12 resultados para Found footage film

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Mannans are abundant plant polysaccharides found in the endosperm of certain leguminous seeds (guar gum galactomannan, GG; locust bean gum galactomannan, LBG), in the tuber of the konjac plant (konjac glucomannan, KGM), and in softwoods (galactoglucomannan, GGM). This study focused on the effects of the chemical structure of mannans on their film-forming and emulsion-stabilizing properties. Special focus was on spruce GGM, which is an interesting new product from forest biorefineries. A plasticizer was needed for the formation of films from mannans other than KGM and the optimal proportion was 40% (w/w of polymers) glycerol or sorbitol. Galactomannans with lower galactose content (LBG, modified GG) produced films with higher elongation at break and tensile strength. The mechanical properties of GG-based films were improved by decreasing the degree of polymerization of the polysaccharide with moderate mannanase treatments. The improvement of mechanical properties of GGM-based films was sought by blending GGM with each of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVOH), corn arabinoxylan (cAX), and KGM. Adding other polymers increased the elongation at break of GGM blend films. The tensile strength of films increased with increasing amounts of PVOH and KGM, but the effect of cAX was the opposite. Dynamic mechanical analysis showed two separate loss modulus peaks for blends of GGM and PVOH, but a single peak for all other films. Optical and scanning electron microscopy confirmed good miscibility of GGM with cAX and KGM. In contrast, films blended from GGM and PVOH showed phase separation. GGM and KGM were mixed with cellulose nanowhiskers (CNW) to form composite films. Addition of CNW to KGM-based films induced the formation of fiberlike structures with lengths of several millimeters. In GGM-based films, rodlike structures with lengths of tens of micrometers were formed. Interestingly, the notable differences in the film structure did not appear to be related to the mechanical and thermal properties of the films. Permeability properties of GGM-based films were compared to those of films from commercial mannans KGM, GG, and LBG. GGM-based films had the lowest water vapor permeability when compared to films from other mannans. The oxygen permeability of GGM films was of the same magnitude as that of commercial polyethylene / ethylene vinyl alcohol / polyethylene laminate film. The aroma permeability of GGM films was low. All films were transparent in the visible region, but GGM films blocked the light transmission in the ultraviolet region of the spectra. The stabilizing effect of GGM on a model beverage emulsion system was studied and compared to that of GG, LBG, KGM, and cAX. In addition, GG was enzymatically modified in order to examine the effect of the degree of polymerization and the degree of substitution of galactomannans on emulsion stability. Use of GGM increased the turbidity of emulsions both immediately after preparation and after storage of up to 14 days at room temperature. GGM emulsions had higher turbidity than the emulsions containing other mannans. Increasing the storage temperature to +45 ºC led to rapid emulsion breakdown, but a decrease in storage temperature increased emulsion stability after 14 days. A low degree of polymerization and a high degree of substitution of the modified galactomannans were associated with a decrease in emulsion turbidity.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, miten Berliinin suurkaupunki vaikutti Weimarin tasavallan loppuaikoina yksilöön. Tutkimusaineistona on Alfred Döblinin romaani Berlin Alexanderplatz sekä Walter Ruttmannin elokuva Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt ja kuunnelma Weekend. Teoreettisena taustana hyödynnetään kulttuuri- ja mediahistorian mentaliteetti- ja sosiaalihistoriaa. Aihetta käsitellään myös historiallis-temaattisesta lähtökohdasta, eli työssä tutkitaan todellisen Berliinin asemaa kyseisenä aikana, modernin metropolin olemusta, modernin ajan murrosvaihetta sekä uusasiallisen taidesuuntauksen vaikutusta teoksiin. Weimarin tasavallan aikana Saksassa elettiin murroksen keskellä. Toisaalta yhteiskunta oli poliittisesti pirstoutunut ja taloudellisesti epävakaa, mutta toisaalta kulttuurielämä oli lyhyen aikaa rikasta. Suurkaupungin asukkailla oli enemmän vapaa-aikaa ja mahdollisuuksia toteuttaa itseään omassa ympäristössään. Toisaalta ajan ristiriitaisuus kuitenkin vaikeutti yksilöllisen elämäntavan toteutumista; ihmiset odottivat murroskauden päättymiseltä materiaalista tyydytystä, jolloin henkiselle kehitykselle jäi vähän tilaa. Tärkein kysymyksenasettelu koskee suurkaupungin roolia oman aikansa tuotteena: missä määrin kaupunki oli ihmisen todellinen vastustaja ja missä määrin sen asema oli kuviteltua? Todellisen Berliinin suhdetta reflektoidaan