970 resultados para kvalitatiivinen tutkimus
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Objectives. The purpose of this study was to examine perceptions of evaluation of learning and feedback among teachers and students of mechanical engineering at the Helsinki University of Technology. The differences and similarities between the perceptions of these two groups were also studied. Course feedback was examined, and a target was set to rationalize the collation and exploitation of the feedback data. The theoretical background for the evaluation of learning was based primarily on the theories of Brown (1997), Karjalainen (2001) and Rowntree (1977, 1988). The Biggs (2003) model on aligned teaching was used as an example of quality university education. Feedback practices were examined through the theory of Ramsden (1992) and many recent research articles. Methods. The qualitative study was executed by examining the evaluation of learning and feedback prac-tices of the courses in mechanical engineering at the Helsinki University of Technology. The data was gathered by interviewing the teachers responsible of basic and postgraduate studies, as well as students taking their basic studies. Four group interviews were arranged for both teachers and students, each with three participants. The data from these themed interviews were analyzed by means of content analysis. Result and conclusions. This study showed that teachers and students have similar perceptions of evalua-tion of learning and feedback excluding a few significant differences. The most essential difference in evaluation of learning was that students perceived the evaluation of the examinations to be inaccurate. Teachers on the other hand thought that the existing practice for the exam evaluation is working fine. Stu-dents also felt that they are not giving enough information on the opportunities to get feedback. Teachers instead expected students to actively ask for feedback. Students perceived the need for exploiting the course feedback for course development purposes more than before. Teachers saw foremost the challenges and problems in the exploitation of the feedback. In the future, more effort must be put on the research of the evaluation of learning and feedback, as the quality assurance and continuous improvement of the teaching calls for new data.
This study is a qualitative examination of the professional structure of the ecclesias-tical funeral field. The research material is based on 13 funeral cases in the archdio-cese. The researcher participated in all the funerals and memorial events, interviewed the closest survivors, the officials of the funeral agency and the ecclesiastical actors. The material was collected by means of observation and recording of the interviews, and was later transcribed and analyzed. The actors in this study are the survivors, the funeral agencies and the church. The survivors act as the buyers and users of the products (funeral services) who require both the funeral agencies and the church to assist them with the problems that the death has caused. The numbers of actions related to the death and to the funerals - the rituals of death - are placed on the action field, which in this study is called the funeral field. In this field, the researchquestion focused space and power, and the actions on the funeral field are highly ritualized. The theoretical model comes from Pierre Bourdieu. The study showed an action structure on the funeral field in which the survivors first contacted a funeral agency, which then contacted the other actors of the field, re-served the date and place for the funeral, and organised the funeral arrangements. The funeral agencies arranged an opportunity for the survivors to have a last look at the deceased when he or she was placed in the coffin, and they held a moment of the prayer (if desired) before removing the deceased from the hospital's chapel. The sur-vivors contacted the pastor of the funeral much later. The pastor also participated in the memorial event. The survivors contacted the church musician through via pastor. In some cases, the survivors had neither met nor even seen the musician prior to the actual funeral service. Still, the music was of great importance to the survivors. In the research interviews, tensions emerged to some extent between the funeral agencies and the ecclesiastical actors; these actors attempted to resolve these tensions through organising negotiations. In the beginning of the 20th century, the family took an active part in the preparations of the deceased and in the arrangements of the funerals, whereas this study showed that these days, survivors often transfer the preparations to the funeral agencies. The professional side of the funeral field has grown. The funeral agencies can be seen as providers of full services that act on the survivors' behalf, aspiring to high individu-ality and aiming to fulfil the survivors' wishes. In practise, the role of the church in carrying out the last journey was reduced in the research cases to the actual funeral. In several cases, the pastor or the cantor of the funeral had never before seen the per-son in the coffin at any stage of life or death. The proportion of cremations in funeral cases has increased rapidly, however, special issues related to these cremations (such as the possibility of holding a funeral service for the already cremated deceased) have seen little consideration in the church. In the church's liturgies on funeral rites, cremation is frequently overlooked. The pastors or the cantors did not participate in either the burial of the funeral urn or in the scattering of the deceased's ashes. The verger took care of it. The parishes had no adopted standard practices for cremations, yet in each case for the survivors that moment was crucial.
