24 resultados para reconfigurable infrastructure

em Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore - Índia


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We report the design and characterization of a circuit technique to measure the on-chip delay of an individual logic gate (both inverting and noninverting) in its unmodified form. The test circuit comprises of digitally reconfigurable ring oscillator (RO). The gate under test is embedded in each stage of the ring oscillator. A system of linear equations is then formed with different configuration settings of the RO, relating the individual gate delay to the measured period of the RO, whose solution gives the delay of the individual gates. Experimental results from a test chip in 65-nm process node show the feasibility of measuring the delay of an individual inverter to within 1 ps accuracy. Delay measurements of different nominally identicall inverters in close physical proximity show variations of up to 28% indicating the large impact of local variations. As a demonstration of this technique, we have studied delay variation with poly-pitch, length of diffusion (LOD) and different orientations of layout in silicon. The proposed technique is quite suitable for early process characterization, monitoring mature process in manufacturing and correlating model-to-hardware.


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In this paper we develop compilation techniques for the realization of applications described in a High Level Language (HLL) onto a Runtime Reconfigurable Architecture. The compiler determines Hyper Operations (HyperOps) that are subgraphs of a data flow graph (of an application) and comprise elementary operations that have strong producer-consumer relationship. These HyperOps are hosted on computation structures that are provisioned on demand at runtime. We also report compiler optimizations that collectively reduce the overheads of data-driven computations in runtime reconfigurable architectures. On an average, HyperOps offer a 44% reduction in total execution time and a 18% reduction in management overheads as compared to using basic blocks as coarse grained operations. We show that HyperOps formed using our compiler are suitable to support data flow software pipelining.


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The network scenario is that of an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLAN with a single AP with which several stations (STAs) are associated. The AP has a finite size buffer for storing packets. In this scenario, we consider TCP controlled upload and download file transfers between the STAs and a server on the wireline LAN (e.g., 100 Mbps Ethernet) to which the AP is connected. In such a situation, it is known (see, for example, (3), [9]) that because of packet loss due to finite buffers at the Ap, upload file transfers obtain larger throughputs than download transfers. We provide an analytical model for estimating the upload and download throughputs as a function of the buffer size at the AP. We provide models for the undelayed and delayed ACK cases for a TCP that performs loss recovery only by timeout, and also for TCP Reno.


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Emerging embedded applications are based on evolving standards (e.g., MPEG2/4, H.264/265, IEEE802.11a/b/g/n). Since most of these applications run on handheld devices, there is an increasing need for a single chip solution that can dynamically interoperate between different standards and their derivatives. In order to achieve high resource utilization and low power dissipation, we propose REDEFINE, a polymorphic ASIC in which specialized hardware units are replaced with basic hardware units that can create the same functionality by runtime re-composition. It is a ``future-proof'' custom hardware solution for multiple applications and their derivatives in a domain. In this article, we describe a compiler framework and supporting hardware comprising compute, storage, and communication resources. Applications described in high-level language (e.g., C) are compiled into application substructures. For each application substructure, a set of compute elements on the hardware are interconnected during runtime to form a pattern that closely matches the communication pattern of that particular application. The advantage is that the bounded CEs are neither processor cores nor logic elements as in FPGAs. Hence, REDEFINE offers the power and performance advantage of an ASIC and the hardware reconfigurability and programmability of that of an FPGA/instruction set processor. In addition, the hardware supports custom instruction pipelining. Existing instruction-set extensible processors determine a sequence of instructions that repeatedly occur within the application to create custom instructions at design time to speed up the execution of this sequence. We extend this scheme further, where a kernel is compiled into custom instructions that bear strong producer-consumer relationship (and not limited to frequently occurring sequences of instructions). Custom instructions, realized as hardware compositions effected at runtime, allow several instances of the same to be active in parallel. A key distinguishing factor in majority of the emerging embedded applications is stream processing. To reduce the overheads of data transfer between custom instructions, direct communication paths are employed among custom instructions. In this article, we present the overview of the hardware-aware compiler framework, which determines the NoC-aware schedule of transports of the data exchanged between the custom instructions on the interconnect. The results for the FFT kernel indicate a 25% reduction in the number of loads/stores, and throughput improves by log(n) for n-point FFT when compared to sequential implementation. Overall, REDEFINE offers flexibility and a runtime reconfigurability at the expense of 1.16x in power and 8x in area when compared to an ASIC. REDEFINE implementation consumes 0.1x the power of an FPGA implementation. In addition, the configuration overhead of the FPGA implementation is 1,000x more than that of REDEFINE.


