the scale was not able to incorporate all constructs envisaged by the initial theoretical model. Results indicated some direction for further refinement. Practical implications – The scale could be used as a tool for self-assessment or as an outcome measure to assess the efficacy of university-to-work programs in applied settings. Originality/value – This study provides a useful single measure to assess early career success during the university-to-work transition, and might facilitate testing of causal models which could help identify factors relevant for successful transition.