Ammattikuljettajien elintavoissa ja terveydessä on parantamisen varaa. Ammattikuljettajien elintapojen taustalla vaikuttavat epäsäännölliset ja pitkät työajat, yötyö ja vähäinen liikunta. Monet ammattikuljettajista ovat ylipainoisia, mikä altistaa sairauksille, kuten diabeteksen, uniapnean, tukija liikuntaelinongelmien synnylle. Kuljetusalan ammattilaisten työ sisältää ominaisuuksia, jotka heikentävät terveellistä ruokailua. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaisia käsityksiä ammattikuljettajilla on terveellisestä ruoasta ja aterioista ja minkälaisia mielikuvia heillä on terveellisyydestä. Tutkimuksen teoriaosassa terveellisyyden käsityksiä tarkasteltiin aikaisempien tutkimusten pohjalta ja terveellisyyden merkitystä ja ruoan valintaa ohjaavia tekijöitä selvitettiin terveyskäyttäytymiseen sovellettavien mallien kautta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin 12 taksiautoilijaa pääkaupunkiseudulta, jotka kuuluivat Työterveyslaitoksen ”Virkeänä ratissa- ruoasta terveyttä tien päälle” hankkeeseen. Haastattelut suoritettiin joulukuussa 2009 ja tammikuussa 2010 ja ne analysoitiin sisällönanalyysillä. Haastateltavat tiedostivat ruoan terveellisyyden tärkeyden hyvin, mutta terveellisyys ei ohjannut ruoan valintaa ensisijaisesti. Haastateltavat tunnistivat epäkohtia omissa ruoan valinnoissaan, mutta kukaan ei sanonut syövänsä pelkästään epäterveellisesti. Työn aikainen ruokailu koettiin hankalana, eikä silloin tarkkailtu ruokailua. Usein vasta terveysongelma herätti miettimään syömistä ja sen vaikutusta omaan terveyteen. Terveellisten ateriavalintojen tekeminen koettiin hankalampana, kuin epäterveellisten. Terveellisyys koettiin suhteellisena käsitteenä. Tärkeimmät terveellisyyteen liitetyt käsitykset olivat oma hyvinvointi, vaihtelua työjaksoon, tankkaus, tunnesidonnaisuus, valinnan vaikeus, taloudellinen uhrautuminen, luopuminen ja epäluulo. Tulosten mukaan kehittämistarpeita olisi etenkin työaikaisen ruokailun mahdollisuuksien parantamisessa, jossa tienvarsiateriapalveluilla on tärkeä rooli terveellisempien tuotteiden tarjonnalla asiakkailleen. Aineiston mukaan kysyntää olisi pienemmille annoksille, keitoille ja puuroille, joiden saatavuus koettiin etenkin yöaikaan heikoksi.
Elintarvikkeiden tuotannon ja kulutuksen ilmastovaikutukset ovat huomattavat, noin neljännes kulutuksen ilmastovaikutuksista liittyy elintarvikkeisiin ja syömiseen. Elintarvikkeiden tuotannon ja kulutuksen ilmastomyötäisyys on yhä enemmän esillä eri maiden elintarvikkeisiin liittyvissä strategioissa, ohjelmissa, ohjeistuksissa, suosituksissa ja yhteisessä maatalouspolitiikassa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, millaisia ohjauskeinoja voidaan käyttää ohjaamaan elintarvikkeiden kulutusta ja tuotantoa ilmastomyötäisemmäksi, mitkä keinot ovat käyttökelpoisimpia, millaisia haasteita ohjauskeinojen käyttöön liittyy ja millaisena eri elintarvikesektoriin vaikuttavien tahojen roolia ohjauksessa pidetään. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin lisäksi eri ohjauskeinojen vahvuuksia, mahdollisuuksia, heikkouksia ja uhkia. Tutkimus keskittyi elintarvikkeiden kulutukseen, mutta ohessa selvitettiin myös tuotantoon liittyviä ohjauskeinoja. Kvalitatiivinen tutkimus suoritettiin teemahaastatteluina. Haastatteluja tehtiin yhteensä 24 kappaletta. Haastateltavat olivat elintarviketeollisuudesta, alkutuotannosta, kaupan alalta, politiikasta, valtionhallinnosta ja asiantuntijayrityksestä, tutkimuslaitoksista sekä kuluttaja- ja kansalaisjärjestöistä. Elintarvikkeiden kulutuksen ja tuotannon ohjaaminen ilmastonäkökulmasta on haasteellista. Ilmastomyötäiseen ruokavalioon siirtymistä pidettiin tärkeänä. Siksi voidaan katsoa, että ohjausta tarvitaan ja ainakin alustava tahtotila ohjaavien keinojen käyttöönottoon on jo olemassa. Toisaalta oltiin kuitenkin sitä mieltä, että ohjausta ei tulisi perustaa vain ilmastonäkökulmaan. Informaatio-ohjaus nähtiin kuluttajien ohjaamisessa keskeisenä keinona. Suurin osa haastateltavista käyttäisi ohjauskeinona informaatio-ohjausta, vaikka sen vaikuttavuudesta oltiin montaa mieltä. Elintarvikkeiden kuluttajahintoihin vaikuttamisen katsottiin ohjaavan kuluttajien valintoja. Hintaan vaikuttamisen nähtiin tapahtuvan lähinnä erilaisten veroratkaisujen kautta. Maataloustukiin vaikuttamista pidettiin myös ohjaavana keinona. Koulutusta, joukkoruokailua ja ilmastonäkökulman sisältäviä ravitsemussuosituksia pidettiin potentiaalisina keinoina vaikuttaa ruokailutottumuksiin. Tehdyn tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että tutkimustiedon lisääminen elintarvikkeiden ilmastokuormasta, ohjauskeinojen vaikutuksista ja vaikuttavuudesta on edellytys tehokkaalle elintarvikkeiden kulutuksen ja tuotannon ilmastonäkökulman huomioivalle ohjaukselle.