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The network scenario is that of an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLAN with a single AP with which several stations (STAs) are associated. The AP has a finite size buffer for storing packets. In this scenario, we consider TCP-controlled upload and download file transfers between the STAs and a server on the wireline LAN (e.g., 100 Mbps Ethernet) to which the AP is connected. In such a situation, it is well known that because of packet losses due to finite buffers at the AP, upload file transfers obtain larger throughputs than download transfers. We provide an analytical model for estimating the upload and download throughputs as a function of the buffer size at the AP. We provide models for the undelayed and delayed ACK cases for a TCP that performs loss recovery only by timeout, and also for TCP Reno. The models are validated incomparison with NS2 simulations.


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In modern wireline and wireless communication systems, Viterbi decoder is one of the most compute intensive and essential elements. Each standard requires a different configuration of Viterbi decoder. Hence there is a need to design a flexible reconfigurable Viterbi decoder to support different configurations on a single platform. In this paper we present a reconfigurable Viterbi decoder which can be reconfigured for standards such as WCDMA, CDMA2000, IEEE 802.11, DAB, DVB, and GSM. Different parameters like code rate, constraint length, polynomials and truncation length can be configured to map any of the above mentioned standards. Our design provides higher throughput and scalable power consumption in various configuration of the reconfigurable Viterbi decoder. The power and throughput can also be optimized for different standards.


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Modern wireline and wireless communication devices are multimode and multifunctional communication devices. In order to support multiple standards on a single platform, it is necessary to develop a reconfigurable architecture that can provide the required flexibility and performance. The Channel decoder is one of the most compute intensive and essential elements of any communication system. Most of the standards require a reconfigurable Channel decoder that is capable of performing Viterbi decoding and Turbo decoding. Furthermore, the Channel decoder needs to support different configurations of Viterbi and Turbo decoders. In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable Channel decoder that can be reconfigured for standards such as WCDMA, CDMA2000, IEEE802.11, DAB, DVB and GSM. Different parameters like code rate, constraint length, polynomials and truncation length can be configured to map any of the above mentioned standards. A multiprocessor approach has been followed to provide higher throughput and scalable power consumption in various configurations of the reconfigurable Viterbi decoder and Turbo decoder. We have proposed A Hybrid register exchange approach for multiprocessor architecture to minimize power consumption.


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Resistivity imaging of a reconfigurable phantom with circular inhomogeneities is studied with a simple instrumentation and data acquisition system for Electrical Impedance Tomography. The reconfigurable phantom is developed with stainless steel electrodes and a sinusoidal current of constant amplitude is injected to the phantom boundary using opposite current injection protocol. Nylon and polypropylene cylinders with different cross sectional areas are kept inside the phantom and the boundary potential data are collected. The instrumentation and the data acquisition system with a DIP switch-based multiplexer board are used to inject a constant current of desired amplitude and frequency. Voltage data for the first eight current patterns (128 voltage data) are found to be sufficient to reconstruct the inhomogeneities and hence the acquisition time is reduced. Resistivity images are reconstructed from the boundary data for different inhomogeneity positions using EIDORS-2D. The results show that the shape and resistivity of the inhomogeneity as well as the background resistivity are successfully reconstructed from the potential data for single or double inhomogeneity phantoms. The resistivity images obtained from the single and double inhomogeneity phantom clearly indicate the inhomogeneity as the high resistive material. Contrast to noise ratio (CNR) and contrast recovery (CR) of the reconstructed images are found high for the inhomogeneities near all the electrodes arbitrarily chosen for the entire study. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a fast algorithm for data exchange in a network of processors organized as a reconfigurable tree structure. For a given data exchange table, the algorithm generates a sequence of tree configurations in which the data exchanges are to be executed. A significant feature of the algorithm is that each exchange is executed in a tree configuration in which the source and destination nodes are adjacent to each other. It has been proved in a theorem that for every pair of nodes in the reconfigurable tree structure, there always exists two and only two configurations in which these two nodes are adjacent to each other. The algorithm utilizes this fact and determines the solution so as to optimize both the number of configurations required and the time to perform the data exchanges. Analysis of the algorithm shows that it has linear time complexity, and provides a large reduction in run-time as compared to a previously proposed algorithm. This is well-confirmed from the experimental results obtained by executing a large number of randomly-generated data exchange tables. Another significant feature of the algorithm is that the bit-size of the routing information code is always two bits, irrespective of the number of nodes in the tree. This not only increases the speed of the algorithm but also results in simpler hardware inside each node.