fiktiiviseen suurkaupunkiympäristöön. Ensin tarkastellaan Berliiniä toimijana murroskaudella ja sitten käsitellään ajan ja tilan havainnointia. Koska teokset ovat fiktiivisiä, erityisen tarkastelun kohteena on todellisuuden, fiktion ja simulaation suhde. Tässä yhteydessä tarkastellaan myös kaupungin ja maaseudun välistä problematiikkaa. Kolmannessa osassa esille nousee yksilön ja massan välinen suhde, joka sekin vaikuttaa ihmisen ja suurkaupungin väliseen vastakkainasetteluun. Ilmensikö koneiden ja liikenteen dominoiva asema futuristista asetelmaa? Lisäksi käsitellään alamaailman ja kultaisen 20-luvun välistä kuilua. Kaikkia kolmea teosta yhdistää 24 tunnin aikakäsite; ajalla on selkeästi rajattu alku ja loppu, ja myös tilan käsite on tarkastelussa tärkeä. Kaikissa teoksissa on hyödynnetty montaasitekniikkaa. Kohtaukset vaihtuvat hyvinkin nopeasti, jolloin lukija, katsoja tai kuulija vieraantuu varsinaisesta kohteestaan. Montaasi vaikuttaa ratkaisevasti myös kaupungin ja yksilön suhteen kuvaukseen. Suurkaupungista muotoutuu lähes hirviömäinen, personifioitu subjekti, joka konemaisella olemuksellaan pyrkii nujertamaan pienen ihmisen. Döblinin romaanissa kertoja toimii ikään kuin yksilöä vastaan liittämällä kerronnan väliin uutisaiheita, säätiedotuksia ja kohtalokertomuksia. Elokuvassa ja kuunnelmassa teknologisen kehityksen ihannointi on noussut etualalle: ihmiset muistuttavat sekä yksilöinä että massana koneita, jotka liikkuvat hektisen mekaanisesti eteenpäin kuin liikennevälineet. He eivät kyseenalaista ympäristöään eivätkä koe olevansa oravanpyörässä. Romaanin päähenkilö on heijastanut omat pelkonsa konkreettisesti suurkaupungin infrastruktuuriin, kerrostaloihin, jotka tuntuvat kaatuvan hänen päälleen. Yksilöllinen kehitys on vaarassa pysähtyä, sillä koneistuminen tekee yksilöistä massaa. Elokuvassa ja kuunnelmassa kamppailu suurkaupunkiorganismin ja ihmisten välillä jatkuu, mutta romaanissa kamppailu päättyy päähenkilön parantumiseen. Hänestä tulee mallikansalainen - vaiennettu ja kuuliainen. Kaikkien kolmen teoksen hahmoja kuvataan modernin ajan uhreina. Heiltä puuttuu mekanismi, jolla he voisivat käsitellä kokonaisuuksia. Modernin ajan hahmojen elämä on lopulta kuin tanssia tulivuoren päällä - epävarmaa ja riskialtista.


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Ozone (O3) is a reactive gas present in the troposphere in the range of parts per billion (ppb), i.e. molecules of O3 in 109 molecules of air. Its strong oxidative capacity makes it a key element in tropospheric chemistry and a threat to the integrity of materials, including living organisms. Knowledge and control of O3 levels are an issue in relation to indoor air quality, building material endurance, respiratory human disorders, and plant performance. Ozone is also a greenhouse gas and its abundance is relevant to global warming. The interaction of the lower troposphere with vegetated landscapes results in O3 being removed from the atmosphere by reactions that lead to the oxidation of plant-related components. Details on the rate and pattern of removal on different landscapes as well as the ultimate mechanisms by which this occurs are not fully resolved. This thesis analysed the controlling processes of the transfer of ozone at the air-plant interface. Improvement in the knowledge of these processes benefits the prediction of both atmospheric removal of O3 and its impact on vegetation. This study was based on the measurement and analysis of multi-year field measurements of O3 flux to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) foliage with a shoot-scale gas-exchange enclosure system. In addition, the analyses made use of simultaneous CO2 and H2O exchange, canopy-scale O3, CO2 and H2O exchange, foliage surface wetness, and environmental variables. All data was gathered at the SMEAR measuring station (southern Finland). Enclosure gas-exchange techniques such as those commonly used for the measure of CO2 and water vapour can be applied to the measure of ozone gas-exchange in the field. Through analysis of the system dynamics the occurring disturbances and noise can be identified. In the system used in this study, the possible artefacts arising from the ozone reactivity towards the system materials in combination with low background concentrations need to be taken into account. The main artefact was the loss of ozone towards the chamber walls, which was found to be very variable. The level of wall-loss was obtained from simultaneous and continuous measurements, and was included in the formulation of the mass balance of O3 concentration inside the chamber. The analysis of the field measurements in this study show that the flux of ozone to the Scots pine foliage is generated in about equal proportions by stomatal and non-stomatal controlled processes. Deposition towards foliage and forest is sustained also during night and winter when stomatal gas-exchange