The objective of this study was to find out what development targets craft teachers could identify in the comprehensive school classes 1 through 9 after the curriculum of the year 2004 had declared craft education uniform in textile and technical craft. Earlier research had shown that after this curricular reform craft education had been carried out in dissimilar ways in different municipalities and schools. This causes differences in the contents of teaching and thus in learning outcomes on national level. The most problematic situations occur on the 7th grade when the classes contain pupils with very heterogeneous skill levels. My intention is to find general themes in craft education that are significant when considering developmental objectives. The problem was explored by four research questions as follows: What kind of problems have craft teachers confronted during the application of the curriculum 2004, what are the most important objectives and contents in craft for the comprehensive school, how craft education should be arranged in the future and what prerequisites should be considered to generate high quality craft education? The study was carried out by a qualitative research approach. The informants consisted of 21 persons, out of which 15 were textile or technical teachers and six were textile or technical teacher students. The research data was collected in the form of short open narratives, based on a partially structured inquiry. Respectively content analysis was applied for analysis of the narratives. Research results revealed that craft teachers were mainly satisfied in uniform craft and hoped that both textile and technical craft could be compulsory school subjects for both genders. Textile and technical craft should be defined as separate independent school subjects, both of which should be developed with broader and high quality contents. Craft subjects should be allocated more teaching time. Teachers asked for a more logically proceeding curriculum, initiating from the beginning to the end of the compulsory school. It was suggested that this could be done by a qualified subject teacher. A uniform curriculum solution must be found for the whole country.
The research focus of this study is imagery-based learning aimed at discovering an authentic way of public speaking in the context of transformative learning. The experiences of the participants in this learning process were also a subject of study. This learning process consisted of both guided and independent imagery-based training techniques. Critical reflection plays an important role in transformative learning. Actions, and interpretations and assumptions guiding them, are recognised and subjected to critical reflection. The goal of the learning process is an authentic and wide meaning perspective. Imagery-based training benefits from the gap between the new and the old experience of public speaking, and this is utilised as an activating factor for learning. The study is qualitative, looking at the imagery learning process and its outcomes from the subjective viewpoint of the participants personal experience. The imagery training acted as an intervention in the process of learning authentic public performance. The number of participants in this study was ten, five men and five women from four different working backgrounds. There were 80 individual training sessions, each attended by one person. The author conducted the imagery-based training. For each participant the learning process took roughly nine months. The research data consisted in the answers to questions in writing, diary entries, interviews and researcher notes. The data gathered by these methods was compiled into a personal report for each participant. The learners perceived authentic public speaking performance at the end of the learning process as wider, more flexible and more genuine than at the start of the training. Authenticity was defined through an internal process of becoming aware instead of some external characteristics. The learners understood the process of imagery learning as training for public performance and as an opportunity to become familiar with one s own personal way of acting and with one s own attitudes. They also perceived it as a tool that enabled the observation of personal experiences from different points of view. The learners reflected on ways of acting related to public speaking as well as on contributing factors to performance anxiety during the imagery learning process. Towards the end of the learning process, even critical