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We focus on the energy spent in radio communication by the stations (STAs) in an IEEE 802.11 infrastructure WLAN. All the STAs are engaged in web browsing, which is characterized by a short file downloads over TCP, with short duration of inactivity or think time in between two file downloads. Under this traffic, Static PSM (SPSM) performs better than CAM, since the STAs in SPSM can switch to low power state (sleep) during think times while in CAM they have to be in the active state all the time. In spite of this gain, performance of SPSM degrades due to congestion, as the number of STAs associated with the access point (AP) increases. To address this problem, we propose an algorithm, which we call opportunistic PSM (OPSM). We show through simulations that OPSM performs better than SPSM under the aforementioned TCP traffic. The performance gain achieved by OPSM over SPSM increases as the mean file size requested by the STAs or the number of STAs associated with the AP increases. We implemented OPSM in NS-2.33, and to compare the performance of OPSM and SPSM, we evaluate the number of file downloads that can be completed with a given battery capacity and the average time taken to download a file.


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We develop analytical models for estimating the energy spent by stations (STAs) in infrastructure WLANs when performing TCP controlled file downloads. We focus on the energy spent in radio communication when the STAs are in the Continuously Active Mode (CAM), or in the static Power Save Mode (PSM). Our approach is to develop accurate models for obtaining the fraction of times the STA radios spend in idling, receiving and transmitting. We discuss two traffic models for each mode of operation: (i) each STA performs one large file download, and (ii) the STAs perform short file transfers. We evaluate the rate of STA energy expenditure with long file downloads, and show that static PSM is worse than just using CAM. For short file downloads we compute the number of file downloads that can be completed with given battery capacity, and show that PSM performs better than CAM for this case. We provide a validation of our analytical models using the NS-2 simulator.


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Regular Expressions are generic representations for a string or a collection of strings. This paper focuses on implementation of a regular expression matching architecture on reconfigurable fabric like FPGA. We present a Nondeterministic Finite Automata based implementation with extended regular expression syntax set compared to previous approaches. We also describe a dynamically reconfigurable generic block that implements the supported regular expression syntax. This enables formation of the regular expression hardware by a simple cascade of generic blocks as well as a possibility for reconfiguring the generic blocks to change the regular expression being matched. Further,we have developed an HDL code generator to obtain the VHDL description of the hardware for any regular expression set. Our optimized regular expression engine achieves a throughput of 2.45 Gbps. Our dynamically reconfigurable regular expression engine achieves a throughput of 0.8 Gbps using 12 FPGA slices per generic block on Xilinx Virtex2Pro FPGA.


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Conventional hardware implementation techniques for FIR filters require the computation of filter coefficients in software and have them stored in memory. This approach is static in the sense that any further fine tuning of the filter requires computation of new coefficients in software. In this paper, we propose an alternate technique for implementing FIR filters in hardware. We store a considerably large number of impulse response coefficients of the ideal filter (having box type frequency response) in memory. We then do the windowing process, on these coefficients, in hardware using integer sequences as window functions. The integer sequences are also generated in hardware. This approach offers the flexibility in fine tuning the filter, like varying the transition bandwidth around a particular cutoff frequency.


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We conducted surveys of fire and fuels managers at local, regional, and national levels to gain insights into decision processes and information flows in wildfire management. Survey results in the form of fire managers’ decision calendars show how climate information needs vary seasonally, over space, and through the organizational network, and help determine optimal points for introducing climate information and forecasts into decision processes. We identified opportunities to use climate information in fire management, including seasonal to interannual climate forecasts at all organizational levels, to improve the targeting of fuels treatments and prescribed burns, the positioning and movement of initial attack resources, and staffing and budgeting decisions. Longer-term (5–10 years) outlooks also could be useful at the national level in setting budget and research priorities. We discuss these opportunities and examine the kinds of organizational changes that could facilitate effective use of existing climate information and climate forecast capabilities.