is low or absent. The non-stomatal portion of the flux was analysed further. The pattern of flux in time was found to be an overlap of the patterns of biological activity and presence of wetness in the environment. This was seen to occur both at the shoot and canopy scale. The presence of wetness enhanced the flux not only in the presence of liquid droplets but also during existence of a moisture film on the plant surfaces. The existence of these films and their relation to the ozone sinks was determined by simultaneous measurements of leaf surface wetness and ozone flux. The results seem to suggest ozone would be reacting at the foliage surface and the reaction rate would be mediated by the presence of surface wetness. Alternative mechanisms were discussed, including nocturnal stomatal aperture and emission of reactive volatile compounds. The prediction of the total flux could thus be based on a combination of a model of stomatal behaviour and a model of water absorption on the foliage surfaces. The concepts behind the division of stomatal and non-stomatal sinks were reconsidered. This study showed that it is theoretically possible that a sink located before or near the stomatal aperture prevents or diminishes the diffusion of ozone towards the intercellular air space of the mesophyll. This obstacle to stomatal diffusion happens only under certain conditions, which include a very low presence of reaction sites in the mesophyll, an extremely strong sink located on the outer surfaces or stomatal pore. The relevance, or existence, of this process in natural conditions would need to be assessed further. Potentially strong reactions were considered, including dissolved sulphate, volatile organic compounds, and apoplastic ascorbic acid. Information on the location and the relative abundance of these compounds would be valuable. The highest total flux towards the foliage and forest happens when both the plant activity and ambient moisture are high. The highest uptake into the interior of the foliage happens at large stomatal apertures, provided that scavenging reactions located near the stomatal pore are weak or non-existent. The discussion covers the methodological developments of this study, the relevance of the different controlling factors of ozone flux, the partition amongst its component, and the possible mechanisms of non-stomatal uptake.


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The light emitted by flat panel displays (FPD) can be generated in many different ways, such as for example alternating current thin film electroluminescence (ACTFEL), liquid crystal display (LCD), light emitting diode (LED), or plasma display panel (PDP) technologies. In this work, the focus was on ACTFEL devices and the goal was to develop new thin film processes for light emitting materials in ACTFEL devices. The films were deposited with the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method, which has been utilized in the manufacturing of ACTFEL displays since the mid-1980s. The ALD method is based on surface-controlled self-terminated reactions and a maximum of one layer of the desired material can be prepared during one deposition cycle. Therefore, the film thickness can be controlled simply by adjusting the number of deposition cycles. In addition, both large areas and deep trench structures can be covered uniformly. During this work, new ALD processes were developed for the following thin film materials: BaS, CuxS, MnS, PbS, SrS, SrSe, SrTe, SrS1-xSex, ZnS, and ZnS1-xSex. In addition, several ACTFEL devices were prepared where the light emitting material was BaS, SrS, SrS1-xSex, ZnS, or ZnS1-xSex thin film that was doped with Ce, Cu, Eu, Mn, or Pb. The sulfoselenide films were made by substituting the elemental selenium for sulfur on the substrate surface during film deposition. In this way, it was possible to replace a maximum of 90% of the sulfur with selenium, and the XRD analyses indicated that the films were solid solutions. The polycrystalline BaS, SrS, and ZnS thin films were deposited at 180-400, 120-460, and 280-500 °C, respectively, and the processes had a wide temperature range where the growth rate of the films was independent of the deposition temperature. The electroluminescence studies showed that the doped sulfoselenide films resulted in low emission intensity. However, the emission intensities and emission colors of the doped SrS, BaS, and ZnS films were comparable with those found in earlier studies. It was also shown that the electro-optical properties of the different ZnS:Mn devices were different as a consequence of different ZnS:Mn processes. Finally, it was concluded that because the higher deposition temperature seemed to result in a higher emission intensity, the thermal stability of the reactants has a significant role when the light emitting materials of ACTFEL devices are deposited with the ALD method.