reflection took place. The learners were categorized into three groups according to differences in their learning processes: the participants, the actors and the critical reflectors. This grouping reflected the relative amount of transformation in their learning processes. The participants became aware of their actions and assumptions. They took part in guided training sessions only. Worries in private life also had some consequences to their training in imagery learning. Apart from than becoming more conscious, the learning process did not yield much difference to the public speaking experiences of the participants. The actors attended both guided imagery training sessions and did individual training on their own. They became aware of their assumptions and their ways of acting. The encounter of the new and the old way of acting stimulated their learning. The actors advanced towards their own goals or even achieved them. The critical reflectors recognised their own assumptions and ways of acting and started to reflect critically on their own attitudes, as well as external attitudes and interpretations. Their assumptions, interpretations and experiences of public performance started to change in a positive direction. The learning process of the critical reflectors was functioning as a transformative process. This learning process revealed old assumptions hindering learning and old ways of acting resulting from these assumptions, thus opening up an opportunity for critical reflection and transformation. Avainsanat Nyckelord imagery learning, imagery-based training, transformative learning, reflection, critical reflection, public speaking anxiety, authentic public performance
Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää mitkä ovat OP -Pohjola-ryhmän tärkeimmät sidosryhmät, millä perusteella sidosryhmät erottuvat muista organisaation ympäristössä toimivista tahoista, sekä millaisten ominaisuuksien perusteella sidosryhmien tärkeyttä arvioidaan OPPohjola- ryhmän näkökulmasta. Sidosryhmät ovat yrityksen ympäristössä toimivia ryhmiä tai tahoja, joiden asema sidosryhmänä perustuu yleensä niiden kykyyn vaikuttaa yrityksen menestykseen (esimerkiksi asiakkaat) tai oikeutettuun asemaan yrityksessä (esimerkiksi omistajat ja henkilökunta). Viimeaikaisissa sidosryhmiin keskittyvässä tutkimuksessa on tunnustettu sidosryhmien merkitys yritysten menestymisen kannalta. Toisaalta kaikkien sidosryhmien huomioimiseen perustuvalla liikkeenjohtamisella on myös eettisiä perusteita. Yleistyneen käsityksen mukaan yrityksellä on vastuuta myös muita tahoja, kuin omistajiaan kohtaan. Sidosryhmien laaja-alainen huomiointi on siis osa vastuullista liiketoimintaa ja sitä kautta yritysten yhteiskuntavastuun lähtökohta. Sidosryhmiä on pyritty määrittelemään lukuisilla eri tavoilla eri tutkijoiden toimesta. Erilaiset määritelmät ovat hämärtäneet sidosryhmän käsitettä jopa niin, että käytännössä kaikki yrityksen ympäristössä toimivat tahot voidaan nähdä yrityksen sidosryhmiksi. Yrityksen on kuitenkin hyödyllistä tunnistaa sen tärkeimmät sidosryhmät, jotta se voi toteuttaa suunnitelmallista sidosryhmäpolitiikka näihin tahoihin päin. Tämä tutkimus pyrkii luomaan yleiskuvan siitä, mitkä ovat OP-Pohjola-ryhmälle sen keskeiset sidosryhmät ja miksi. Tutkimus perustuu OP-Pohjola-ryhmässä työskentelevien henkilöiden teemahaastatteluihin. Haastattelumateriaalia on analysoitu käyttäen apuna sisällönanalyysiä ja sisällön erittelyä. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii Mitchellin, Anglen ja Woodin ns. sidosryhmien identifikaation malli, jonka mukaan sidosryhmän tärkeys yrityksen näkökulmasta perustuu siihen, onko sidosryhmällä valtaa, legitiimi asema tai kiireellisiä vaateita suhteessa yritykseen. Sidosryhmien identifikaation mallin mukainen analyysi osoitti, että OP-Pohjola- ryhmän tärkeimmät sidosryhmät ovat asiakkaat sekä lainsäätäjät ja viranomaiset. Muita OP-Pohjola- ryhmän sidosryhmiä ovat omistajat, hallinto, media, henkilökunta, kansalaisjärjestöt ja palkansaajajärjestöt. Sidosryhmän tärkeyteen OP-Pohjola- ryhmän näkökulmasta näytti vaikuttavan eniten sidosryhmän kyky vaikuttaa organisaation menestykseen. Tämä kyky saattoi perustua joko välilliseen tai välittömään valtaa tai esimerkiksi asiantuntemukseen finanssialasta. Se, kuinka ”äänekäs” sidosryhmä on, ei yksistään vaikuta sidosryhmän tärkeyteen yrityksen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin lähteinä enimmäkseen 2000- luvulla tehtyjä sidosryhmätutkimuksia sekä teoreettista kirjallisuutta sidosryhmiin ja yritysten vastuullisuuteen liittyen.
Pro gradu -tutkimukseni selvittää nettipokeriaiheisen medianäkyvyyden ja nettipokeripelaajien vuorovaikutussuhdetta. Työn ensimmäinen osa keskittyy siihen, miten tutkimukseeni valitut sanomalehdet kuvaavat artikkeleissaan nettipokeria ja esiintyykö niissä mielikuvien käyttöä. Työn toinen osa kartoittaa sitä, onko nettipokerin medianäkyvyydellä ja sanomalehtien nettipokeriuutisoinnissa mahdollisesti käytetyillä mielikuvilla vaikutusta pelaajiin. Tutkimukseni ensimmäinen vaihe oli kvalitatiivinen ja tutkimusaineistona toimivat nettipokeriaiheiset artikkelit valitsemistani lehdistä. Lehtiartikkelien analyysin tuloksena ilmeni, että valituissa lehdissä esiintyi kahdenlaista mielikuvien käyttöä sisältävää päädiskurssia liittyen nettipokeriin. Diskursseista ensimmäinen käsitteli nettipokeria ongelmakeskeisesti ja niitä oli aineistossa 35 prosenttia. Sen fokus kohdistui huolipuheeseen peliongelmien lisääntymisestä ja varoitustarinoihin nettipokerin pelaamisen liittyvistä riskeistä. Ongelmakeskeisyyden vastadiskurssina näyttäytyi nettipokeria positiivisessa valossa esittelevä tyyli, joka keskittyi voittojen ja luksuselämäntyylistä nauttivien pokerisankarien esittelyyn. Positiivisen kirjoitustyylin artikkeleita oli aineistossa 34 prosenttia. Tutkimuksen toisen vaiheen toteutin kvantitatiivisesti ja tutkimusaineistona toimi nettipokerinpelaajille suunnattu nettikysely. Kyselyyn vastanneista 88 prosenttia oli lukenut nettipokeriaiheista kirjoittelua sanomalehdistöstä ja 26 prosenttia ilmoitti medianäkyvyyden vaikuttaneen pelaamisen aloittamiseen. Mahdollisen peliriippuvuuden omaavien keskuudessa 36 prosenttia ilmoitti, että medianäkyvyys on vaikuttanut pelaamisen aloittamiseen. Lisäksi nettipokeriaiheinen sanomalehtikirjoittelu oli vaikuttanut pelaajien mielikuviin nettipokerista. Positiivisia mielikuvia oli lehdistä aiheesta lukeneiden keskuudessa 75 prosentilla. Lehdistä aiheesta lukemattomilla oli positiivisia mielikuvia 44 prosentilla, siis lähes 32 prosenttia vähemmän. Ongelmakeskeisiä mielikuvia oli lehdistä nettipokerista lukeneilla 52 prosenttia ja lukemattomilla 36 prosenttia, eron ollessa 16 prosenttia. Lehdistön vaikutus pelaajien mielikuviin oli suurempi niiden pelaajien kohdalla, joilla oli mahdollinen peliriippuvuus. Tulokset eivät vielä riitä kausaalijohtopäätösten tekemiseen, mutta antavat silti osviittaa siitä, että nettipokerin medianäkyvyys ja mielikuvia sisältämä journalismi voivat vaikuttaa yleisöönsä.