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Transfer from aluminum to copper metallization and decreasing feature size of integrated circuit devices generated a need for new diffusion barrier process. Copper metallization comprised entirely new process flow with new materials such as low-k insulators and etch stoppers, which made the diffusion barrier integration demanding. Atomic Layer Deposition technique was seen as one of the most promising techniques to deposit copper diffusion barrier for future devices. Atomic Layer Deposition technique was utilized to deposit titanium nitride, tungsten nitride, and tungsten nitride carbide diffusion barriers. Titanium nitride was deposited with a conventional process, and also with new in situ reduction process where titanium metal was used as a reducing agent. Tungsten nitride was deposited with a well-known process from tungsten hexafluoride and ammonia, but tungsten nitride carbide as a new material required a new process chemistry. In addition to material properties, the process integration for the copper metallization was studied making compatibility experiments on different surface materials. Based on these studies, titanium nitride and tungsten nitride processes were found to be incompatible with copper metal. However, tungsten nitride carbide film was compatible with copper and exhibited the most promising properties to be integrated for the copper metallization scheme. The process scale-up on 300 mm wafer comprised extensive film uniformity studies, which improved understanding of non-uniformity sources of the ALD growth and the process-specific requirements for the ALD reactor design. Based on these studies, it was discovered that the TiN process from titanium tetrachloride and ammonia required the reactor design of perpendicular flow for successful scale-up. The copper metallization scheme also includes process steps of the copper oxide reduction prior to the barrier deposition and the copper seed deposition prior to the copper metal deposition. Easy and simple copper oxide reduction process was developed, where the substrate was exposed gaseous reducing agent under vacuum and at elevated temperature. Because the reduction was observed efficient enough to reduce thick copper oxide film, the process was considered also as an alternative method to make the copper seed film via copper oxide reduction.


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DNA ja siinä sijaitsevat geenit ohjaavat kaikkea solujen toimintaa. DNA-molekyyleihin kuitenkin kertyy mutaatioita sekä ympäristön vaikutuksen, että solujen oman toiminnan tuloksena. Mikäli virheitä ei korjata, saattaa tuloksena olla solun muuttuminen syöpäsoluksi. Soluilla onkin käytössä useita DNA-virheiden korjausmekanismeja, joista yksi on ns. mismatch repair (MMR). MMR vastaa DNA:n kahdentumisessa syntyvien virheiden korjauksesta. Periytyvät mutaatiot geeneissä, jotka vastaavat MMR-proteiinien rakentamisesta, aiheuttavat ongelmia DNA:n korjauksessa ja altistavat kantajansa periytyvälle ei-polypoottiselle paksusuolisyöpäoireyhtymälle (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC). Yleisimmin mutatoituneet MMR-geenit ovat MLH1 ja MSH2. HNPCC periytyy vallitsevasti, eli jo toiselta vanhemmalta peritty geenivirhe altistaa syövälle. MMR-geenivirheen kantaja sairastuu syöpään elämänsä aikana suurella todennäköisyydellä, ja sairastumisikä on vain noin 40 vuotta. Syövälle altistavan geenivirheen löytäminen mutaation kantajilta on hyvin tärkeää, sillä säännöllinen seuranta mahdollistaa kehittymässä olevan kasvaimen havaitsemisen ja poistamisen jo aikaisessa vaiheessa. Tämän on osoitettu alentavan syöpäkuolleisuutta merkittävästi. Varma tieto altistuksen alkuperästä on tärkeä myös niille syöpäsuvun jäsenille, jotka eivät kanna kyseistä mutaatiota. Syövälle altistavien mutaatioiden ohella MMR-geeneistä löydetään säännöllisesti muutoksia, jotka ovat normaalia henkilöiden välistä geneettistä vaihtelua, eikä niiden oleteta lisäävän syöpäaltistusta. Altistavien mutaatioiden erottaminen näistä neutraaleista variaatioista on vaikeaa, mutta välttämätöntä altistuneiden tehokkaan seurannan varmistamiseksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin 18:a MSH2 -geenin mutaatiota. Mutaatiot oli löydetty perheistä, joissa esiintyi paljon syöpiä, mutta niiden vaikutus DNA:n korjaustehoon ja syöpäaltistukseen oli epäselvä. Työssä tutkittiin kunkin mutaation vaikutusta MSH2-proteiinin normaaliin toimintaan, ja tuloksia verrattiin potilaiden ja sukujen kliinisiin tietoihin. Tutkituista mutaatiosta 12 aiheutti puutteita MMR-korjauksessa. Nämä mutaatiot tulkittiin syövälle altistaviksi. Analyyseissä normaalisti toimineet 4 mutaatiota eivät todennäköisesti ole syynä syövän syntyyn kyseisillä perheillä. Tulkinta jätettiin avoimeksi 2 mutaation kohdalla. Tutkimuksesta hyötyivät suoraan kuvattujen mutaatioiden kantajaperheet, joiden geenivirheen syöpäaltistuksesta saatiin tietoa, mahdollistaen perinnöllisyysneuvonnan ja seurannan kohdentamisen sitä tarvitseville. Työ selvensi myös mekanismeja, joilla mutatoitunut MSH2-proteiini voi menettää toimintakykynsä.