The main question of my doctoral thesis is whether ufology and UFO experiences are or can be explained as religious phenomena. My research is theoretical in the sense that I combine and systematise cultural scientific knowledge concerning the religiosity of ufology and UFO experiences and complete this theoretical effort with empirical subject matter. The research material for my study consists of theoretical literature and empirical texts written by ufologists and those who have had UFO experiences. I defined the material in a way that it became full and extensive with regard to ufology, stories about UFO experiences and the cultural scientific literature concerning them. In addition, I present a source criticism for the literature because it is in part informal. The method is analysing and synthesising the material in the context of spiral of hermeneutic inferential process. Definitions of religion, ufology and UFO experience, developed by myself, serve as guide lines for the process. The conclusions of my research are as follows. For the most part, ufology and UFO experiences belong to the category of religion and only a fraction of these instances can be explained as something else, for example psychiatric phenomena. From the religious viewpoint I explain ufology and UFO experiences on four different but interlinked levels: historical, comparative, sociological and psychological. Historically ufology and UFO experiences include esoteristic, Christian and folk religious elements. In addition UFO experiences have significant similarities with folk religious stories and shamanistic experiences. From the perspective of the sociology, of religion ufology and UFO experiences can be analysed as products of our scientific and technological Western culture. Social crisis and social psychological group mechanisms affect the appearance of ufological ideas and UFO experiences. Psychologically, in the background of religious UFO experiences there can be found several factors, such as wishful thinking. Concerning UFO sightings these are misinterpretations of certain ordinary and some rare or exotic natural and technical phenomena. Intense UFO experiences, such as UFO abductions, are stimulated for the most part by hallucinations, sleep paralysis disorders, lively fantasies (in case of fantasy prone personalities) and false memories. In group cases social pressure, small group delusion and the guilt of exposing the true nature of a story come into play. A UFO experience can be traumatising because of certain inferential mechanisms and cognitive dissonance involved in the process of conversion as a UFO experiencer. UFO religiosity is a cross cultural, widespread and a significant field of phenomena, which can offer insight about religious developments in the future. However, UFO religiosity has not been studied extensively. This research is one effort to address this lack of documentation. The motivation behind my thesis was to make ufology and UFO experiences more understandable.
Tutkimuksen kohteena on (uus)kreationistinen älykkään suunnittelun (Intelligent Design) teoria. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan teoreettinen ja lukeutuu kognitiivisen uskonnontutkimuksen alaan. Näkökulmana on tarkastella älykkään suunnittelun teorian mukaista ajattelua ihmisen intuitiivisena taipumuksena ymmärtää luontoa ja luonnossa esiintyviä mekanismeja. Esimerkkinä intuitiivisesta päättelystä tarkastellaan erityisesti kansanomaisen psykologian (folk psychology) ja kansanomaisen biologian (folk biology) mukaista ajattelua. Tutkimuksessa kysytään: ilmeneekö älykkään suunnittelun teoriassa mahdollisesti kansanomaisen psykologian ja biologian mukaista ajattelua? Ensimmäiseksi käsitteellistetään älykkään suunnittelun teoria ja esitellään tutkimuksen aineisto. Esille tulevat yhteydet Yhdysvaltojen uskonnolliseen ilmapiiriin, kristillisten kreationististen suuntausten jatkumoon sekä evoluutioteoriaan. Aineisto koostuu älykkään suunnittelun teoriaa kehitelleen Michael J. Behen todistajanlausunnosta Doverin oikeudenkäynnissä, jossa arvioitavana oli älykkään suunnittelun teorian mahdollinen tieteellisyys ja uskonnollisuus. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä määritellään tarkemmin, minkälaisiin ajattelutapoihin kansanomaisella, tieteellisellä ja uskonnollisella ajattelulla tutkimuksessa viitataan. Tämän jälkeen esitellään teoreettiset työvälineet - kansanomaisen psykologia ja biologia. Teoriaosuudessa tarkennetaan myös kansanomaisen, tieteellisen ja uskonnollisen ajattelun suhdetta intuitiiviseen ja intuitionvastaiseen ajatteluun, sekä määritellään kolmas termi epäintuitiivisuus. Teoriaosuus perustuu pääasiassa kognitiivisen uskonnontutkimuksen alaan lukeutuvien tutkijoiden, kuten Scott Atranin, Pascal Boyerin, Robert N. McCauleyn ja Ilkka Pyysiäisen julkaisuihin. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös evoluutioteorian ymmärtämistä tutkineen E. Margaret Evansin tutkimuksia. Analyysissä teoreettisia huomioita havainnollistetaan aineistosta löydettyjen esimerkkien kautta. Teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin kautta Behen todistajanlausunnosta nostetaan esille erityisesti kansanomaisen psykologian ja biologian mukaiset ajattelun tavat. Analyysissä tarkastellaan, mitä tutkimuslöydösten avulla voidaan selittää älykkään suunnittelun teorian edustamasta kreationistisesta ajattelusta. Tutkimustuloksena esitetään, että älykkään suunnittelun teoria mukailee monilta osin sekä kansanomaista psykologiaa että kansanomaista biologiaa. Älykkään suunnittelun teoriassa muodostetaan intuitiivinen ideakokonaisuus maailmasta/ eliökunnasta ja sen aiheuttaneesta intuitionvastaisesta toimijasta. Mahdolliset epäintuitiiviset elementit, kuten luonnonvalinta ja kristillinen teologia, ovat teoriassa olemattomat. Tutkimuksessa osoitetaan, että kreationistista ajattelua voidaan perustellusti tarkastella ihmiselle intuitiivisena taipumuksena ymmärtää luontoa.
The common focus of the studies brought together in this work is the prosodic segmentation of spontaneous speech. The theoretically most central aspect is the introduction and further development of the IJ-model of intonational chunking. The study consists of a general introduction and five detailed studies that approach prosodic chunking from different perspectives. The data consist of recordings of face-to-face interaction in several spoken varieties of Finnish and Finland Swedish; the methodology is usage-based and qualitative. The term “speech prosody” refers primarily to the melodic and rhythmic characteristics of speech. Both speaking and understanding speech require the ability to segment the flow of speech into suitably sized prosodic chunks. In order to be usage-based, a study of spontaneous speech consequently needs to be based on material that is segmented into prosodic chunks of various sizes. The segmentation is seen to form a hierarchy of chunking. The prosodic models that have so far been developed and employed in Finland have been based on sentences read aloud, which has made it difficult to apply these models in the analysis of spontaneous speech. The prosodic segmentation of spontaneous speech has not previously been studied in detail in Finland. This research focuses mainly on the following three questions: (1) What are the factors that need to be considered when developing a model of prosodic segmentation of speech, so that the model can be employed regardless of the language or dialect under analysis? (2) What are the characteristics of a prosodic chunk, and what are the similarities in the ways chunks of different languages and varieties manifest themselves that will make it possible to analyze different data according to the same criteria? (3) How does the IJ-model of intonational chunking introduced as a solution to question (1) function in practice in the study of different varieties of Finnish and Finland Swedish? The boundaries of the prosodic chunks were manually marked in the material according to context-specific acoustic and auditory criteria. On the basis of the data analyzed, the IJ-model was further elaborated and implemented, thus allowing comparisons between different language varieties. On the basis of the empirical comparisons, a prosodic typology is presented for the dialects of Swedish in Finland. The general contention is that the principles of the IJ-model can readily be used as a methodological tool for prosodic analysis irrespective of language varieties.
Embobied Object, Material Family. Late-Medieval Wood Sculptures Depicting Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child in Finland Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary, was one of the most popular saints in Western Europe in the late Middle Ages. She was often depicted with two other figures, the Virgin and the Christ Child (Anna Selbdritt). The dissertation examines the polychrome wood sculptures showing this motif, with a special focus on those remaining in Finland. It investigates the meanings these sculptures had to their observers in the fifteenth-century Finland. The study sheds light to important material heritage which is little known and offers new insights into the cult and imagery of the holy grandmother. Methodologically the study is based on iconology and post-formalist art history, and it appropriates concepts such as spatiality, sanctity, corporeality, and gender. Taking a comparative approach it knits together larger tendencies and local people and incidents. By conflating methodological domains it renews the ways how fragmentary wood sculptures, lacking documentary written sources, can be contextually interpreted and comprehended. The sculptures are analyzed from three angles. Firstly, the study explores the sculptures by focusing on their materiality and facture, which is to consider them as records of their own making. The analysis provides new information concerning the quantity, location, and current condition of the sculptures and it also elucidates problems regarding attribution, dating, display, and craftsmanship. The book presents the results of the empirical study of 45 Saint Anne groups; these works are individually described in the large Appendix. Secondly, the works are contextualized to the specific historical conditions in which they were observed. The study discusses closely the circumstances in the Turku Cathedral around the shrine of Saint Anne, the popular belief, and the piety of individual persons. The sculptures, deemed as the embodiments of the holy characters, interacted with the devotees. Thirdly, the works are examined within the wider theological and ideological currents of the era centered on the body and Incarnation. Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child motif demonstrated the Carnal Trinity, the motherly side of the Holy Trinity. The dissertation argues that Saint Anne was interpreted as the female counterpart or, in a mythical sense, wife of God. Furthermore, the Child s implicit, simultaneous presence as a suffering or dead man imbues the sculptures with a sense of the Passion, thus associating them with the pietà and the Mater dolorosa motifs. The naked Christ Child underlines him as the offering and, eventually, the Eucharistic wafer. The study suggests that the sculptures mediate continuity and the bloodline between the generations by the intertwined and repeated gestures, clothing and positions of the portrayed figures. Regardless of the ostensible homeliness of the sculptures, so readily reiterated by earlier scholars, these sculptures represented creation and birth through the carnal yet holy mothers.