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Nucleation is the first step of a first order phase transition. A new phase is always sprung up in nucleation phenomena. The two main categories of nucleation are homogeneous nucleation, where the new phase is formed in a uniform substance, and heterogeneous nucleation, when nucleation occurs on a pre-existing surface. In this thesis the main attention is paid on heterogeneous nucleation. This thesis wields the nucleation phenomena from two theoretical perspectives: the classical nucleation theory and the statistical mechanical approach. The formulation of the classical nucleation theory relies on equilibrium thermodynamics and use of macroscopically determined quantities to describe the properties of small nuclei, sometimes consisting of just a few molecules. The statistical mechanical approach is based on interactions between single molecules, and does not bear the same assumptions as the classical theory. This work gathers up the present theoretical knowledge of heterogeneous nucleation and utilizes it in computational model studies. A new exact molecular approach on heterogeneous nucleation was introduced and tested by Monte Carlo simulations. The results obtained from the molecular simulations were interpreted by means of the concepts of the classical nucleation theory. Numerical calculations were carried out for a variety of substances nucleating on different substances. The classical theory of heterogeneous nucleation was employed in calculations of one-component nucleation of water on newsprint paper, Teflon and cellulose film, and binary nucleation of water-n-propanol and water-sulphuric acid mixtures on silver nanoparticles. The results were compared with experimental results. The molecular simulation studies involved homogeneous nucleation of argon and heterogeneous nucleation of argon on a planar platinum surface. It was found out that the use of a microscopical contact angle as a fitting parameter in calculations based on the classical theory of heterogeneous nucleation leads to a fair agreement between the theoretical predictions and experimental results. In the presented cases the microscopical angle was found to be always smaller than the contact angle obtained from macroscopical measurements. Furthermore, molecular Monte Carlo simulations revealed that the concept of the geometrical contact parameter in heterogeneous nucleation calculations can work surprisingly well even for very small clusters.


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The nature of a burial is always ritualistic. This is often forgotten when dealing with Finnish inhumation burials containing animal bones. Only the animal bones found close to the deceased have traditionally been thought to have a ritualistic purpose. The animal bones found in the filling of the grave, which is still part of the burial, has on the other hand, often been neglected in the previous research. In this Master s thesis I will discuss the function and interpretation of animal bones in graves. The base of this study is six sites, all of different nature, from Finland. Luistari in Eura is from the western coast and is dated to Late Iron Age (and possibly Medieval period), the Medieval hamlet of Finno is situated in Espoo which is situated on the southern coast. Two town burials, Turku and Porvoo, are also included in this study. The graves from Turku are dated to Late Medieval period and Early Renaissance, whereas the cemetery in Porvoo is from the 18th century. Visulahti in Mikkeli is from the Late Iron Age and represents Eastern Finnish burial tradition, the same as Suotniemi from Käkisalmi parish, which is nowadays part of Russia. While parts of the animal bones had already been analysed before, the author also analysed animal bones for the purpose of the present Master´s thesis. The bones were compared to the burial contexts, when possible. Based on the comparisons I have made interpretations which might explain the existence of animal bones in the graves. The interpretations are among others sacrifice, commemoration meals and animal burials. The site could also have been a settlement site prior to the graves, thus the bones in the graves would belong to the settlement phase. When comparing the date of the studied sites, the town burials are later and the animal bones are probably related to previous or contemporary use of the sites as graveyards. On top of this there does not seem to be much difference in burial tradition between Eastern and Western Finland, although at least from the hamlet burials of Finno there are aspects that could be linked to Eastern burials. In making the interpretations I have taken into consideration the aspects of belief during different time periods when they could be accounted as relevant. Also the problems with bone preservation were relevant and challenging for the study. Often only the hardest substance of the skeleton, namely teeth, has been preserved. For this reason the quality of the archaeological documentation was a key issue in this study. In producing quality interpretations of the animal bones in graves, the bones, contexts and their relationship to the surrounding site should be documented with care.