In the eighteenth century, the birth of scientific societies in Europe created a new framework for scientific cooperation. Through a new contextualist study of the contacts between the first scientific societies in Sweden and the most important science academy in Europe at the time, l Académie des Sciences in Paris, this dissertation aims to shed light on the role taken by the Swedish learned men in the new networks. It seeks to show that the academy model was related to a new idea of specialisation in science. In the course of the eighteenth century, it is argued, the study of the northern phenomena and regions offered the Swedes an important field of speciality with regard to their foreign colleagues. Although historical studies have often underlined the economic, practical undertone of eighteenth-century Swedish science, participation in fashionable scientific pursuits had also become an important scene for representation. However, the views prevailing in Europe tied civilisation and learning closely to the sunnier, southern climates, which had lead to the difficulty of portraying Sweden as a learned country. The image of the scientific North, as well as the Swedish strategies to polish the image of the North as a place for science, are analysed as seen from France. While sixteenth-century historians had preferred to put down the effects of the cold and claim a similarity of northern conditions to the others, the scientific exchange between Swedish and French researchers shows a new tendency to underline the difference of the North and its harsh climate. An explanation is sought by analysing how information about northern phenomena was used in France. In the European academies, new empirical methods had lead to a need for direct observations on different phenomena and circumstances. Rather than curiosities or objects for exoticism, the eighteenth-century depictions of the northern periphery tell about an emerging interest in the most extreme, and often most telling, examples of the workings of the invariable laws of nature. Whereas the idea of accumulating knowledge through cooperation was most manifest in joint astronomical projects, the idea of gathering and comparing data from differing places of observation appears also in other fields, from experimental philosophy to natural studies or medicine. The effects of these developments are studied and explained in connection to the Montesquieuan climate theories and the emerging pre-romantic ideas of man and society.
Music as the Art of Anxiety: A Philosophical Approach to the Existential-Ontological Meaning of Music. The present research studies music as an art of anxiety from the points of view of both Martin Heidegger s thought and phenomenological philosophy in general. In the Heideggerian perspective, anxiety is understood as a fundamental mode of being (Grundbefindlichkeit) in human existence. Taken as an existential-ontological concept, anxiety is conceived philosophically and not psychologically. The central research questions are: what is the relationship between music and existential-ontological anxiety? In what way can music be considered as an art of anxiety? In thinking of music as a channel and manifestation of anxiety, what makes it a special case? What are the possible applications of phenomenology and Heideggerian thought in musicology? The main aim of the research is to develop a theory of music as an art of existential-ontological anxiety and to apply this theory to musicologically relevant phenomena. Furthermore, the research will contribute to contemporary musicological debates and research as it aims to outline the phenomenological study of music as a field of its own; the development of a specific methodology is implicit in these aims. The main subject of the study, a theory of music as an art of anxiety, integrates Heideggerian and phenomenological philosophies with critical and cultural theories concerning violence, social sacrifice, and mimetic desire (René Girard), music, noise and society (Jacques Attali), and the affect-based charme of music (Vladimir Jankélévitch). Thus, in addition to the subjective mood (Stimmung) of emptiness and meaninglessness, the philosophical concept of anxiety also refers to a state of disorder and chaos in general; for instance, to noise in the realm of sound and total (social) violence at the level of society. In this study, music is approached as conveying the existentially crucial human compulsion for signifying i.e., organizing chaos. In music, this happens primarily at the immediate level of experience, i.e. in affectivity, and also in relation to all of the aforementioned dimensions (sound, society, consciousness, and so on). Thus, music s existential-ontological meaning in human existence, Dasein, is in its ability to reveal different orders of existence as such. Indeed, this makes music the art of anxiety: more precisely, music can be existentially significant at the level of moods. The study proceeds from outlining the relevance of phenomenology and Heidegger s philosophy in musicology to the philosophical development of a theory of music as the art of anxiety. The theory is developed further through the study of three selected specific musical phenomena: the concept of a musical work, guitar smashing in the performance tradition of rock music, and Erik Bergman s orchestral work Colori ed improvvisazioni. The first example illustrates the level of individual human-subject in music as the art of anxiety, as a means of signifying chaos, while the second example focuses on the collective need to socio-culturally channel violence. The third example, being music-analytical, studies contemporary music s ability to mirror the structures of anxiety at the level of a specific musical text. The selected examples illustrate that, in addition to the philosophical orientation, the research also contributes to music analysis, popular music studies, and the cultural-critical study of music. Key words: music, anxiety, phenomenology, Martin Heidegger, ontology, guitar smashing, Erik Bergman, musical work, affectivity, Stimmung, René Girard